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you can use the preposition by for many different reasons you can use it when forming the passive voice when mentioning an author such as a poet or a musician or a group we use by when talking about the method of travel by car by plane by boat by indicates location and how close something is you can use it for possibility and you can use by when something increases or decreases in this video i'll show you examples for all these different reasons to use the preposition by the word by is very important for the passive voice by indicates who is doing the action this sentence starts with a subject but this is not the person who is doing the action the thief was caught here's the verb phrase using the verb be and then the past participle and then this is the person who is actually doing the action you could rewrite this sentence without buy and say the police caught the thief and then you don't use by but in the passive voice you will often use by to indicate who's doing the action all of these sentences are in the passive voice the class is taught by the teacher this is the person who's doing the teaching here's the subject and then here's the verb the food is made by the employees these are the people who are actually doing the action here's the subject the dog is walked by its owner this is the person who's doing the action is walked and then here's the subject the game is played by professionals these are the people who play the game used by when talking about work from authors musicians painters and other artists who is this book written by or who is it by you can use this question or this question this is easier to use for just about anything this is a very famous painting who was it painted by or who is it by it was painted by rembrandt this is the person who painted the painting and noticed that this is the passive voice or it's a painting by rembrandt or you can simply say it's by rembrandt this is the easiest way in referring to an artist or a creator and notice that we use the present tense this is by the beatles this pronoun represents the word song the song this sonnet is by shakespeare the movie was directed by martin scorsese here again we have the passive voice and then the word by and then this is the person who directed the movie this video was made here's the passive voice by your teacher you can use buy when talking about a method of traveling we went by boat this is how we traveled they traveled by car i got here by train or i got here by bus use the preposition by when talking about a location that is near or close she lives by the ocean so she's not far from the ocean john lives by his parents he's close in location to his parents there is a cafe by the school so i can walk to the cafe it's very close used by when talking about possibility or problems it happened by chance it was not planned she did it by accident this was not intentional she did not try to do it i said the wrong thing by mistake i made a mistake i said it by mistake use by when something increases or decreases prices increased by 50 percent here's the preposition by and then the amount the staff was reduced by 20 percent the number of people went down the average whatever this is as a number went up by 30 points this is how much it increased you
Channel: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline
Views: 6,011
Rating: 4.9716816 out of 5
Id: e20t0eBlZG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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