Calibrate Your 3d Printer Extruder

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good morning the server of the doctor VAX channel and today we're going to follow up on two other videos I've made in the channel in the past two videos where I replace the extruder on a printer when you replace the extruder on a printer you need to recalibrate the printer in many cases because perhaps the gear that is pushing the filament is a different diameter and there is a parameter in your firmware in the printer that says how many turns are required of that gear by the stepper motor in order to extrude one millimetre of filament so you need to verify that's that's calibrated correctly if that's calibrated incorrectly your printer will either over extrude or under extrude so stay tuned and let's learn something together [Music] [Applause] [Music] this video today is going to be a combination of some hands-on demonstration and a Google slide deck which I'm going to use to explain the concepts let's start with the slide deck and I'm going to walk you through the steps we're going to take then I'm going to demonstrate it on my under-five printer let's get started the first step is you need a way to send G code or commands directly to your printer almost every 3d printer has a USB connection most printers support connecting that USB connection directly to a computer and then using a program on that computer you can send commands now my particular case the computer i connect most of my printers do is actually a Raspberry Pi it's a very small microprocessor base single chip chip computer and I run a piece of software called optic to print there is another video on the channel about how to set up octoprint and you'll see a link for it however many people have not done that so I'm going to highlight three programs you can run directly on your computer a PC or a Mac or even in many cases a Linux machine that you can use to send commands to your printer the first is repeating your host that's the verb I prefer I find it easiest to use with a very clean user interface when you go to download it'll ask for a donation there's a link on the bottom if you choose to not donate you can just skip that and download it completely free it is open-source the second program is simplified 3d simplified 3d is a paid slicer it for many years was considered the gold standard of slicers the free slicer such as Keira or slice 3r have become much much better and there may not be a gap between them anymore I own a copy is simplified three-deep and I really don't use it anymore the next altar of is pronterface pronterface is very interesting it's a Python program it's completely free it's not updated very often but it's often recommended by printer manufacturers we're gonna use 4 PT or host today to interface with our 3d printer the next step is you need to go to your printer and you need to mark off and we're actually going to do this right now so let's switch the screen here the view we're gonna mark off using a sharpie a hundred and twenty millimeters of filament why 1:20 well we want to measure a hundred millimeter extrusion but if we mark off a hundred millimeters and our printer over extreme suits the line is going to be somewhere in the Bowden tube we won't be to see it by marking off a hundred and twenty and then extruding 100 in most likelihood we will be able to see where we've marked the line the next thing we're going to do if we look back at our steps here is we're going to extrude a hundred millimeters of filament then we're going to measure what's left here's a mark from a previous test and I can see here that I have 20 millimeters left that means my extrusion was perfect in many cases it won't be this printer has already been calibrated now we need to do just a little bit of algebra to calculate our new extruder value remember if the measured value is greater than 20 millimeters our extruder under extruded if it's less it's over extruded so to begin with we need to know how many steps our printer thought it should take to extrude 100 millimeters so we take the value it 95 times 100 it thinks it should use 9500 steps let's assume when we measured it was 29 instead of 20 millimeters so it under extruded by 9 millimeters therefore the actual extrusion was 91 millimeters and we can use that to calculate a new value new steps times 91 is equal to 95 times 100 we simplify that our algebra new steps is equal to 95 divided by 91 therefore new steps is equal to 101 4.4 finally if our extrusion is not perfect we need to use repeater your host or octoprint or simplify 3d we need to use a program to interface of a 3d printer and to send a command to it saying change the parameter change the value in the firmware to the correct new steps per millimeter of filament okay let's go to our computer now we're going to plug in our 3d printer connect with the cable and we're going to look at a demonstration of how to do this I'm plugging in the interface and I switch the screen now to repeat of your host and I in a prior time I took and I went to printer settings and I selected the USB port of my host now sometimes it's hard to figure out what port to use an easy trick is go to the screen click on the pulldown menu and take a look at what's displayed then plug in your printer click on the pulldown menu again and see the new port that shows up that's support we're going to use most printers will work at a hundred and fifteen k bits per second a baud rate you if that doesn't work you can try higher or lower transfer protocol should be left to auto detect I prefer to set this option for ping pong communications that means send one command wait for the printer to reply that will make it slightly slower but I think it works more accurately click apply and ok ok now we're going to click on connect the connection was open and then repeat your host sent a series of commands to instruct the printer to display its current settings and so we can see here there's a variety of information displayed here you'll see that on my particular printer I'm not using the standard ender firmware I've upgraded to the Marlin firmware from th 3d which is a patched version of the open-source model and software that has some additional features enabled in particular in my case a feature for auto bed leveling that I use on the Ender 5 I'm going to clear the log now to make it easier to see what's happening first before I attempt to calibrate my printer I need to set the temperature we're gonna set it to 206 it's going to set an M 104 206 command I could have also done that from the front of the printer now I could click on act here and I can see the second by second temperature reports I'm going to wait for my 3d printer to come up to temperature okay it's at the correct temperature now and now I'm going to send first to command to put the 3d printer into absolute mode then I'm going to set my current extruder position e zero to zero we can see here that now XYZ and E are at zero and now I'm going to send a command to extrude 100 millimeters of filament at a speed of 100 millimeters per minute the F commands are in minutes not seconds and we're going to see this move and then we're going to see how close to this mark our printer comes so I'm gonna send that now and we can see now that we are extruding filament it's coming out of our nozzle here it's a little stuck there we can see it coming out we have a nice clean extrusion coming out we can see that here now this length is not going to be a hundred millimeters because we're extruding a hundred millimeters of the original filament the actual length will depend on the nozzle size and the flow rate in a variety of other factors that's not important to us right now what's important is how much filament is pulled in when we ask it to pull in a hundred millimeters does it pull in a hundred millimeters since our F command was F 100 it's going to go for a full minute okay it stopped we can measure what's left and once again it's 20 millimeters are left because our printer is properly configured now we need to send a command to set the correct steps based on our measurement just to be safe because we don't want to mess this up let's find the line with the m92 we're going to copy that we're going to paste that in here and the e95 is the value we want to use because our printer was calibrated properly it is this value right here that you would change if you can't clear new steps value we're going to clear our log we're gonna send that command if we turn on ax we'll see we received an okay now if we were to print it would use some new steps per millimeter but if we turn our printer off it would go away so we need to issue an M 500 command which will save the current parameters in the EEPROM and it says settings stored and now we can turn off your printer and turn it on and it's recalibrated okay folks the Google slide deck that I used to explain this will be attached in the notes that has all of the steps you should take once again use a you bring your printer up to temperature you send a command to extrude 100 millimeters a filament you measure to see what was actually extruded used the little bit of algebra and the slide deck to calculate the new steps value you use an M 92 command to save that put that value back into the firmware and then I'm 500 to save it to a EEPROM ok I hope you learned something today this was beneficial if it was give me a thumbs up subscribe click on that bell recommend this to your friends have a great day and let's continue to learn things together [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Make With Tech (MakeWithTech)
Views: 40,571
Rating: 4.935667 out of 5
Keywords: 3d printer, 3d printer in action, 3d printers, 3d printing, 3d printing nerd, 3d printing videos, 3d printing videos youtube, anatomy of a 3d printer, how to 3d print, how to 3d print anything, what is 3d printing, what is 3d printing technology, ender 5, creality ender 5, 3d printer extruder calibration, 3d printer extruder problems, 3d printer extruder upgrade, 3d printer extruder not working, 3d printer calibration, 3d printer calibration extruder, Make With Tech
Id: lRoCwxRZsvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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