BYU Football | Press Briefing | Utah | Jaren Hall | September 11, 2021

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hey jaren congratulations on the win thank you what wanted to ask you about that that big drive to get that field goal utah had a lot of momentum the the lead had been cut to six and you guys needed some big plays you got him take me through that drive yeah man i mean they they did a good job bouncing back and scoring their offense you know our defense did a great job all game and happens in football you score so soon as i did that honestly i i don't think the momentum really felt like it switched at all i think we were confident we knew our game plan things were simple and sure enough we went ahead and marched down executed and secured the win and you guys went 11-19 on third down tonight you had 11 minutes advantage in time of possession how how critical was that success on third down to just getting a rhythm for your offense and kind of keeping utah arms length throughout the game oh it's huge to convert a third down you know we practice it every week but really it comes down to our defense man they they gave us the ball you know and it's all credited them for why we had them had a longer we're able to go to work so you know defense played a great game and then when we had our chance in third down we we executed for the most part and you know did a good job proud of my team jake and then mitch jaron i just wanted to kind of get your thoughts on how you felt your offensive line performed in this game it seemed like they controlled the line of scrimmage most of the night oh absolutely the offensive line dominated man i felt comfortable back there and and you know i can't tip my hat off enough to those guys so any people out there willing to sponsor this offensive line please do pay those guys get them some food please we need it man so i love my dudes up front coach funk has them all dialed up and ready to go and i mean i love those guys i can't say enough about them so proud of them karen no turnovers for you guys in this game how big of a focus was the you know winning that turnover margin and it's taking care of the football coming into this rivalry game yeah we definitely talked about it's not something you stress about or worry about because that's usually when it happens you know you think about it too much but you know all week was a clean practice we took care of the ball in practice and just correlated it you know today so you know coach rod was very smart as play calling at certain times we weren't ever pushing it we didn't need to and you know just resulted in us taking care of the ball sam and then sean as a player uh what was that like on the field when the field and you guys were celebrating that win and then second part to that after you finally got back to the locker room what was the celebration like with your with your teammates and coaches and what were some of the things said back there with you guys yeah being on the field with with the fans you know who've been waiting for extra amount of years to enjoy that you know it was uh it's priceless you know it's a surreal moment and i'm so happy for each and every one of them you know all the help they've given us so it was fun to celebrate on the field with them and and then to get back in the locker room you know it was it wasn't everybody in there a couple guys trickled in but it's just smiles dancing just what you do after you win a game you know so we're all just very proud of each other and and just relish in the moment sean go ahead uh jaren i don't know exactly how to bring this up but obviously you guys know the big announcement the big 12 and everything that came in yesterday you were focused on this game is this the best weekend in byu football history between the win and then also what happened on friday i think it's definitely up there absolutely so we're you know very grateful for president of the school and those who make those decisions um our athletic directors and and moving us in that direction so that was great news but you know we're just happy to get the win tonight and i'll be able to enjoy them both last questions jared and then jay jared in these type of games the the mentality that you bring and what you just referenced just that calm mentality business like let's go take care of business let's go make plays not get down when bad things happen what does that do for a team you know when things when times do get tough when when the leaders act that way you know i think it's just contagious and the thing about is we have you know x amount of leaders on the team you know we have through the whole offense you got 11 guys who really are seen as leaders you know the guys that are experienced and very influential and so you know the energy we had the confidence in each other was just you know was contagious our running backs did a great job the whole game and you know giving us energy and offensive lines so tip our hats off to them um yeah hey jaren uh you stamped your name in legos or rivalry lore tonight with that uh with some of those third down pickups in the running um two questions one did you think you stepped out of bounds there and that because it was pretty close and two um just what does this do do you think for the program moving forward i definitely do not think i stepped out but they did not review it so we'll have to go see tonight when we uh watch it back with my wife we'll see see what it shows um and then what was your second question i'm sorry just what can this do for the program move oh it's huge it's momentum you know you win two games in a row you win this this huge rivalry it's a very important game you know obviously and so i think just moving into next week we just remain humble and grateful for the opportunity we had to play tonight utah was a great team took our hats off to them they were prepared and did some great things as always so now we just get ready for arizona state and just move in that direction awesome thanks jaren thank you guys
Channel: BYU Cougars
Views: 10,973
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GoCougs, BYUCOUGARS
Id: KNi8CfvewZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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