CA5000 Water Tank Assembly Instructional

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ready yep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so here you want to leave these two bolts out because the next panel slides in behind here so you've got to be three down just have these loosely at the moment so you would equip this one on the inside and the inside you wouldn't put it on the outside the outside now we're gonna use a pudgy bar so you can go through and pull all your bolts free please so now we're ready to install the middle panel so on this side gear the other panel that's good to go in between these two panels here this is a reason why we leave these two bolts out if you put these bolts here in you can't you can't put the panel in so I've got to make sure that the panel the next panel slides in between these two sheets here when it slides in this side outside here so I will always be outside the inside outside inside if you if you built the tank the other way where this is on the outside that side there will be inside but preferably if you build it this way you can't go wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] same again but when it comes to the last one you've got three sheets so you're going to make sure it goes in the same they did last time that's on the other that one's that one's yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] same again it's got to go in between this one and hang on this one in this one not this one now in your kit you'll have these brackets here which go up the top so just leave them like that for the moment and come back and we'll sort that out okay this is the tool that you want a little line makida impact wrench 1/2 1/2 inch little these ones here this one here is your tick driver this one's a little bit too small to tighten that bolt you'll go through this one a lot more than what you will with this one here a great little tool so what I'm going to do now I'm just going to nip up this bottom line here just a little bit just enough that and then the top line as well just make sure this holds pretty well in line those two there for the moment I'm going to write now that we've just nipped up the bottom and the top one it gives us a bit more of a true reading with our level where I put our spirit level on so we're going to put that one on here and what you want to obviously what you want to be in the two lines now if it's leaning out that way it means it's too high so what we want to do is we want to make sure that we level okay this one looks a little bit too good on that one so obviously this is going to get a bit noisy so we're gonna put some earplugs now that we've got a tank level you need to put in a moisture barrier underneath the tank now when it's rolled this way what you're gonna be able to do is you want to turn it back over so it's like that it just stops it from rolling up slide underneath I'm just gonna slide this underneath to you okay then we're gonna go to the next one so now we're going to do our ring beam installation so what we need to do first is just measure the distance between this one and this one we're going to go half way so we want to measure about 52 inches from there mid to 52 inches little just a little mark there so you know that we're gonna put a tech screw in there so I'm gonna do the next one and complete now this one here you want to be half way in the joints okay just get you to hold that there for me please then we're gonna grab a tick down on ticks free drill these out so now that we got those in you can see how they hang down a little bit so we need to put the ticks room through here so just get someone on the inside just to hold that up plus with the top of there yep got it what's your eyes okay so you have one in every panel you go around alright next stage is to go in and tape up the joins here top and bottom so I just basically want to be about half way you want to do this right here stick it here and come back with otherwise that doesn't stick once we've done that you want to put three strips you don't want to be too close to here because one day we're going to put these up so I'm only going to use this tape when you tape it across you don't want to place otherwise it's going to get this is going to get in the way here we're gonna grab our liner strip now this is a reason why we've left the hole up up the top what you want to do is we just want to line that up right up the top there find out where your center hole is get to knife just put a little hole through there you can put this nut on as well we're gonna place this tree here like this then we're gonna place that through the hole then what you wanna do is you wanna basically with the rolls you want the roll turning inwards you don't want turning outwards that way remember I have that in line with that rail bolts just put your foot in it from the bottom of it grab one of these tapes you want to come down to from the row here so just come down to flutes one flip and then basically you just want to lift it up so it's the liner feels it's not going to basically pull these down so then the same again you just want to be one foot underneath there and just type that across and same thing on the bottom sometimes what you need to do but this is just roll without just hops it's a bit flat this one here is the same again you want you want a little bit of play and they there so again as the line is filling out is pressing up so if it was tight like that you can imagine that's going to fill up fill up and also and pull these down close this one you want to get right down in the bottom once we got the liner strips or bulk cover strips in position where we've lift this hole out here that's for the liner so what we want to do is that's in the flute that's going outwards and the flute that's coming inwards we want to cut just on there so you want to cut about 50 million from here and just a little slice entry or liner here okay next stage is their roof truss so we've got our little pack here again we've got these two bolts so therefore your roof us the roof truss is going to be in two pieces so we want this one angling angling down so we can lay that one this way the other in there when you go to join this up on the ground just make sure that no stones or anything get stuck in between this one you can that with an adjustable wrench or a three-quarter ring spanner now what I'm going to look for here is if I've got a building on this side I don't want the main ran off of the roof because dining on I want the main run off coming towards the shed so I'm gonna run the roof line that way away from anything that can affect it with water so this way I don't really have to worry about it here so we're just going to basically [Music] basically where the property that you sent to an empty center you join a bracket for your ring beam so I'm gonna just put offset on this side and I've seen that that side which will basically be in the center or if not you'll be in the middle here in the middle across there so this will depend on where you've got a building so as I said if you've got a building over there that's close to the tank that way here all you're taking is done strip - whole you've got your bolting so we good to go going out the way that doesn't matter about your stone or anything this basically protects about about seven pieces over here we're just going to fold it over a little bit just to give it a double layer right down in the bottom sometimes you get a little bit of a gap underneath here so you just want to cover that up so you basically fold it up put it right in the corner piece of tape one next to your strip just keep working around now when we come to our fitting we don't want these up the wall so when you put your outlet on the rub is going to be on top of this so you want to be down at the bottom just clearing enough so you can imagine your rubbers a little bit bigger than the hole you want this wants to be so like facing on the drill British strip sideways and then put that on the sheet going across the bottom and then that way this can't come up when you go do your fitting you can't come up and get behind your rubber [Music] now we're going to do our 150mm overflow installation this only goes one way as well you've got your rubber your fiber washer in your nut that basically tells me that that goes on the inside so what we need to do is undo this outside one first and click both of these off this one goes on the inside now you'll only get one way to the corrugation so just keep moving it around and towards the corrugation so that's the right way any other way that's the wrong way basically you know that that's where it's sitting so once you've done that we'll go to the outside the same the same with this one here it will only fit one way to the corrugation [Applause] [Music] now this always has to go in before the liner just make sure you're sitting in there nicely I'm just gonna grab more spinner so here we have a timber spinner basically just keep an eye on this one here that it's basically not coming up this way that way is it a little bit oversized that you can reasonably tighten them you don't want to overly tighten them because you may crack them up you can put a bit of pressure on him okay so that's all talk yeah and then once we do that we're then going to make sure we need to take this one here off well with this one I'm gonna hang the liner over here I'm going to cut the hole in the liner the liner sits up against that one then you'll have your rubber then you'll have your fiber washer and then your not but I'll show you that process a bit later just remove those up from the tank then we're going to start installing our liner just be careful with your knife but you don't cut through this because your line is in here just be careful just cut the tape now if you like you can remove this if you want to but you don't have to you can leave this in the bottom now once you unroll it in the back you on your liner before I step in the liner I've shoes on take my shoes off [Music] place in the center with yellow tape first off what we want to do is have a look around the liner and you're gonna have an upright scene to keep looking so here we have an upright scene where the liners join together now with this here you want to make sure that you're not near the overflowed or the outlet so this is in a good position away from note so this way you wanna [Music] go to the roller box we've got enough play there so once we get sorted out we'll come back and we'll clean that up so back to this one now once we've actually got to hang up my nose you can see how this is not a business across vibration here that needs to go back that way so now I've got most my liner hung I'm just going to go in and clean it up finest art up my truss it's all sitting pretty straight [Music] basically up to this level here so I'm just going to put a couple slots just stick enough for the truss I'm gonna stick this one behind so that when I put the line up and over he's gonna sit right up and over the top and then once I've done that I can go around and just clean it up a little bit now this one here I'm gonna use a little bit more tape so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna grab my knife I know that's a pretty well in position there and I'm gonna go in between here the ring beam and the the tank and I'm gonna actually basically just to cut that out okay so you don't want to go too far at the moment okay just make sure that doesn't fall back in grab your tape just run a little bit over the top just to hold it there now this one here you'll need a few more pieces just like that and that way it can't fall in if it looks like it's going to I'm just going to put a little bit of extra tape there just so it doesn't now just keep the liner inside the outside of the panel here okay your where your overflow is on the inside you just want to make sure it's nice and flat that you haven't got any folds like this going across over this way on the inside you want to just make sure that it's a nice flat surface so when you go to put the rubber on you don't have to deal with any creatures or anything like that okay now that I've done my overflow hang on lino I'm going to do the overflow and I'm gonna do the bottom fitting and now we're going to cut out hole for our overflow so like I said we just want to make sure that's nice and flat around there and what you want to do is you want to get you you want to use a long knife of some sort you don't want a little blade because if you come out you can step the line or somewhere where you don't want to so really a long each knife you want to feel for the inside of the the pipe so I'm gonna do we're just going to stick stick your knife in there and we're going to cut all the way around the inside of the pipe first let's take care of this so again have your knife all the way in that way you've got no way of coming out and stabbing the liner anywhere now now because we cut on the inside this over it's actually gonna stretch up a little bit so what we need to do is we need to cut out another three millimeters of it so this is pretty pretty careful that you don't cut too far in so again you just want to follow that circle around but just a little bit bigger just take care with your spit you don't want to come to pee so now wind that goes over there you're not going to get in the stretch the material just want to make sure that's nice and flat sitting on there quickly just for instance if you cut this too big what can happen is the thread in here can get stuff on the liner and what I want to do it will want to twist the liner so you want to make sure that none of that is on the thread so same again we're going to use our rubber washer first then we're going to use our fiber washer [Music] [Music] you want to make sure that's reasonably tight be careful not go too tight please you can spin off the nut there sorry good there and see how it's nice and flat now we're going to install our fifty movie out late at the bottom we've got once we got that all tight we're gonna put in our elbow sorry that's not the level of the over flake a lot of customers say I was out with how Lots it's right that's their height here so that's going to go on here like this but what we need to do we need the silicon is on sorry I'm going to have more silicon gun here it's going to silicon in all in the long here you don't need a lot of silicon but a good amount is good and what we're gonna do we're gonna put that on that slide along nicely just make sure that's nice and square if anything what you do is you put your level on there to make sure you level yep yep and they're not on the inside here I'll conceal all the silicon so now what I'm gonna do if you wet your finger with water or spits a really good one just go on the inside and just clean all that silicon up there put a bead over over the door in itself it just helps and then you're done but now we're going to put in our outlet at the bottom so I need to undo it so these are a left hand thread so you'll notice with the rubbers here you've got one that goes either one goes out there usually you got to spin these ones over so this one goes on the fitting there like that so when it goes into the wall that fits in the corrugation and this one fits over the corrugation on the outside if it's the other way around it won't fit in so I'll pass these over and before I'm ready to cut that hole I'm just going to go make sure that you know all my line is in position make sure I'm right in the bottom make sure I've got enough play [Music] don't have to worry about these creases when the water tubes up that will just press against there and pull all that up so now we're gonna do is I'm gonna hold here so I'll ask somebody outside you put your finger through the hole okay so here's where my hole is so you can see down the bottom huh I come down here I've got a I've got the circumference see now my holes just going to be if I press here like this you can see the the outer of the hole here right there but the thing is I'm gonna cut through this if you don't want to do that so one of two things you're going to drop the scene below or above so this way here I've got enough play in the wolf so I'm just gonna bring my line back this way and then push the end in these two sections here I'm just gonna make sure that seam is underneath the outlet so I can fill my hole here again and my seam is underneath the outlet so same again you want to use a long launch place it place your toys right in the corner then so it's nothing to move I can see my hole there again you can feel the edge of the panel just make sure you've got no creases anywhere near here I'll grab my knife again just find your edge watch your fingers I'm going to poke it all the way through so when I cut it I'm going to use this part of the knife I'm not going to use a little knife because if I'm going like this it will come out and you'll put a hole somewhere in the line that you don't want so place your knife all the way through and just slowly cut around and you'll feel the steel until you go all the way around okay I'll pass my knife out so it's not in the way I'll grab my fitting so same again this one here will fit in here if I had the other rubber it fits over this part of the corrugation so it won't work so now I'm going to place that on I'm gonna place that true make sure you're actually sitting in there nicely and he's gonna put the other side on he just needs to hand tighten that one on the outside okay okay now this bit here I'm just going to press back up in here I'm gonna grab this little bit of liner here where the bottom of the seam is here I'm just going to grab that just a little bit of play under this fitting so if you get any settling in the tank ranging like that you're not gonna have an issue and that way I've got a little bit of play so if I have anything settling under there I've got that little bit of movement so make sure your line is back in position and you're all good to go now that we've got our two inch outlet in we're gonna put our ball valve on sorry what we're gonna do here obviously we need thread tight now with your thread tight you're gonna be screwing it on this way so your thread tape has to go opposite if you put your thread tape that way as you tighten it up it's all going to come off so all the thumb is whatever way you screw it on your tape has to go opposite so we're gonna start on here you want a reasonable amount on there I'll usually put a little bit more towards to the back and so as you're tightening it up and you always want to finish off at the front you don't want to finish off at the back here you want to finish off at the front okay we're just going to finger tighten or hand tighten this one first a little bit and you want to tighten that so it's pretty tight there that rubber starts squashing out once we've done that we can then tighten this one up a little bit now this is a tapered tread because of that there should be able to get one more around just to make sure that that's gonna be nice and tight for me and then you just want to end up with the hammer the handle at the top once you've done that just close it off and that's all done now that we've done that we can start putting water in it and fill it now we have all that in position and everything we're ready to put our roof on so before I put we put our roof we need to put our dustin berman which seals up in the corrugation so what we need to do here you want to place it more towards the edge edge here just take care of it let's go in and stick it around towards the edge now say about every meter you wanna you want to rip this paper otherwise if you don't this will actually want to curl in like this so just make sure you go around you want to leave your paper on don't peel it off yet okay now we've got our dust and vermin and everything on we're going to be ready to resolve a roof so here we have two sheets at four feet 11 inches so we going to put one in each corner so I'm gonna grab there when you place these on the ground make sure you place them in the same way okay so see how this goes up and we're gonna face it that way all the sheets have to face that way now we have five sheets at three feet three inches now we have three sheets at seven foot three inches so we gonna lay them all on this side [Music] that side of the roof is gonna go under and this side of the roof is going to go over like this so you always want to put this an under sheet in first okay we got to start putting in a roof up now so are we gonna start with our central long truss long sheet sorry so we're gonna use this one here so code you can cross that up to me please this doesn't fall inside now the center of the pictures you centre of your sheep so I'm gonna count six from the flute one two three four five six and it's going to be roughly your Center so I'm just gonna line that up roughly to where it is the other side just a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's pass the sheet same again I'm just going to come back to from this one now I'm going to come back to from this one side three again including that one one two three four one two same again one two three pleading that one more one two and these chicks are going to go over the top so we're going to do I'm just going to put a mark [Music] I'm just gonna come back yeah I'm gonna miss two and do one well then I miss one and do one now can stay up here and someone can pass them up to me so pass off in the next short she gonna be a little bit careful when you put the cheeks after you don't rip off your duster baby so as I said before this one's for the guy underneath this sheet so what we're gonna slip it in between this one and that one gonna go right underneath [Music] [Music] [Applause] underneath okay this one's got to go under but just be careful you Dustin Berman for me so when you put this one under you gonna lift this side so it doesn't rip the Dustin boom so now this one is going to go in between these two [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay ooh you're dusting gaming off today please so you can see like this is where we need to drill here so what we need to do this is pretty hard to see on top sometimes but just line up yeah you're trusting in line there like that roughly see how our Dustin demons coming out so you want to just make sure that's in position sitting in there properly now I put in experience to try and find out where you've got to put this tech screw you can find it a little bit difficult and you may miss so one good way of doing it is if you get your tape measure you basically we're going to drill on this one here alright so I'm going to follow that line all the way to the tape middle I'm going to come towards the end and I've got my measurement so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to lock that off there and then I'm going to transfer this on top like so and so when that measurements on top I know that that's at the edge of the panel's so this corner here is going to be the edge of the panel not this corner because the way the tanks going so what I'm going to do now is you've got to imagine underneath the roofing on you've got the ring beam which is only 25 mil so I'm just going to come back about that far and then I'm going to screw now I'm gonna get my ring beam all the time sometimes when you come along when it's really cared like that you've got to come in a little bit further so now I'll go to this one where I've got to drill I'll do the same measurement underneath measure from that corner I've got my measurement up there I'm going to lump it off now the same game when I measure it comes off of this corner not that corner so you got imagine that one so the same again I'm just going to come back yep that fire half an inch screw it down now that we've got our rear screw down we've got to remember that we've got to put a roof face on these ones so what we've got to do is cut the roof inside here so this is where the roof finishes and it allows the leaves and everything come up as well if we cut it right up to here when we put our face run the LEAs can't come off so we're just gonna basically have a look in here we're gonna go Basin that's gonna sit underneath so we're just gonna make sure that this is going to be the right measurement inside here okay so generally a five inch grinder just straight like that is basically what you're after all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start marking this out from underneath now you only need a small mark so that you know where to cut I'm not gonna cut through the double overlap where the sheets overlap I'm gonna miss that one and I'm going to go around do every second one now this one here really needs safety glasses should really have some gloves just be wary of you of your blade it's just gonna be a big market a little bit also obviously if you've got grass around and stuff like that you want to be careful because of sparks if you've got any buildings around you or especially a car with windows that will put pit marks in your windows so just make sure that's all the way I use a masonry blade that way there I don't ever have to buy a cutting disc because they wear out this one here's last me four years and I'm only putting a little neck just so when I get on top of the nibblers it allows me to follow my mark and I'll get a nice clean cut [Music] okay so I've marked it from underneath you can see on top of how I've got my little marks here and what I'll do now is I've just got a little nibble is and I'll just follow these marks that way I'll get a nice clean cut so the person underneath just make sure they've got safety glasses they're gonna just collect all the swarf otherwise you need your magnet to go in and pick up all the sauce ok so now we're going to put in our blue face of brackets on once we've cut our roof so we need to measure the distance so from the center we're going to measure about 16 and a half inches from here you'll see that and go the other side just gonna measure 16 the higher pitches put another mark there and just continue to do that on every panel so you're gonna have one of these sitting here you're gonna have one sitting here okay so what we need to do is grab a tick gun just loosen off feel these kicks with you you don't want to go too far wanna break it and where you've got your mark here it needs to go underneath the liner and just sit in between the Brecon line is all in position still and once we've done that we can then screw it back down and then we'll continue on going around I need to put my bolt covers once I had my bolt faces on I'm ready to put the roof a sir on so you've got to put these on first before you can put that on so we're going to go around install the roof fascia now we're going to install a roof fascia now so obviously we've got a taking the account of the excess hatch and the leaf basket so depending on where is you want the inlet that come in for your down pipe these two close together because you've got a ladder that basically goes on here so we're going to put it here in this one so you don't want to land up over that side to clean your basket you want your basket next to your ladder so we're gonna place this one up in here in the minute so I'm gonna start here on this one and then work my way around so we said this is where the excess is good to go so I'm going to start on this side all right so I'm just going to come back this way about about 20 mil and this edge here it's going to sit at the bottom here so we're just going to line that up there like that it just be careful with that you don't screw your fingers here now I don't want to screw this hard otherwise you're going to put a dent in the fascia so you just want to tighten it up just fraction this one's going to end up on the joint I've got a screw the two of them you just want to try and keep that flat flush as much as you can [Music] I'll come back and I'll do these two later okay so with this last one as I said we're going to put the access hatch in heat in between here so I just need to mark this one now I need to cut it so in same again I only want to be about 20 mil one inch past what past here yeah because this is a cottage like this I'm going to put it behind this one so you don't see it you don't wanna protruding outside the tank so you just want to make sure that [Music] they're just going to be mindful that you do have a trusting here so obviously we won't be able to put it here because we're gonna cut through the trust make sure that you're away from the truss and this will depend on where your leaf bar sits going to see so believe Buster's going to be over there you access it perhaps while we're over there then you have the gap over there instead of here but this is where we're going just so we can get our in there [Music] [Music] [Music] if you bit worried about its falling down again what you can do is just get a bit of tape and retype it shouldn't have to what we're going to do is whether you want it in the center here so I'm just going to peel this one back off in the moment so just wide enough wide enough for the bracket to go to white I'm gonna grab a bracket and this is gonna sit over over the liner just be careful that it doesn't go inside [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to cut on that line or just make sure that nothing falls down into the [Applause] [Music] just be careful you counting hole here you don't want to fall [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hole cut out I'm just gonna go in and clean it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anytime that you're on the roof just be careful [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now we've got this cutout we can then put in our leather bracket easiest way to do that just peel you speed off here where the leather for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't want to cheat close to the inside of the tank [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] be careful of your fingers hands cut yourself perfectly wear some gloves if you don't I really have to be clean with this because you're gonna have to cover for it anyway [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just make sure here that you're all the way down to the face there to the bottom always bury this part depending on the customer and the pending of it so if there's a mound here you can't you're just gonna sit up on the ground using the old I would cover the pot I would cover this pipe so I was always dig it down out this fire and cover and bury this pot but because this grounds very hard [Music] give us the level to where we need to cut our part to but I'm just gonna mark it here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Aquamate
Views: 18,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: large steel water tanks, galvanised water tanks, CA5000, large rainwater storage tanks, well water tanks, aquamate, aquamate tanks
Id: TveQ5A4JX0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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