Bye, bye baby. ...weaning day blues and an unexpected accident. Vlog 795

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tomorrow we're going to wean these guys okay peut show them how it's done do you guys remember each [Applause] other I'm sorry you're all broken okay hello you guys I wasn't even going to turn on my camera today uh I was on my way to my niece's shower uh wedding shower and uh Jess and Mark went rock climbing so I said I just pick up Jess on my way I justess called said whereabouts are you I said I'm almost there and she goes dad had an accident and I said oh really what did he do and she said he went over on his ankle and I said well he's got weak ankles so it's probably brain maybe what's he thinking and she goes it's SW it's it got swollen right away we're right in town so I said you know what let's get you to emerge and it's been that was three 4 hours ago and we've been here all afternoon and uh it looks like he might have tore a tendon so I don't know anything yet I haven't talked to him yet but I think he has to go back to see an ortho this week and see if he needs surger so another summer of hospital visits poor guy poor Padre poor gu they're all broken [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning we did finish this Halo bag uh late in the dark on um Saturday night and yesterday it rained all day so I couldn't get in here to to seal the bag and upon further Discovery this morning I don't have enough to actually seal this bag so what I'm going to do is they actually cleaned the uh remaining haage that was inside the bagar there's always a little bit left in the tunnel when we're done so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use it to seal this bag on this end I don't know if I got this far end very good but I'm I'm getting stuck it's just it's so bloody wet this year I'm usually able to cut all this grass and every time I try to cut it this year I get stuck so I've had to uh not cut the grass here I think this will work I think I got this all covered the whole point is to seal it so no air can get in I think I think that's heavy enough here to catch it I like to get it piled in a little further but I'm just I keep getting stuck unless the uh fent would do it without getting stuck I think my little my little tele Handler is just a little small for some of these jobs could be the operator too we almost got the whole entire field off I've got three more rows that are sof and wet so we're not really sure what we're going to do with it we have to wait for it to dry a little bit uh Ethan's going to try to attempt to take the hay that he had to abandon because it was too dry on Saturday he's he's going to try and take it off now that's had some rain on it um and then he was going to come and take ours off but he said if it's too wet he won't be able to feed it through the Harvester so we have one more day to dry it out like tomorrow's supposed to be clear and then um it's supposed to rain again on Wednesday so Mark wants that hay off this field so the stuff underneath can grow but Ethan's going to try his best to get back here so we're going to go with that but yeah um Deon did a great job packing this bag like we got way more feed in here than I think we've ever had in a bag we just couldn't have fit the rest I think we were getting on these rows I think we're getting four loads four wagons worth of hay so the tonnage is good and I think the quality is going to be decent too so that is good news it's probably the the good news we had all weekend Mark's still waiting to hear back from the orthopedic surgeon hopefully today or tomorrow to see if he needs surgery or not we're really hoping he doesn't need surgery cuz I think recovery time for that could be a bit he's pretty sore this morning so I'm feeling pretty bad for him I'm trying to sort of stay close in case he needs me for anything but he's he's hobbling along with his little Moon boot well we're on the last field of soybeans here uh and it's less than ideal conditions but the forecast is not treated us very well we uh ended up with 2 in of rain uh on Monday today Saturday and uh we just we're wet and today is almost it's almost fit we probably would give it another day or two if we could on the soil but they said there was only only a 40% chance of less than the mill last night for kind of tomorrow morning Sunday morning and now that's kind of changed and now they're up to 80% of 2 to 4 some are saying 5 to 10 uh Mills of rain so too much so it's not uh looking good in the forecast making the executive decision to get these beans planted the good part is it's not a very big field it's only 37 Acres so of the 37 7 Acres I would say 30 of it is pretty good to plant and the rest is pretty marginal but uh we'll take we'll take that as a win for 2024 uh and uh today being June 1st uh it would just kind of be nice to have the soy beans in the ground now could this be a mistake quite possibly but uh with the information we have thus far we are uh going to go with we'll get them planted and hope for the best I think now I want to take those younger bottle babies over to the barn across the road to hang out with the older ones that are already over there um give them a day to sort of get climatized because I have it sort of tentatively planned with Carissa that tomorrow we're going to wean these guys that's on the books but if anything happens with Mark or with hay then those plans may have to be adjusted which is just you know it's just a typical day actually [Music] it's not getting the point [Music] y [Music] you want to say [Music] hi okay peut show how it's done stay there guys [Music] come on Big Red [Music] [Applause] the uh the little ones are moved over we'll leave these guys in here they can have the whole P to run around if we wean the barn tomorrow we'll add a few of them to this side and then the rest we'll put on to that side so we'll we sort of try to do a 50/50 split and then I'll do weaning weights either late this week or early next week on the whole barn and then at about 12 weeks I will sort males and females cuz this is the grip I will start keeping back some from replacement UL lamps the Sheep side of our business is starting to pick up again may I always dedicate for field work our business is uh predominantly the grain Farm Believe It or Not uh my portion of the business is managing the Sheep flock so typically there's a lot of sheep stuff going on but may for sure May and then like October November I try a really uh reserve for the grain farm and then of course we have hay and straw and all the things co-align with sheep farming so um everything we do most of the time is very integrated like everything sort of affects the other part of the business and uh although the Channel's predominantly sheep you are going to get sprinkles of other things that I do here because I do a lot I do a lot of things do you guys remember each [Applause] other yeah that lamb that lost his wool is one of the nicest looking Lambs hi buddy you're looking good yeah you know I'm talking about you how you doing you look good yall look good I haven't talked to Ethan yet about how he's making out with his hay but Mark is wondering if we should merge our big thick rows not merge them but actually just move them over a little bit onto drier ground now the sun is just nicely come out it's been really foggy all morning what's happening now is the top will dry out but the bottom is just so wet W and the ground is really wet so yeah it's almost like redoing it all over again and that's the problem with getting rain on almost dry hay sometimes if you don't get a lot it's fine especially for Haled cuz you want a little moisture but I think just because of an all day drizzle it really got in and saturated the row and the row was merged together so it's like double the thickness and it's wet all the way through so it's a bit of a thing and it's so frustrating cuz we only have three rows left it's like it will get done we always seem to complain and then we always seem to figure it out I'm a little off today I I get very out of balance when Mark is out of commission because uh you guys don't really see it but he really balances me yeah so I'm just I'm a little out of sorts cuz I want him feeling better I really want to know what's wrong with it and we still don't know because we still haven't got a call from the orthopedic surgeon so so she's a waiting game oh and I forgot to tell you guys that our neighbors are back and they're finally digging in the footings that are getting poured tomorrow for the shop build so that's very exciting this is all starting to all take place so we've already talked we talked to the plumber last week we talked to our electrician this morning so everything's sort of coming together on that side and uh what you guys don't see I've been spending quite a bit of time researching the Fulfillment side of what that shop is intended what a little portion of that shop is intended to do which is bring all our merch home um and all our wool products home in house and put it together and package it and ship it out to you guys from here from home so that's very exciting it's coming together really tile over there the concrete won't be this wide though will it two foot footing two foot they pour a twoot by 8 in p and then they'll set the wall on top of it I guess you can kind of see the little orange marks that's gotcha [Music] view for me that's how you do hey good morning it is a beautiful it's actually a really pretty morning today sun's out it's going to be a bit of a scorcher today and today's weaning day so I'm meeting Carissa out here a little earlier than usual and we're going to tear down our pens to make it an easy process of moving the U and the Lambs up to the handling system I did move the bottle babies yesterday and that was sort of on purpose a to get them sort of get them on the drinkers before the bigger l s came in and also B the bottle Lambs don't move as nice because they're not scared of us they actually like us and then you trip over them so yeah so that's sort of our process so that's why I did that yesterday so everything's sort of cleared out we just need to get the feeders out get the creep areas tore down and then we put all the pens together as one big one and then kiny and myself and Carissa will push the use up I think I might try to kick out the little dog cuz as much as she's trying to learn she often gets excited and and Jets to the uh front of them and then they all turn around it can be stressful to me and to uh to my audience some of my audience do not like Piper apparently speaking of that no one like Kinsey at the very beginning cuz she was exactly the same they're not really sheep dogs they just do what I do and just takes them a little longer cuz I'm not a trainer by any means that is the order of operations this morning hopefully hopefully we beat this heat cuz it's supposed to be pretty warm come like noon but we should be done in good time oh yesterday Ethan did show up uh we did sort of turn over the hoyo cuz it was soaking wet and he was able to get it through the Harvester so now our field is completely empty which is great because they're calling for a week of rain a week every day after today is supposed to be rainy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow I guess the wor the worse they get on the the better they get on off good price follow there you go oh they got the door [Music] open you stay you stay stay stay [Applause] [Music] [Music] baby [Applause] [Music] you're a free woman now you go party with the girls oh boy we about 3 hours post lean and they've been fed and they're still pretty loud so um as much as I think these moms were done they're just they're missing their babies right now and they'll do this for about 24 to 48 hours pretty intensely and then after that they're like what baby which is weird weaning day is tough it it is stressful on the moms and the babies and us but uh it's good to have done this before and know that it's shortlived it doesn't it doesn't stay like this for too long um because it is it is a little s it is sad we're not heartless um they've been together with these Lambs the older the ones that were born early April they're about 9 weeks in and uh the ones that were a little bit later the Lambs were about 7 weeks old when we wean them we'll watch them over these next couple days just to make sure they get on the water the ones that we mixed in with the bottle babies will do fine because the bottle babies will show them where the water is the other side is the side we'll have to really watch just because uh none of them I've seen those water bowls before but they always get on it we've never had a problem with any Lambs not getting on the water all right well for the rest of the afternoon I actually have to take Ethan his hay equipment back um Mark is once again icing his ankle we still haven't heard from the uh hospital so hopefully we were told if we don't hear by tonight that we have to call tomorrow so I'll keep you guys posted fingers crossed he doesn't need surgery hello hello red [Applause] [Music] oh such M oh I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] man [Applause] [Music] [Music] can you hear them oh waiting day is the worst it really really is for all parties [Applause] involved oh I know guys we'll get you some water come here the one good thing is it is warm so they're going to be looking for water which will help you walked right by it right in front of [Music] [Applause] you these girls are going to be very happy who's coming this week you guys charlie Charlie's going to give these guys a trim and then I'm going to give them a hoof trim and a vaccination and then they'll be good for another year but they're getting Really Woolly they've been woolly hi Tomatoes it's funny tomatoes has taken a little bit of a back seat to this new one she uh she was our little character and now you've kind of backed off kind of sad it's like she knows she's not the star of the party anymore that's girl we got R the other one doesn't like anyone else bully you're bullying tomatoes [Music]
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 93,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PNwtkocTV2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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