California leaders pledge new law to address gun ruling

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Today the United States Supreme Court ruled that people have a right to carry a gun outside of the home and do not have to prove a special need for self defense. That ruling could lead to gun laws in California being overturned. Political reporter Morgan Reiner has warned the likely impacts of the Supreme Court, ruling the ruling by the US Supreme Court does not explicitly talk about some of the other California gun laws or bills like an age limit or the type of gun you're allowed to own. But it does say that these laws need to be consistent. With historical tradition and not all of ours are historical. Mcgeorge School of Law Professor Leslie Gielow Jacobs specializes in constitutional law. She's been closely monitoring the New York V Bruin case. Not only did it say that there's this right now, not only to possess a handgun in your home for self defense, but now there is a right to possess a handgun outside the home, and you don't have to prove you need the. Gun for self defense. She said the court broadened gun rights beyond what many experts expected. So basically it's saying if there hasn't been something like this done in all of our history that it can't be imposed right. Exactly, it's it's adapting a purely historical test, a test. She said. Other California laws will likely be challenged on something. Attorney General Rob Bonta is fully expecting that was true before the brewing case. That's what we deal of off deal with often in our California Department of Justice today, Banta also announced new legislation in response to the ruling. They're going to look at expanding gun free zones. We're thinking about places like parks. Those have been mentioned. Former 2nd amendment. Lobbyist now publisher of a gun rights news source Craig Deluz welcomed the decision. There is no other right where we require individuals to show a need in order to be able to exercise that right and told me the Supreme Court ruling does smell trouble for California's other gun laws. They're going to have to show that that there weren't other less restrictive manners in which to meet the state interest. Up until now, the state of California has not had to prove that they've had to simply say, well. We think this will be something good, so therefore we ought to be allowed to do it. Now the Supreme Court has said no, no, no, no. You have a much higher level of scrutiny. Legislators told me that they're going to have the first hearing on Tuesday on the new gun legislation. They don't have the bill in writing yet as they were waiting for the Supreme Court case to be handed down so that they could write the bill. Consistent with the new case so that it does not get overturned.
Channel: CBS 8 San Diego
Views: 22,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: local, news, politics
Id: GSs8WWnG8yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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