C++ CMake Project in Visual Studio 2022 (Getting Started)

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hello guys welcome back once again in this video we will look at C-Class plus C make inside the visual studio 2022 we will look at how we can download the necessary com download and install the necessary components to get us started but before we get started please make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't so let's get into it then so basically C plus plus C make is an open source cross platform family of tools designed to build test and package software cmake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration file so the native make files and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice so enough of all of this so let's get into the real stuff here so as you can see I'm actually going to visual studio 2023 open so to get us started let's make sure we have the necessary components so we can do that by uh going into if you've opened your Visual Studio uh let's open the installer we can go by clicking on the choose um get twos and features so this will actually open the visual studio installer it's taking a while so I'm just going to pause the video while the whole thing loads yeah so as you can see here now it's got the visual studio installer open so this is what we're doing as we look for the desktop developments with C plus plus so this will actually help you build C plus plus applications for Windows using tools of your choices including msgc Clan cmake and whatnot yeah so basically if we click on this as you can see you have to get the box checked I've already I've already downloaded and installed everything so there's no need to get to do the same I mean to do it again yeah but once you check on this box yeah and you come to the uh on the right hand side here you can see that we've got optional boxes that you can check so if we look inside the optional boxes there is a C plus plus C Matrix for Windows here so basically you have to make sure that you have this box checked yeah you can also do that by coming inside the individual components so I'm going to show you where you can find it but I'm going to pause the video first so under the individual components you come out um under compilers Bluetooth and runtimes so here you can see it uh just uh just beneath the c-line compiler for Windows you can see C class plus symmetry is for Windows as well so you can check the box from here as well and you can download and install it yeah so since I've already done that there is no need for that but if you haven't make sure you download and install it before you cannot before we go to the next stage okay so I'm going to close the visual studio installer so here now we're going to go ahead and create a new project so click on file and um in the start window create a new project so here actually I've actually selected a C sharp so I'm just gonna on the language side so I'm just going to select C plus plus so once you select the C plus plus then if you actually been through what we've just gone through in terms of downloading the components then you should see a cmake project here so as you can see it's a cmake project template so this helps you this will help you to build the modern plus cross platform C plus plus apps that don't depend on sln station which is the solution for the visual studio okay so we selected and we click on the next so here obviously you can configure the project details but we're not going to look too much into that so I'm just going to click on the create Okay so we have the project created for us we're just gonna collapse this yeah so here let's come inside a uh the project folders yeah we've got this CNET project yeah project three yeah and then the out there we've got a bunch of texts I mean we've got a text file and we've got a Json we look into that so first of all let's look at what is inside it let's see make DOT test okay so the simulator test is just a uh the configuration settings for the project yeah so basically spelling where the the project is and where it can be run off can be installed and whatnot yeah and then let's go straight into the cmake project so here we've got um the same text file yeah so this is actually telling whether I mean the version and when the project is and this just uh um to add a source project as suitable and whatnot yeah so let's click on this cmake project.cpp oh man okay so this is just a very simple console app for C plus plus so so this will be our starting base yeah so we can get we can get started from here and you can start to build your projects yeah and it's got ahead as well so let's click on this so this is the header that is including the iOS frame yeah so as you can see it's not really it's nothing really fancy over here so let's look inside the out folder as well so it's only going to build build details but it's nothing you say so let's go ahead and run it and see what actually comes out of it so we if we come here to on our local we're running on a local machine and here you can select a startup item so let's see what's up items that we can select so we're going to select our project through that is suitable if we look if we look at the C make the list the test that we just look at we just looked at the test file so as you can see here we just we just we added an executable which is the cmic project three which will run on which will start or the startup will be received cmaid project 3.cpp yeah with the header so let's go ahead and run and see what actually comes out of it so as you can see it's a very simple hello C like yeah this is only just to get us started so I'm not gonna go forever too much yeah so I'm just going to leave it here so that we can build on our next video upcoming videos yeah so I hope this actually helps you to get you started in terms of building a cmic project using the visual studio 2022. so if you really if this video really helps you please make sure that you like the video and you subscribe to the channel because I've got lots of videos coming up and I hope you have a lovely morning evening afternoon wherever you are peace
Channel: Hacked
Views: 8,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmake, cmake c++, visual studio cmake tools, cmake tools for windows, c++, c++ cross platform cmake, cmake gui, cmake tutorial linux, cmake tutorial, c++ cmake project structure, c++ project visual studio, visual studio c++ app development, cmake windows, cmakelists.txt tutorial, install cmake tools, cmake tools vscode, cmake vscode c++, how to use cmake
Id: _aiS4eqV7j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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