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even if you know nothing about Fusion 360 today you'll be able to make this Mandalorian inspired coin Biff pow zap clunk clunk ouchie hey guys I'm getting an increasing number of requests to do cat tutorials which is something I've resisted as there are so many channels out there dedicated to this exact subject but folks keep asking so today I'll be doing a step-by-step demo that anyone can follow along and Learn by doing I'm going to be using Fusion 360 which is free for amateurs for non-commercial purposes as long as you maintain less than 10 active projects at any one time as said we're going to be making this coin and unless you're a confident artist you're probably cringing right now at the complexity in involved but honestly this will be just like tracing which is probably the sort of thing you used to do when you were a kid you will need this picture that I've drawn and provided freely for download it's not an exact replica of the mythosaur from Mandalorian as I've altered the dimensions a bit but it's close enough to recognize but hopefully not exact enough to annoy the franchise guys at Star Wars so the very first thing we need to do with Fusion 360 is to save the document Fusion is very good at Autos saving but of course you've got to save it first so we come along to the top here and click this little file looking icon and say file save and it's going to ask us for a name and not being very imaginative I'm going to say mythosaur that will do mythosaur coin mythosaur coin Jo and it's going to save it into my first project which is fine so I'll click save now comeing up to the top we see that it's saying version zero but as we go in fact there we go it's changed to version one proving that Fusion is Autos saving as we go and that's pretty useful as it can crash a fair old bit so we want those Auto saves the next thing we want to do is pulling that picture that I've provided for you and that will become a canvas that we're going to draw on top of so if you come up to insert at the top here click that and it says insert canvas which is great so we search on a computer to where it is there's mine and now Fusion wants to know where we're going to put it now we're in the 3D World of x y and Zed and that might confuse The Living Daylights out of you but don't worry about it the trick is just to pick a plane and go for it i' like to pick this bottom plane here I think of it as a tabletop I think of it as something that you're looking down upon so just click this plane and now we can see our image is ready to import right there it's asking whether we want to move it whether we want to change Dimensions but we're perfectly happy with how it is so over to the right here I'll click okay and if I use the scroll wheel on the mouse I can actually zoom in and out and see our little image that much better in fact if I come down to the bottom here and use What's called the orbit tool by clicking that and then press and hold the mes button down I can sort of tilt everything and change the angle and have a look for all different perspectives also you might notice at the top right right here we have this Cube and that's doing much the same thing now this little house here is a nice little reset point for us to remember clicking it at any time will return you to this position so we import it at canvas but what we want to do before we do anything else is decide how big this canvas is going to be how big is the coin that we want to make now we can achieve this very quickly by calibrating the size of this image if we come over to the left hand side we can see the word canvases if I click this little arrow there's the mythosaur that I've just imported or inserted rather so I'm going to right click on it and say calibrate now that's not a very good angle so I'll come up to the top Cube here and you can click top and in fact I'm going to zoom in slightly with the mouse now Fusion is waiting for me to click two points and whatever two points I click it will calibrate a distance so I'm going to try and find the very outer edge of this I'm zooming in a bit here that looks pretty good click also see motor Beed come out this side that looks pretty good there click and now it's asking for a unit size a dimension value and I'm going to say 30 for 30 mm now our standard Fusion is set up using metric measurements but you can change this in the preferences if you prefer but we're going to stick with Fusion straight out of the box so I'm going to type in 30 for 30 mm and enter and now what we have is a picture that's exactly 30 mm across its diameter like a lot of CAD packages Fusion 360 needs you to create a two-dimensional image before you can make a three-dimensional image now that sounds a bit strange but think of it that we need to do a sketch before we can make an object from it and to create a sketch all we need to do is come over to the left here where we can see this create a bar and what we need is this little green Plus if I hover over that you'll see it says create a sketch so I'm going to click it and again Fusion is asking what plane we want to draw upon where we want to draw our sketch now because we're already in top view from this Cube it doesn't look as though there's many planes to choose from if I click this little house there's our three planes again but actually we just want this bottom plane here this nice flat tabletop so I'm going to click that and now we're actually ready to sketch we're in the sketch environment doesn't look much different and it really isn't but all we got to do now is start drawing and fusion has a lot of very useful drawing tools and most of them we're going to completely ignore today they're all over here they're all very clever and we're not going to bother with them we're going to do something much more simple with we're going to come up to this top menu here to this spline tool and it's a very common tool which is why it's at the top so I'm just going to click it once what this will allow me to do is Trace around the outline of this funky skull here and I did say funky before anybody rides in so what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom in like so and I'm going to pick a point to start it doesn't really matter where we start but I'm just going to pick a point I don't know say there and the moment I click just once with the mouse Fusion wants to get started and it won't stop until I click another point so I'm just going to come down here to where it sort of starts to change direction and I'm going to click and I'm going to keep going along and I'm not worrying too much about this line at the moment I'm worrying more about the changes of Direction so I come here and I'm going to click there I can see it's going in a bit so I'm going to click there it's coming out a bit in a bit you get the idea we just sort of and again I'm zooming in and out and I can also move the whole image around by just holding down the scroll wheel again I'm just going to keep following the shape around now that line might not stay very close to what we actually want but don't worry about it just go with the flow and don't be tempted to do too many points you can be mad and start doing this sort of thing and actually that will make it worse believe me and what I'm doing now is I'm just clicking controll and Zed to undo those few points and I'm just going to go ahead here like [Music] this now here we have a sudden change of Direction we're going sort of from a Bend to a straight edge and that can be tricky so the best thing to do is to end the spline at that point so I'm just going to double click and things are looking very confusing all over the screen with these green lines but ignore it instead come back over the point that you just finished on and just click once click and now I can come down here and just click once again and there's a nice straight line if I start going off again I'm not going to keep my straight line so I'm just going to double click and finish now I'm going to click to start again and keep going so that's how we can go from sort of a curve to a straight line using the spline tool I didn't like that let's do yeah that's better that worked and again if you put a point that you don't like don't be afraid to just control all and Zed to undo it reposition it and then carry on and because this is extremely boring to watch just sit there while I quickly Zoom through this now at this point I'm actually going to make a deliberate mistake I'm going to come down here double click to finish and when I start I'm going to accidentally on purpose miss that point and that will become relevant in a [Music] moment and as I'm coming to the end here I want to try and finish exactly on top of the point that I very first started with like so and again double click to finish and the whole world has turned green polka dots which is great fun I'm just going to come over to the side here and right Mouse click and I'll get the word okay appear here and what that does is it shuts off the spline tool and gives us this nice little common cursor another thing we could do rather than right clicking okay is we could just hit the escape button now what I didn't explain very well cuz I'm pretty usess at doing tutorials it seems is what we're trying to do is draw a continuous line all the way around our subject so if I just do this one for a moment and what I'm doing is when I'm stopping I'm double clicking so that I continue exactly on top of this last point and it's very important that we do maintain a continuous line again up to the top and watch what happens now click that and absolutely nothing double click that come over to the side into an empty space right click and okay and what you can see is it's actually a slightly different color and if I hover over it it changes a different color again in fact if I click it it becomes blue now in theory I've done the same thing over here to this skull but you'll notice there's no change of color click it it doesn't turn blue and that's because I deliberately made a mistake down here so this line is not continuous which I did accidentally so I can take these two points here and pull them together and everything has joined up and there we go that's blue so that is one continuous loop now and because it's a continuous loop if you like it's formed an island so to make this island you have to have a continuous uninterrupted line so let's crack on and do the rest now this time I've deliberately taken the line past the point where it should have ideally finished and again this is because I was trying to create a teaching moment so again coming right the way past that point and clicking double clicking rather there we go okay now again it's created a solid continuous line which gives us this little island and turns that world blue which is great and that's what happens when you cross over the lines infusion but watch what happens if I just grab one of these lines and pull it over here I've broken that continuous line like continuous circuit if you like if I put it back it closes the loop again we can try and Fiddle these around and maybe pull them together and things but there's also a nice little tool called a trim which can take care of this for us so we just click t as a shortcut and now we can literally trim away these little Tails like so again we get lots of strange little G green arcs all over the place we'll ignore that and either hit Escape or right Mouse click and out okay so let's finish the rest off now now you may be thinking I've done a shocking job of following this outline and in truth I wasn't worrying about it and I Ur you not to as well the splin tool is very good and it works best if you don't worry about it too much as you're going instead worry more about laying out that line and then we can actually come back and adjust things and if I come up here that's not too bad but if I grab this little point just by holding down the left Mouse button I can actually or should be able to drag it along there we go I can take it up I can take it down I can take it sideways and just through doing that I get to change the that Contour just that little bit I'm just fine tuning and you can do this as much or as little as you want because really it doesn't matter we're dealing with o t of a millimeter here but again you get the chance to be as pedantic as you like about this it's just a matter of moving these various points around and getting as close as we can or as close as we want to the correct shape now rather than move these points around another thing we can do is just click on them once and then we get these little green handles now you can click on either one of those and move it around and you can see what it's doing to the line behind it and this can be pretty useful at times but it can also send your world absolutely mad but you do whatever you prefer Fusion is full of options so now I'm just going to check that everything worked and we can click on all our little Islands I don't think islands is a correct term by the way I've just made it up but it seems to work now lastly we're going to do the circles for the coin itself with this outer one being a sort of bezel and again Fusion has got many useful tools and one of them is a Centerpoint Circle and because it's so common it's appear on the main toolbar so I'll just click that once and now I'm going to zoom all the way in and can you see this Center Point here you'll find it smack in the middle of the world smack in the middle of our canas and as we going hover over it we can see that it actually wants to snap to it so I'm going to click that once and now as I come out I'm going to reach my Outer Circle there that looks pretty good about there and click so I'm now going to do the same thing again smack in the middle of the circle smack in the middle of our world there click and this time because I know we want a 30 mm coin I'm going to type in a value so at any point I can just let go of my mouse and type 30 and return and now we have a 30 mm diameter circle and that's our sketch finished now we can take this sketch and extrude it into a three-dimensional coin so we just go up to the top and click finish sketch and not a lot changes other than the grid lines in the background have gone I'm going to go up and click our little home button at the top to give us a nice isometric view or whatever want to call it and you can see everything sort of lying down on our tabletop now to take a two-dimensional sketch and pull it into a three-dimensional shape we need to use the extrude function and the short Cod for that is e so I click e on my keyboard so I'm going to come to this first Outer Circle here and I'm just going to click it and it turns blue showing up over here in this extrude panel that I've selected one profile which is this shape here that's our profile if I click it it'll disappear click it again and it will come back now I'm going to extrude this and I've got to decide how thick I want our coin to be and I think 2 mm sounds pretty good so I'm going to click two and you'll see straight away Fusion is sort of giving us a preview of what this will look like and if we look over here at the extrude panel we can see that we have selected the one profile which we know the start point is that profile that's okay we're traveling in One Direction which again is good we're pulling out to the extent of a distance which is a known value of 2 mm and the operation is creating a new body now every time we make something physical we make a three-dimensional shape Fusion calls this a body so creating a new body is exactly what we want and when you look at my body trust me I need a new body so I'm going to click okay and there we go we sort of have ourselves a nice little ring shape if I use our orbit tool at the bottom I can move around and see that it's been created and that looks pretty good happy enough with that I can click escape to get out of the orbit tool come back up to the top click a little house button back to our view and of course as a coin that's pretty rubbish so we need to select a few more things but but hang on a moment the sketch that we had when we first arrived has now disappeared and that's classic Fusion 360 the first time you extrude anything the sketch disappears because Autodesk want to make life hard on us it seems but not to worry we come over to the side here where it says sketches click this little arrow we can see that the sketch that we did which it called sketch one this little icon here is turned off pretty if I click it again it's come back I'm going to click here now this inner circle around the skull click it once and you'll see that it turns blue and I'm going to choose e for extrude and this time I'm going to give it a value of say 1.5 why not 1 and a half that sounds good and again looking over at the extrude panel here we've chosen our profile we've chosen our start plane we're going in One Direction only which is fine fine and if we come down a little further we're extruding 1.5 which is fine but look at this the operation is saying join and that's correct because we've already created an outer body we created that ring but we don't want to create separate things we want one solid piece so the part we're about to extrude needs to join onto the part that we've already created so join is correct so we're going to say okay again using the or bit toall pan around and see that that's there doesn't look brilliantly clear yet but trust me it's there so I'm going to hit the escape button and now I'm going to extrude these pieces here and this angle isn't brilliant it's not bad but I'm going to choose to view from above by clicking the top button over here that's better I've got more of a view so I'm going to click extrude once again and this time I'm going to select every part of our skull including the horns so click click click click and click and what this shows you is that you can extrude more than one part at once so now I'm going to choose a value of two and okay okay and use our little orbit tool now move around and oh there we go that's looking pretty good it's hard to see what's going on and the reason it's hard to see is because the sketch is turned on and we can also see the canvas so now you can kind of understand why Auto disk turn off that sketch the first time you extrude it does kind of get in the way so I'm just going to turn the sketch off and because I can still see the canvas underneath I'm going to turn the canvas off as well now suddenly we can see our coin and that isn't looking too bad for something that seems so difficult to create you've got to admit that's pretty easy now a lot of you guys are going to be saying that's not a coin it's a token a coin has an image on both sides but we can soon turn this into a coin if I come back and turn on our sketch and now I rotate using the orbit tool spin Our Little World Around and come at things from the rear something that we've probably all tried at some point go to right Mouse click and okay or press escape and we can if we hover over our image we can see that that sketch is still there it's actually on the very bottom of the coin and that's useful for us so I'm going to click extrude and this time I'm going to select everything except this area here and that looks like everything selected yep I think we are now the value that we want to give this we just want to go with that sort of embossed height which is half a mm so 0.5 but hang gone everything's gone red this time why is that well when we're working on the bottom of our coin and if you just look at this Arrow here it's showing you the direction it wants to extrude now what it's actually dra trying to do is it's trying to cut because extrude and cut are basically the same function in Fusion if you go one way you cut into something if you go the other way you extrude as you can see if I grab this Arrow I can actually extrude further in and cut away almost everything or I can extrude by going the other way but you'll notice if I go the other way which in this case is the direction we want we now have a negative value you see when we were going the way we previously went our little numbers were all positive the moment of going the opposite direction and numbers have gone negative and that's just something we need to think about so we can control the direction of an extrude just by changing numbers from positive to negative so I'll put in minus5 and now come over to the extrude panel we can see that we've selected our planes we can see that we're going out a distance of minus5 and we want it to join so we click okay and there we go turn off our sketch select our orbit tool and now what we should have is a coin now all we need to do is export this as a printable file if we come along to the left hand side again you'll see the word bodies which I mentioned earlier and what we have is one body because that's all we've created today if I click that Budd that coin turns blue proving that that's the body we want and in fact if I turn off the view that coin disappears now we can change the name of this very simply by just double clicking the word body and I can type straight in and I'm going to call it coin because I'm not very imaginative I hit return so now we know that the name of the body is called coin so if I rightclick over the word coin I now get lots of options and the one that I want is save as mesh so I'll click save as mesh and we get a bunch of options appear in this save panel over here saying what do you want to save the meshes now I've done this before and fusion has remembered but you might not have these options appear so quickly going through them we've selected the first body which we know is that and that's what we're trying to save the format we have a choice of format I could choose an object or I could go with an STL or a 3mf and I'm going to stick with STL binary it's going to ask for the units well we've had millimeters all the way through and I'm sticking with that now when it comes down to refinement that's sort of asking what sort of quality we want well I want to go with a nice high quality I've produced a nice coin here I want to keep it and that's it we can ignore everything else and just click okay now it's saying what do you want to call this well I'm going to call it with all coin there we go and it wants to know where we want to save this and I'm going to save it to downloads because again I have no imagination but I'm going to click save and here's the coin printed I've added a little paint to make it look sexy and I think you'd agree that actually looks pretty good and it was easy to create so what I hope I've showed you here is how easy it is to take an existing image and Trace over it using Fusion 360 to make a three-dimensional object and I'm going to call that a finished video I hope it's useful to you guys I certainly haven't covered anywhere near all the things that Fusion can do but what I have given you help is enough information to give you the confidence to have a go and see what you can create for yourselves so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial guys take care and thanks for watching
Channel: VogMan
Views: 2,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cad cam tutorial, cad, auto cad, cad design, cad tutorial, cad tutorial 3d, tutorial, beginner, easy, stl, 3d print, vog, vegoilguy, fusion, fusion 360, autodesk
Id: lreS58lmkTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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