Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Campaign - Part 1 - THE BOYS ARE BACK! (PS5)

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all right so what's up guys and welcome welcome to Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War now yes it's a little bit of a mouthful but I've got to be completely honest I'm extremely excited to say that we are about to officially begin the Black Ops Cold War campaign a huge thanks to my friends over at Activision for giving me early access to the game I'm actually recording this a few days early so currently right now I'm pretty stoked now as always we're going to be doing a giveaway for this game for both PlayStation and Xbox all you have to do is one drop a like on the video if you like a giveaway and to let me know in the comments what console you guys are on things are a little bit tricky now because we got the PS4 and PS5 Xbox One X Xbox series X so we're kind of like in the middle but uh let me know in the comments and be sure to follow me on Twitter that's where I officially do everything and communicate with you guys and if I pick the winner I'll DM you and I'll announce you or whatnot and uh yeah that's how we do things around here so thank you for being here I'm super super excited the link to my Twitter will be down in the description in case you guys didn't know and without further Ado let's do this all right guys here we go the 1980s welcome to the 1980s this is going to be sick let that be understood by those who practice terrorism and pray upon their neighbors some us intelligence analysts believe America is already in a state of war with the Soviet Union are Soviets spies living among us 52 American citizens have been taken hostage at the American Embassy in tan an unnamed White House official claims that a cold war disaster could be just around the corner oh my God Mr President we have two names linked to the hostage situation Arash kadavar and cassim javadi just give the word it's time to send a message there will be no more hostages you got to love the good old black ops conspiracy theories dude I'm ready let's get it let's get it now the next episode that I do on this it's going to be on the PlayStation 5 trust the police Adler this guy's done more for Less he'll look the other way hell glad you could join us Hans you remember we cleared a move on a Target casim is in his apartment but he's well protected can keep my men out of the area for 15 minutes I hope you brought an army we brought enough pleasure doing business with you HS come on Woods is itching for a dust St we don't want to let him down oh man let's go so 1981 it is the beginning of a new year we are in Amsterdam okay we're on the CL not waiting yo let's get it hey party favors are in the trunk oh [ __ ] party favors okay how about we go with the you know I'm got to be honest I got to go with the ak74 you baby traditional Black Ops okay what what was that for she probably thinks he's safe that piece of trash is a lot of things safe ain't one of them not when I'm around you understand do we really need to take this son of a [ __ ] alive Adler the see as info we need everyone else can take a powder ooh looks nice yeah let you do the honors want to open up Hans only bought us 15 minutes we need to hit cassim hard and fast let's go o oh I can't wait to play this on the PS5 oh this looks amazing already let's helping the new light him up okay can I use my grenade okay I'm use my grenade I'mma Bounce It Off the Wall like the good old Call of Duty tactics oh and Bam they did O damn these bastards he R he's running he's running oh God reload reload oh God this guy's got a shotgun this man's in the toilet taking a dump but he's decided to help out his boys you imagine that oh my God that'd be hilarious finding cover Move okay oh what the hell well there he goes yo get back here oh what the [ __ ] initiate a brutal melee kill or grab an enemy as a human shield press to initiate a take down and a hold for body Shield boy get over here sucker oh [ __ ] yo this is awesome oh my God can we do that with everybody nah no way I'm going to die here yeah I should have put this [ __ ] on recruit bro taking way too many bullets right now I don't feel comfortable reload actually you know what get I'm kind of glad I got this this sight on because I think it would have been otherwise a pain in the butt yo will you guys chill what the hell is this alive I'm just sing him oh my God bro I'm going for it go go bro bro what what difficulty are we playing on right now what the hell is this keep on him hold on hold on hold on I got to reload look at this man go go Jesus Christ get over here son okay okay oh [ __ ] one in the dome for you one of the dome for you and this guy didn't die nowhere left to run C we work so why do you like that that was pretty fun I even going to lie come here punk already got a broken nose wait wait wait tell us where Arash is and you'll live you mess up with the wrong you mess with the wrong people where's I just handle the money I have no idea where arashi is I don't think you understand the situation what you have rules you took hostages the rules changed wait wait he's in Turkey he's meeting someone in trapzone Airfield tomorrow night I swear I swear I don't know they only communicate with coded messages so release I told you he would talk cap we're going to capture him all right let's load him up he'll find his voice soon enough let me know if he needs some help looking for it Hudson we're bringing you a present he's in trone Turkey 18 hours later cassim is out of the picture how long before we get araj the team arrived in Turkey a few hours ago they should be in position shortly H oh this is that one mission that we uh that we saw when they revealed the campaign we actually reacted to this well I mean not the mission itself just the beginning part airfield's just up ahead let's go find this [ __ ] priority is to ID a rush before things go hard sorry I just want to make just makeing sure he dead you know don't [ __ ] walk behind us and kill us it's like the good old days Mason and Woods check it out okay so left up on left analogous zoom in and zoom out any sign of a rush that's not him that's not him either no oh that's definitely going to be him for sure that's him right there in the passenger seat R might yeah that's him I just saw his face oo look at the swag on him huh yeah that that confirms it's always the bad guys turn around sucker that is our man we're about to smoke this nerd woo and it of course cuz why the [ __ ] would it hit him right get away get wait what what are you talking about let's get in oh my God off to a crazy start already boys let's go nice I like how they kept uh reloading while aiming in this game I like that sorry Boys Don't Mind If I Do you know what I'll get him with a handgun oh what is what is this oh oh damn we have a sniper I forgot about that sniping in the back of a truck not a problem okay this gu's got him woo rcx let's go yeah on the ground so RC car controls accelerate steer and hold L3 to boot oh oh whoa whoa whoa get under the plane oh get under the plane okay okay okay okay did we do it yes damn yo bro what a freaking start only us only us can't wait to play this on next standarde adaptive triggers heptic feedback it's going to be wild Rush should have freaked the hostages when he had hostages it was never about hostages his plan is already on the way you won't be able to stop him this time stop who percus [ __ ] percus is dead dead all this time and you didn't even know princess will watch the West hson don't want to hear about this let's sweep the tarmac for survivors and get to Langley I would have shot him the legs make him suffer a little bit and then the [ __ ] is persus so now when we learn about Perseus I would assume is like the main villain or at least that's what they're portraying him to be detailed information from the Manhattan Project was stolen from Los Al by the Russian spy known as persus 1968 Vietnam War viard soldiers orchestrated by Perseus attempted to steal an americanmade nuclear B bomb from a US Firebase 5 days ago while on a mission we acquired Intel that Perseus is in play again and planning an attack on the west Perseus the cia's analyst consider him to be the single largest threat to the Free World Mr Hudson we're all aware of percus we're also aware he's more myth than fact I mean personally I think he's nothing more than the Russian Boogeyman General heg allow me to introduce the man I suited to respond to that CIA clandestin special officer Russell Adler he's one of the few people who even come close to capturing percus uh Mr Adler why should we take this percus threat seriously you don't have to Sir yeah then a lot of innocent people are going to die why do you say that sir every time time Perseus has come into play it's shifted the balance of the Cold War after 13 years of Silence if he's active something big is going to happen something that will affect the Free World Sir Sir Mr President Sir Mr President Mr President this is Jason Hudson and I know their names who do you think approve their last mission is the threat real yes sir we believe it is can you stop Perseus we can sir I've already submitted the requisition for my team sir their requests are highly irregular most likely illegal if the Press gets a what the hell are you talking about you know who we are every Mission we go on is illegal Sergeant Woods plausible denial ability is the backbone of our work Al we're talking about preventing an attack on the free men and women of the world give Mr Adler whatever he wants gentlemen you've been given an important task protecting our very way of life from a great evil there is no higher Duty there is no higher honor and while few people will know of your struggles rest assured the entire free world will benefit dude that quote is so sick I know you won't fail us that quote is so sick few will know of your struggles but rest assure the entire free world will benefit dude that is that's deep this is Hudson how long until we have a lead on pereus they're about to get started adlers in West Berlin he should be at the safe house soon do you trust him I'm not the one you should be asking black what about his team it's a strong group he chased down Sims aay even pulled some strings to get Helen Park from MI6 we'll get them Mason and wood soon I'm not so sure about Park she and Adler had that business from before of course he wants her there and the new one B well don't get me started that's the one we need to keep our eyes on H well one thing uh I'm not going to miss is these loading times that take like a good 50 15 20 seconds so it looks like this is where we get to create our character which is technically you don't really create a character it's just your information skin tones H I can't really see the I'll go with this one can't really see a character so it's a little hard to CIA the MI6 go a CIA the psychological profiles paranoid so these are aiming speed increased by 100% time half bullet damage increased by 25% yes oh okay so you get two proficiencies rate of fire increase damage taken when stationary reduced by 30 hit fire accuracy I'll go with health health increase all right so there we have it confirm B welcome to West Berlin yeah so that was us pretty much we've got a job to do Mar Adler bell bell that's her code name let's get started this is sketchy there's been a surge in r Russian chatter in the last 48 hours CIA and the dod are tapping their inside sources for anything substantial so far there are no leads on Perseus MI6 has come up empty-handed as well now we'll have to start somewhere so we're going back here Vietnam 1968 one of our closest encounters with Perseus [ __ ] some part of me always knew that mission wasn't done with us pull up everything we've got on the attack in dang and run it past park she'll cross reference it with MI6 we're looking for code names encrypted transmission Russian activity with NVA anything that could be a lead got it B this is where you come in we needed the best of the CIA in Sag that's exactly why I requested you again head to the evidence board we'll retrace our steps through dang anything that could give us a lead on percus last percus thank you agent evidence board H so the evidence board use the evidence board to select the next mission replay previous missions or examine evidence when you see the icon new evidence is available uh that can assist you in the next mission and more nowhere left to run that's the one we just did okay then persus all right so I guess the first mission that we have to do or the next mission is this one so this is the Intel that we have from some of what we've gathered from the last mission orang s is survival night okay let's go let's go and do the damn thing fracture draw here we go all right Bell we're going back to Vietnam first time pereus pinged our radar it was late January 68 we were a joint CIA s task force embedded within the third Marine regiment near da zag was there to sniff out Soviet activity word had it Russian operatives were active in the region perus had no known presence in Vietnam that changed at the nag somehow percus knew about operation fracture Jo fracture JW that one sure went sideways we launched out of Camp Haskins yeah I'll never forget that [ __ ] good we want those memories no details too small a face a name we're looking for anything that can lead us to Perseus this feels like looking for a needle in a Hy stack in a field of H Stacks maybe but that needle somewhere remember we had a job here all right back to Vietnam this is going to be interesting in the 60s so this is definitely going to have some Black Ops Black Ops one Black Ops 2 Vibes mainly Black Ops one Vibes the game itself feels like you can tell it's a Black Ops game just just just because obviously it's in the the time that it's in you know that definitely adds like the stamp on it it SC indeed a Black Ops game and I'm still in the loading screen and I don't know what what else to say right now just that one sure went sideways Belle it's time to wake up it's great time aler doesn't have those scars in his face there or was it probably just like the the makeup on his face let me let me try and look at them yo adert come here turn around sexy welcome to another day in the life of Camp has my little Oasis in the middle of this God forsaking [ __ ] storm you're pretty safe here yeah this is Black Ops one Vibes bro this also reminds me of Modern Warfare 2 how's the arm still hurts like H but at least I can move it what a beautiful Island huh bad it's used for [ __ ] war and Terror look how beautiful this [ __ ] is dude the mountain tops watch your step Soldier see he doesn't have any scars here yeah so this is definitely I guess we're going to see what happens to his face Sims hey Sims you know reading that shit's going to make you go blind yep that's why I want it all up here B you're with Sims you usually bring out the best in each other we got a new assignment fob4 rip cord is holding a vital asset Charlie wants real bad what kind of asset are we talking about the kind you don't ask about rip has been taking a hell of a beating so it's our job to secure the asset and get the [ __ ] out relax we got pass pliers providing combat air support for this Mission it'll be a walk in the park headset's on all birds check in when ready Badger ner one good to go Badger 9er 2 clear to go Badger 9er three rotors up all Bird Go go go go crank up and pull pitch all birds are in the air you all sitting comfortably oh man Adler why do I get the feeling you about to give us some bad news cuz you're a smart guy Sims the news isn't bad in fact it could be very very good the asset of ripcord is going to have to wait a little while we're breaking off from the Armada taking a detour and that's good because a source tipped us off that there may be a heavy hitter in town a so operative known as pereus oh [ __ ] appreciate the enthusiasm Sims our source is right we could be looking at an Intel gold mine first time persus pinged our radar approaching the village now Roger that moving to establishing LZ RPG oh let's go bro this is Black Ops right here look at this look at this [ __ ] you're going to [ __ ] dieg on the rooftop oh my God sorry that's my teammate this is super super Black Ops right here I kind of like that it sounds very similar like the chopper us the turret very similar to what we're used to I like that you and me Bell let's do this let's get it let's go Sims damn ooh fat ass M16 holl at you boy let's get itly your priority is securing any intel oh crap oh man this gun is nice what the freaking hell ey the Soviets at a building in the center of town let's go where we going oh what the [ __ ] pushing forward oh oh there's somebody there oh what what just what just happened SS B that's the building whoa what the [ __ ] H get out of the way Sims get out of the way [ __ ] here oh my God I just fed him a grenade and he blew up that's amazing damn I didn't even see him oh these guys are freaking ruthless man look at this stuff guys are crazy area clear okay get inside see what we got right behind let's go [Music] baby really you think I'm here to play games huh come here CutiePie this get you want to get smoked bro ah wait what do these guys look [Music] different okay never mind it's just oh it's right here dude here [ __ ] wow you should have pushed him in there I thought you were going to push him in there and he would have died investigation uh investigate the Soviet presence it's like looking for a needle in a Hy stack you hear that it's on you B open the door me Adler we confirmed it Soviets on site you sure well I'm staring at two bodies that sure as hell don't look Vietnamese to me Bell grab that comms log let's see who the [ __ ] they've been talking to mission accomplished we have the Intel let's bug out good work hang on to that Intel we're coming in to pick you up well we know that's not going to be easy is that it all right let's go rejoin the Armada and get this [ __ ] asset all let's bounce let's get it our job here is done waa our job here is not done bger ner1 this is rip cord we are still under heavy fire BC you're preaching the perimeter what is your status we're inbound now rip Gord get that asset ready for transfer Roger that ner1 keep ass sa as as we can rip cord out Badger ner one in the air BC are all over the M no s here oh my God up the oh my God [ __ ] dude this is like I don't know how to even explain it this is literally like Black Ops first they don't [ __ ] take that high oh we've got a battle High here they eat this [ __ ] come here Come on B St up alsoo R1 and L1 R2 we got your ass zero think got him you got good job they said that high after they F we got the Intel thiser one on Final Approach Roger that ner one the Bas is still do we can to clear an LC get the ass ready for oh my God imagine this a f as a as a streak in a game with these Rockets oh my God it would be insane like with these Rockets here oh my God it'd be too op to be considered a kill streak you know how kill streaks are nowadays R you need to push back the VC reinforcements before we're overrun be advised we have multiple birds in the air here watch your fire enem dug in all around the hill we have damn smoke them out oh what it said that was red at first that's our base oh my God ner one they're breaching the main gate we can't hold that much longer hold on R we're on our way hit that armor bro what the helling AA take out those tget back1 you are clear to land copy that rerer one setting down yo that was wild the base is still hot so watch yourselves Roger that rip you Adler MC vog yeah yeah just hurry the [ __ ] up already yes sir thank you don't thank me thank Bell he's the one who just sagged us the [ __ ] phone book full of Soviet Intel let's go now God speed Commander a [ __ ] nuke you [ __ ] kidding me Adler it's a fail safe that's all you need to know we that desperate already not yet I don't know about that one Chief we're playing with the damn [ __ ] nuclear and our helicopter that's not going to end well RPG [Applause] [Music] we somehow percus new s B you okay you're okay bro we have a damn nuke in our freaking helicopter what are you doing what is over upside down hey don't mind if I do I don't mind whooping that ass upside down or I should say shredding that ass oh God that's insane support now call it in the nuke is still intact this is unbelievable I don't even I don't even want to believe that grab a weapon keep the [ __ ] off us will you get out of my way where's that air support oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up oh my there it [Music] comes is that a Nal strike holy smokees I can't see shoot but give me that AK-47 man let me show you how it's done oh this is nice did we die still with us wow oh that must be [ __ ] terrifying and the nuclear's right there oh that's intense you think we can call this a success Sims at least the nuke didn't go off more importantly we got Intel on Perseus told you we had a job to do it ain't done yet not by a long way 4 hours later yeah how did the memory exercise go well to hear it from Adler it's working Belle remembered finding that encrypted Intel in Vietnam and has almost finished decoding it anything useful in there some names apparently possible leads Park is trying to connect the dots we don't have much time does the team know about our mishap in Berlin yet no but if it's connected to one of those names from Bell they'll find out soon enough you won't let that happen Hudson don't say anything more than necessary that's never been a problem for me what do I feel like Hudson's up to something that he's not selling the entire you know the other group we finished analyzing the names B acquired at dang one in particular stands out Anton volov he's a Russian arms dealer working out of East Berlin admittedly his connection to pereus comes as a surprise we've got killer capture on volov so if we can't get to pereus we'll get to his men close off his resources force him out of hiding social distancing Mason and Woods are still wrapping up business in Kia I'm stuck here which means vov is ours gear up and we'll move out all right so do we hit the evidence board or am I has been tracking vov for several years it is my strong preference that we attempt to capture rather than kill him he holds answers to a great many questions your preference has been noted agent Park all right so the next mission so side missions are optional in addition to your next mission the optional uh side mission our Operation Red circus and operation caros have been unlocked and are now available for the evidence board so this is optional this is optional and this is the next mission the Berlin based Russian mobster Anon vov was linked to Perseus it's kill or capture vov heads the Russian mob that moved into East Berlin once the wall went up in' 61 this guy has connections to cartels throughout Europe and the Americas neutralizing him will not only hurt Perseus but the global syndicate he's a big fish and here's our little fish France Krauss according to MI6 he's one of volkov's information couriers he has a drop with fov scheduled for tomorrow night we'll infiltrate East Berlin via the ubon the ghost station on the other side of the wall has the access point we need from there we'll watch Krauss as he enters the city once vov shows his face it's killer capture we're going to try and capture him okay just because I feel like it's going to be a better outcome if we capture them we'll see I guess now we're in Berlin I don't know what year we're I think we should still be in the year 81 probably a couple of months later or so who knows we'll find out now okay 24th of February 1981 literally a month later we just passed under the wall into East get ready the back car is clear we're good to go is that the old Fela logo is that the old fer logo yeah andan I haven't seen F in a long time I don't even know if that's still their logo but yeah I oh man soon as the train slows down you and I will jump off par Lazar wait till the next station this is crazy track down crra Aller all right Train's slowing down let's go to work this is great this is not a good idea man I'm going to break my ankles I'm telling you all right here we go you crazy son of a gun how dare you do this what if you slip and your head hits that metal oh my God careful East German guards still Patrol these abandoned stations oh we got a suppressed handgun hope a train to slip past [Music] this genius where you at Jesus care body Shield oh my God take this idiot oh that was so gangster come on the way out can I get an MP5 as well this is interesting dude I like this let's get it now got some nice work let's clean this up sorry I just got a little trigger happy let me carry the body want I hide him here excellent what's in here nothing of course CR should be coming through the checkpoint soon let's get to the Rooftop yo this is super interesting almost in position copy that oh is it here oh this way I'm just going to let you lead Adler cuz right now I'm kind of lost it's dark as hell I can't see anything I'll just follow your lead I know how to lock a place down give that damn look at that that's scary looking keep an eye on that checkpoint KY can coming through anytime look for K with your camera damn security is even tighter than usual theyy Tain Crow he could miss meeting with v near the checkpoint man with the briefcase is that him oh good job that's our man that's kuss excellent now what are we doing talk to me Adler come on I don't know I like pigeons hard gr just crossed the wall what's your status laar and I are at the xill point awaiting your arrival Roger that our Intel says Krauss and volov will meet at the bar across the street Hudson's contact inside she'll have a blue umbrella I'll stay out here and watch the street all right so I'm assuming that the police won't do anything right no good okay so we are in the objective area Blue Umbrella there it is is at the table over my right shoulder what the hell audio is loud and clear now we wait for vlov HS didn't reveal much he said you're after vov how long will vov be in Berlin what do you know about The Courier over there the police are out in large numbers tonight who knows the man's like a ghost I would guess no more than a day C is easi so don't let his aesome appearance fool you the man is a killer one of my informant was picked up in a random sweep just two blocks from here the shazi must assumes there more nearby I would ask a favor of you he will not hold up under torture for we need them rescued or silenced they're holding him here or silenced rescue or uh or silen the perance heads up I think vov is walking in oh he they know they we're following him B we've got trouble there's two STS entering the bar get out of there now go through the bom I'll hold them up uh Team new plan little drunk buddy our ticket to bulk off o stealth stay hidden to vo detection enemies be alerted when the icon is flashing red time rally up withar Park without me I'll update you when I can the hell lock breing oh better an ass okay so now wewh shut up oh my God okay he's good you're lucky you're blue I would have shot you right in the face position keep a low profile we already have enough trouble okay hold L3 to zoom in and tag enemies okay I can't tag that guy there tag him oh I like that I will carry the body and I will drop it right here excellent oo dude I like this oh Mark give me a Sit I'm in a store front facing craft Department I just got home you the star here coming the area I need to lay low I'll catch up with you when the heat dies down get to Park laar ASAP out oh my God is this the way to rescue this guy just just let me go please I told you I'm there I've seen a picture they're looking for you evidence that's the informant right 23rd of February 1981 uh subject 0710 has so far proven incredibly resistant to our interrogation methods but a recent breakthrough has revealed something interesting uh some interesting intelligence under extreme uh duress the subject claimed to be working for the KGB but he also claimed to be working with a mole playing the Amic Americans for fools in his words on further questioning he recounted all previous statements and refused to speak more we're seizing interrogation for the day to let him sweat it out to follow up on some leads interrogations so this guy's a traitor is he betraying us as well I've been monitoring a nearby KGB field house I I don't know how they found me I've done everything by the book shoot no how long have you been working for the KGB what did that paper say you you can't trust these people I don't even know what you're talking about please just let me return to my children you were careless and can be trusted we are done with you I don't trust them please don't kill me I don't trust him [ __ ] ah was that bad that was probably bad oh that was probably bad I think he betrayed us man he's lying I mean I just I am not going to be made a fool of I don't know dude oh my God good work I don't think anyone saw you follow me I really hope that that wasn't not the wrong decision don't want the locing US he seemed a little spooked when I asked him about those questions of the KGB parks in the electronic store right across the street from cr's place I was going to pick her up some NW from the brown bar closed already Park is St ahead and what are we doing here bro we're back A car pulled up near cr's building a few minutes ago but I didn't have a good angle to just a moment CR is on the telephone Bel get eyes on Cross what do you think Lazar sounds like vov wants K's briefcase we should place a track on it that case will lead us straight to vov one of us can sneak into K's apartment avoiding Krauss and his wife might be the greater challenge Bell volunteers while he's doing that I'll check around the exterior for any unwanted guest he just said I volunteer you can keep an eye on us from here I'll try to give you my best name lovely oh cool Duro oh come on y'all want to y'all want to get smoked y'all don't want the smoke y'all don't want the smoke oh [ __ ] nah y don't want the smoke on uro okay hold up hold up what's going on here going on like two frames a second this is possible ah [ __ ] okay I'm done let's go time to play a real man's game you know what I'm saying oh the stopping everyone be careful B I saw K riding in the ner see if you can find it B if you're spotted by gruss or his wife the mission is over uh-oh hi there cutie what are girl definitely not going that way the wife if you have to but Krauss must go to the meeting I'm about to phone krauss's apartment get ready to enter Blue Umbrella nice work now find the briefcase hello [Music] been [ __ ] we missed the kid she'll be out for hours clean it up what do you mean clean it up stage the body what there's a kid in here too I guess I didn't know about him ah she's just mommy sleeping she just just a little [Music] tired okay it looks like you can search for stuff too [ __ ] that's creepy dude is leaving his office hide come what the hell bro why you CL he still there oh he's gone in the kids' room nothing else here no evidence how about here this looks important no I don't want to go in that room [ __ ] that I've lost sight of K every time he enter that room have a look around oh this is sick a black light you're running out of time find the brief bro relax think this is a joke the hell was that oh hold on what if I do this oh I've lost your visual on the tracking device uhoh God I'm [ __ ] paranoid have you found the briefcase there's photos appear to be yes but there are just photos here some kind of bomb understood just plant the tracker and get out of there who's that oh what the fre you allowed him to break I I can't explain how he got to the material but I brought him to you that makes this much less unpleasant for you perus has been looking for this one then you let percus know I captur it finally perus has a large bounty on your head well [ __ ] yourself I've been sent to eliminate you how long have be work for Perseus I don't care about your questions unfortunately for you it seems these friends of yours have other places to be comrade I could probably make use of but you Goods only a grave can k a hun back bet you didn't think about that one now did you dumbass the briefcase is here too I'll help her and secure the case get B a that tank doesn't blow up what the hell I guess not what the freak what what oh my God oh this MP5 is nice oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] nice payback is the sweetest Joy get after volov see you hold on before I get after vov I got to make sure I clean house from these [ __ ] I'm moving bro these guys are [ __ ] damn pack bro what is [Music] this what the freaking hell at last Belle on behalf of MI6 thank you vov is ours more than he deserves now let's get the hell out of East Berlin all right guys so I think we're going to end it here that was pretty freaking epic got to be completely honest I'm super super stoked thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed it if you like to see another episode ASAP here on the channel on the campaign drop it a like I would really appreciate it and and uh last thing don't forget to use code Hollow in the store okay okay thanks peace out
Channel: Hollow
Views: 770,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty cold war, call of duty cold war gameplay, call of duty cold war campaign, call of duty cold war campaign gameplay, call of duty cold war campaign walkthrough, call of duty cold war review, call of duty cold war part 1, call of duty cold war full game, call of duty cold war ending, call of duty black ops cold war, call of duty black ops cold war campaign, black ops cold war, black ops cold war review, black ops cold war campaign, cod cold war, cod cold war camapign
Id: reDAGIeqOMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 36sec (4056 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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