Caitlin Clark PRAISES Angel Reese and EXPLAINS why she didn't take FINAL shot in Fever LOSS to Sky

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start questions for Caitlyn Kel like start guys only scored I think Five Points in the last six and a half minutes of this game what do you feel like changed down the stretch offens before you guys quick just seemed like the ball got got really stuck um I don't know we didn't move it side to side like we had for three quarters which were we were really good um yeah I mean I just felt like we didn't execute it just felt like we kind of let them take that when they went on a little run we we could never find a way to respond and um you know that's what happens in basketball runs so you got to find a way to always respond and I don't think we executed any sort of set what does it take to get have a FK like that whether it's a message in a Timeout big possession anything something like that yeah I think we could have tried to stay together and kind of pedal a little bit more I thought we kind of fell apart a little bit um as a team and um the more you can stay together like especially in an environment like that like that's what they want to do to you like the crowd like they're they're obviously rooting for them like you can't let that bother you got to stay connected as a five on the floor and I thought we we could have definitely done a little bit better in that area yeah Kaylen today you're passing the ball really well you had a few deep threes I think in the final seven minutes you shot the ball twice you maybe wish that on some of those possessions you kind of just took it yourself was I mean sure you can wish it I'm I'm sure there was an opportunity or too for me to probably attempt another shot there quite at the end but I trust my teammates obviously 13 assists that means my teammates scored off of 13 of my passes like it's a really great number um so I'm going to give them the ball every time and give them an opportunity to score I believe in them and obviously Kel had a great game um I thought AB was really good I thought we were really good out of ball screen action for the three quarters um and then we kind of just struggled to even get to it um and obviously but it it wasn't our offense our offense was never never the problem we scored 87 points and we really didn't execute the entire fourth quarter it's we just foul we we have to stop fouling Angel especially in those last uh whole quarter just kind what you think why do you think you guys you think she didon yeah I thought she ran really well in transition I think she got a couple and ones in transition obviously she played a really great game um I think they definitely knew to be physical with us I think they probably watched the dream film and and saw that we fouled them Non-Stop and in Atlanta we were able to get away with that um and obviously tonight putting them at the foul line 32 times we put Atlanta at the foul line 35 times like seems like this you're not going to get away with that like it's not going to work usually like that it was impressive that we went Atlanta with how many how much we fouled and all the times giving up and ones like Angel had quite a few and ones there in the fourth but I thought she played a really great game so I had a question for both of you um today is the 52nd anniversary of the title nine so I was curious if you could both answer this if you could wave a magic wand and create equity in one aspect of sports right now what would it be the money we need more money uh no but seriously I think uh today was a really good moment to be a part of obviously with the with the history behind it but um I think let's saw the magic one I think this was a good moment for us as far as women's basketball is concerned today um you know the atmosphere of you guys the media um the fans your family you know the young kids I think this was a good atmosphere for us I think that the women's basketball game as a whole took a took a big jump today so I would agree with kelse like I don't think there is a magic W because I think there's so many areas where we can still improve across the board for not only basketball but all women Sports yeah um and I mean it's cool to see how far we've come in just the last few years and obviously I went to the University of Iowa that was you know on the Forefront of Title 9 and Dr Grant and everything that she did so obviously I you know coach blutter always preached that to us and how fortunate we were to be at a university that really supported women's Athletics and wanted that to be an opportunity for all of us and treated us the exact same as every other men's sport on campus and um so I was very fortunate in that regard and um but like I said there there is no magic wand there's so many areas that you can't just focus on one and you know slowly over time I think we can certainly get there you mentioned B screen actions earlier how do you think you've improved the most in your pick and roll game from the start of the Season you talk about yeah I think just you know reading whether they're trapping me early right away and just getting out of my hands um I think that's been the biggest difference I also think I've been getting trapped less I think if you look this stats I haven't been getting trapped quite as much but I think I'm done a really good job at deciphering exactly what they're doing um and I think just like our me and ab's connection has improved a little bit um in list like I think just the chemistry and getting to play with one another you kind of get on the same page uh with your minds a little bit better so um it's definitely improved and I think even like when I do hit AB right in the middle like if they rotate over ab's done a great job of swinging it to the next side and we've been we've been able to hit Shooters to knock shots out kelse today kitlin set a IND thep record for assist in a game do you feel like as the season has gone on that that chemistry just continues to grow as far as you guys having uh good connections with for pass is finding your hands a lot better oh for sure I think um experien is everything I'm I'm going preach that I think the more and more you learn the people that you playing with you create a better atmosphere on and off the floor um and I think that me and C Square are to a point where we could trust each other and we could rely on each other offensively and defensively obviously but um we I would like to think that our connection is gonna you know keep evolving to the point where um we won't even have to think about you know what each other need and just keep right way Kaitlyn qia angel andella are all very young um how exciting is it knowing that this that what you saw tonight could be the future of the WNBA and Kelsey what's it like for you to see that having gone through the last couple years maybe not seeing exactly what there was tonight I think they're doing amazing I said this couple weeks ago I think they did a really great job of you know for one campaigning themselves showing how great the game is on the women's side I think individually all are great players um so I think for me I'm I'm excited to kind of see both sides of it I've been on the side where he was slowly making a progress and then these guys come and they actually like kind of in a way put us on the map and then now I I guess it's only
Channel: TJ Sports Queens
Views: 78,336
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Keywords: TJ Sports Queens, Women's Sports, 2024 wnba season, wnba season, wnba, caitlin clark, kelsey mitchell
Id: Nfv4J20_sdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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