California to Montana. A Motorcycle Adventure.

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[Music] [Music] so I'm heading north on the Pacific Coast Highway fog no out in the ocean so you can't see the ocean there's a big marine layer above it were we're at 300 feet so we're about the so this is where the giant slide happened a few years ago completely closed the PCH Alcatraz growing up to the Marin Headlands to get a view of the Golden Gate in San Francisco when I go through this single lane tunnel to get up there pretty cool [Music] go right over the side here Tail of the Dragon has nothing on this I'm doing the limit there bud [Music] this is actually this Pacific Coast Highway highway 1 north of Fort Bragg heading over to connect to the 101 it's just south of what they call the lost coast so here we are just cruising through the redwoods just leaving Alvie Creek Campground I stayed there on my trip down from Alaska last year but I'm over at the Lost Coast area Shelter Cove but I've just been exploring the backroads and then ended up back here and heading down to the 101 but I was completely desperate for a shower so I stopped in at Alba Creek Campground where I knew they had some pay hours and I I took a shower so I was pretty smelly it had been a long week really hot in the 90s [Music] I really needed a shower so in case you're wondering I'm standing on the pegs of the bike this is how you write it when you're off road with great thing about the GS is you can work all the controls even while standing so we're on our way up highway 36 it starts off unassuming and then it starts to go through the redwood grove before it starts to climb the mountain so it's pretty awesome a highway for motorcycling it's just one curve after the other on highway 36 so here we are the spot I stopped last year I have to do it again it's like they've been doing some work it's definitely a beautiful road and a beautiful area got some traffic here though I haven't seen any cars for 40 minutes there's two so yeah beautiful spot beautiful road and there's the bike again but now I've got soft cases I'm carrying a gallon of water I took the back seat off and put a roto packs full of a gallon of water added some doohickeys got some 50/50 tires now I've got some protection on the header as well as for the engine and a few other things got wrote Highway pegs now side stangard abs guard yeah and a headlight guard those are the differences now and a proper full mount didn't have a phone mount last time I was writing and Google Maps is much better than in the Garmin GPS for you know for traffic conditions and road closures and and like for what's in the area like campgrounds and stuff like that so yeah now I got to go find a campground so we're coming down the mountain on a single lane pave road full of office from heya pom over to fake bar to 99 I like these back roads and it's nice nice Road but I don't think a lot of people accomplice as of the way it's not a direct route from anywhere the Trail Creek Campground the dirt road engage enduro mode for this intense forest trail I don't all right I didn't like that campground there was like no spots really that were flat so I'm heading up to another one this is a rather interesting road coming up to the the camps and it should have gone through first but hopefully it's not full or anything it's always a small camera very cool though very nice area [Music] this road goes all the way through to the 96 it's more rewarding [Music] all right the place to myself let's for sure I'm not quite all right so we spent the night at the campground I should have gone to the first time cuz should have come directly here but that's just the way it goes sometimes it was nice just mean another family and it was a really great swing hole didn't get a picture of it but it was a phenomenal campground I'm not gonna tell you which one it is cuz got to keep it a secret so we're back on this crazy road [Music] well this is some crazy stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] we crossed over a bridge and now it's back to Tulane so that's good we don't have to worry about oncoming traffic so much so here we are back at the 96 that came through here all the way down from Alaska and I was heading to the redwoods it was full of smoke but as you can see it's very clear this time so it's awesome that was a good road that was a good camper and I was on I'm gonna head up to Happy Camp now and then go north from there and see how long it takes and maybe head over to crater lake again because it's clear now and I maybe I can get some better pictures this time alright well I'm back on a motorcycle trip and I came through the creator' Lake area and since it's a beautiful day I decided to come back up here because there's no smoke from wildfires so I'm able to actually get a good video and photographs of it so there's a view of diamond peak which is just north of crater lake we're a bit of a boring stretch of road though but hey at least the views pretty good so I'm on the highway to 18 in Oregon between the towns of antelope and fossil just going up the backroads as much as I can as I make my way across or again coming down into a halfway town so we're climbed up out of the canyon and now went over this really gusty winds though I don't know if that's normal for this area or maybe just the time of day I'm not sure but we're heading for those mountains up there staying ourselves who wins so we've left the town of halfway [Music] and heading up further north [Music] towards Washington to get to the rattlesnake area rattlesnake River around said Canyon and see why they call it the rattlesnake though it's like back and forth back and forth we are now in Washington State see if they'll objectify go in front motorcycles use extreme caution boggans are racists the world-famous shakes no thanks I'm on a diet the Grande Ronde to Hurley's [Music] [Music] well they're totally putt-putt putting up this thing or don't mean to pressure you [Music] these guys even the wave [Music] of course now I have to put some distance between us and them [Music] so we're in Idaho first time I've ever been to Idaho crossed in from Washington State yesterday afternoon laid out in the afternoon through Lewiston and Clarkston which were on the river there where Lewis and Clark came up I was pressed for time to get to my camp's ground before got too late so I didn't stop I would like to a stop and seeing some of the sights where I guess they had met the native tribes and things like that but we're now going up the st. Joe River this is supposed to be one of the premier motorcycling roads up here via fishermen here at the crossing of the border from Idaho to Montana elevation five thousand seven hundred and sixty-five feet so the road turns to like a dirt road here it's supposed to be in good condition but I think we'll stop and have a snack and continue on so we're on the border between Idaho and Montana over five thousand week coming up pretty spectacular Road along with st. Joe River it's an interesting Forest Service tree roads I would have liked to have taken some of them but I'm solo and it's pretty remote area so I think I'll skip all right so we're heading into Montana now on a dirt road that's supposed to be in good condition [Music] is not bad gravel is okay as long as it's not deep otherwise hard pack is much preferable all right so we're now in Montana and heading down towards the interstate and then go across that and see what's next so we're coming down from this back road from yak to Eureka in northern Montana just a few miles from the Canadian border it was an interesting little town there was like a little really a town was like a crossroads the village thing there was like a saloon up there they were getting ready for a crawdad festival and the sign said it feech it was gonna feature female cream wrestling I think was yeah female cream wrestling and what what does that mean it had the idea I'm not sure the name of this lake we're in the Kootenai national forest area we're gonna go down the the west side of this lake enough east side and then come back up a little bit to find a campground you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ADV Wanderer
Views: 67,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventure Travel, Motorcycle Travel, Motovlog, BMW, GS, ADV, R1200GS, R1250GS, Trinity National Forest, Klamath National Forest, Lost Coast, Adventure
Id: axr69mocOkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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