Cómo hacer un Vestido de Verano paso a paso | Patrón de Costura en PDF

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Hello! In this sewing tutorial we are going to learn how to make the Julie dress step by step. If you want the PDF sewing pattern, I'll leave the link in the description: In the first step, fold the straps in half, joining the right side of the fabric and sewing it from one side to the other. Do the same with the small piece where the straps will go, fold it in the right half of the fabric. With the help of a bobby pin or a safety pin, turn the straps around. Do the same with the small piece. The outer chest piece is bigger than the inner one, so we must gather it to adjust it to size. You must make a stitch at the top of the piece without finishing off either at the beginning or at the end to gather the fabric. Choose the longest stitch on your sewing machine and the lowest tension. Now place the outer chest piece on top of the right inner chest piece with right sides of the fabric. With the help of the threads that we have passed, we are going to gather the fabric little by little until it has the same route as the piece below. Now before sewing you must place the straps between the two fabrics on each side. Sew the two sides of the piece and the top. Now we will pass a stitch in the inner piece as far as the edge of the seam that we already have, taking the seam allowance . This stitch is made so that the inside fabric does not come out. In the next step you must sew the darts of the inner chest piece. Now we are going to pass a raw edge stitch either at the beginning or at the end on the bottom of the fabric. Select the longest stitch and the lowest tension again . With the help of the threads that you just passed, begin to gather the fabric little by little until it fits the bottom piece. Sew the entire bottom. In the next step you must cut the piece you have made to pass the straps in half. Now we will join the pieces of the right body with the right side of the fabric. We will fold one of the pins in half and insert it between the two fabrics, adjusting it to one of the sides. Do the same on the other side with the other pin. The folded part should be inside the two fabrics. Sew the sides of the body. To join the chest with the body you must make a sandwich. You must put the body between the two fabrics joining them right with the right of the fabric. Go adjusting with pins first one of the fabrics and then the other. Sew from one side to the other. In the next step you must make the lane to pass the rubber of the rear skirt. Fold the waist 2 cm inwards and then make a small hem inwards. Sew this rail from one side to the other at 1.5 cm. Measure your elastic directly in the middle of your waist, stretching it slightly. With the help of the tie-rod or a safety pin, pass the rubber through the rail and adjusted at the ends. Sew the ends of the rubber so that it does not come loose. In the next step we will join the front skirt with the back skirt right side of the fabric. Remember to leave the 1cm seam allowance for the front skirt to sew the body later. Sew the sides To join the body with the skirt we must join the two pieces of fabric right by right and join them by the seam allowance that we have left on the front skirt. In the next step we will hem the skirt, you can make a double hem if you don't have a serger or a simple one if you overlock the fabric. And we already have our finished dress! If you liked the set, watch the following video where you will learn how to make a midi skirt.
Channel: Alphapatterns
Views: 3,862
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Keywords: aprende a coser, tutorial de costura, como hacer un vestido, costura para principiantes, diseño de modas, vestidos de verano, curso de costura para principiantes, proyectos de costura para principiantes, vestidos de verano faciles de hacer, aprende a coser a maquina, curso de costura para principiantes con patrones, aprender a coser en maquina singer, como hacer un vestido facil, dress sewing pattern, dress sewing tutorial, dress sewing design, dress sewing ideas
Id: yiZKv9PjMzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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