Buying NE Calgary Houses [Pros and Cons] - Move to NE Calgary?

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foreign [Music] so in the past we have had phone calls from buyers locally and moving to the city who are trying to figure out where they want to live in Calgary and what's interesting is sometimes there are many of them who know where they don't want to live and they say the Northeast well today we are in the Northeast and we are going to be talking about the pros and the cons about living in the Northeast part of Calgary because I think there's some things that not everybody knows about or realizes so let's talk about the cons first and the first Con in living in the Northeast part of Calgary is actually you're a little bit segregated from the rest of the city and what I mean by this if you look on a map you'll have Deerfoot Trail kind of down the middle and just to the east of Deerfoot Trail there's going to be a large section of industrial commercial warehouse type areas and you'll have blocks upon blocks of that and not until you get maybe around I don't know Sunridge Mall something like that at that point that's when the residential part starts so that's your first con is you're kind of segregated from the rest of the city you have to drive through a lot of things to get to other parts of Calgary or other parts of Calgary to get to you so that's the first con a second con and I can't prove this because I haven't found data but being born and raised here the Northeast part of Calgary can get hit really hard when hard hail or hard weather comes through here so in the news articles you're going to see on the screen here there have been residents who have been trying to apply to the government over some of the last big hail storms because of how bad it was up here and so the Northeast part of Calgary can get hit harder when it comes to hard weather thank you [Music] so the third con of living in the Northeast is you naturally have smaller houses here so here's what I mean so we pulled a market analysis over the last 30 days of what has sold in the whole city for detached properties and in the Northwest the average square footage was around 1700 square feet the Southwest was 1500 the southeast was 1800 and in the Northeast was actually 1300 square feet so you do have smaller houses here selling a lot more and that kind of comes with the price point too but when you end up having these smaller homes the other thing tied to that is the number of people that are living in them and what's interesting there is I quickly pulled some Civic data from the Calgary census the last one that we have in 2019 the population in Saddle Ridge where actually is where we are right now was about 22 000 people so I wanted to find another another community that was similar and that was about 19 000 people in Tuscany and so in Tuscany there are about three three it's just 3.0 that was three point two three point zero people live in a home in Tuscany in all of Calgary the average household is 2.6 people living in a household and in Saddle Ridge it's 4.1 so you end up having a little bit of smaller homes that are selling you end up having more people living in those homes and what ends up happening and this is where the con part comes in is you end up having more cars more traffic more parking less space on the roads because there are just so there's more people living in each property and number four for cons is the crime in the Northeast so you can see the map on the screen over here and this is the 2019 map and in this map you can actually see in the Northeast section there is more crimes that are happening in the Northeast part of Calgary and unfortunately that is one of the things that so many people in the they're trying to figure out where they're going to live focus on is this right here but I want to talk about the pros because there are some great things about living in the Northeast part of Calgary [Music] so the first pro in living in the Northeast part of Calgary is the Ring Road access and the flow of traffic so it can be very easy even though if it's busy that's not what I'm talking about it's the ease of access of figuring out how to get around a lot of Northeast is in a grid pattern so once you figure out your streets and your Avenues you can actually get around northeast quite easily without a map and then once you have access to the Ring Road you can get out to the other parts of the city quite easily so that's the first pro the second Pro is affordable homes so what's great about this is if you're looking for a much more affordable option in Calgary and where you're going to live the Northeast they got you back so the median price so we again looked over the last 30 days when we shot this Northwest median price 644 000 Southwest 555 000 Southeast was 570 thousand dollars but the Northeast was 463 some dollars so you were definitely able to find more affordable options in the Northeast part of the city and tied with those options is our third Pro which is you actually have a fairly good mix of newer and older more established areas the more older established areas in the Northeast are different than the rest of the city a more established area in the Northwest Southwest even the southeast is going to be more bigger lots more mature areas bigger houses a state houses that kind of thing the older areas here are still a lot of times the smaller houses and that's why the square footage is so much smaller when we talked about that as one of the cons but you have everything from 1950 builds all the way up to brand new so many brand new builders that are building around here so there's some great options for you when you're actually looking for different types of homes now the fourth Pro and this is probably the biggest thing because even Justin right Justin he's our video guy Justin he's like what have you driven up here for driven here for the food the food so number four is the food you can find some of the best ethnic some of the most authentic food that you can find probably anywhere in the whole city and so uh Avenue magazine uh voted Calgary Momo house as the best Northeast suburb food place right restaurant and so that was what Avenue magazine voted and maybe you should check it out [Music] foreign [Music] so if the Northeast is something that you're interested or anywhere else in the city you may be wondering should you sell now in the spring or in the fall like what is the right timing well head over to this video here and we're going to answer that question for you there so we'll see you guys on that video
Channel: Chamberlain Real Estate Group
Views: 30,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NE Calgary, calgary north east house, ne calgary houses, north east houses for sale calgary, calgary, north east, living in calgary, moving to calgary, Chamberlain real estate group, chamberlain group calgary, calgary real estate, calgary houses for sale, jared chamberlain, calgary realtor
Id: 3MWPnyd85Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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