Calculation and homemade construction of a Toroidal Transformer

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[Music] calculation and homemade construction of a toroidal transformer [Music] the toroidal transformers are inductors in doughnut shape are very using high-power amplifiers expressing this fine art like the Philippines and lane donations they use toroidal transformers to fill the amplifiers of the gigantic portable sound boxes an example of this is using the annual competition de NOC jung sound showdown in Iloilo Philippines now we will see a practical and easy way to make a homemade good performance toroidal transformers [Music] transformers Theory the transformer comprises a primary winding and a secondary winding both coil to a core and are isolated from each other can be designed to increase or decrease the voltage are also used to isolate the voltage public network the primary winding receives the voltage of the public network either 120 or 220 volts IC depending on the country while the secondary winding delivers the output voltage of the transformer the secondary winding is driven by deque magnetic field which is generated by the primary winding which is induced by the core the policy transfer between the primary winding and the secondary winding is magnetically performed to the core and air advantage of a toroidal transformer in the classical transformers cores armed with eight shapes plates and high plates the float over the magnetic fields has to turn around to fold the profile forming plates forcing the electrons to leave the junction of the plates edge with the plates high generating a magnetic flux leakage meanwhile in toroidal transformers the magnetic flux runs through the core always rotating in the direction of recent conference meaning in the same direction of his lamination the fact that the toroidal chorus form of a long strip of Cheops purity won't makes them more efficient another great advantage is that to achieve the same inductance equivalent of a classic transformer a toroidal requires fewer turns can be made in a smaller size once peeled you'll notice that the toroidal generates less heat than a conventional transformer allowing us to use singer wire and a smaller core materials core the core of a toroidal transformer is made of a long iron silicon sheets winding in a spiral you can get them plating and grab the amount needed to achieve the desired core in this case we use our recycled car magnet wire the magnet wire is an isolated copper wire with a covering of a dielectric varnish you can get it in many gougers in some places is sell-by way and others 5 meters polyester resin it is a synthetic fiber derived mainly from oil and coal he is very used in the industry today for example in the automobile industry cardboard box the core must be wrapped with a thick cardboard at least 2 millimeters this greatly improves the core inductance and it is imperative copper plate must be about 20 gosh of this chair Toraja plate that covers the circumference of the car and will surface grounding rubber-coated cable input and output cables transformer are coated Rover we recommend using heavy gosh Alessi tapes of different types the receive tapes were using our masking tape to cover the core and windings and transparent tape for the final look neoprene heat shrink tubing allows you to electorally isolating the binding of wire with cable tools shuttle the shuttle is a thin piece of wood just to grab the wire longitudinally we recommend make several of these 50 centimetres long and with according to the different sizes of course scalpel you just to cut the cardboard wire stripping etc scissors they serve to cover the cardboard and copper one tweezers or pliers just to break cable with wire solder in iron and welding used to while the cables with the wire cable stripper as his name implies is just to peel the rubber of cables sandpaper is just to remove the dielectric colouring of the ends of the magnet wire in order to be weld how to calculate the core from knowing the potency of the device to be fed you can always calculate the course eyes for this we must calculate the square root of the power delivered by the machine in this case 1200 Watts amplifier and we will find the area of the cart the square root of 1200 equals 3 4.6 centimeter square the core to get true always be about the measuring obtaining square centimeters in this case we get a core with an area of 35 centimeter squares how to find the area of a nucleus very easy we measure the outside diameter the inside diameter and its height to the external diameter we subtract the inner diameter the result is multiplied by the height and divided in two in this case we have a core of 18 centimeters of external diameter a centimeters of inner diameter and a height of 7 centimeters 18 minus 8 equals a 10 10 x 7 equals 70 70 dividing 2 equal to 35 centimeters square which is the area of the core a core with an area of 35 centimeter squared is capable of supporting up to 1225 watts isolation of the core now we must prepare the core the core should be adjust and then seal to the top and bottom with polyester resin the same one used in the fiberglass we apply a few drops of MEC or activation for hardening the Rison mix the resin and the activator until you obtain a uniform composition then applies the ricin liberally to the spiral of the core bonding the torrents of the plating when the resin is completely dry the core is flipped and the resin is applied on the other side this process is known to avoid the plague which forms the core rub with each other the because of the vibration generated which ultimately becomes heat let's now proceed to make the formwork for the core using a cardboard box we trace twice the circumference internal and external of the core on the cardboard [Music] we caught bold circles we cut a pair of cardboard strip that measured the height of the toy for coding on the sternum and internal counter we tall enough to turn around the outside and the inside of the toroidal core the inner cardboard strip is place and we secure it with masking tape [Music] now the other Carver's treat this place [Music] this one is also secured with masking tape we place one of the circles on the top of the car this will fit perfectly between the external and internal strips we should use quite a lot of masking tape in order that there is no space where the core can touch with the wire to roll off later [Music] [Music] between the car and put the other cardboard circle we are here and we see well with mass today it is important to emphasize that the more feature the isolation cardboard and masking tape are more faster we will tune up the series secret and therefore the transformer will have a better performance [Music] [Music] calculation of wire turns of the primary winding as a general rule apply we will choose the constant for it - this one is divided into the core area resulting in the number of turns per bolt that we're giving in the core 18 centimeters of external diameter - 8 centimeters of internal diameter equals 10 centimeters then multiplied by 7 centimeter tall equals 70 70 divided 2 equals 35 square centimeters equivalent to the core area now let's apply the formula with the constant 42 42 divided in 35 equals 1.2 turns per volt now we multiplied 1.2 turns per volt by 120 volts of the public network of our country and we will get 144 turns for the primary winding calculation of wiring meters to calculate the number of meters of wire using 144 turns we measure the lane of attuning of a wire in this case are 25 centimeters multiplied 25 centimeters by 144 turns it equals 3600 centimeters now 3,600 dividing 100 equals 36 meters of wire calculating the size of the primary winding wire a wire gosh is obtained by dividing the output of the amplifier in this case is 1200 watts into the number of volts of the public network remember the Watts law output divided both equals amperes 1200 divided 120 equals 10 amperes if your contr public network delivers a voltage of 220 volts 1200 divided 220 equals 5 point 4 amperes now we check the American wire dodge table that has a relations between the wire gosh an ampere in our case 10 amps equivalent to 13 gosh remember that the toroidal transformer is more efficient therefore we can use a cleaver below without fear of overheating so we'll just a 14 Kailash wire for the primary winding if you can triple it never deliver supporters of 220 volts then the gosh of the wire of the primary winding will be 16 or 17 halfway in the wire in grams if Intercity self wired by the way that is in grams pounds and kilograms you must calculate the weight in grams of the primary winding stretch and cut an exact meter of wire dodge to use the wires grading on a precision scale and the number to be multiplied by the amount of meters required in this case we have a meter of wire gosh 14 which weights 18.6 grams like we need 36 meters 18.6 gram x 2 6 meter equals 669 point 6 2 wire to the primary winding this amount can be approximated to 670 grams winding turns for the primary winding having already the wire of the primary winding which we'll sang one of the aim to remove the dielectric varnish this is done so the solder we will ride to the wired now because the tip where we just send to the small hole at one of the ends of the launcher and then begin to wind the wire as the launcher measures 50 centimeters long every complete turn will be a meter of wire as we need to 6 meters give to 6 full turns at the end of the wire you need to send about centimeter we clean the wire we take a piece of rubber side wire and we remove 1 centimeters of the rubber between the tip of wire with a Bandhan woven and join wire with cable to achieve perfect isolation covered union with heat shrinkable spaghetti the wire with cable union is placed in the center of the core we set it with masking tape then we begin to wind the wire passing the launcher to the center of the car this should be done in an orderly manner and try not to mount a turn on the other [Music] [Music] [Music] the chorus of wire must be distributed proportionally on the ground to the car also should be kept very tight because later there will be variations on the wire when we take a third person turns of wire needed we do a test connecting the series circuit at the ends of the wire you will see the bowlful turns on this Cho says still even charred the lack of more turns of wire we continue winding wire given to maintain order and tension reaching the half Windham to give we do another test with the series circuit we know that the intensity of the ball has down to the hole we wind the turns of wire missing [Music] when you finish finding the calculated turns for the primary winding you check with the multimeter if there's continually need wire check the series check we think we see that the ball turns up in the joining the tips passing a sharp we recollect the series circuit at two ends of wire and we see that even thought the multimeter measures continually the ball doesn't turns on this means that the primary winding is ready at the end of the wire we weld a piece of cable as we put the tip at the beginning and we isolate the union with a piece of head tree top off the primary winding adjust the wire very tight we use masking tape to keep the end of the wire in place [Music] what to do with the series see if it doesn't turn off when the series secret doesn't turn off indicates lack of turns of wire and that the calculations were wrong or that the currents have bad quality we must continue winding wire until the DC receive returned arms completely now the tune of the series circuit we can all give in terms of wire obtaining a total at 144 turns another way to find the number of turns per bolt consists in dividing the given turns in the primary winding with the voltage of the public network 144 turns even divided 120 volts equals 1.2 turns for both isolation of primary winding now that we were sure to have a perfect primary winding which will isolate covering it with thin cardboard or press on paper first we cover the inside of the transformer now we cover the outside [Music] we cover the top with a ring of the same material and secure it with a balloon and masking tape we rotate the transformer and likewise covered with a hoop of wrist on paper and plenty of masking tape tighten as much as possible adjusted we tape the wire of the primary winding to avoid possible vibration the transformer should be covered with a Bandhan masking tape calculating secondary winding our transformer must deliver an output of 1200 watts to winding 60 plus 60 volts also will have an additional 12 volt winding and another 50 volt AC to find the number of turns of the secondary winding is multiplied the average voltage in half of the total voltage by the number of turns per volt 60 volts multiplied by 1.2 turns per bulb equals 270 two turns of wire in double for each secondary winding remember that you must wrap the two wires equals at the same time calculating the gosh of the wire of the secondary wine the guy who shot the wire of the secondary winding is calculating according to the type and number of transistor which car is the amplifier for example if reduced 12 transistor 2 SC 5200 each consumes 1.3 m/s to obtain a total of 15.6 amps the gosh of the wire in doer over fifteen point six amperes is 11 gosh but have an encounter a toroidal to allow juice in all over couch who use a 12-gauge wire according to the American wired harsh table calculation of wiring meters to know the necessary matters for wire for the secondary winding again we measured the lane of a turn of a wire because the primary winding increases the cord thickness 27 centimeters multiplied by 7 - that is the number of turns of the secondary winding equals 1944 centimeters this result is divided into 100 and get nineteen point four meters dub of wire for the secondary winding then we bind 39 meters of 12 girls wire calculating the wire in grams for now the winding grams of the secondary winding wire wait one meter of brush 12 wire weights 26 frames this amount is multiplied by the required meters 20 stick trans x thirty eight point eight meters equals one thousand eight grams copper children now we place a copper shield that will be the ground we measure the circumference of the core we cut a strip of copper the same length as the circumference of the core 2 centimeters less than the height of the car in this case it is 60 centimeters by 5 centimeters [Music] at one end of the copper strip a piece of wires weld and then cover it with carb or pressed on paper and we secure it with masking tape the strip of copper is placed around the transformer and secured with masking tape this copper shield serves to prevent possible magnetism leakage with my interfere with the circuit especially if there are preamps or a small sinusoids [Music] winding the secondary coil we now proceed to rule up the secondary winding at the secondary winding is dual or symmetrical this means having a central point or center tab we grab the wire in double so first I roll the amount of matters of wire calculated before in the one being the two wires at the same time then we hold the two ends of the two wires inside the core and stick on with masking tape the wires wound on the toroid orderly and tight considering that the wires do not get wimp with each other upon computation of the secondary winding attach the tip of the beginning of one of the wires with the end type of the another wire to form there by the central tab [Music] be careful not to touch the ends of the same wire to check these just the help of a multimeter at a continuous scale the multimeter chose continually measuring the tips of the same cable so the two ends that bounnam are continually are the ones to be joined [Music] the next test is made with a multimeter at AC voltage scale by measuring between tab and each of the ends of the wire the voltage should be fully symmetric then measured between the two ends and shall measure twice the voltage it is imperative to check the previous compilation of the Saturn tab to seen always the series circuit this is also down for your personal safety we can see that the voltage gave us 62 balls and we have calculated for 60 volts we mentioned the voltage public network and found that the college is because the voltage of a public network is a little higher having done this we proceed to weld the junction of the central tab which will sign the wires ends very well to obtain good relation of the trip [Music] begin both ends to from the central tab adjusting them strongly retaining the tips with plenty of welding wire we will good gosh wires in each of the wire ends [Music] use a different color cable for the central tab [Music] [Music] [Music] overall Julian with some heat shrinkable pieces we can cover the secondary winding with transparent 8 to give an elegant look to our transformer [Music] [Music] [Music] additional winding of 12 volt AC now we make an additional winding 12 volt and 1m for Fargo into cooler fan calculate the wire gosh of number of turns we use the same formula like this for a2 divided 35 centimeter squares equals 1.2 turns per volt 1.2 times 12 volts equals fourteen point four turns of wire that approaching 50 laps the gouge of the wire is determined from knowing the construction of the funa fans in this case we will use two cooler fans of 0.4 m/s which together consume 0.8 amps for this reason we use a wire carding 1m according to the American wire gosh table is the 23 - we win the cable Isis has done before and finish off with welding rubber coated wire in each of the wire ends cover it with heat shrink tablet and cover it with clear tape use the multimeter to check our additional winding a transformer can have more than one secondary winding and additional windings [Music] our transformer has two secondary winding 60 plus 60 balls in C we also add an additional winding 12-volt one M does serve to feed the cooler fans and yet another winding o 15 balls that we would use to regulate and fit the speaker protectors at the end we gave a finish with transparent tape keeping the wire inside we truly believe that this is the easiest economic and reliable way to make toroidal transformer because will allow you to assemble and begin to set up of higher powered devices without you being an expert on the subject it's easy success watch our suggested videos [Music] we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel go to the tool botton and check the box send me updates join us on facebook and follow us on twitter visit our website [Music] you
Channel: Ampletos
Views: 1,004,614
Rating: 4.8304415 out of 5
Keywords: Toroidal Inductors And Transformers, Toroid (Architectural Style), Transformer (Invention), DIY, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Electronics proyects, toroidimuuntajien, 環形變壓器, トロイダルトランス, тороидальный трансформатор, тороидни трансформатор, الملف حلقي محول, videorockola, jukebox, audio, amplifier, homemade
Id: lyZ7nM6Fo94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 20 2015
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