C# Dependency Injection Tutorial | C# Dependency Injection Example | C# Tutorial | Simplilearn

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hey everyone i am vivo khandelwal and i welcome you all to yet another exciting video from simply learn in this session we will be discussing c c-sharp dependency injection however before we begin make sure you have subscribed to youtube channel and clicked on the bell icon below so you never miss an update from simply learn's youtube channel let's look at the agenda for today's topic we shall begin a session with an introduction to dependency injection then we will discuss the ways to implement the dependency injection first we will discuss the constructor dependency injection with the code implementation then we will have a look at property dependency injection and then at last we have method dependency injection finally we will conclude this session with some advantages of dependency injection so without any further ado let's get started with what is dependency injection dependency injection is a software design pattern that enables the creation of loosely coupled softwares di is an excellent method for reducing tight coupling between software components di also allows us to more effectively handle future updates and other complexities in our product the goal of dependency injection is to make code more manageable now let's discuss what are the other ways to implement dependency injection we can implement dependency injection in three ways constructor dependency injection property dependency injection and method dependency injection let's start with constructor dependency injection the constructor dependence injection usually has only one parameterized constructor there is no default constructor in constructor dependency we need to pass the specified value during object creation we can use the injection component anywhere within this class let's try to implement it in the correlator we have already included some system libraries which will be needed in this code now let's start this code with the name space property injection we will introduce an interface text here we will be declaring a function void print then we will be creating a class format which will answer to text now we will write a definition for the print function so public void print console dot right line and we will type in subscribe to simply learn now let's write a constructor so public class constructor injection then we will create a private interface text for the text interface then public constructor injection and we will pass on text as t1 we will store t1 in this dot underscore text and then we will call print function underscore text dot print basically whenever this function will be run it will call its constructor then that constructor will automatically take the text as its input and then print the same text now let's write the class constructor and we will write the main function so static void main string args then we will call constructor injection and make an object cs new instructor injection in brackets new format then we will use this object to call print function and then the console dot read key this will close the function whenever we press any key let's save it ctrl s and then run it as you can see when this function is run the constructor was called and that constructor has initiated the text t1 then this t1 is caused to print this this t1 was the subscribe to simply learn now let's get back to our slide next up the property dependency injection the property is typically used when we need parameter less constructor it could even work without changing the object's state let's try it in the code editor let's start with creating a interface so public interface i notification action void act on notification and we will give it the parameter as string message next we will have a class simple then we will call the interface i notification action task equals to null then public void notify function then i notification action this will be 80 comma string messages and then we will store this 80 in task so this dot task equals 80. and then [Music] task will call act on notification messages now we will start a class event log writer i notification action then public void add notification and string messages here we can write anything which we want to print out so console dot right line and we will write click on the bell icon to get notifications next we will write a class program now we will call the main function so static void main string args we will call event logwriter and make an object elw equals to new event log writer now simple add is equals to new simple and then this will call the notify function with elw comma to log now we will write console dot read key this function helps to terminate the code with a single key press let's run this code as you can see it is printing click on the bell icon to get notification now let's go back to our slides at last its method dependency injection we only need to pass the dependency in the method when using method injection we do not use constructor injection because it would create a dependent object every time the class is initiated let's try this in the code editor let's start with the namespace property injection we will write up an interface public interface i set void print then we will call a class so public class service i set then we will write the definition for the print function [Music] so public void print in console dot write line and then we will print now we will call public class client we will call private i set and underscore i set public void run i set serve and we will store this serve in underscore i set so this dot underscore i set is equals to serve then we will write console dot write line and we will print start and then this dot i set dot print so first it will print start and then it will run the print function which will print the above text which is print dot dot dot dot we will write up a class method now we will write up the main function so public static void main then client cn equals to new client then we will run cn dot run in brackets new cervic then we will call console dot read key to terminate the code when it reads the key now let's save it and run this code as you can see it's first writing this command start and then it is calling the sprint function which then prints this print statement let's get back to our slides finally let's conclude this tutorial with some advantages of dependency injection first up dependency injection helps in reducing the class coupling next up it increases the reusability of the code next the dependency injection helps to improve code maintainability at last the dependency injection makes it feasible to conduct unit testing and this was all for today's session hope you guys found it informative and helpful if you like this session then like share and subscribe if you have any question then you can drop them in the comment section below thanks for watching and stay tuned for more from simply learn [Music] hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn youtube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn it up and get certified click here
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 48,474
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Keywords: c# dependency injection tutorial, c# dependency injection example, c# dependency injection with real time example, c# dependency property, c# dependency injection explained, what is dependency injection c#, how to implement dependency injection in c#?, dependency injection c#, dependency injection, dependency injection in c#, constructor injection c#, property injection c#, method dependency injection c#, c# for beginners, c# tutorial, c#, simplilearn c#, simplilearn
Id: GRLidsP3O2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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