Calculation Groups (with Kane Snyder)

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hey kane good morning how are you today good thanks mate how are you well i'm doing fantastically it's a beautiful tuesday here in washington um before we get to introductions i just want to thank the people for tuning in right now um it's really i'm actually really excited to be doing this video today with kane we're actually going to be talking about quite a few things related to calculation groups um it's something i know i've certainly had some requests from a lot of people in the comments and i've dabbled in them but like a lot of people mostly use them for you know time intelligence maybe some formatting and stuff and uh i ended up coming across kane's uh blog and he has done some really cool stuff um with calculation groups and um cannot even like to speak to your just to your reputation as well the fact that uh when i was talking to marco a couple weeks ago i asked him like have you ever heard of like oh yeah that's one of the the few few blogs that i actually follow as well um related to dex so even marco is like yeah i definitely follow okay and he does some cool stuff in calculation groups so i'm very excited to have you on and talk about those and i think it's you know i'm probably going to be learning some stuff as well so if you want to maybe give a bit of background about yourself and then you know we can just go and kind of talk it about some some of the the features and everything yeah sure so yeah i guess i've been working in the uh the australian craft beer industry for quite some time and before i made the jump into uh into full-time bi so i was a national sales manager so i think um you know and most recently i've um i've joined the team at uh agile analytics up in sydney um but yeah i think i've got a very uh user-driven kind of approach i started building tools for sales people so for me it was all about reporting yep um and uh you know you'll see with the demos the dax isn't um isn't super complicated it's more like practical stuff for reports um and yeah i've just always been a fan of calculation groups they've uh they've always fascinated me super powerful super interesting but i think there's there's definitely a mixture of both things that kind of like syntax sugar it's a word that i love that i think marco and alberto kind of coined is there's a few a lot of stuff that's just syntax sugar where it makes it a lot easier you can now do in a group rather than 30 measures and there's also stuff that just literally could not have been done before i know the number one example that i found was really useful is um you know somebody has like say a single chart and they want to at any point be able to switch between like let's say order counts uh dollar amount and then like a profit percentage and that you know you can select it from a slicer and you can change the numbers you couldn't ever change the formatting dynamically before like you could do you could do a bookmark with different charts but you could uh with one measure it has to be the same format type now with calculation groups that was something literally impossible prior to that so it's you know interesting to see both the combination of what has been made easier and what what is what has been impossible made possible um i did just want to take a slight tangent i'm personally a huge like lover of craft beer so i'm just wondering like what are you know consider you come from the beer industry like what are what would you say are some of your favorite styles uh look i'm pretty standard i like uh you know the normal stuff um you know fruited sours hazy ipas imperial stouts i would say fruited sours are super common i love sour beers but i don't know a lot of people who are just like absolutely like nope i do not like sours it's it's a weird it tastes like a vinegary beer i don't i'm not into those i love them though they're probably my one of my favorite styles yeah i guess um if you if you're new to celebi you can get in at the entry level and kind of go for something uh you know low abv and just lightly tart on a hot day like it goes up yeah yeah yeah and then you can kind of build up to the more kind of intense ones but i understand it it doesn't really taste like beer to a lot of people it's something different i'll only assess one question or one more on that and they could talk about cow groups but um have you ever had that that don't just do begonia it's a beer from belgium don't believe i have it's it's a red flemish ale uh been around for a while but it's it's kind of a little bit between a lambic and like a flemish so it's fairly fruited but sour it it's objectively or subjective i guess my my favorite beer period it is one of those you drink it it just makes you smile like it's a really so if you're ever like if you ever see one it has a picture of she was actually a a young princess from back in belgium from the day so it has an old like 17 1800's portrait of uh of a woman on the on the bottle and it's stuck just to begonia if i'm pronouncing it correctly so if you ever see that bottle pick it up and try you'll probably really like it if you enjoy fruited sours yeah absolutely i'll look for it i was like cool newbies yeah exactly um but uh yeah just bringing it back on on a subject at least the you know uh like tell me you know how did you end up getting into kind of almost you know somewhat specializing and just creative interesting ways to use calculation groups a couple of things really i guess um you know like i said when they came out i was um you know probably relatively early in my power bi journey and they just kind of blew my mind and and also i just realized that there wasn't you know apart from sql bi there wasn't a lot of material out there on them you know people didn't seem to be blogging about them all over the place like they do about everything else in power bi so and then i was you know building reports and playing around with them and i started finding stuff and i thought you know maybe i should uh maybe i should tell people about this and and see if uh if they like it and i think i posted something and it got some uh some love and i thought you know it's kind of addictive that stuff you find something cool and you post it and people like it and then you're like oh i gotta find something else cool now and post it and you know on and on and on yeah it's i will say that one thing that you've done a good job of cementing yourself in is whoever the additional like front runners are when a new thing comes out will usually be the ones that that will people will continually come back to because you were the first like uh some of the first google searches first for things like that or just people posting on on twitter and stuff so it uh it gives you a nice um advantage to becoming kind of the somewhat of an expert in that that subject matter when you're one of the first people out of the gate for that um i know like for myself i chose kind of like visualization stuff and design back when now a ton of people are doing it but i know that was not a heavily leaned on thing for a while in power bi and you know it's helped me to submit myself in that that niche and certainly i would say for you now with calculation groups yeah look i i wouldn't call myself an expert you know i think oh of course lucky that that i can play around and have fun with stuff and find things and and and post it without a lot of research mind you you know so you know i really uh i you know i would say you know if you're new to calculation groups you should check out the sql bi articles because those are proper references you know but yeah um what i do is uh i just have fun with it and um and you know hopefully find stuff that's useful for people and i mean i'm right there with you it's like there's always there's always somebody better unless you're marco then there maybe isn't somebody better but uh even he probably if i actually i've never asked him but he even might say still say there's somebody above him somewhere um you know actually probably the guy who built dax maybe but the the thing with dax is that you know that you just kind of hit on is it there's always i i personally i'm a little hesitant to ever post about decks because it's the it's a lot easier for somebody to pull that apart versus other stuff like if i talk about color design okay there there is some there's science to it certainly but there's also a lot of art and preference that goes into it so it's harder to to want to you know to be able to to rip apart that from your perspective of people tuning in where if i like if i make a mistake in dax and like somebody calls out oh you should have used this function like ah okay i have to do a follow-up video now like i i i just i've always hesitated because i want to make sure i don't steer somebody the wrong way so i'll at a minimum i'll usually reach out to maybe my network and hey guys i'm about to do a blog on this um here's kind of the function that i was using for that like there might be a slightly better way i just want to make sure this isn't like a bad way to do something you know i'll usually double check just because i'm again i'm somewhat paranoid where i get called out like man no why would you tell people this this is totally the wrong way to do something uh look i i get it i'm probably you know guilty of that myself you know dax is funny but you know i hope that uh you know i think that the power bi community is um really supportive you know so i think it's great that uh anyone can kind of um put something out there in dax and and hopefully not get torn to shreds too much you know exactly um and i would say that the community in general is really supportive uh maybe one out of like a hundred if not a thousand comments that i ever get no probably not one out of a few hundred is it's just like a negative one or where somebody just straight up is like man like oh this is a terrible practice i would never do something this way um you don't you almost never get trolls i notice with this most people are just very happy that you provided a solution the worst things that i typically get is just somebody who's asking a really basic question and you know it's like sure i'll just i'll help i'll put you to a link to some documentation but it's always it's still done in a friendly manner like i love the video can you tell me how to add a visual to a page like i would hope you know how to put a you know new visual onto the page in power bi but like here's a microsoft white paper that will explain how to do that in case you need to know all right um yeah do you want to um get started i can switch over to the screen whenever you're ready yeah yeah let's let's do it perfect and like i said i'll uh end of the people tuning in right now if you drop any questions that you have as he's going through this demo um into the chat window just start it with a queue followed by the question anything related to what we're going over i'll basically feed in uh to kane as we go through it but more general questions you're happy to ask but i'll just cue them up more for like a generalized q a at the end of the um of the presentation beauty all right so um i do have a few basics to cover but we'll pretty quickly get into more complex stuff i would say if you're just experimenting with calculation groups for the first time there's a couple of things that change in power bi when you start using them and that's worth looking at um the first one is uh implicit measures don't work anymore which doesn't bother a lot of people because you know it seems accepted best practice not to use implicit measures but uh that's you know worth being aware of and also the measure formatting area uh measure tools area kind of up here uh it's slightly different i've found i've been using calculation groups for so long i can't remember what it used to be like but i know it's not like it is now and you can use these kind of little icons to change formats but when you click here you don't really get the full drop down that i think there usually is and you just get text and you can enter format string straight in but but it's a little bit different but you know it shouldn't discourage you i have found if you go to the um [Music] the the data view i think right i'm so used to calling it relationships sorry the model view thank you it used to be the relationship view um if you go to the model view in here i have found that after adding calculation groups you can still change the formatting and it gives you the the pick list so uh the format still still does apply in here um and i to just to elaborate on what you just said i 100 agree that you shouldn't use that as a deterrent it is a little as a developer there is sometimes where you just want to quickly validate data and you want to drink a column and uh and an aggregation and just immediately see it so there is a small annoyance with the ability to not just quickly test data you have to create a measure now to do that but so hopefully someday maybe they come out with a scenario where when you publish if you're if you're aggregating any column you get a warning instead or something like that but you know it it's it still is a minus one versus a plus 100 in gains that you get from actually using the groups themselves yeah absolutely i think when i first um started using them it was kind of an annoyance you have some habits of you know maybe using some implicit measures for testing and different stuff and it kind of uh kind of you know annoys you a little bit but you get used to it pretty quickly um so anyway here's here's a calculation group you can see it appears it appears in your in your model like any other table this ordinal column is just like a built-in sort column and i guess um you know the difference from from regular tables you can't create a relationship with this table because you know represented behind each of these row values is a dax expression that leverages you know all of the model relationships and so i think you know if you if you're just starting out it's really good to be able to define the behavior of um calculation groups and so i've got a definition that i use but i think it's great to have a good clear mental image of what they do so this is my kind of definition so it's a set of one or more dax expressions represented as rows of a column that can be applied through the filter context of a report and has a default behavior of replacing any measure that exists in the filter context created by the calculation group it's a bit of a mouthful we're going to do a demo it'll it'll be a lot clearer but if you can put it into words what calculation groups does that's a good start and then my top tip for um using calculation groups is um understanding the behavior clearly uh being specific in controlling the application and then because the default behavior is to replace or overwrite a lot of what you need to consider is how to restrict the application to act just on what you want it to act on and protect things that you don't want to act on so those if you can define what calculation groups are and kind of focus on restricting them and protecting things i think you'll you'll you'll be all right um so anyway i've got this um this quick uh demo just to just to demonstrate the kind of overwrite behavior i've got a calculation group here that has a number a string a date an expression the expression is just count rows of date but you'll see if i click string this is just a string with no lineage so you'll see it overwrites everything in the report every measure every visual and then you'll see if i give me a sec if i add the same calculation group to the visual let me find it you can add it to the hierarchy you'll see it still has the same overwrite behavior but the behavior changes it's just good to play around with that stuff and understand that kind of overwrite behavior um obviously i've got this expression count rows of date if we use that you'll see that all of a sudden because it's a proper expression it leverages model relationships it still overwrites all the measures but uh you get you know 29 day 28 days in feb 31 in jan and we've got hundred 5 thirteen rows in the date table um yeah i just thought i'd cover that quickly just to show how you know the reason is you know we've got this slicer that's acting on the whole report so it overwrites the whole report wherever you kind of insert the calculation group in the filter context it'll overwrite there's also four different ways that you can apply calculation groups you can apply them in a slicer like this you can add them straight to a visual as a an axi or a legend or any way you can drop a column in which we showed before you can reference them straight in a measure so in this one i've just used it as a calculate filter i've used my string referenced it like a normal column and if i chuck on a card and drop my measure in take off my expression here it's overrunning it you'll see i get my string so you can reference them that way and then you can also drop them in the filter pane here which is really useful because it means that you can create like a giant list of time intelligence calculation items and then i'll just uh i'll create a slicer here to demo uh i'll drop in a calculation group so i've got this calculation group as a slicer and then you can just pick and choose what um what items you want to include so if you've got you know 100 100 let's say 30 uh time intelligence um calculations you can just choose to uh you know include three or four that you need for the report so i find that's super useful uh there is a bug as well where um the default behavior in the pane is it'll just let you do single select you've got to hold down control to be able to do multi-select oh i didn't actually i i noticed that the bug but it's yeah okay i i have yet to actually need the ability to multi-select yet for calculation groups but it's good to know that it it's not completely enforced it's partially enforced but the control at least overrides it yeah yeah someone on twitter pointed that out to me it's very useful um but that lets you do you know being able to use the filter pain too lets you do cool stuff like um i've got this calculation group that randomizes all the data in your report and it's basically just selected measure times rand which you know the selected measure references any measure being evaluated and obviously rand generates a new random number each time it's evaluated i've got these uh four tens up here which are just four different measures with 10 in them just to show that it actually randomizes if you add it as a filter on the page it randomizes every number in your port so it's good for protecting data if you need to show or report someone or even you know if you want to add like a button to a report that just you know says someone's looking at this report that shouldn't be you click the button your report's random so it's kind of cool but yeah that's uh that's all i've got really for basics i mean we're going to jump in now to um to the examples the first one um i'll show you what we're going for and i'm actually going to walk through step by step the first one which might be a bit painful but i think it's uh it's a really good one for showing some of the pitfalls and the problems that you run into and kind of the thinking that you need to have for building stuff and calculation groups so it's worth going through from the start some of the ones after that i'm just gonna you know talk through the code and then it won't be so painful but you know we'll fumble through this one together see how we go i think it's a good approach yeah so the yeah the end result is uh is this um this combo chart and you got two slices where you can choose any two kind of metrics to combine for columns and the line and then you've got an additional slicer that lets you turn on turn labels on and off um to make it kind of clearer so i can you know put sales about here and i can say i don't want to see the margin on the line i want to see the bar metric and it shows your your bar your column axis over here then if i turn the labels off on the columns i get my line axi and get my um my line labels and uh you can choose any uh any two different metrics that you want to combine so that's what we're going for it's uh i've definitely done the the top one before which is you know like switch switching between the visuals i've not actually used it to turn off labels before um so like that that's the one that i i think will be really interesting to see yeah and look there's um there's some interactions between calculation groups within the same visual that are kind of tricky so you might think it it sounds kind of easy like oh yeah we'll just make a couple slices and choose some different it it hides some complexity so we'll give it a go so the first thing i'm gonna do is let me find where i am i just want to say why you're why you're looking that up um we're bouncing between like 40 to 45 uh concurrent viewers so there's quite a few people tuning in for this which is awesome so good yeah yeah awesome cool yeah so i'm going to open tabular the first thing you'd probably uh what you might do if you were approaching this is create some calculation groups with some measures in it so i'll do that or create two new calculation groups in tabular editor and i'm going to call the first one salesmetric 1 so we'll use that for our column component of the chart and then we'll call this one sales i'm i'm a really terrible typer so bear with me sales metric two and then we'll create some calculation items put in four and we'll go sales amount sales quantity margin and margin percentage and i'll set the order there's a weird bug i don't know if you've realized it but like when you when you create calculation items they all probably can't see it they all have this ordinal of minus one um and then when you set the ordinal like i'll grab my one that i want first sales amount you put in zero it drops it to the bottom and then you put in zero again and it puts it back at the top and everything's in the order it should be i don't know why that is but so i've actually um i uh i i know enough about that to know like that that's somewhat the order precedence in terms of certain calculations and other stuff like that and and what gets considered the i've also used that column because it gets added into the calculation group as a as a second column in that table i use that to sort so like there's times where i actually yeah i like it's kind of nice because there's often you have you know you'll have a slicer and a pick list and you want them in a certain order i i do i i've honestly used that more often to put the sort order than actually probably for any order of precedence that's needed for like more advanced calculations because i think similar to you most of my actual calculations that i'm doing in the groups aren't that complex it's usually because i'm wanting to dynamically change around stuff or or organize things yeah actually the ordinal um i believe the only purpose for the ordinal is um sort order but you might be um thinking of precedence as well so you get oh yeah i think i was completing the two yeah yeah so precedence will um the higher the precedence number the earlier the calculation correct well that the earlier it'll get calculated so if you have two groups um one will go first um but yeah the ordinal as far as i can tell is only for sort so okay yeah i was i was completing the two then because i've certainly watched a few videos from markle on on precedence and all of that and for some reason my brain was thinking that that was related to it but it yeah it works perfectly for sorting if you have any text-based fields that you want to include on a list or a slicer or anything like that sorry i'm just uh fumbling around here i'm just going to copy paste these across to here you want to zoom in just a little bit on that one yeah so just go to uh calculation groups with uh identical calculation items uh and each each one just directly references a measure so they're very simple they're just uh just straight up calculation groups uh with measures i'm just going to fix the sort order on this one and we'll save that and we'll drop them into our chart and have a look what happens refresh we'll drag this one in here and just to make sure that we keep things clear i'll call this one column metric and we'll call this one line metric and then we'll need a chart so i'm just going to copy in my chart from my other report and i'll drag in some measures to for the for them to act upon for the slices to act upon so you always need a measure present to to apply the calculation group for um so i've dragged in cost and margins they look different but if we try and select a metric it basically just makes the line and the column the same and if we select this one nothing happens and if we select quantity in this one nothing happens and all that's working is the first slicer and the second one's not and the reason for that is is that the first calculation group the column metric probably has a higher precedence and what's happening is it's just overriding every you know our filter context for this slicer is the entire report it's overriding both measures that we've used for the column and the line so you're not getting any any differentiation so um so what we need to do to fix that is just um tell each calculation group to act upon a specific measure and when we've got like calculation groups like this where um where they're just simple you know sets of measures that are going to overwrite an existing measure i like to um create like a specific measure within each one sorry that'll um just like a clear reference for the code uh for the um sorry uh just yeah a clear reference for that calculation group to to work on it's kind of like a placeholder a dedicated measure that that calculation can work on so i call this one metric one measure and i usually just put zero in there i feel like i've run into problems using blank or other stuff and i also give it like a format i don't know if you need to but i have a feeling i've run into issues before with format strings if you haven't got a format applied to a measure so do that and in this one i'll create a measure for this calculation group to work on i'll call that metric two measure keep that zero make it dollars so it's going to give us something to um to point the calculation group at so i'm going to get rid of these dummy kind of measures that i had in there i'm going to put in my purpose-built dedicated measures so i've done this similarly before where it's like the measure itself doesn't actually do anything other than the well requires a measure to display but it's because the if the intersection of your calculation groups determine you know this is my x and y basically here's the um here's the two filters and then yeah so based off of this the calculation group now says what to render that yeah 100 i couldn't have uh explained it better it's like a meeting point for your your filter context and your calculation groups basically is kind of meaningless can you do something quickly where i one thing that actually helped me with this is could you just quickly convert it to a table just like that actually does show kind of like what this looks like so maybe just swap it to a table and then you can just control z but yeah like what it does is you there's your two points if you want to zoom in like you have may and then you know what whatever it is and like that you know in this case you just have one filter but it's a calculation group that's just saying what to calculate for any of those so it's really just a placeholder and i've actually done similar where people who've come from finance they have those frankenstein tables that they build in excel where you have a series of like nested subtotals and interesting like custom date columns at the top and i've built something like that before where i have these overlapping complex date periods basically on columns a bunch of like a dozen or so metrics and subtotals on rows and i basically built two calculation groups put them on rows and columns put a blank measure in the middle of it and the measure doesn't do diddly it's just uh it's simply there with a equal zero but the calculation groups say if it's this and that calculate this and this so it calculated like a hundred different calculations in the in this grid but um you know it just had a dummy measure to allow it to actually render on the page yeah yeah absolutely so it's that kind of default replace behavior that um whatever measure exists in the filter context is automatically replaced by the calculation group which is confusing for some people because often you reference selected measure and they think oh it's transforming what's there but really i think selected measure just grabs what's there and inserts it in the calculation that's replacing the measurement um so i'm just going to grab go into tabular editor again and what we need to do is just add a little protection in um we're going to say if i'll zoom in on this in a sec i'll just put it in there is selected measure and we'll put in our metric one measure then sales amount so i'll just save you hang on a sec so we're just saying uh is selected measure just means the measure that's being evaluated so our blank dummy kind of measures we're just saying if the the measure in the filter context is metric one measure then return sales amount so we're just pointing the calculation group to act only on um only on the measure that we built for it and i'm just going to bear with me i'll quickly dump this into the other ones so spoiler this this also isn't going to work but um it's a start and then for um this one we need to reference metric measure two if you want to do the control zoom um you don't have to use uh the zoom tool but if you just hold the control key and scroll down your mouse will and that should increase the text size in there there yeah and here's an example where i'll actually switch to the there you go all right you can still hear me but now you can see the whole measure yeah it's just like um you know writing dax in excel um in the measure window a control scroll and in power bi works really well ah cool uh yep so save those so just i've just added um added that in for each one and we'll see what happens and so now i'm getting uh you know different results when i click my slicer here i get the line metrics working so the calculation group is acting on the measure that i've created it and it and it's pointing to the right measure one's working on the line one's working on the bar but when i select them both i get blank so the reason for that is go back into tabular editor and um so the reason for that is that the the default else part or alternate if is blank so what we're saying is if the measure being evaluated is metric one measure return sales amount otherwise blank if it's not metric measure one make it blank and we know that calculation groups uh have that overwrite behavior so what's happening is when we select both they're blanking each other one calculation group is saying that metric it's not metric question one so blank and the other one is saying it's not metric measure two so blank so uh it's it's it's a trap spelling's it's a really easy one but you always have to uh almost always need to put in an alternate here of uh selected measure ah come on man you you hiccuped a couple of seconds and it gave me a small heart attack but we're good yeah it looks like you froze for a brief second but i think you're you're fine again sometimes just a bandwidth thing okay uh yeah so yeah i'm just putting in an alternate because um yeah the calculation groups were blanking each other and so you always have to have that that alternate result in there to say um what am i doing wrong here failing all right bear with me i'll try and put this in quickly good so i think we're good no what have i done wrong here too many commas i feel like that's the bane of any um any coders existences you you there's either too few or too many commas or too few or too many parentheses yeah yeah absolutely all right let's see if it's working yep so now we get um we get our different metrics working against each other but the problem is the format's all messed up so when i choose margin i'm getting like a whole number if i choose margin percentage up here i'm getting dollars and that's all messed up and that's because we need to set format string now so every calculation item has an expression it has it also has a format string expression which lets you put in a format string so i'm just going to copy some in i promise that my um my other examples aren't uh aren't as painfully slow as this but i did think it would be good to to to go through the process that i would probably go through of like making all the mistakes you know this is dax by the way so like i think everybody here tuning in uh knows that this isn't the um you know there's a certain level of step process that goes through this yeah um so yeah i'm just uh copying in some some format strings from [Music] uh from power bi and i guess this is a whole number so we'll just do something like that we'll do and then we'll copy those across really quick to our other calculation group all right so that is a format string in the format string expression for each one and still not working and the reason is same reason as before exactly the same it doesn't um we've got bleeding over from the line metric into the column metric and we've got percentage um you know carrying over so essentially it's exactly the same as the format string sorry the expression we need to add in all that protection and and that kind of stuff into our format string as well so that we're uh restricting that so that's what i was meaning about you know it's really important to focus on uh being very specific in how you apply the calculation groups and making sure that you're yeah protecting stuff so we need i'll zoom in again sorry we need to add in the same protection for our format string or you say if it's metric measure one do this format string and we also need to put in if not we need to do selected measure format string and i just want to make the last step i was just going to quickly mention too uh and i'll bring it up at the end of the for the people tuning in um the this file uh a lot of the stuff that he's working on will be available to download um if you go to the description below um there's a link to the blog files section um on my site and uh in the blog files area there will be um a spot for this today's video with a link to download this if you wanted to look at it later awesome all right bear with me this is this is the last step and then you won't have to uh painfully watch me entering dex i mean i don't know about anybody else but i i mean i sip my coffee to watching decks it's great like every time that uh marker noburdo comes out with a video i'll just i'll just be sitting there with wide eyes like okay what am i going to learn today yeah me too all right we're getting there i ran through this demo a few times and i messed things up a lot with so much copy paste so let's see how we go one of my favorite things just while like monitoring the the chat thread as you're talking about this is sometimes a one person tuning in will ask a question and then it's just answered by somebody else in the forum and in this case there's some there's some dax questions that are being asked about calculation groups and there's actually there's a good conversation going on around it it's great oh good that's great all right we're almost there i feel like what you need to do to up my production at some point is i want to i want to get like a button that just adds like some epic like movie music so when this is happening there's just like this orchestra going behind you just just plain like to a crescendo that drops when you finally hit execute yeah i'm probably like uh an advertisement for um tabula any kind of scripts for creating stuff you know probably exactly credits created some kind of script to script all this stuff or something but uh it's only for four items so i'm done now fingers crossed i haven't uh stuffed anything up all right let's save it let's have a look cool so we got sales amount in dollars we got margin percentage all the formats are correct uh and we can choose any combination um actually i've implemented this solution in a report and uh it actually you might you might think it's maybe it's overly complicated for use but actually blue uses a way i know you can do other stuff with you know letting them choose metrics and visuals there's a power bi feature i can't remember what it's called but uh it's it's quite simple i think people like this solution where you got you know you can look at sales amount and margin or other useful you know kpis and stuff and view them against each other so now we just need to control the labels i mean it doesn't look too bad now but i always find with combo charts depending on the axis and stuff you know they can get really cluttered and sometimes you know you're only really looking at one metric and you want something you know a trend comparison or something so we want to be able to let users turn uh turn metrics on and off um so the way to do that is i've created a disconnected table i've already created it's just just uh called data labels got no line labels and no i'll make that column labels no line labels no column labels and it's got just yeah just a basic disconnect table so we'll drag that in here and then what we can do with the calculation group is just add something to our format string and this is kind of my first uh kind of tip for format strings is you can use the zero with space unicode character to return a blank format string which actually just means it doesn't return any label um so i'm just gonna copy in here real quick and to your thing too like the combo chart is honestly like one of one of my favorite ones too it's you've kind of just hit the nail on the head where it can get a little busy but usually the the reason you use that is you're wanting to show some kind of a ratio or pers or or trend line of something and then the other information behind it is kind of almost a supplemental one of my favorite things to put into report is prior month and current month and column and then the uh the percentage up and down on the line just to kind of show you like how are you doing as a delta in terms of increasing or decreasing values by date period comparisons and it's it's such a clean great way to present that keeping the the percentages uh the data labels on the line and then turning off the data labels for the for the columns behind it but without calculation groups you you have to choose from a developer to either have them on or off you can't really let the client choose yeah yeah you know i found this uh this technique pretty useful for my reporting uh yeah so what i'm doing is we're just adding in this uh extra bit of logic that says um so if we're evaluating you know we're in our column chart um calculation group if we're evaluating the metric one measure and the selected value of our disconnected table is no column labels sorry i've got a bad habit of saying bar i do the same yeah i do the same thing yeah and i've i've actually put it i've it is just me just start describing it as the not square you know yeah but the not square object uh i got it oh yes so we've said uh if we're evaluating metric measure one and the disconnected table selection is no column labels return a zero width space unicode character so it'll just return a blank label otherwise if we're returning we're evaluating metric one measure return the format string otherwise the selected measure format string so it's a little bit clunky but this will let us use the disconnected table to just copy it in real quick and this is uh this is the last steps and then we can uh get into more fun stuff that doesn't involve all this copy pasting code cool and got to remember to change this to metric to measure so that we act on the right measure all right we'll save that and we should be good to go so now if we select no column labels we oh missed something up there we got no let me see what i what i broke what also this apparently lets you do is it actually turns off you could actually turn off not just labels you could turn off the axis label it looks like because that just turned off all labels yeah yeah you can turn off the axis and what happens is when you select um like no column labels it'll it'll turn off the column axis and only show the line axis select no line labels it'll turn off the column axis you'll see it'll it kind of uh it looks a bit weird at first until you realize what it's doing i'll show you when we jump back in so yeah i forgot to change the uh change the selected value there but we should be good to go now so if i select yeah sorry go ahead i'm just gonna i can almost see that i was actually being useful for i would personally say i don't recommend like you know pdf exports and people who like to print power bi reports but there's a certain level of like you have to kind of build a report to make that work and that's you know usually hiding scroll bars and other stuff but like the the the ability to actually turn on and off of labels like that because you normally want more when you print that actually is kind of nice if you if you had something where you could kind of create a printer friendly mode and turn on some extra labels when people are doing like a pdf export with with this feature considering you can turn off and on any label that's on this uh on a visual yeah no that's a good point actually you could just have a button that just turns off turns off a bunch of labels for print print mode or something it's good idea uh yeah so you can see we get uh if we just have uh no column labels we get the line labels in the line axis and then if i click no line labels we get the the column axi and the column labels and then if i get rid of both we can have both so that's pretty much it there's one other option that i had in my my finished result which i'll i'll just show you real quick i also put in a blank option here which i'll show you how that works uh so it's just a blank and it's the same thing it just says um if so let me exclude uh if it's metric measure one return blank or selected measure and the format stream is blank and what that lets you do is it just says like so maybe the user doesn't want a line in there they just want to see a column so you can just leave the line metric blank and put your labels on here and you've just got a normal column chart just kind of how i set it up to default in reports is i i might just have it as a column chart but then there's this like extra option if you want to overlay something in coco core show me so many margin percentage over sales and um don't bother showing me sales to show me margin or something like that so it gives you a bit of flexibility if you've got the blanks in there so that's it for that one um my next one will be a bit faster is this uh dynamic labels example so i've got just a line chart and i've got this red dot says lowest value and this green dot that says highest value and it's dynamic if you select different um channel names you know it evaluates um the highest and lowest depending on your slicer selection there's a couple others uh selections in here just all values which is everything and some other ones which aren't as interesting just the highest value with the string and a lowest value with the string but really this highest and lowest one's probably the one that we'll look at that um is probably the most interesting um so it's it's actually quite a simple concept [Music] you're really just trying to use some dax to pull out a specific point in the chart and then you know tell the format string to print something for that value and blank everything else so the value could be anything i mean you could say well you know if the the day equals 20th of jan um right 20th of jan otherwise blank or whatever but i'll show you the code in tabular editor and let me switch to my other file real quick see i've got this labels calculation group and the for all of these the expression is just selected measures so we're not we're not transforming the um the measure in any way we're just letting sale i think it's sales amount they're just letting sales amount come through and then in the format string expression we're just basically picking up the visible date visible dates in the chart as a table table of the visible dates in the chart and then we're iterating it to find the highest value iterating it to find the lowest value and then we've got a simple zoom this in sorry yeah so iterating to find the highest and lowest values then we've got a switch statement that says if the measure being evaluated is equal to the highest value in the chart make append highest to the selected measure format string if it's the lowest value then put lowest and put selected measure format string otherwise return a zero width space unicode um so yeah there's not much to it uh really i mean the the key to it is um is the conditional formatting that which i'll show you but there is one a couple of quirks one thing is um you'll see if i select this line chart and i go in here i mean i could be wrong but i haven't actually got marker turned on here but there's markers and then if i go into data colors there's no conditional formatting um thing here and if i click show all like you can see it's it's adding colors to certain data points but there's no i can't see anywhere in this line chart to control that so the way that i have to get there i don't know if there's another way but you actually start with a column chart where you can apply your conditional formatting here and then when you convert it back to a line chart it seems to keep the conditional formatting somehow and you get these cool kind of uh colored dots so i don't know if that's uh just a little trick it's actually a um it's actually a video that i did a couple of years ago exactly on that it's um it's one of those is it a bug or a feature kind of a thing but i did check with the microsoft team and it would be nice if the f x button was actually on the uh the line chart but it's not going to go away they're not going to patch that and get rid of it because enough people have implemented it but you can basically you know start with like a column chart apply conditional formatting and then it you know it will stay and um uh reliably work on the the line chart the one disadvantage is you can't choose the shape or the size of the dot only the color yeah it can be formatted yeah cool yeah it was i just i just discovered it so i had i wasn't aware of it before so i thought it was kind of cool um yeah so and then the conditional formatting for it um i basically just replicated what i did in the calculation group i've said return me a table of the date values show me the the highest one and the lowest one so the difference with this is you can't apply conditional formatting to selected measure so you can't create like a calculation group and then create some conditional formatting that'll work for it no matter what measure you're using or i haven't found a way you can't use a calculation group in conditional formatting you can't reference selected measures so what you have to do is like in this chart i've used sales amount as the measure i've had to reference uh sales amount for the conditional formatting it'd be really cool if um if like calculation groups had a conditional format expression or if you could use selected measure in conditional formatting it'd make working with them heaps easier but basically what i've said here is if the selected value of the calculation group is all values return gray if the selected value is highest and lowest values and the sales amount equals the highest return green on and on return to different colors for each one and that's how you how you get this to work essentially i mean what i like about this one what i think is one of the coolest things is the ability to return two values from a slicer selection so if i wanted to i could um i'll just do a quick quick demo if i take and zoom in i'll take my format string expression and put it in my expression and i'll just change the format string expression back to selected measure format string ah that's painful and i'll change this to be you know if selected measure is the highest then return select measure and we'll go save that yep format strings wrong where am i here labels format string what's wrong with that format string got a comma so yeah you can now i've got a slicer that can pull out two values from um from a chart i just think that's super cool that you can do it so easily just create a slicer that can say well can return me two values or three values or you could create like a threshold and say just return me all the values over this threshold and do it so so quickly and easily for me that's uh that's a really cool thing all right next uh example i got i'll show you the end result is a tooltip so one of my favorite things to play around with in power bi is uh unique ways to use tool tips and report page tool tips yeah yeah i love tool tips i think you know the idea behind this one was you know i in my job i sometimes end up with um you know big tables and numbers people want to see you know tables and numbers tables and tables of numbers with detail you know some people want to see detail and sometimes it's hard to look at a table of numbers and there's no context you know you say you know is this value high or low or what so i wanted to create this tool tip that you hover over a value and it shows you what the value is and then over the last six months what the minimum of that was the average and the maximum of that category was and then you know what the last month was so just to give a heap of context around that data point um just a really quick question so and this this is an easy answer but like is tabula editor the only way to calculation groups for power bi um if you're working with power bi desktop yeah you need tabular editor to create these that that's the best method for doing it you cannot do that from power via desktop itself correct yep all right so the way to uh implement this it's pretty pretty basic but it's a it's a good kind of concept is that you know i've created my matrix here and i've um i've put a whole bunch of measures in the well here my margins margin percentage sales quantity sales and i've got one month selected and i've created a calculation group for my [Music] my min max and average kind of values which look like this so i've just summarized sales by month and i've added a column with selected measure as the value whatever you're evaluating is is evaluated for each month um you know i've used a different iterator like average or max or whatever to pull out the value and then i've just wrapped it in calculate to force it to look at the last six months but it's good to know here that like you know i've wrapped it in calculate but you don't need to a lot of the examples out there calculation groups uh just change like you know wrap selected measure and calculate you don't have to use calculator i mean you can just use this inside part here um you know you can you can play with selected measure in any dax that you want you don't need to use calculate for it uh yeah so i've got i've also just got a basic um last month measure and current values just selected measure so minimum that's how that works and in the tip i've put my calculation group it's not showing all the values here because i haven't got a date filter on it but i've just just dropped in my calculation group as the axi and i've put summer sales amount as the measure for it to work upon because i haven't created a dedicated measure for it or anything and my idea is we know calculation groups work on any measure i've used selected measure in my calculation group so i should be able to hover over one of these values and pop up tooltip but what happens is i hover over margin percentage and all i get back is sales amount and the reason is you know a tool tip from what i understand acts pretty much like a drill through page and then it just passes all the filters to the tool tip to evaluate what's in the tooltip so in the filter context right now we just have april 2013 home office and phones and margin percentage that we're hovering on isn't part of the filter context it's a measure so it's not filtering so what's happening is the the tooltips picking up april 2013 and home office and phones and it's evaluating my calculation group for sales amount because that's the measure that's present so we know though that we can we can introduce measures into the filter context using calculation groups so if i remove all these measures from the well i'll just leave one measure for the calculation group to act upon and then drop in my calculation group as the columns uh that's not right what have i done wrong there not sure what's going on let me jump into my other example it works so what i've done i've i've dropped my calculation group my um ah that's what i did wrong now let's see let me fix it i dropped the wrong calculation grouping so i need my i've created a um a simple calculation group with my measures that i want in the matrix so it's just this tooltip matrix here and sorry it's trying to zoom in on yeah so it's just uh it's just the same measures that i had in the the table essentially oh my keyboard stopped working for some reason can't get out of zoom so if i drag my calculation grouping as the columns it puts my measures into my matrix and now when i hover over because the calculation group the measures are now acting as a filter and become part of the filter context they can get passed to the tooltip so i get my my values for percentage i can get my values for dollars i can get my values for the different measures um and so it's a simple way to do it all you really need to do is make sure you've got a calculation group in your tool tip and you've got a calculation group in your report so your measures in your matrix so your measures can get inserted into the filter context and it just works all right getting there uh i've got another quick one i want to show you speaking about um uh just quickly where is it just on um you know inserting measures into the filter context i think it's another one of those really cool things about calculation groups um you can see here that um i've actually put a calculation group as the top level of a hierarchy so there's no other way you can do that you know where you can have like kpis and have categories underneath them really quickly and simply and you can list percentages and dollars in the same report and i'm going to give a shout out here too to um to my friend on twitter jeff weir uh inside the machine i think is his name jeff you probably all know jeff all right he's on these chats occasionally too so i don't see him today but he created this brilliant um calculation group that he shared with me that it formats numbers automatically so you can see i'm just using it here you can do no decimal one decimal or two decimals you click on one decimal and everything goes one decimal it automatically adds thousands millions or billions and it skips percentages so like there's in a scenario like this it's absolutely essential because otherwise you you know where you're mixing uh formats in the same table you really need it i won't go into the code because it's his his genius little piece of dax but you can probably um chase him up on twitter for it or he'll probably share it at some point or something but yeah that's a really cool one too uh he he did a really good job on that one got a quick question just related to yeah just related to matrix tables um so uh gopher was just asking you know when you use calculation groups in a matrix uh can you still apply conditional formatting no it works differently it's it can be handy i'm trying to remember like it can be handy in i believe i've found it to be handy in some scenarios but it'll oh hang on what have i done there is that right um yeah so it'll only you know when you go to your that's field formatting sorry conditional formatting when you go here you've got some sales amount so only the the measure and i can turn it on and it's not going to conditional format all the um oh no it does yeah sorry so it does it applies to all of the calculation items so i've only got sales amount here and the same conditional formatting will apply to every item in the table so it's kind of not that useful because you can see here that sales amount's a big number so you know it kind of isn't well related to all these to provide to show conditional formatting but i have used it before where you can uh do something like you know just say if it's a negative number highlight it red or something that'll work so you can use it but it you just got to be aware it will it'll act across all values in the matrix all right so my last my last example here is just a bit more some more fun with format strings let me bring up tabular editor so i'm just going to delete these that i made so i can remake them so i've just created a calculation group and i'm going to create a couple of calculation items for this report well i guess firstly i've got this basic report it's got margin by month here and i've got a month year slicer here so it's pretty simple and i'm going to create a calculation item called margin percentage i'm just going to put selected measure in the expression i'm going to say so what would happen if we put margin percentage has the format string so we're referencing the measure as the format string instead of the expression we'll save that it's not going to work because i've already showed us in tabular editor that's not going to work but we'll give it a go we'll add our it's a kind of a silly idea why would you put it in the format string expression and it says no can do format strings busted but what i found is kind of a cool little trick is um [Music] with format strings one thing with format strings is i haven't figured out all the rules sometimes when you reference like selected measure format string you can append stuff to the start but not to the end you've got to play around with that but i have found that if you put a measure in in format string expression you can append look give me a sec you can append a blank to it and it'll let you return the calculation so now if we click margin percentage returns the margin percentage the format's all messed up though and we're like well how can we fix that we're already in a format string and what are we going to do so what i've can do is we can create a variable formatted well that's a crazy variable formatted string and we can go format margin percentage and we can give it a percentage format let me find one somewhere ah sorry guys let me find one got too many windows open all right found a format string sorry formatted if you wanted to zoom in on that a little bit yeah formatted string is we'll go format margin percentage pass percentage and then we can return blank and formatted string ah can you believe i did that that's so bad sorry i'll really try and type it quickly again that's uh let's live stream thing there you go uh totally fine one of those like the other the amount that people are learning from this i'm sure they're they're all like yeah you take a couple extra seconds you're totally you're good it's my last example so i can i can take a bit of time exactly and we return blank and format string and we save it and we save it okay let's see if that works it's saying i made a mistake somewhere and we save and let's see what happens so that's cool we can return the margin percentage has the format string now so why where i think this is handy is um you don't have to change the underlying uh visual at all and you can get like a click quick glance it's very fast you get a quick glance at different numbers you can just shift the number in the label probably not as um ideal in a bar chart is maybe like in a table it might be you know a good way to you know you've got a table here with month year and margin and you can quickly go what is the margin percentage all right that's what it is so i've got another another one that i can do with this call this percentage on l y and i'm just going to copy paste some of this in all right just give me one sec i lost my lost my code finding it so i guess the thing about format string expressions is you know we've done a measure but you can do more than a measure i mean you can put complex dax calculations in a um in a format string so i've got one here i'm just going to find a a percentage got a typical you know current year is selected measure selected measure for the same period last year and then use those to make a percentage and then we're going to format that percentage like we did before and then i've got this expression i'll zoom this in sorry and then i've got this expression so if we've got current year prior year we've calculated a percentage formatted the percentage and then we've said uh if the current year is not blank and last year's not blank then if the current year is less than the prior year return a unicode up arrow with on last year and my formatted percentage otherwise return if the current year is less than last year return a unicode down arrow with on last year in my 49th percentage otherwise [Music] return unicode blank and then if the year is blank selected measure format string essentially just uh formatting yeah i was just going to say there's one other thing that i've actually um really like to do is i know you use the unit unit char function um one thing you that i learned a couple years ago actually from a student is that you can put the character in quotes directly in to the measure without actually having to put the number in there because if you look at this in six months like wait what is like you're not going to remember what 9650 is but if you actually you know use that windows key and semicolon you get the kind of the list of symbols or you can just type in the ascii character um so you know you can put them directly it's a great idea yeah yeah yeah yeah i have a couple of videos on that on my channel but it it they both work identically but it just it reads a lot better when the symbol is directly into there and i'll usually like declare a variable at the very top of the thing with the symbols and then just refer to up arrow down arrow etc uh yeah that makes so much sense to me i will definitely do that so we'll save that and we'll give it a refresh and so when we click our percentage on last year we just it doesn't work oh why not works in this one and i will say just to give like a probably like a 15 minute time check uh we're at 10 15 now and i'll probably wrap up about uh 10 30 at the latest just uh um for too long but like with this thing there's just you could spend so much time with so many examples there's a lot of cool stuff to review yeah this is this is the end pretty much so we're almost done i've just i realized i put my um i put my format string in my expression instead of my formatted expression cool so we click uh percentage on and what we get is these cool little labels with up and down arrows and on last year and 36 so i just think that's kind of a fun thing where um you don't have to change visuals it's very fast and you know probably in a table like this where you're looking at margin you can give your user okay well that's the margin so what's the percentage that's a percentage how is it on last year that's on last year and i guess just a little hack that you can use a measure or and just format it in that selected in that format expression uh yeah that's it um i hope uh i hope everyone's got a few things out of that where they can find some stuff to use in their reports and a bit more confident to delve into calculation groups um yeah thanks for having me on reid i guess you know give me a follow on twitter if um if sorry oh see i just realized yeah i i tried to do that in case i have to you know cough or anything um i was just saying like yeah there's there's at least a few dozen things that i'm sure people are taking away from this i will also say to anybody in this right now i have a couple questions cued that i'm going to direct towards us now um any other remaining questions go ahead and drop that into the chat we have probably another 10 12 minutes or so um but let me spin up my queue here where are we at uh there it is okay um let's start with this one i'll just work my way backwards so do you guys ever use c or c c syrup descript automated uh measures table groups um okay and i'll let you go first i you know i have um my comment on this as well uh look i've i'm aware of it and i've dabbled in it but i haven't um i haven't explored it fully with calculation groups i've used some scripts to like just create you know replace things in measures and stuff like that but uh uh i it's probably something i want to look at more you know how you can you know just generate predefined kind of calculation groups for any model because because you use selected measure in um in lots of calculation groups they can kind of be model independent in some ways unless you're referencing columns but you know if you kind of have a standard uh naming conventions for columns and stuff you could probably build some calculation groups that you can just go bam into into any model that you're working on kind of so it's something i definitely want to look at but i haven't done a lot of it yeah and i would say similar for me with the with c sharp that is in um that that is inside of tabular editor i i mean i i don't code in that i've started to learn it just because it's useful for that there's also some great uh common patterns that are that's on the github for tabular editor and that it's constantly being you know added to and updated so a lot of really good ones for like formatting all measures formatting all dax columns um you know those kind of automation scripts that's a great starting point and you know there's there's ways to you know i think start to learn from that and that's honestly where i've learned from it is watching the patterns in there okay well if it's called this what about this one um i do know that with tabular editor three and some of the other ones coming out there's going to be more intellisense and other things that will help you write it but it certainly is really nice to have the on the automations and the one thing that i would recommend is one of my favorite things is the the best practices analyzer there the tabular three's github has a page you can link to and configure in tabular editor where it basically scans through and and you know it looks for any unformatted columns or measures any um you know column relationships that between two columns with different names things like that that can kind of help you quickly patch those and that's another really good way to quickly clean up a model especially if somebody hands you a pbx file so i could be a lot better at it but i definitely utilize that feature that's one of my favorite parts of tabular editor is applications on multiple things where you can do in five seconds what would otherwise take you half an hour to maybe do in power bi desktop okay let me funnel a couple more questions into here let's see if you uh here we go and i think this one was answered a little bit um but let me actually let me actually pop up this one i'm going to there's a more recent one i want to confirm before asking this other one if it was answered on the forum so here is a new one and i'm actually going to switch over to us there we go okay um yeah so i have heard about this from people that i've talked to with calculation groups and i think i haven't had it happen to me personally but i've spoken to someone that that's happened to so there might be some kind of bug there you know in general i think calculation groups have gotten better as i've used them they are you know definitely fixing bugs and things are getting uh improved particularly performance seems to have improved heaps but yeah i believe there might be some kind of bug there where that happens hasn't happened to me but i've spoken to someone who said the same thing all their formatting just disappeared so i've had that i i think it's it's something that uh that um uh daniel is aware of the maker of a tabular editor and he it's it's gonna get it's getting patched if it has not been already all right let's see uh ah here here here's a good one um no not that i um not that i have been able to do that's what i was saying before is it would be amazing if you could sort of put uh hex straight into hex color straight into um into calculation groups or if there was like a conditional formatting expression or something for um for calculation items but as far as i can tell i did play around with it a bit because that would be awesome but i haven't been able to figure out a way to do that how to how to put conditional formatting into the um into the calculation item there might be a way i just i haven't found it here we go there was actually somebody who was earlier asking i was trying to search for the video like hundred over 100 now somebody was asking for the link for color how to use symbols instead of um the actual unit chart function so i'm just posting that into the chat now um so if you're curious about that i think we have an another question from from gopa so happy to funnel that in as well i love how many people tuned into this i think we peaked at about 46 we're still at about 33 at the moment um and that's that's an hour and 22 minutes into this which is i think fantastic i must have been a bit slow i was about 40 minutes on my practice run so i'm not sure what happened let's see oh here we go actually this is this is a fun one let's let's do a non-technical question my blog name meaning uh 10 fingers i i'm going to assume i'm going to assume it's 10 fingers probably because your blog itself doesn't have an in any unique name it has to be the 10 fingers no yeah yeah um it's uh well um it's actually uh i got the name i used to work in a um you know i've worked in the liquor industry for a long time i had my first job in a small general store that was also a wine tasting bar and liquor store on the beach and i used to play guitar out on the front um the front veranda on afternoons and some people gave me the nickname ten fingers for playing guitar so it's actually a musical thing i've got a bit of a music background i have a degree in audio production um but it kind of stuck i kind of started using it for all sorts of stuff and when i was uh you know got into power bi i thought it's kind of fitting it's like i got 10 fingers to count on so i just stuck with it so like you you now that you've said this next time you come on i'm gonna i'm gonna ask you to like bring the guitar and you know [Laughter] you you can uh we we can come up with an idea and you can create a ballad for for how to um how to do this kind of thing in calculation groups yeah yeah i might have to write a calculation group song isn't there isn't isn't there a style of rock called math rock that's a thing right i don't know but it i wouldn't surprise me yeah on top of all the genres out there i think there is i'm i'm uh let me what is that math i i 100 know what it is i'm just trying to remember like what is considered math rock yeah the style of progressive rock with roots and uh yeah i i think it's probably like somewhat where there's like there's an equation for how the the song flows or something like that but there you go yeah you can start a math rock band and just come up with a fun name name for it it's uh stuff i'm interested i've heard some songs that are made from like uh pie and stuff like that it's very so maybe i can maybe i can output something from power bi and manipulate it into a song there you go um let's see are there any other questions left uh no i think that's about it so um kane i really want to appreciate you for being on um it's a quick uh just uh wrap up for individuals here if you um if you like this there's a description in the link to again go download the file that kane was working on links to his blog are also down below uh it's very helpful for this channel and myself if you if you like this you know hit the like button share this if you can on social media it helps to for both kane and myself to to just get the exposure out there um you're also welcome to check out the channel memberships it just helps to me be able to continue to create a lot of these live streams my stretch goal for this year is of course to try to get one a week i'm so far mapped out now through the end of may so i think i can hit this because i i continually find more and more people that i want to bring on um hopefully kane will come back on again as well and we can easily i'm sure find other stuff to talk about with calculation groups as you continue to make things so yeah again everybody thanks for tuning in yeah that is awesome so i'll 100 like love to have you back on um at some point in the future it the fact that we have you know uh almost 50 people that tuned into this one i think that really that shows that people are very interested in calculation groups it's one of those kind of hot topic features certainly for power bi right now cool yeah awesome thanks for having me on reid really appreciate it yeah absolutely and um everybody thanks again for tuning in and i will i'll see you on this friday when i um we'll be doing another live stream so take care
Channel: Havens Consulting
Views: 6,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, PowerBI, PBI, DAX, Data Modeling, Visualizations, Tips & Tricks, Power Platform, Power Query, Power BI for Beginners, Power BI Training, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Best Practices, Power BI Relationships, Power BI Dashboard, Power BI Tutorial, Power Query Excel, Power BI Versus Excel, Power Query Tutorial, Power Query Functions, Power Query Parameters, Power Query Editor, Power BI Service
Id: IH4bcHhxunw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 34sec (5194 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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