Cakewalk Tutorial | Bandlab | How To Record (Beginner)

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welcome floridia sorcerer's residents and gurus to my channel i'm dan spencer and i am the audio sourcer so this is the channel where i teach how to fetch a recording mixing and mastering skills so in today's video we're talking about cakewalk by bandlabs and this is going to be the first video in a new series i'm starting on cake blog and this video is all about how to record so i'm going to teach you guys how to record virtual instrument tracks which is basically midi and then i'm also going to teach you how to record audio inside of cakewalk so this is a very beginner tutorial but hey if you never use cakewalk you're definitely going to want to watch this video so before we get to it i do want to remind you guys that offer mixing mastering services so if you want to get your song mixed by yours truly you go to you can check out my samples and my rates and i give 20 off to new customers and if you guys end up liking this video give it a thumbs up please subscribe and hit that notification bell to have new videos coming out so with that being said let's get to this tutorial [Music] all right so here we are in cake walk by band labs and today we're talking about how to record within cakewalk and there are two different types of recordings you would do you would either do audio recording or midi recording and midi recording is not so much done on a midi track it's actually going to be done on a virtual instrument track and we'll talk more about that as we go so what i want to start with here is now that i have a session open here so make sure you guys have your session open now and you're ready to go we're going to talk about making sure that our audio interface is set up and ready to go so what you want to do is you want to go up to edit you want to go down to preferences and then you're going to want to go over to your playback and recording so you know pretty much every scenario i've ever worked with it's always going to be azio for your driver mode so make sure that you have azio set and whatever audio interface you have at home is likely going to be azio and you're going to be able to discover it in here so we have this on on azio then we want to go over to our driver settings and then we want to make sure that our playback timing master and our record timing master are set to our external audio interface so i have a focus right you can see that's in here if i hit the drop down that's all i have for azo so on my end i'm ready to go and when you record and this is always the subject of a conversation uh what sampling rate do you want to record at so this is where you would choose it within cakewalk so when i'm doing video like i am now i'm recording a screenshot and making a tutorial for you guys for youtube i prefer to do 48 kilohertz and that's what i haven't set it now now if you guys are recording music you're probably going to want to do it at 44 1 right here and the reason for that is is we still bounce down music to this sampling rate so yes we can go way above that but there's not really any listening mediums we listen to on that are you know doing sampling rates that's high so you're going to be safe as a 44 1. and one thing important too if you don't have a real powerful computer and a lot of people starting out don't you have a lot of cpu and a lot of ram when you start getting up these higher sampling rates here and you start putting a lot of plug-ins on your session your plug-ins uh run at a higher cpu when they're at these higher sampling rates here and you can only you can only use a few really if you have a very good computer like if you were to pop on like izotope ozone that might be the only plugin you can do if you are recording it you know 96 or 192. so just keep that in mind i know off topic there but i want you guys to know that so the other thing that is important when recording is you don't want to have latency of course so if you don't know what latency is that means when you say you hit a note on the keyboard or piano you hear it back delayed that's what latency is so we don't want that so what you can do is if you click azo pano this should launch whatever your audio interfaces software is so if i click on this here it should launch it all right so there we go popped up now so when it comes to latency the buffer size is what matters the most you want to have the lowest possible buffer size to have the lowest amount latency so i have mine set at 128. so if you look in here we have several different options in here so one thing you have to keep in mind is that the lower you go with the buffer size the more cpu your computer is going to use and if you don't have a very good computer you may not be able to go down to 128 you may want to do something like 256 which i think is fine in my mind so when you're actually mixing music you're going to put this as high as possible so i would do it at 1024. in most scenarios that's the highest you can go and that allows you to utilize your cpu the best as possible and you can run as many plug-ins as your computer is going to allow you to run so keep that in mind so i'm going to put mine back down to 128 here and pretty much all of our settings are good to go for recording when it comes to our audio interface so i'm going to close this make sure you hit apply down here and then hit close and now we're back on our main screen here so there's a couple things you want to think about when recording uh if you have an idea for your song if you've already written it like on acoustic guitar whatever then you probably already have a tempo in mind for it so it's important to have that figured out before you start making a song if you're just fiddling around then you know it doesn't really matter so much but i just kind of came up with some little piano parts i'm going to play in this uh tutorial so i decided 100 was the tempo i wanted to be so if you double click on this you can edit your tempo right here and that will affect it for the whole song you can also set your time signature here so uh pretty much 99.9 percent of all songs are four four so if you don't know music theory just leave it on four four and you'll be safe and then also regarding tempo we have a metronome track which is down here in the console view so the metronome track will play a little tick per uh beat basically and you'll hear it as i record and it just allows me to play in tempo with the song so it has its own fader i can raise and lower the level i can mute it if i don't want to hear it currently i have it set just to play during recording so when i actually do the playback you won't hear it which is the way i like it so the next thing we need to do is actually create our tracks so we're going to create a virtual instrument track and an audio track so for our virtual instruments they're actually located right here so in this tab here you'll see that you have a couple different things this is actually where all your audio effects are in here some of your midi effects and then you'll see right here we have our virtual instruments so i'm going to grab a piano here and i'm just going to grab the true pianos by cakewalk so i have to do is literally drag this over here let go and then everything in here just leave it as is simple instrument track that's basically all we need it set as hit okay and your track is created so i'm going to pull this down here just to expand the track a bit so when we record you're going to see midi data showing up in here as opposed to audio so the next thing we want to do is create an audio track just so i'm ready to go and a shortcut key for cakewalk to create an audio track is just simply ctrl t bam there we go got an audio track and we will name these because i like to have my stuff named of course we want to be organized so the first track is piano so let's just call it piano and the second one is just going to be a little guitar part i'm just going to play some like guitar arpeggios or something just so you can hear some audio recorded cool so we've got our two tracks so the first one we are going to do is the piano so you first have to record enable a track so that's simply hitting this record button here the little red circle and that means the track is ready to record and we want to make sure our cursor is actually starting at the beginning so if you hit w on your keyboard that will take your beginning or you can just drag this thing back kind of stubborn sometimes there you go so now we're all ready to record so all you need to do to record is either hit the record button here or you can hit r on your keyboard alright so here we go [Music] all right cool so that was just a simple little piano part and what i want to do next to it is quantize it and that means that all of my little notes within here are going to snap right to the grid lines up here and make sure that it is in perfect tempo so if i click on the clip here and then i hit q on my keyboard launches the quantize window so um i'm going to do 1 8th duration because i'm not playing many notes and 1 8 will likely be the safest for this particular song so i'm gonna hit okay you see that everything snapped into place so let's actually give it a listen back and make sure that it sounds [Music] good [Music] all right cool so that looks to be in perfect tempo and one thing that's kind of cool you can see on these clips here is that i'm playing piano and i have a sustain pedal you can actually see me pressing on and off of the sustain pedal and that's actually these little arrows are showing so just a little fun little note to know so now that we have our midi instrument track recorded i'm going to turn off the record enable for that track and now we're going to record a little bit of guitar now to go with it so the first thing we need to do is we need to select our actual input on our interface that our guitar or whatever instrument recording is plugged into so where it says i here we want to click on the down arrow and then we want to go find that input so in cake walk it usually shows up with left and right which just actually means that it's one and two so left is one right is two so i'm using input one so i'm gonna pick left right here and now i just need to plug in my guitar and we can make sure that we have audio coming in so let me do that now all right so i got my guitar hooked up now and we need to see if we're actually getting some audio level in so if you hit this button here it says input echo and now we'll be able to hear it [Music] cool so we got level coming in so now we just need to record enable the track and then we're going to have this start back at the beginning here and actually i'm going to turn off the input echo here because of how i have my driver set up to build in this youtube video um we're going to have some issues allowing you to hear this so let me record it and then i'll let you hear it back so here i go [Music] all right cool so i just laid down a quick little guitar strumming part it's a not perfectly in rhythm but i'll just play a little bit of it so let's give it a listen so yeah definitely needs to be fixed a little bit but that's what we have audio snap for cakewalk which we'll do in another tutorial so that is all the steps it takes to record um a virtual instrument midi track and then also a audio track so i hope you guys learned something in this tutorial and if you did give this video a thumbs up if you like what i'm doing please subscribe and hit that notification bell to have new videos coming out so with that being said until the next video i will see you guys later and peace out you
Channel: Audio Sorcerer
Views: 75,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cakewalk by bandlab, cakewalk, cakewalk by bandlab tutorial, how to use cakewalk, cakewalk tutorial, how to use cakewalk by bandlab, bandlab cakewalk, cakewalk daw, cakewalk bandlab, bandlab cakewalk tutorial, bandlab cakewalk review, making music with cakewalk, cakewalk daw review, cakewalk music, cakewalk tutorial for beginners, cakewalk by bandlab review, cakewalk for beginners, cakewalk by bandlab midi, cakewalk tutorial 2020, audio sorcerer, cakewalk recording software
Id: r1ux0Ms0P2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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