Calculate NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI, NDWI, MNDWI, NBR and NBR2 Indices using Landsat 8 Bands in ArcMap

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hello everyone my name is foursome lon today I'll show you how skully different types of indexes using Landsat 8 image alongside a teammate we have around 11 bands so today I'll show you how to calculate different types of indexes using this ones and then the first thing we need to do in order to calculate any type of index we need to convert the digital numbers to reflectance and this is the formula for converting the digital number to reflectance so in the formula we have Umbro this Umbro is it is melted in the scaling factor which you will get it from metadata and this metadata is a data which is provided with a Landsat 8 image and the arrow is is a little a scaling factor this one also indicated from metadata and Q Khalil this is the band so after calculating the reflectance value or after converting the return number to be reflectance value we need to correct this reflectance value with us an angle how can we correct it we have to divide the reflectance value with cause off local solar Zenith angle or sign of locals and in division angle so web we will get this locals and elevation angle we'll get it from metadata with the new moves and elevation so I'll show you how to get it from metadata and these are the ones we are going to use in order to correctly different types of indexes which is pancho the blue band 1 3 which is the green band and 4 which is the rate and 1 5 which is a red in fact near in karate grunt in front six which is shortwave infrared one point one seven which is shortwave infrared tube and so we'll use all the spans in order to calculate different types of indexes and first let me show you how to get the informations which is the multiplication rescaling factor and editing the scaling factor in that as an innovation for metadata so all sliming opened up the Landsat 8 image so this is the Landsat 8 image so in the longshot eating meat we have metadata this is the metadata open the metadata but here you cannot see it properly or clearly so in order to see this information is clearly or P select all any copies and open Microsoft Word in the passage there I am so if you see it in Microsoft Word is clearly to be clear to see any type of information under a microscope to work so here we have need to have three informations the reflectance must give the scaling factor affecting splitting this in factored in the Sun elevation you also gain this informations from the metadata rocking minimize this one also okay reflectance multiplicative a scaling factor this rescaling factor well III skill practice R is the same for all bonds if you see this is band one and this is one denied the MELD multiplicative a scaling factor is the same so copy this value in a basic here this is a multiplicative a scaling factor but the additive the scaling factor is is also the same the same brand new content one should come in so you can take any if you disk in a factor from any fund okay get it here this is additive a scaling factor first and then for the last an elevation that's an elevation here we have Sun elevation which is this volume it is volume in a basic here so this is local solar sannan-san in divisional game so we need to calculate local Sun local son Xena's anger which is here we have two solar ovens local Sun elevation angle and the local solar Zenith angle so we have the Sun invasion angle or that location in Michigan so we need to complete locals Allah in his ankle how can we calculate the local solar Zenith angle we need to subtract the sand invasion from my aunty if you subtract the Sun invasion from the integer get a local solar Zenith angle local solar Zenith angle but in arcmap in order to get accurate value we need to use radian them degree so for this one we need to convert this degree into Radian so how can we convert degree into Radian we need to use this formula degree times pi divided by 180 so let me open calculator okay so in order to calculate a Radian or agree with as much let me copy this number 10 degree okay times 3.14 if I define 180 so this is the new hope it is funny test it here so this is the value in the course of this path this value I'm here at course so this is the belief water was off local solar Zenith angle this is the relief water was was also not Zenith angle here in a pasty here so this is new so keep in mind this then close this one you don't need this one and then open the arcmap so this is there if my area so first let me bring my sock cake bunt okay let me think bunt to first okay this is one two so in order to start our calculation let me extract band tool for my area so in order to do that go to RTX and the specialist tools and then extraction extract by mask then input raster which is the one two we are going to extract the Abunda tool for our area so file of our area then let me call it one to my area click okay now we are extracting the band so for our area so wait for something else it is over so we don't need this one all this one so the first thing we need to do is we need to convert the digital number to reflectance value so how can we convert a be a number of reflectance we need to use this formula and this is thermal method in basically this is editing the scaling factor and this is the pant so multiplicative a multiplicative rescale important is this much and the editing the skin factor is this much so go to opt-in box especially studs and then map algebra and then open the raster calculator in them type multiplicative a scaling factor which is 0 0 0 0 times you can which is the pant - editing the scaling factor which is - 0 point one and let me give it be cool reflectance now we are converting the little number to reflectance and two we need to do all process what the or all buns okay this over click okay and then the second thing we need to erase reflectance with the Sun angle and we correct need to give away the reflectance values koskoff local solar Zenith angle so already we have the value the cause of local solar linear angle this is the volume off in this volume and then in the raster calculator a reflectance value give random fry most of locals who knows any lamp is it a value okay let me polish b2 holistic reflectance okay click OK now we are doing the correction focus on again it is over please was anything on this one this one also so here we have corrected reflectance value for poncho so do the same for all the bands for example we have done screen and bring this one six here we have one six point seven so I did the same procedure for all bands so the next thing is we need we are going to calculate the indexes here we have let me show you may here we have different formulas in order to calculate different types of indexes first let us start from mdvi so for in dB this is the formula in order to conclude NDVI we have needed for a bank - wait plant / near-infrared plant +8 fund this near-infrared plant in Landsat 8 images point 5 raid 1 days planned for so already we have the reflectance value of point 14.5 so go to octal box in the row second itself open the raster calculator then use floats it means floats near-infrared plant - replant / near-infrared plant + red band so this is the NDVI value for our again so this is the NDVI value click OK okay these over so this is the NDVI value for area you can change the color of the NDVI right click properties and here in the color the middle discolor so as you see from here we have different colors for the green one this one is with the highest in DVI and the red one this one is a little lost in DVI so you can conclude anyway by doing the same then let me calculate another index which is soil adjacent adjusted so digested vegetation index nearly 400 plant - treatment / near-infrared 1 + 1 + in this L is it is the same brightness correction factor the value of l VAR specular of green vegetation high vegetation area has L of 0 and that areas of no green vegetation has 1 in the L value of area with no vegetation is 1 but mostly we use in 0.5 so I'm going to use 0.5 for 0.5 for L so this is the nearing Ferrari plant this is the rape and they mill the same opened a second later rasa calculator near-infrared 1 which is 1 for 1 5 - brand for then we use float here a lot / needle the means float again plus and plus in NH 0 & 5 this is generally we use in five so n is 0 and 5 bracket in but one bit more 10 times L plus 1 in the 0 & 5 so 0.5 as 1 it is 1 point 5 so limacon this adjusted normalized index sorry I think so you digest it I will adjust it vegetation index vegetation index so this is another index click OK now we are calculating their soil adjusted vegetation index or area we have also modified so digested vegetation index so this is over I'm here right-click and properties you can change the color of this index and so they meet you this is soil I just adjusted vegetation index we have also modified so in I just add a vegetation index this is the formula for the modified soil digested vegetation index so go back to our map and open the raster calculator then use the formula open brackets 2 times 1/5 Niram near-infrared plant plus 1 minus square roots we have a scale here let me use power power 2 times near-infrared pant plus 1 we have to firstly here's a schedule here asking would use one clock in here and another bracket here let's get a little 2 times 1 5 plus 1 power off I cannot hear oh ma sure and then minus 8 times open bracket and 5-1 4 close the pocket then close the pocket again divided by Q so let me take the formula 2 times 1 5 plus 1 the power of square root of 2 times point five x plus one minus 8 point 5 minus point four so let me count bracket 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I think we need to remove some of the brackets I think the formula is correct it okay modified modified slogan and just just when taking index-linked okay well it is over I'm here and clearly this this okay the other index is this is normalized difference water index we have but here our index should be between minus one in the one I think there is some problem here let me fix that problem go to a chair if you're processing present open the raster calculator I think there is some problem usually and fix that problem 2 times 1 5 plus 1 minus skins muki uniform laziness correct okay the formula is not correct let me remove the schedule from here and put it here close the bracket then the power is only for this one Wow this is carrot is for all this values we need to add one more bracket here okay sweetles Garrity's all these values so add one bracket then for dividing way to add one more bracket and let me call this one modified so adjusted vegetation index so click OK because here we have or indexing is days on negative 1 which is no correct and that should be between minus 1 in the water it is greater than 1 there is some problem if this listen medicine there is some problems when you have to fix that problem so always our index should be between 1 in the negative 1 so can it work okay so if you see here you may remove this one there's not a correct one so right-click or parties okay so as you see from here that the value of the index is between minus 1 and 1 so this one is correct so me so let me calculate another index which is normalized difference water index which is 1 3 minus point 5 divided by 1/3 plus 1/5 which is 1 3 is the green band 1 5 is 10 near Inverrary plant in go back to Russell conclusive Tim band 3 green - near-infrared man let me use floats green band - kneading for a plant divided by and last band eating for a plant so this one is normalized difference water index okay here click OK so this is the force index we have the NDVI click OK it is over so for this one if that this the values needs to one you'll have more water if this needs to negate you one you have less water so you can interpret in this way okay let me calculate another index which is modified normalized difference water index in state of point five here we are going to use pond six or the modified one we're going to use the one six so raster calculator node 1 3 minus 1 6 nodes 1 3 plus 1 6 this is a modified modified normalized modified normalized difference water index link okay okay this is another index okay we have also normalized burn ratio index which is me referral it one - shortwave infrared to band / near infrared band plus shortwave infrared band 2 which is 1 5 - 1 7 divided by 0.5 + 1 7 so open the rustic on Twitter dn band 5 let me use flows and 5 - 1 7 another play notes 1 5 less than 7 this one is not my night burner is no any PR we have also any PR to click ok here we have any NBR - normalized burn ratio to the difference is here we use 1 5 year we will spend 6 does the difference ok this one is over so this is normalized burn ratio let us calculate our final index which is normalized burn ratio tree or anywhere to open the recycle later burned six lemierre's flows and 6-1 7 developer loads 1 6 1 6 + 1 7 this is nvl2 which is normalized and ratio click OK so here we have around 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 indexes so you can conclude different types of indexes using Landsat 8 image so you can follow the same procedure in order to conclude any type of index but for a to combat that is done about June of latency and the you need to collect a reflectance for the solar Rankin or Senegal so after that when you conclude the index be sure that your index should be between minus 1 and 1 and the if it is near to one new hub you have for example photo in deviating normalized difference vegetation index if the NDVI values needs to 1 we have more vegetation if it is needs to negative 1 we have less vegetation the same for all if it is for water index if it is need to negative 1 we have less water if it is near to 1 or positive 1 we have more water or everything you can interpret in this way so thank you for listening if you liked this video please subscribe my channel bye
Channel: Tech-tutor with Fitsum
Views: 13,446
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Id: Kz3NBYdHcaQ
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Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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