Buying Way Too Many Pelts In Inscryption

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hmm just purchasing some pelts I'm a collector if you couldn't tell all right we bought a few pelts just a few all right I'm gonna try and do some something goofy here uh we'll see if it works out or not as usual if you want to do some shenanigans you want to start with the black goat all right what if we got here oh wait a second that's that's something that could do some shenanigans and then the rest of these cards suck I like to gamble he said crutch okay I really need a cockroach soon I know it's gonna lose all those well no it'll just lose two actually that's not bad at all oh there's a cockroach too bad I don't get to keep it cockroach I don't know why I bothered summoning those actually that was just a waste of my time good job good work EXO you played yourself forgot to use the items yes give me the oh okay well actually no that'll work oroboros works yeah that's got the sigil I need I don't know if we even want to win this but we did what the frick are these These are the worst okay I was like the worst cave trial I've ever been to oh I see goober up ahead okay so we're gonna make our black goat unkillable okay so we're gonna want to uh definitely go to gubert unless [Music] magpies probably what we want here there's no reason to refresh let's just take magpie oh there's mycologists I've had too awesome that's very good okay now we need to hope that goober does not change the sigil all right good very good thank you goober now I almost have everything we need first oh we could do it right now actually almost sort of [Music] hey that's not bad thank you pack rat finally a decent item oh no it's stinky no pack rat oh all right give me oh okay now it begins uh here comes the boring part I have to do this for a while how many question is how many times this is quicker than lammer though at least this is much quicker than the last one all right so to recap as usual we've picked the black goat starter deck uh we we had gotten our hands on a card with the unkillable sigil I was you know looking for cockroach but in this case we got an oroboros and uh we put it sigil onto the black goat and then we duplicated it with goober and that is our infinite tribute engine this time our win condition is the red heart and uh the end game here the whole plan uh we still need a couple more things to go our way so technically this could still not work and I could have potentially just wasted all this time sacrificing these black ghosts hundreds of times but we'll we'll have to wait and see so I have no idea how many times we've sacrificed these things um but in a second here we're gonna find out when I summon this red heart all right whatever 225 good enough all right get him oh there's one nice way we can do it [Music] okay good it might be at the very end but we can do it uh do I even want anything here probably not I don't want another card get out of here so I can go here combine so we don't really need the two black goats anymore uh so I could combine those but I think it's funnier if we have Big Moose buck big it's just gonna be bad if we draw into the second black goat because it's kind of useless foreign get him pack rat I'll put that oh hey that's a good item that's a good one okay so this is what I've been building up to hopefully we have enough foils it's the idea here is to buy a lot of I'll take this too just because I can a lot of pelts like way too many pelts so let's go how many pelts will he let us buy is the question hang on I have a lot more teeth than that no wait stop okay there we go that's he's still they're still there just purchasing some pelts I'm a collector if you couldn't tell give me more yes more pelts these pelts are quite Exquisite thank you you know what let's buy let's buy a variety five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five of those should do take the rest in rabbit pelts thank you oh that's it all right we bought a few pelts just a few oh are you speeding up that's that's my deck now let's take a look at our deck what if we amassed here ah very nice this is epic oh boy hey this magpies glass is actually gonna really help oh yeah I got duplicates for you don't worry about it what have we got here ah I can combine my pelts let's do the black goats so that we only have one of those although now that our deck is full of pelts I don't know another experiment I would like to see is uh what exactly the trading situation is gonna be looking like when we have more pelts than the trader has cards however I don't know if we're gonna survive that long because we have to beat this boss fight first but I do have the magpies class so that could help us pack rats are MVP giving us that magpies glass also this wise clock is going to help and I bought that knife okay so he's gonna have a couple of sharks right off the bat or buckets anyways this is gonna be the real challenge is uh surviving this fight in particular uh well we only drew a couple of pelts oh as you might expect okay so I think all we really need to do here is uh search out our oh my goodness if I could if I could find it we're just gonna search out our uh moose Buck hang on let me get these out of the way never mind there he is I need to be very careful with the clicking here yes okay put this guy here that should do it thank you and uh [Music] I don't even have to use the wise clock really let's see what we get off the top of Our Deck here oh another rabbit Pelton I wonder why afford to take four damage here never mind he burrows let's see oh another rabbit built huh okay well I'll summon one [Music] [Music] yeah it's a it's a really good thing we had that magpies glass or we would have definitely lost can I get a pelt lice uh bang bro no Pelt lice so now we trade our pills that's still a little trading remember when you told me oh for the bright they're dead that's a shame they didn't get to live to see this absolute Treasure Trove of pelts that I have here is this how this is going to work okay uh so I have to literally just take all of the cards I have no choice here now what oh that's it you're not gonna let me trade the rest of my rabbit pelts don't you want these rabbit pelts okay what do we have here again I literally have to take them all we're not beating leshi if that's not clear oh there's Pelt lice let's go now we're cracked if only I had like two more magpies glasses hey I can summon Pelt lice at the very least we can get him out for sure another flame shut up leshie [Music] [Applause] okay uh that's not my black goat that's a problem [Music] I have an idea all right first this is Big Brain Place time we're gonna knock out his mole man I could have also I'm not gonna summon pelts yet we gotta keep Pelt lice in the in the works okay we're gonna take some damage that hurts all right we draw another card magpie whoa that's an actual card all right so I can do two damage here and then he'll do four which means I will die so I'm gonna have to ax this mantis Scott okay now I'm gonna need a squirrel and we're gonna summon our magpie oh goodness all right what do we want here uh let's see our options this is where where's my moose Buck oh there he is there he is okay very good now moose Buck is gonna hit the board I could also summon Pelt lice but I'm not gonna do that yet uh get him okay that's one candle down [Music] Elder moose buck uh I don't really you know I think we'll just take a squirrel here so what's gonna happen here is I could prevent Pelt lice from showing up just yet we kind of need this moose Buck he is literally our win condition [Music] steal my Pelt no that's all right I've got plenty more Pelt slushy jokes on you all right if we got here another rabbit well [Music] here's what I can do I'm gonna need to use that at some point anyways all right on to the Moon I'm pretty sure that moose Buck can 1v1 the Moon yeah it's got higher stats than Ura Yuli and uriuli can one uh 1v1 the moon so I think we win somehow I managed to win that awesome Burke I don't know why you did I don't know what you thought that was gonna accomplish but you know another rabbit we got so lucky drawing that magpie [Music] let's see what we've got off the top oh another rabbit pelt okay [Music] I didn't I actually want whatever it's time for Pelt lice there he is hit him I should have waited to turn to summon Pelt lice because now he's dead oh well another rabbit pelt okay plushie my Army of pelts uh he couldn't handle the pelts they were too cracked another okay that worked
Channel: Exxo 😎
Views: 117,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inscryption
Id: G3z160pJjoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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