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just gonna make sure we are rockin and rollin I don't even know where that's coming oh man I'm sorry about that guys I must have another window open somewhere make sure audio that was weird how's it going everyone I only mark Haines how's it going Tim on YouTube what up sorry guys having a couple of technical difficulties and then we'll get going how's everyone's weekend going some reason I'm getting a lot of feedback so we're gonna figure that out hi Zane I'm wondering if twitch is somehow making turn on I'm trying some new things here on OBS let me know if you guys have some problems hearing me okay cool cool okay oh the last thing I got to check I got to make sure my YouTube is all connected yeah I mean you guys are all there which is good good good good good so who here just out of curiosity who here has has X particles and has played with X particles looks like we have yeah 16 people is great getting a lot of stream noise sorry guys I'm trying to figure out what's going on for some reason I'm getting multiple sources of audio hitting be patient we'll keep we'll get going sorry guys one second Mitch Myers what's up dude got Mitch so I don't know why the chat doesn't work on Facebook one second got to do a couple technical things really quick guys so I can just hear myself I'm keep I'm getting a lot of echo so let me know if it sounds okay or if something is off because something was definitely off on my end cool awesome hey what's up with Mayor Gordon how's it going so um before we get going um a little couple of announcements still working on the crash course we're getting closer and closer and something kind of cool is a new website being built a lot more user-friendly and a lot more options so I'm gonna show you that while we are making sure everything's good so here is going to be our new website hasn't launched yet rebuilding everything basically now you're gonna be able to not just purchase the packages of our effects but you're gonna be able to purchase individual effects so let's see if I can show you guys how this is gonna work this is a lot of work I've been putting into this so it's a lot more user friendly basically now you can buy effects individually which is really nice and you can preview them before you buy them which is helpful so we have all these 4k 5k explosions at slo-mo even 6k explosions and slo-mo shot these on the red dragon and then I made these these a while ago but I'll probably update and get some newer looking smoke explosions but these ones are just nice little explosions you can add in so that's kind of cool um now let's um jump into this guys let me make sure that this is being shared also on the Facebook redshift group if you guess I'm following that the cinema 4d Facebook group let's see here how are you guys liking the new X particles just curious how you guys are liking it I've been playing with it it's pretty awesome it is pretty awesome all the best Oh how's it going glad you're glad you're tuning in watching the stream good to have all you guys here happy Saturday alright well um yeah I think it's all it's all looking good okay so we're gonna jump into this now and so today we're gonna talk about X particles as we said and showed you in my first one only go back to that so we're gonna talk about X particles we're gonna do his little small fluid sims and then ovd be measure because recently I had a conversation with a friend and he was having some issues with the with the measure and he was trying to figure out what was going on and we had a discussion about it so I decided to do little research myself and play around with it and discovered a couple cool things and how to make your fluids look a lot better because the old measure for X particles would flicker quite a bit so this new ones a lot nicer doesn't flicker as much it looks a lot nicer we're not gonna be doing a large-scale sim we're gonna be doing something a lots a lot smaller looking more like raindrops and stuff like that and talk about how the physics of something that small would work so yeah let's jump back over into cinema 4d and this is just a quick render that I was messing around with and obviously this isn't the final render but you can see that this fluid is the way it's going to interact and we'll play the animation is smaller fluids like if you've noticed they they stick to the edges of objects they don't just bounce off and I've seen a lot of people post like their fluid tests and that was just kind of bounce off objects whereas this type of fluid is something that small it's gonna be attracted and it's gonna follow the surface and then eventually drip off the edge so we're gonna kind of experiment and show how we achieve that effect so this is the look I just have this like wooden background and these random objects and yeah this this is basically attracting it's gonna follow the edges of this so here is kind of the fluid sim let's pause the render and play this back so you'll see this is gonna stick to the edges of it a lot a lot better and we're gonna get some really nice-looking stuff and it'll hit follow edge and follow an edge and we could even this one's not even turned up as high as I would it like it but see how it's not just flying up this edge it's sticking to the edge right there and then eventually it falls off so we're gonna talk about getting something like that something that has that type of feel and how to create that simulation but you can see this is much more realistic for a small-scale sim and we're going to talk about the physics of that and how to achieve something that's relatively close to this so yeah that's basically what we're gonna be chatting about and so I'd love to hear you guys questions and I'll like it stuff so let's create a new project and just jump in and close my redshift window okay so first things first is we need X particles so let's create a new system oops let me just move this up and again if you guys have questions along the way love to hear any questions you have we can chat about it and the chat and as of the other thing I like about doing this is we we kind of learn together too which is nice you rotate this it's negative 90 so this is just gonna be our emitter and we need something for it to collide against them not the cylinder sphere will do great segments okay so so now we just have an emitter and we have a sphere so we need to start creating all the parameters in order to make to make this work so let's add a Collider tag X particles Collider so now our particles will hit and they will bounce off and we're gonna go through and feet you know discuss how to make this look right and then in modifiers we need to add a gravity this way our particles fall now we can see now there's bouncing off like so still not what we want so there's a couple things we can start doing with this in dynamics if you add a constraints now it's gonna basically we can say have to say hey particles we want you to kind of be connected so you can say connect at birth so now they're starting to look a little more fluid II starting to feel a little bit better and let's see yep so now they're bouncing off there so now we need to start setting up the parameters the fluid parameters and on our particles and the way it interacts with our objects so right now it's just bouncing in I do not want it to bounce and if it is very minimally and we can have a Kinect on collision so basically we're gonna have it starting to pile up like so it's not exactly what we want yet so let's turn on the density correction so we attracted let's turn it's going to forces turn the traction this is going to be how it's gonna roll off the edges repulsion that same type of thing or that I'll show you what that will do in just one second I think we have hey we gotta turn the repulsion I guess right now I think it's just uh gonna sit there let's move this emitter to the side so right now it's kind of just sticking so we got to keep messing with the parameters in here let's go to its scatter turner connection let me down maybe oh now it's starting to oh we got a trim breakdown so right now it's uh there we go let's turn this break to like I think I had mine at one before I go sand now it's kind of still bouncing off slowly starting to get there we go so the nice thing is you can play this while you're messing around with your sim you can hit play and kind of tweak some of these buttons right here we can try to get the look we want so now it's curving in that's already starting to feel a lot more realistic it's not just bouncing off the edges because when you have a small fluid source like this it's going to be attracted to it so then you can just hit play and this is a this is a technique I just used when I'm when I'm first messing around with any physics as I keep my particle count relatively low and I mess with some of these buttons right here so like this that's certain to feel like the way if a fluid would work right there and right now these are pretty spread out so we need to mess with our connections and in here we can mess with we need to have viscosity on we need to have surface tension let's hit play and see what this is going to look like so now it's starting to be it's a little bit more like a little stream like this would be like some water that would roll off your face or your hands or whatever starting to feel a little more realistic and then you can have your attention your surface tension is you know it'll break at a certain point it's how how much these fluids kind of stick together and here's a cool thing once you set up one of these objects you can multiply that you know just by a of copying this sphere and let's say we would have two objects so we want this to interact with let's start our sim over so you can see that can it's going to travel between these two like so which is really nice and sometimes your attraction could be too high and it could be pulling it in towards that object a little too much so you got to make sure you are always tweaking so there we go now it's starting to look a little bit better before we had it the attraction was a little too high in some places so again you just got to keep messing with the parameters and kind of seeing what looks best see now it's building up in this corner and we're gonna get some some of the water going down that way which is kind of nice and now it's rolling off those edges so that's kind of the basic physics that I had set up let's see what else we have connection limit this is how many particles are sticking together and how stiff so you can mess with all of that see now they're gonna stay a little bit they're a little bit stiffer they're in a tighter clump and that's gonna help quite a bit and there's radius this is how far out from these particle groups they're gonna attract so play with that just really quick saying hey des Hanson on Facebook and we had a question mayor wanted to know if our explosions have water marks on them no I have a free version free explosion we're gonna be giving away actually quite a few 4k explosions for free for you guys to play with so when the new websites out I'm also thinking about doing some giveaways here on live streams so you can get some free 6k explosions we'll start doing a lot more giveaways as well so next the thing we want to mess with is the open or the Oh what is a the OBD be thing this is their new open VDB thing it's pretty sweet so this is gonna help us create the mesh so I'll show you the first problem we had when we initially when I first started playing with this so you drag your particles in here and there it is and when I first saw this I was I wasn't super happy with the way his looking is looking really just kind of speery and wasn't smooth and later I discovered that there is this filters tab which I felt dumb that I didn't even notice that and you wanna make sure you're using the filters and already this is smooth it out quite a bit so you want to make sure you're adding some of these different filters and you can see that each filter is gonna do some different things to help you achieve the fluid look that you would like so now it's starting to feel a lot smoother and the nice thing is too is you for the most part can play this back and it'll it'll look pretty pretty good for how fast you can play this back so yeah make sure you are you're playing around these different filters because that's how you're gonna get your nice fluid look right like so and now you can see it feels a lot better and the water is gonna travel along these edges and they'll split and the break and they'll they'll eventually get to the bottom of this sphere and they will drip off of that so really cool that you can do that see now I can see some of those strips are gonna start flying off the bottom of this let's pause the sim so you can see this is a really nice way of creating some of these small fluids then in here you can mess with your voxel size this is gonna give you a little more detail it's gonna slow down your sim but if you cash it out you'll be okay and your point radius so basically how big you want this to look so some are not along there would look nice that's looking pretty good so we can see now we're starting to get this nice small fluid look and that's how you kind of clean up some of these this fluid like if this is a lot nicer looking than the the measure hello from we have Alexia from Russia how's it going welcome to the stream really quick I'm gonna drop in a floor something for the fluids to collide with once they hit the ground and we can just drop this in here no bounce turn up the friction can even have it expand a little bit and connect on collision cuz fluids and you can turn on like density correction so now these will kind of do some difference the particles will react differently when they hit so it's kind of nice another thing is sometimes it's good to turn off your media be measure while you're swimming just to speed up the process so let me know if you guys have any questions while we're doing this just gonna play this back and I'm already noticing me that's a tractor on this bottom sphere is a little too intense so yeah we can turn this back down just a little bit oh we have Orion I I don't even know how to say your name from I don't even know where that is I'm on YouTube that's I need a map so now let's turn on the VDD measure and now you can see it's looking quite nice for this and if you wanted this to look even more real you could obviously you know and you want a little more detail in there a couple of things you could do to amp it up is number one you can turn up your particle count so we could have like 10,000 particles instead of a thousand and now this is gonna your fluid will start looking a lot more detail and a lot more detailed you'll see a lot more like little ripples and stuff but again it's gonna slow things down quite a bit so you got to keep that in mind when you're when you're doing this it's good - it's good to use you know work in smaller particles first or a smaller amount of particles and then start ramping it up rather than starting with a big number so then you don't you're not sure how your the physics of your sim are going to look so that's what I would recommend and the nice thing with the open V DB measure is you really don't eat that many particles like again if you're using a huge Sam you're doing a big water sim I would suggest that you add a lot more particles and it'll look a lot better so so there we go let's turn on the pdb mesh sure I've been really impressed with their in their new mesh system it's definitely a huge improvement seefox will size see the more I turn these voxels the smaller you start being able to get these like a little smaller details in there so that's really cool and so the next thing once I kind of found a fluid scent that I was happy with and I thought you know look nice it's just doing some lighting and texturing so we can do that really quickly we're gonna be using redshift of course and I'm just gonna show you guys how to do some quick lighting and whatnot so all you have to do is make sure in your settings you were set to redshift and make sure GI Islam brute force memory management that helps speed up some things bucket rendering and make this a little bit bigger now we just need to do some lighting magic I'll do like an area light it's fits this the right way lighting is actually one of my favorite parts of any 3d stuff so I hope this is helping you guys out I'm glad you guys are liking this so Alexia or anything this how you say your name hope this is helping you guys out on your projects just these little tips decided to do a lot more like short streams but trying to be more consistent and just talk about just little things that have helped me in my projects so yeah glad you guys are digging these what some jamesha is GI on we could do caustics later that's something else I've been wanting to explore a lot more now let's uh get a bit dome HDRI let's do a dome light and let's find a good HDR so I have this apartment that we can use that let's open up this window and see what we got all right sorry guys shouldn't stuff like that in the mic how's it going Rishi Raj Mirta I think I said that name right welcome to the stream hopefully these things are open you out we're just and we're just having fun just playing with the X particles and the measure and so the other thing that we want to do is texture so let's let Surt mess around some textures let me pause this render go to create redshift material just drag this on your OVD be measure oh and really quick you know we're gonna do we are gonna cash this thing out so I'm gonna cash this just that like a hundred frames this once you're done and you're happy with your your sim and you feel like it's it's looking nice you want to make sure you cache it this will just speed up your whole process so let's do that really quickly if you want to other objects cache object and leave I believe if we just do the open or we just leave it as X particles we'll just do a quick test pretty sure you just can leave it as is that but if you're doing like fluids like smoke I think you have to do yes I do the other one put would just double check because we're really just caching the particles and then it's being meshed by the measure so yeah Rishi em I hope I got your name right there friend also if there's any other specific things you guys want to learn for future live streams please please let me know because I want to make sure that these these things are helpful I'm I try to just talk about some things that if I had a recent experience working on something or I discovered something new I like to share the information that I can and just show you guys how I problem solved some of the things that have run into okay we're almost there all right now we should be able to yep so now we can we can play this back a lot faster and you can see see how it kind of follows that it really follows that surface now and this is also a great way to preview your sim because even even if you have small Sims you can start seeing some things that may or may not be working like to be honest I'm not loving the way some of this is hitting the ground it just kind of it feels a little too thick especially when it hits down there it would definitely spread out a lot more I don't think you would pile up like that so so we could go back and tweak it but the other thing is once you cash it believe oh yeah so it will let you it looks like you can still play with your your measure I'm just not sure if you can play it back oh yeah you can that's good news so it looks like you still can modify some things like so yeah so I definitely don't like the way it ends down here it looks a little oh I just realize no you have to recast yep because when I hit pause it updates to what I have now so yep looks like you have to recast your sim if you want to mess with your measure so that's a good thing to know just when I pause render then it goes back so heads up on that let me just unhide this as well I'm gonna see yeah see how it's being attracted when it hits when the fluid comes back together here it's doing some weird some weird stuff so I could do that could deal with a surface tension could be any of these and you'd have to clear your cache out in order to so we would empty the cache and now it's gonna be slower because we're going back to just siming but you have the opportunity to make sure that this is looking the way you want so we could go in the constraints may turn down the stiffness it could be that still looking a little blobby not digging that yet the radius could be too big looks like our particles here let's um let's disable that cache there we go that's why we weren't seeing any updates so now you can see this is starting to spread out a little bit more let me turn on my V DV measure and see what's happening also sometimes good to just turn off all your shading so you can see what's happening like so so this cache is still on so we got to turn that off you could see maybe because we spread this thing out too much we'd probably have to turn up our particle count because now we're losing some of that so let's um if I turn up that so now it's kind of so it's a little too separated now so it's kind of like give-and-take you got to keep messing with it let me turn disable that really quickly go back to constraints let's turn our attention back up and let's Reis in I'm also feeling like this these particles need to stay on there a little bit longer looks like they're starting to there's they're not coming down further like that that's the that's what I want right there see how they're kind of swinging underneath and then dropping that feels a lot more natural to me I feel like something a fluid of this size like this that's this small would do something more like that and I feel like something's off with that measure could just be we need this to be smaller you also need to mess with half-width see still a little too blobby looks like when you have it separated you have to have a lot more particles because now they're so separated that we can't get those little small pieces starting to just feel like blobs let's um turn up our stiffness back on our dis Casa T let me turn off the BTB measure see if we can get these pieces to stick a little bit closer together yep now they're not spreading out nearly as much now we're getting kind of that stream look and that looks like I had to do with our of viscosity and I'm sure if we turned it up even more these things would stick together there we go see at that size I feel like that's right so I guess the other problem is the collision on the ground I feel like it would spread out quite a bit more so we can do a couple things um there's scatter expand I wonder if the expand is uh why it looks so blobby so now it's starting to feel like a smaller fluid kind of sticks together brakes swings underneath see that's it's definitely a little too blobby for for my taste let me just turn down that turn on break it could because it's not here we go now it's a sliding a little too much let's turn up our friction still sliding a little too much yeah we're getting a lot of sliding happening so that's ramp for friction and I bet you that break is why it's um it's doing that let's shrimp or stiffness even see if that helped I guess if it was a little small droplets they would roll a little bit but I don't think they'd roll that much Stern for traction let's just do a quick cash and see how this is looking how about that just build a cash over right so we have any questions while we're going along let me know let's read some of these things [Music] so all the best says you would like to see a multi-layered textures like metal scratches and all that kind of stuff dirt on textures I definitely can dedicate a long lesson to texturing texturing there's it's a rabbit hole you can do a lot so maybe my next stream will be for complicated redshift textures and we'll just go down the rabbit hole of that we definitely can do that see what else we have also if you guys are tuning in on YouTube that's awesome thank you so much you just see no twitch sometimes I've noticed has a little bit better quality so now in the stream so if you're looking for us on Twitch if you prefer that we're VFX central twitch so we're there we're on the Facebook group we have some people here on Facebook as well so VFX central let's go check that out as well we put I post a lot of I'll post discounts I'll post all that fun stuff free free products so look forward to all of that so interesting say this a little still blobby in certain places but again so it feels almost like a weird fluid it sticks together quite a bit even after so that's kind of interesting well we're gonna be talking Rishi's wanting to know you're going to do going to show the do's and don'ts of fluid materials in redshift for the scene yeah we're going to show you some material stuff right now so yeah we can move on to some of the fun material stuff that we can do so we have scans Alex dang it you can't stay awesome so Alex looks like he was a Arnold user on YouTube and he says his whole studio switching over to redshift hopefully this tutorials help procedural abstract modeling and you Ving that's another tutorial we could do this really yeah we could be talked about all that fun stuff because there's procedural textures that really help accomplish those types of things and maybe I'll show you guys a little bit of that in here matter of fact what we could do really quickly is I'm going to replace this object so we can do a litte little little bit of procedural textures since we have you guys here on the stream so I'm gonna switch out this material or this object just put that on there and because we have to race in we're gonna do that really quickly thank you for being patient everybody we'll see if this is doing what we want Oh is oh one three three says hey I love you hey I love you too think thanks for tuning in she gets them cashed out I'm basically with this object because there's so many hard corners I want to show you guys how to do we've shown it before but if you use like the round edges or dirt and stuff like that it's really cool because round edges works really really well so that's a really helpful tool well this is a totally different looking sim now see and I actually don't even love that see now it's just kind of flying off the edges so because I don't love that we're gonna empty this cache I'm gonna show you guys um so the problem is with this is because those sharp corners it is just flying up those edges so what were you need to do with this specific object is we need to turn up the attraction probably quite a bit so now it's gonna start see how it's not flying those I just now it's rolling and it's going back in and against the object right like so which looks a lot a lot a lot better so you can see it's gonna roll it's gonna follow this edges then on the sphere and it may even get to places like where it can fall off the edge you really could use you could do a fluid sim if you wanted where it attracts into those corners between objects and at that point you could almost create some welding like where it looks like someone's welded in between two objects which would be kind of a cool thing if you guys want we can also talk about we can talk about web maps because that's also something we can use to drive some cool stuff so see all right now it's a it's being attracted pretty good could maybe turn up the attraction on the sphere see what that would look like let me turn off my measure so you can see it's gonna flow it sounds cool some of those are just kind of tripping off it is going it's kind of swinging back and forth which which is pretty interesting I don't know that may look cool maybe we want it to kind of hang out like the cell let's catch this now I think this is looking a little bit better we'll just do that really quickly I'm also in turn on my point radius and see what that would look like let's see that's we'll just leave it there and it's mess with that okay let's uh yeah let's recap build cache I'm gonna overwrite so let's see if we have any more oh hey Alan Alan on Facebook joined I work with Alan Williams talented graphic dude how's it going at work Alan saw me making some fluid Sims that were it looked it looked very this cost had a lot of viscosity and it pretty much was you could say was cream really thick cream or it was like a poo and he said I should do a tutorial on that which I didn't I don't know if that's ever gonna come in handy maybe you never know it's a little too blobby still for my taste I wonder if that attraction attractor it's a little too much it's a couple things I'm not loving and I'm wondering if part of it is because our speed can turn that down I'm alternate I think this attractor is a little too a little too intense sorry guys keep having to re sim this is kind of just the nature of it though sometimes you'll you'll watch something and it look good and then you watch it again and you won't love it so it's constantly trying to figure out what's the right look so it could be my constraints this maybe this isn't these aren't sticking together enough either breaking up too much maybe we needed more like a stream this is gonna start looking a lot different a lot more different so now we can see there they're almost going inside and they're disappearing which I don't love that they're getting a little too small that could be stiffness they're not spreading out enough you see when they hit this spot they almost disappear watch this now we're starting to get him back because I turned off some of that stuff so let's play this again let me hide my measure so now we have like I said this is kind of gonna be it's a back and forth thing you you want to mess with it until you're getting the look that you really like see and I feel like now that connect the constraints it's just not they're not sticking together enough so we have you want to get to the point where they're sticking together they're looking nice but then they drip and they break apart at the right point so a lot of this fluid stuff is just you got to iterate iterate iterate until it looks good if I turned down my voxel size is going to get some of those smaller details back if we lost any of that let's see how that's looking the cool thing is I mean you could do a lot of cool like hyperreal I guess you'd say kind of stuff where fluids are kind of breaking the laws of physics which is always fun but you also want to try to make things look you know use real-life physics as much as you can noticing a couple of things maybe this spheres to having a hard time it said it's getting in the right place okay so this is the last time we're gonna cash this thing because I think you probably need to move on to the next steps which we talked about doing let me turn that one down as well and unhide my measure yeah that sphere is really holding on to some of these guys so we got to turn that down even more because it's not it's not letting go let me see what that mesh would look like it's kind of interesting yeah cool okay let's build this again hopefully this one looks good enough otherwise we're just gonna move on move on to the next next step I'll start doing some lighting stuff this sim is I'm not loving this in as much as I liked the other one that I didn't yeah and the example and all have to go look at that one but again it's you got a iterate so you guys constantly need to be like playing around the the the physics and really honing in to the place you like him then you cash it make sure it looks nice because you'll see that if you like something now and then you cash it you may not love it after because plays back differently doesn't look exactly the way you imagined so let's just wait for that so this is gonna be kind of an interesting fluid sim it looks a little blobby so we're gonna go now let's let's go back into our other project and I'm gonna look at this sim because this one looked a lot nicer in my opinion see it kind of sticks together rushes down here follows that edge follows this edge see how it's following all these edges that's kind of what you can get once you start messing with the physics and you get it you get it nice and dialed in now let's talk about some of the texturing techniques that we had so I'm gonna retexture this top this top object right here make sure yep so let me delete that texture we're gonna create a new one and show you a problem you know just some simple stuff so let's open up our render window actually we're gonna delete these other textures as well we're going to rebuild and maybe we'll rebuild our fluid as well let me just pause this again let's go down to our okay now let's hit render okay so right now I just have this basic like little wood background texture and textures making textures in redshift super easy let's go to redshift materials and they have all these presets or ones that are kind of built that you can mess around with if you want like they have subsurface scattering like skin sprites particles all these fun things but we're gonna play with just a basic material let me open this up and the cool thing is they also have these presets so they have water right here and what what it's gonna do is help you get the correct IOR which is like the reflectivity and make sure that and that's gonna also help with your your refractions so basically the this type of translucency that it is so I'm just going to drag this material on like so and we can see that looks that looks really nice you're even getting a little bit of dispersion which is that kind of rainbow II effect that you get in little water and glass and kind of get in reflective things so that one actually looks pretty nice that you can just use and then you can mess around with the you can mess with the the sliders from that from there so I would suggest playing with the presets looking at what's working what's not and going from there now let's create another material for one of these these little geometry shapes and actually really quick I'm gonna make sure that we cash this sim so we can see what it looks like when we play back so it's a let's build a cache hopefully this won't take too long looks like I have 240 frames it's gone relatively quick and while this is caching again if you guys have any questions feel free to ask away so we can do some fun things there I think we're gonna talk about is the hard corners we're gonna show you a procedural way of creating these round edges we've done this before and this is just a nice way of making it if you have a geometry that has hard corners and you don't want to subdivide you can use this technique and it really helps you get some nice edges so we'll show you how to do that as well and we're almost there looks like it's taking a little bit longer what if I cancel it if it'll get us to where we need yeah that's break didn't know if we don't need to go really past 120 frames so if I play this back see that looks a lot nicer that type of sim looks a lot more realistic for a small scale so oh cinema 4d tutorials hello welcome so let's uh let's dive into this material stuff so okay let's create a new redshift material for these objects and I'm just gonna start on this top one drag that on top you can see there it is fantastic so now we can go into this material and into the the graph editor I'm gonna also make this window a little bit smaller push it to the side so we can just really focus in on this object wondering if we can move this window around let's try to squeeze this over so here's what we can do on this uh this material right here so you have all these settings right here this is your color obviously you can turn it to whatever you want or you can go in here and use one of these like the silver if we want this to be like some cool metal material and I add a preset usually it takes a little bit longer so we can try to maybe refresh it and see if that oh there it is so now I have the silver material and we need to add some roughness in this we need to we need to play around with this thing quite a bit but like I was gonna show you guys this round at around corners excuse me if you take this and you plug this into your bump and now watch the corners of this object we haven't done any subdivision so this is my favorite little techniques a little cheats now I just shouldn't get those highlights pinging and kind of catching those edges because if you have a perfect angle no light will be it can't really like can't be captured on that so let's turn this up the width of this a little bit and give a little refresh there we go and this is the width of how much this edge is going to be beveled so yeah and the nice thing it's procedural and the other nice thing is it interacts with other objects so let me show you an example effects that'll be helpful and we're actually going to zoom in with our camera really quick because this is cash to me may have some issues but I'm gonna try to create a new object that can interact with us let's actually let's try duplicating this guy and just for this example I want to show you guys what's happening oops let's bring this thing back forward okay perfect perfect perfect now if you can see this it's really cool is what it's doing is it is beveling the area between both of the objects so it's it's basically anywhere it's intersecting with another object it understands and it will give you a nice a bevel in between those edges like so a lot of times so if you don't have something like that let me just turn this thing completely like off see how it just it's just a straight line and in real life there are no lines that exist like there that are perfectly even if you have a house in a wall there's always gonna be a little bit of bevel in between those things so just simple things like that it's gonna help your renders look a lot more realistic so that was just quick tip quick tip of the day now we can do a couple other things to make this thing look cool we could add some roughness in there so let's do that as well sorry I'm just having fun with that it's cool geometry shapes so we can go in - [Music] there's two ways to get to the you know mess with the materials you could go in here and if we wanted to add a roughness into this you could just change it right here but it's a lot easier to add things in the the shader graph so open this thing up clicking on there you know bring this window and we can pipe in a texture so just grab a texture and you're gonna get choose what texture you want for this so let's go into our assets and I know I have some good materials for roughness what's going to materials masking will do the damage here's a scratched up one that's kind of cool there's normal for it which is actually we could pipe in both of those which would look nice it's maybe dude let's try to do that so here's our normal and we're gonna pipe this into the reflections roughness it's gonna need to update so let's refresh that now you can start seeing these highlights in our reflections they're starting to pop up in there so let's assume and maybe so you guys can see that a little bit better make this window bigger for you guys so you can see let me know if you're having trouble viewing any of this stuff you see if I can turn this on an angle where you guys can see the roughness oh yeah there we are there's some scratches right there and all these little scratches and that's gonna help your material not look so fake it's just going to break it up now the other cool thing we can do is I saw we had a normal map for those scratches so we can type in normal map and again we can locate here's the normal map for that open but now we need to do a bump blunder because we have our round corners this one right here around corners goes into the bump map and so we need to blend both of these together so I'm just gonna pipe this into the base input so that's around corners and just double check make sure it's not going to change it nope we still got it and then this other map we need to put this in input 1 and then the weight of it we need to basically split it so that it is blending in there we are so now we have those round corners and we also have this this really cool you know bump material in there it may have to turn down some of the weight of it so now we have those scratches and there's they're actually indented which is a nice look so so you do that we could do one more thing with this object we could add in some some dirt edges we can show you how to do that really quickly for that you're basically mixing two materials so let me pause this render and we need to go to material and we've shown this before but I think that it's I think it's a it's helpful let's go back into our editor and we need to do a mix what is a material blend and this one I blue goes into the base color we plug that in there and then we need to create a second material so we could do let's just do a normal material drag it in here and for this demonstration we're going to make this red so you can see the difference between the two and we're gonna plug this into layer one okay and now we need to tell it how it's going to blend and they have a curvature this is like the dirt material and octane and you're gonna plug that into the blend color that's it render you can start seeing these edges starting to take on our secondary color hello video Leming welcome to the stream right now it says on a convex so it's going to affect anything on the outside let's make sure we're getting this thing looks like our curvature maybe is going out a little too much could be too spread out not not enough strength and enough contrast let's refresh this there's that edge it's okay go the opposite let's turn the max down maybe there it is sometimes with some of these presets I've noticed I have to refresh a lot more but now you can see we have two materials blending and this is procedural which is really nice it helps you when you're doing when you have a lot of objects and you want to make them look good and interact so just super super helpful hey thank you video lemonhope I'm glad this is helping you out this is the 73 maximal this is the new material I just was I could basically now in this material we could do whatever we wanted if we wanted this to be you know dirt or something you just got to do that change the color so refresh it so now we have these kind of dirty edges of this object and the other thing that the curvature is you could change from convex to con cave which should affect anything in between now these areas so that's like I mean that looks almost like it's been welded together so that's kind of a cool look too that's another way you could do something like that so now we can see it's only getting in between these crevices like so which looks really nice oops keep trying to zoom out in the wrong window so yeah now these objects are when they interact with each other they have that the bevel and they also have the kind of the dirt so you can do stuff like that or you can have another layer that does the edges as a totally different color so you could blend these as however you guys want which is awesome and I was maybe gonna make this material just a little bit darker let's see here I don't know if it's this one it's the color the reflection that we gotta play with is the curvature affecting the water maybe it looked red before because of the dispersion which is like tena that rainbow II effect I'm wondering if that's what that was we can check though also maybe this material now we could have this is like some lighter color where it's affecting between let's refresh this I'm just doing this exaggerated so you guys can kind of see what's it what it's doing and we're gonna put this back on the convex sits on those edges yeah so I think the reason why you thought it was red is because if you look at the the water the way the water is working is it's actually bending it's um not really necessarily taking on the material but it's it's the way the water works when it takes on the refraction takes on some of that like bleeds it into the reflections of it so it's kind of what it's doing right there the cool thing is you can mess around with this stuff all day and get some really nice-looking stuff and really really quick it's just going to turn up my IR my reflections some GG X so you could have this on metalness or you could have it something else anyway let me know if you guys have any more questions we're just about near the end of this and that was kind of my discovery with this thing you could even have you know this water if you didn't want it to be water they also have these great um subsurface scattering materials that you can mess with move this over here for you guys make this a little bit bigger for you to know it's hard to for you guys to see Wan livestreaming making sure this looks all all good for you so let's just grab this subsurface scattering object and put that on our fluid sorry now it's obviously just gonna look like clay but we have all these great custom things you can play with so like ketchup if we wanted some really dramatic ketchup scale of it we're gonna to mess with the I usually turn on like the single scattering there we go so now you can get like this really interesting looks like almost like blood so 73 Maximo has a question he says does custom ao vias work with mesh lights not 100% sure actually probably should do a little investigation on that I'm sure it does Denver riddle he says hello you guys know Denver riddle in color grading central Denver wants to know if he can do something while he has me playing background of course you can Denver so anyway hope this Denver I'm just about done with this if you miss most of it it's okay so I hope this was helpful for you guys and kind of helping you you guys see how we can mess with these fluids and some techniques you know make sure you guys are you're really iterating your your Sims and you're making sure the physics look good it's just some things I discover with the open V DB measure I think that you should definitely switch over from the Skinner the Skinner flickers this one I've noticed looks really good at when you render it out it doesn't give me very very many issues it looks good it it's a it's just a lot better it's a huge improvement I guess 73 Maxim I was having problems with his mesh lights I haven't had any problems with my mesh lights in Maya when I mess with it I'm a bit curious message me after if you'd like and maybe I could walk you through it's worked for me because I haven't had a very many issues yeah I think this is just about it you guys I don't know if there's anything else you guys would like to know but that's um kind of it Marco wants to know is it possible to render a spline with a tag object like it as an octane we could do a quick little test if you would like let's um open a new project and just do a little so there's a spline I believe they have a new hair renderer for this so let's just do a quick test for you object what was a curve hair strand looks like this is the place I don't know why that's always automatically said let's um sir I'm just gonna add a couple little things in here oops let's do a quick render yep you can do hair strands yeah pretty you see it looks like super easy and it looks like in the curve settings you can add points and do some scaling stuff so this is tapered one end you turn the thickness up so there you go that answers that question pretty quick easy looks like you're gonna have like multiple places so thins out in different areas yeah so yes you can yes you can do curves and hair very easily very quick apparently cool Brendon by the way just joined one frames lab Jimmy is saying do you have any tips on putting decal textures on in redshift do but maybe I should start doing some stuff like that I definitely could do some cool I've seen some people using vector displacements which is a super awesome way of getting those like really detailed looking stuff so maybe I should do some more setting on some of that denver riddles he's wondering who else is talking to me Denver so I'm streaming too we have twitch here we have YouTube we have Facebook and periscope or Twitter so yeah you guys can join on any of those platforms if any of your wondering how to do that I use restream IO so that helps you stream to all these from platforms at once yeah so that's that's how you do the spline yeah the hair the hair modules and everything work in in here really really well so for example if we had all of this and we did we use the good old hair simulate hair oops simulate create hair object and we turn the length down so one of these is apparently gonna be a hairy and I believe if we add it on here let's just double check hair strands yep there we go so you can have create hair pretty dang easy I know someone from a from another from an earlier stream was commented recently about the hair stuff and yes you can do all this good stuff and I believe it still works with this materialist hair material let's just do like some frizz let me refresh this guy yep so all of your hair cinema4d stuff does work in here very nicely the color I'm not sure it does and so I do believe that they have a material where's a hair material that you can use and I think if you put it on this one it will work just fine for you let's make sure that's looking good I'll see so it's connected to the material the hair material see how this is it's taking in this a hair attribute the c40 hair attribute from this so it does look like let's see if we mess with this it will change color it could be our specular stew hi it's refresh oh yeah there you go so yeah you can make sure that that's all connected all nicely and it's super helpful having the ability to do all this stuff there you go so that answers a hair in spline question and hopefully that was helpful doing TV oh I think I'm pretty easy but as you're getting I'm redshift I'm one frame a lab Jimmy I'm gonna have to definitely do some some cool some cool decal stuff on another tutorial but yes it looks like it's I guarantee it's possible I just matter of playing with it and I'll see what we can come up maybe next time I'll do some more material stuff will do more vector displacements and a lot more fun stuff like they act see we have some other people cheering your says congrats on the Lucas film Disney stuff oh thanks Jordan yeah so yeah I got to I had the opportunity to work on some fun stuff for the I work at the void so I work at the boy and I made some some art using redshift actually and yeah whoa someone just donate some one Jim what holy cow one friend Jamie just donated a holy crap thank you seriously means a lot really really appreciate it I don't know I guess I don't know what what country you're in so I don't understand but thank you so much for donating holy cow that really does mean a lot it really really does yeah I'm gonna keep doing these things and I want to make sure that yeah one frame 1 Frame lab Jimmy just donated to the stream so thank you so much seriously appreciate it it really does mean a lot we'll keep doing these and I'll make sure that they're higher and higher quality a couple things sorry guys I'm kind of distracted that's the here the first person donate really appreciate that oh wow I'm glad I helped you seriously that means so much man I really really do appreciate that yeah so I was saying that's work I work at the void and I had the opportunity to work on some artwork and it was kind of a awesome experience to be able to see my artwork in downtown - so if you guys go to the void you really got to go check it out it's amazing we did a Star Wars experience worked with Lucas films and ILM xlab's and I made some artwork and I used all these same tools and techniques cinema 4d redshift all this stuff and made some artwork and it's now like hanging up in Downtown Disney which is like the craziest thing so all these things that I'm that I show you guys in these streams they do come in hand and they did they do help you guys out and they help you get those jobs and they help you have the skills to be able to be creative make some cool looking stuff and work on projects that you've always wanted to so yeah definitely keep guys and I'm going to be doing a lot more of these these tutorials and we're gonna be talking eventually more about I know if you guys want to know more compositing side of things because I'm pretty much a generalist I do i do matte painting one day I'll do you know I do like a million different things so I want to be able to share all these skills with you guys and the the crash course when that comes out it's gonna be super helpful because I II will walk you through every step of my process we're gonna be doing and I'm gonna be giving away a lot of free stuff in the course as well tons of stock footage tons of things that you guys can use and practical experiences so oh one frame lab is from Korea awesome South Korea sweet yeah I would love to see some your work seriously oh sweet we have we have a couple people from Korea awesome so glad you guys are tuning in so yeah looks like some it looks like Rishi Raj says he wants to learn some more stuff with the good old compositing side of things so yeah we will we'll be working on a lot more that stuff for sure I was gonna see really quickly if I can pull up I'm sorry you pull up let's go to my Instagram VFX central so if you guys follow me on on Instagram this piece right here yeah that was the piece this is in Downtown Disney and again it was using all this the same kind of techniques we've been talking about and a lot of this is you know Photoshop so if you guys ever want to learn some photoshop stuff I'd be happy to show you some techniques and things I've learned but yeah that was awesome art we did for the void which I where I work which is so much fun we're doing some cool stuff you guys will have to go through hello oh here's some from Germany joining awesome yeah we're just about to in the stream unfortunately I was gonna see if I could pull up some stuff from the crash course but I think we're gonna have to do at another time yeah so again make sure you guys are following us on all the social medias Instagram is the effect central Twitter we don't puzzle on Twitter but Facebook please follow us on Facebook that's already posted a lot of discount so I want you guys build a you know get discounts on any products our new websites gonna be coming out soon which I've been really working hard on for you guys because I want to make this a better experience for your for you guys you also when you purchase things now you have access to login which helps you guys redownload the products that you purchase and yeah so you'll be able to get finally each of our explosions individually or if you want to buy them as a package this sites gonna be coming out hopefully in a couple weeks and we're have more free stuff the course will be up we have our merch so always go check out the merch this shirts not for sale unfortunately not yet hopefully who heal we'll get that up and running for you guys yeah so this is gonna be the new look of the website once that's done I feel like it's gonna flow a lot better for you guys so yeah a lot to look forward to hope you guys are enjoying these the streams are gonna try to make this more regular thing weekly maybe next week we can talk about materials we can talk about looks like [Music] Ishmael would believe his eyes say your name from Germany I sorry if I've totally failed that he wants to know about some I'm interior interior interior optimizations and I'm guessing because there's lots of noise so yes we're going to be doing some interior stuff there's a lot we talked about I really do appreciate your guys's feedback it makes me want to make these things better for you guys and this morning is this just one thing I wanted to do about the X particles and the measure so if I think we're about to close this thing up don't forget to visit current website which is of VFX central dotnet hopefully we'll get that come soon we have if you sign up for the email list please be on the email list guys if you sign up you're gonna get notified about the discounts and all that's that follow us on Facebook follow me on Twitch that would be awesome if you guys haven't followed me on Twitch and yeah that would that help me as well so but thank you again so much for for contributing and sticking around and watching these things really really do appreciate it and again thanks one for a MyLab for your awesome donation means a lot definitely keys it just it helps that motivate for sure so thank you and we will I guess see you guys next time and we'll talk about some more fun stuff alright guys we'll see ya
Channel: VFX Central
Views: 5,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema4d, redshift xparticles, c4d, c4d tutorial, xparticles openvdbmesher, xparticles tutorial, redshift, redshift c4d, x-particles, vfx, vfx tutorials, vfx central, c4d xparticles, ovdbmesher, c4d x particles tutorial, c4d x particles, c4d x particles 4, x particles, x particles tutorial, x particles tree, x particles c4d, cinema 4d, motion graphics, tutorial, tip, animation, particles
Id: aB_94deSqQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 55sec (5455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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