Cake O'clock in Florence Italy! 🇮🇹

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it is no longer pork o'clock which can only mean that it is cake o'clock and before cake o'clock it is sunset time I'm walking now towards the most famous bridge and oldest bridge in Florence called the Ponte Vecchio which was the only bridge not blown up by the retreating Germans in 1944 Florence like all of Italy was occupied by Germany after the fact she fell gonna have to bleep that out or else the video is not gonna do well in the algorithm but this is the most iconic bridge of Florence and it is of course incredibly busy full of tourists taking photos and you will see why in just a second there are apartments there there are restaurants out there and a lot of shops out in this bridge we are going to the Sun is going down right there now within 30 minutes so I'm just here to show you guys what it looks like from this angle oh you can go for boat rides as well and then I'm going to walk across the bridge show you some of the shops there and then we're gonna have a beer over there on the other side whoa didn't see that pavement nearly fell there also I'm gonna walk I'm gonna film the whole trip because I have to figure out a way to engage Italians on camera it's my lens all right yes it is proven very difficult to get Italians thus far to to talk to me when I'm filming in fact I have not been successful at all exception being the guy who sold me that porkchop so yeah I mean I understand you know people's locals skepticism towards tourists with the camera I mean there must be sick of us we've basically taken over this whole city but there must be a way my goal is as I possibly said before I ate a pork chop to create an Italy series that people actually watch tasting tour at sunset what is that is that a you have to sign up before you do the tour how do I do that if I search for tasting tour at sunset okay maybe I'll see you next time then yes thank you so much I will check it out yeah so this is ground zero for selfies when I was here with noodles that day two days ago he was even busier and there was actually a cube right here for for this spot because people want a photo with this view for obvious reasons I'm not gonna hello guys I have spectators you speak English hello YouTube well I lost my train of thought there when people stare at me when I film that always happens but let's go and have a cake and then after the cake we will see if I'm able to chat up some stranger's yeah that that woman I guess if she was Italian and I assumed she was is the first Italian who is responded favorably when I say hello with this camera you vote that's boot Oh no later I'm gonna tell you about that so here we are we just crossed the world-famous Ponte Vecchio bridge and then we turned right and then we are almost at cake o'clock establishment which the last time I was there I very very much accrued of let's see if we can find it again I think it's here Osteria del ponte vecchio hello you remember me I'm back for more cake and I want to show the world your your restaurant okay it's called Osteria del ponte vecchio and they had a beautiful cake here when I was here and they had a beautiful cake here when I was served with noodles two days ago let's go see I will take a seat but first hello which cake was it was it you have different cakes oh I'm did recognized again hello guys are you coming for cake o'clock are you coming for a cake o'clock yeah that's me thank you yeah well now you're in my video so are you here with your family yeah awesome hello family are you coming for a cake o'clock ah it's quite quite today a great view Altair so highly recommend this place enjoy your dinner bye bye okay which cake do you recommend today what cake is this and this I would like a cheese cake please and let me see I do you have that Moretti beer yes one more a tea beer please okay I'll be outside yes let's go outside okay see what it is like hearing a lot of other people [Music] this was my secret spot and today it's full of Americans Canadians I'm sorry I can't hear the difference though anyway this is the best view that I have found in Florence as far as cake o'clock videos are concerned that is where the video started then we walked across the bridge and now we are here I'm gonna see if I'm able to find an apartment to stay at over there because that would be real special but on Airbnb there was none so let's sit down and wait for the cake just making a video guys so it turns out that my secrets you know epic cake a clock place is not so secret anymore we have Canadians and we have people stumbling in wanting selfies with me and so I missed the actual cake presentation but this is what the cake looks like and now I have already forgotten the secret ingredient of the cake but if we have any experts here in the comment section please let me know what type of cake you think that is this this is to be remotely the best beer I've found thus far in Italy now cake and beer you know maybe it's not the best combination but it is what it is when as long as noodles isn't here I can drink whatever I want so for the big reveal see hold on let me get one mid some some berries on it guess that shop owner has had enough for me vlogging and blabbering on maybe I'm scaring away his customers anyway the cake is better than the cake I had last time when I was here with noodles sadly I didn't bring my camera at that time so I didn't document that evening but I'll give it a 9 out of 10 follows off by a Harold approves so seeing as people are here for fancy dinners and they probably spent a lot of money coming to Florence from Canada you from Canada right yes I don't think they flew to Florence you know to have an ranting Norwegians you know at the table just speaking over their dinner conversations so I'm gonna be polite here and turn off the camera and I'm gonna start recording when I'm outside see you there I'm back guys my beer is empty people here are probably sick of me rambling on it's not true grater met some Americans at the table next to me the people in front American aliens and have had an awesome time it's it's actually now much later than what I wanted it to be I was gonna leave here once the Sun was still up but anyway sometimes filming has to has to not come first so let's go and see what all this cost and pay the bill bye bye thank you nice conversation and - enjoy your holiday I need that Bell button I know who you are can I pay I'll see you I'll see you again tomorrow yeah hello I'm back yes my bill how much I like Mia the cake was beautiful it was so good Wow hey hey hold on there we go yes thank you so much thank you very much notice okay thank you thank you see you see you tomorrow thank you I lost my receipt okay guys best cakes in Florence thus far is this place called Osteria del ponte vecchio great view great cake highly recommended Oh people don't want to take up my recommendation now I mean I was actually going to film more but this camera sort of malfunctions when we have the lighting conditions that we do so I think that's gonna be it again I don't know as I'm recording this if this will be a one part video or a two part video so well you guys say you me even if it is a one part video you guys are used to me signing off fifty times during every video anyway so from Florence and the Ponte Vecchio bridge surrounded by hotties and yeah feeling like an idiot again because I'm the only one walking around talking to a stick Harold is signing off from what is quickly becoming my favorite city in the whole world which is why I think I might set up shop here for the rest of the month if not the rest of the year we will see how that pans out yeah so the Sun has probably just gone down over there so we missed Sun set but uh Wow confusing so many things happening around me here and I don't know what to say good night oh this what I was gonna say there is a game here in Florence so some some of you think that I upload these videos late I don't today is the 22nd I believe so when you see this if you're watching it today which is Thursday you're gonna watch it an hour after I filmed it on Saturday there is a game here Fiorentina is playing Napoli I'm a Napoli fan but when I was younger I used to like Fiorentina when they had the Rui Costa they had Batistuta and all those Superstars and I want to go and see that game on Saturday I'm gonna go anyway but if I have any Italian followers who live near Florence or are in Florence hit me up in the comments section or write me a message on Instagram at the Northmen HB and let's go to that game together now I'm signing off
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 175,163
Rating: 4.8956661 out of 5
Keywords: Cake Italy, Florence cake, Italian restaurant, Ponte Vecchio restaurant
Id: WyWV1wv1imo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
Reddit Comments

In some countries u can say hi and people would open up faster like turkey or America but Italians would never care that much haha

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
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