Cafe Racer (5 Tips to begin your Cafe Racer Design)

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I hate that channel's use of robot voice. Very irritating.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Widdy_Boswick 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is the most condescending and absurd video i have seen in a LONG time. Hot damn, it just about says everything I loath about the pretentious and superficial "culture" that exists now. Its as skin deep as they come.

What happened to a cafe racer being the slightest upgrade in performance over stock and not a trying hard to look cool with chinese junk random parts that someone else told you looked cool bolted on. Or just keep bolting on whatever everyone tells you to using the cheapest parts you can find online.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pattern_Is_Movement 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
do you want to build a cafe racer have you already started your project or are you still looking for the right bike good whatever the case this video will be perfect for you I will not tell you how your bike should be or what kind of choices you should make but I will show you a good path if you have the ability to see which are the most beautiful cafe racers in the world then you must also be able to design one and today you will learn how to get there after all it's Christmas welcome to race a TV you so for each task forget who you are don't think as an amateur builder develop everything as if you were a professional don't worry about your limitations because time will help you getting solutions and the first step is choosing choose your base motorcycle pick your favorite model that one which you really love and affordable to your budget it's probably the easiest part of the whole process the second tip inspirational examples select several of the best cafe racer projects try to pick some of the best you ever seen but related with your favorite buy I'm sure you have already several pictures saved on your computer isn't it this is also a very easy step but the hardest part is the third tip the reverse engineering process it's the process of extracting knowledge or design information from anything and reproducing it your job is to discover why those bytes are so beautiful study them examine compare them try to discover little details that make all those bikes so special the main intention is not to copy anything it's more about learning and discovering those little subtle choices that make some bikes look really amazing I'm talking about small details like slightly tilt the fuel tank or choosing the right tires the perfect proportions would be tastefully paint color for a more retro look choosing hub braids can also be an excellent option but be aware that some of these solutions don't work on all bikes which is why I recommend studying only projects based on your favorite motorcycle this way you will learn what really works use Photoshop if you can it's a very useful tool to make some experiments with your design and the fourth step the judgment process this is also very important avoid judging your project with your own eyes try to see your design as someone else who's seeing it for the first time imagine your reaction finding it parked on the street be honest with yourself what would you think if you saw it for the first time this is the best way to judge your work because eliminates the problem of the ego and pride which sometimes are the biggest obstacles to see the true beauty of your own work and now the fifth and longest part of all the evolution it's the last part to conceive the final design let time help you seeing what is right or what is wrong don't be afraid to go back with initial ideas or even give up some because this will only mean that you are evolving the things that today may seem beautiful to you tomorrow may turn to be only normal all these tips may seem insignificant but in reality they are very important just like on a good professional paint job the most important thing is a good foundation it's all about what you do before the final paint and this is also applicable to a good cafe racer project take your time a good'n tasteful design can take months to achieve or even years but you will enjoy all the process and it will make you feel proud thank you for watching race a TV and not as always I hope to see you next year but until then I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Channel: RACER TV
Views: 1,918,486
Rating: 4.8421659 out of 5
Keywords: Cafe Racer, Cafe Racers, Cafe Racers Tips, How to begin a Cafe Racer project, Cafe Racer Design, Cafe Racer TV,, Custom Bike, Custom Build, Cafe Racer Project, Scrambler Project, Cafe Racer Seat, Cafe Racer Honda, Cafe Racer Honda CB 750, Cafe Racer Suzuki, Cafe Racer Yamaha, Cafe Racer BMW, Cafe Racer Ducati, Cafe Racer Moto Guzzi, Cafe Racer Triumph, Cafe Racer Top 10, Cafe Racer bikes, Motorcycle, Best Cafe Racer
Id: gD6rmMYC6XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2015
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