C_04 Features of C Language | Use of C Language | Programming in C

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in the series of learning programming in c today i'm going to talk about features of c language in the previous videos i have discussed introduction to programming like what is need of programming why do you write programs and some basic points about c language also you can say introduction to c language low level languages and high level languages and language translators assemblers compilers and interpreter right so in this video i am going to talk about some important features of c language so you can also write down these points and it's like you can make your own notes fine and this video is brought to you by an academy so if you are planning to prepare for gate 2022 and gate 2023 exam then they are going to start a free series of free special classes and have these classes would be helpful for their preparation for gate 22 gate 2022 and gate 2023 because these classes will give you a detailed and structured roadmap of approaching each subject for all the branches and these free 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exam 2022 and gate 2023 right so all the details and the link of these classes i'll put in the description box of this video or you can go and check out as well as the code my code that is jkl10 if you use that code on the paid subscription you will get a discount so if you are interested you can go for it and you can check the description box of this video so now let us discuss some features of c language very first is it is high level language why so because here you just focus on writing programs you don't need to focus on the low level details on the machine code details like you don't need to focus on the specifications or the architecture of the cpu the computer you are using right you just focus on your writing programs and it's more of like english language high level language it's like you use the english words the alphabets and mathematical notations and everything you use you are not concerning about the low level details what is behind the scene and it is you can see understandable by humans so that is why it is known as high level language because here you focus on more what variables constant data types and expression evaluation mathematical notations and everything rather than focusing on the registers and the low level details of hardware right so it is high level language second is it is you can say small language why i'm saying small language because it's having only like 32 keywords uh and other languages like c plus plus and java they are having more keywords to use so it is small language you can easily learn this language having just only 32 keywords and that is why it is easy to learn right third is it is you can say core language and many other languages are dependent on this language c plus plus and java these languages are dependent on c language so it is a core language like the c plus plus in java these languages derive features from c language right next is it is portable the program you write in c language you can run that program on different machine also it is not dependent on machine right or maybe sometimes you need to do little modifications to run that program but programs are portable next is it is having uh building functions and operators and those functions you can use and you can write down any complex programs right built in functions means these functions are already defined and already been there in the library of that c library right you can directly use those functions you don't need to write the all the code of that function in your program you directly use that function and you can write down any complex program that also will discuss ah with details when we are going to write programs like these are built-in functions and to use these functions you have to include the slide theory that also will discuss next is it is a structured language why so because the code you can arrange the code you can organize the code in one or more functions right so that is why it is known as structured language next is it supports use of pointers so you can directly access the memory you can directly interact with the memory right the use of pointers also will discuss what are pointers in c but using pointers you can you can the pointers are what they store generally address of a variable so using those pointers you can directly access the memory the memory address of that variable fine next is it is extensible language you can extend this means what does that mean you can add your own function to see libraries c library you can create your own function and you can add that function to c library that is why you can say that it is extensible language you can add your features you can add your functions in that c library next point is compilation and execution of a program is faster as compared to some other languages see in the previous video also i have discussed this is a compiled language so after compilation the code will be generated like object code and then executable file so you can run that executable file and time to execute that compiled code will be very less as compared to the interpreted code so some languages like interpreted languages are there so as compared to those languages the compilation and execution of this language is faster and it is small also like it is having built-in libraries standard libraries built-in functions and operators so that is why the compilation and execution is faster in this language it support features of dynamic memory allocation you can free the memory at any time by calling what function free frw you can call this function at any time and you can free the located memory that also will discuss how you can call this function in a program and next is it supports modular programming rather than writing in a separate point i can write down here also it is structured language and it supports modular programming or you can say it is a modular programming language now what does that mean like you can break your code into different different fragments code fragments or you can say functions it support functions suppose if i am going to write a program to find out area of a square rectangle and triangle so rather than writing a complete program as a whole story you can divide this program into three functions one function for area of triangle for rectangle second and third is for circle so that it's look more organized and the chances of errors are also less so the programs will look in more appealing and organized so it supports modular programming next is it is case sensitive means you have to take care of these things here if you write if you write a and a these are different these are having different meanings it is case sensitive language it reads lowercase letters and uppercase letters differently right see in dynamic memory allocation you can also add this point like you can allocate memory at runtime using malloc function catalog function you can free memory at any time at runtime also like you can change the memory allocation of any data structure at runtime only using those function malloc and callow that also will discuss when we will write programs and next you can say it is used to develop and operate embedded systems that is why it is also known as system programming language see like your systems like your fridge your microwave behind that the programming is done that these electronic devices the programming or the software is done and that is written in c language so you can say c is one of the most popular language for system programming for for embedded systems that is why it is very popular language see java and python and c plus are very popular language but still c is having its own space because of these features it is not out of scope it is still in the market but see the object file of c language is what it is platform dependent like when you are writing a program in windows you compile that program and object file has been created fine so you cannot run that file on mac and linux it is dependent on platform windows and when you create a program in on linux or you can say in mac operating system and you compile that program and then object file has been created that object file you cannot run that file on windows and linux if you are compiling that file on a mac operating system so it is you can say platform dependent language see because operating systems are also having their own extension of files like executable files so windows are having extension dot exe and for mac i think it is dot dmg so these extensions are different that is why this is what platform dependent language you cannot run object file of one ah written in one system to another system to another operating system so i think these are some features of c language in next video we are going to discuss a structure of a c program and then the compilation process of a c program so now else in the next video till then bye
Channel: Jenny's lectures CS/IT NET&JRF
Views: 113,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data structure tutorials, operating system, data structure and algorithms, jayanti khatri lamba, jennys lectures, jenny data structures, jennys lectures DS, jenny lamba, jennys baby, jennys lectures baby, data structures, c language, use of c language, c programming language, c tutorials
Id: i3SWaOhjPCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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