Buying Another Real Dark Web Mystery Box (Disturbing Contents) Very Scary - Do not attempt

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so a long time ago we made it duck with mystery box video here on the channel and I decided personally that I would never make another dark web mystery box video again it was too creepy it was very disturbing very scary the things that were coming out of that package all seemed like they had something to do with missing children little did I know at the time that there was a name on a backpack that would later appear as a missing person is it a coincidence possibly is it the same person maybe it is maybe it's not there's no way to really tell and I was also getting hacked into my personal computer with threatening messages telling me to take the video down that I posted online Steve had different thoughts on the matter while I was in Pennsylvania shooting a hunting purgatory episode he mentioned to me that he ordered a box off the dark web using Bitcoin and wanted to film it while I was up there now there's no way for us to tell whether it was just a bunch of random crap shoved in a box for somebody on the dark web to make money and Steve fell for the trap or if all these things actually have meaning and they're tied together somehow and I'm gonna let you guys see the full video right now and you let us know whether you think there's a story behind this or if you think it's just a bunch of random crap here's a video it would be nice to get something of value so that ya make your money back I mean you know best-case scenario maybe this may be random maybe make some money collector people that they put electronics in and stuff or you can sell I'm from the camp no no I got this camera on it you're gonna be the one digging in this one I'm gonna sit in my chair and you pull the items out and we'll take a look what is that we might have hit the jackpot already that looks like way too dude does it yeah let me see do that okay it's um wait yeah that's good wait don't Keshi go and do it right now yeah yeah yeah what's going on that's one piece left all right we're good I guess uh just some kind of electronic what is that oh it's a typewriter yeah it's being baby's dick greedy bastard think that's directed towards you a baby that's greedy medicine it's unique and I do wonder how much these things coming out with ten dollars yeah I know yeah you guys see this I mean the head cam video greedy bastards little weird to me anything just wrong yeah you want to try to see if this thing works yeah why not I mean there's no outlets appear so we can't try it but yeah oh look what is that huh God what he deserved [Music] [Music] she was mine keep it together in case it's something weird just like we need to have it where's that other car that is the fastest those pieces we gonna keep me up all this stuff to keep it off the side [Music] handwriting what irony in this player a thing that comes to like viewing stuff right now in understand like what if there's a murder scene on here as far as legals and Lucas is concerned the way I look at is like listen would you go to you go to a store no sound the VHS yeah a straight-up tape with the Lion King right and you put them in the DVD player and you see something terrible it's just what if you're honest is something wrong guys yeah what if your eyes see some you can't take back you know cuz I mean that was like I was on the verge of down yeah thumb drive I had best ways throw it in yeah whenever we find one push play and rap the background hiss up pretty much you have their finger on the stop button so you see anything rap the rip that looking in like her mostly that I don't want to see any goods that I don't want to see any weird all right so we got a tape now yeah just watch me off the bond one way to record it or when we play it back eventually wait doesn't sound like electronic or anything [Music] dude what is that your Han sector yeah hold on that's what is that some c4 that could be like a bomb I don't even know how would you how are you able to tell I have no idea anything I'm not an expert in this I mean I'm not either definitely weird looking good mind if Jenny if you could peel it even the edge to make sure it's not nothing like crazy looking so it says liar picture of Jesus with new kids the picture is a nice picture up until you put the wire on it but this yeah see that guys and I don't know if we should even tamper with this the chance of it of being a bomber slut right but like you think you know when it get through the mail and all that if some good something I mean like Hillary's ghost at this point we've already played it we get it we're movement hopefully won't do not learn I'm gonna cut it yeah do a little cuz I I'll peel a little bit back and we're just get it to take a peek at you know I got better I wear this [Music] it's it's something plastic eat so I don't think you know I know I know WD that's what some digital but it's a hard drive yeah that's like a external hard of a hard drive that means it's quite something on matter we have to look at yeah not looking out here this a week a left up that's not going to attach to my laptop bro and what's gonna be on that could be malware some you plug it into the running stuff pointing to like why is weird stuff written on this stuff right and then there's a hard drive it's like why is that it's weird right now so until IV I should go to this thing I don't want to want to mess with this okay and Trust alone yeah I mean let's see what else you got yeah what's next what is that so damn Yahtzee Cup see you soon do that that's weird got words instead of like instead of numbers and numbers or a letter it's got little words on it but there's all words you mean till these words I see you we he had pronounced it we go work foot beast scene markings as far as like each one of these dice says how many words says success X so 6 times 6 times 6 times 6 like so there's like 100 some combinations is there's no way for us to be able to know it's a lot yeah it's good Amara combination why would it go to be slower so look even if you started it like with you ready to see some some of you know it's probably wouldn't see anything on here that you know you matches what's going on with every scene that you had one bill I mean I could be some possible sentence or to be they had one girl because she has the pronoun to make it you know he had one girl she along for whatever I know me out there they had one face I mean is there's a hundred possibilities of what this would be we had we had one girl I mean if that was at the end I just feel like this one would definitely be at the beginning yes it's a pro you know it's kind of like he knew I yeah of course he said I I had one girl you know what I'm gonna do all want to edit this yeah I'll put a list of everything that's on each dice and do an arrow just be like looking back here that some of the ones that yeah and then you know like even if the viewers just wanted to try to yeah decipher what this is supposed to mean I'm assuming this has meaning yeah I'm assuming that there's some kind of meaning behind this yeah but there's no way really for us to tell the order I feel like you wouldn't put that in there with the words unless the person selected the words like you wouldn't put random dice with random words I unless you wanted to say a sentence right thinking like I was like a puzzle kind of way right you know so there's no way for us to tell us I mean I could see a couple bars you see you're like ours in trouble you know yeah [Music] what's a picture nothing on the back right the Pope that's a taper marker but that's pretty weird he's been priest would his eyes blacked out between this with the eyes black out does that use this thing it's yeah is that is that Pope John Paul looks like it maybe he doesn't like the church yeah yeah cuz he's got this you know there's all kind of the calling liar over here and you have to assume liars Jesus right he's like calm little kid a wire go he deserved she was mine like there's all kind of there's different like ideas that are in my head as far as like what's coming across its does she that doesn't make sense to me yeah yeah yeah I mean the guy was mine who's she yeah you know just a Mikula that's that's we're trying to kind of wrap my head around right now you know what honestly we're probably not gonna be able to tell until we see what's on that VHS other features in the hard drive what's on the hard does I mean I think that right there is gonna say exactly what's going on right here yeah so without seeing that it's kind of hard to know but might as well keep going I mean yeah we're in there see what else is in here I can go really dark with what I'm thinking yeah where I can go with to a mess with me it's weird it's weird church-related stuff this looks like I looked in a folder a pamphlet thing Oh is your name on the back look yeah I'm terrible occurs at something Tim looks like father father Tim yeah this is father Tim's jelly I told the peppers it is only because this kind of stuff anymore how the government doesn't really Sarah Megan every Christine there's something blocked out right there pictures like a mom and a kid mom and a kid or something yeah I mean the only thing so far that I'm reading in the back which is not I don't even know which one of those did it fell out of if this was in yeah yeah something yeah but what is that I mean it's just it's a picture of a mom and a kid yeah yeah you know what this is least least now there's a sheet right yeah I mean she was mine female hasn't mentioned shoaib mine so like so whether it's one of these that looks like a little girl yeah I don't know if it was she is in the wife she's in the daughter was mine yeah I don't know she was mine yeah maybe it has nothing to do with any of it yeah well you know you know so forth that's direction my head is going is like something with the female in the church and just yeah something like that [Music] this feels like that's a blazer damn cross on it dude oh yeah definitely doing Church stuff Azhar get across here again you know ya know they're clues is to wipe their this thing smells old musty does not old musty go to like like retirement home and there's like that smell is some bronze was here with and across the me these two all who enter here this looks like one of those you know this looks like this looks like one of those like things you would hang on a door right yeah yeah yeah I got like maybe like a door in offices yeah you think this belong to a breeze I mean what they put the cross with this yeah I mean this looks like maybe like a holes all down like the religious wine everything you know I mean for the most part besides a typewriter yeah we're gonna have seen a if you're thinking about it could it could have been part of a church yeah so I think we should is there anything else in the box we check let's check the other pocket in this too [Music] that's it so it's kind of bizarre old musky jacket this almost looks like a pasture jacket or something I can see a pasture one being a service or someone ya know whatever the fact that it came with this and with this piece de Waal answer here don't know I feel like the thing that's making an ominous as far as like it is something we actually you know worry about when we're gonna look at the VHS and all that yeah is when it says um he got what he deserved yeah that's a that was the one that was kind of like I'm we having with the murder you something we yeah somewhere it's like a beating a murder or something by order of the papers I'll pull them out again the item selection right cross cross piece the things that really relate to like religious stuff yeah something to do with religion or Jesus or a pope or a priest or something in turn Amin in that realm to be honest with you I'm kind of a little uneasy at the moment only because stuff coming in these weird packages yeah because you don't know who the sender is you don't know where it's coming from yeah you know what I mean and all this stuff they were like dealing with right here when you have stuff like got what he deserved that's like you said that's obvious it's dark yeah it's like what could you deserve to die yeah cuz they're beating did he deserve to get you know murdered on camera you know I'm saying and then and then you got a VHS tape here the tape in the USB the VHS it was you would think if this is someone trying to tell us something like be like hey you know it's it's their way of relinquish in guilt for something that they did or whether the case is you know everything in here would our purpose right yeah I mean with this saying watch me on it okay so like I would think maybe something like their eyes blacked out yeah going with everything else here it's almost like he's telling he's pointing to Jesus about being a liar for whatever reason this person chose it almost seems like everything that's is signifying that this person doesn't like the church force right lady with the church so violent in their religious yeah right all right think about in the worst case scenario right mm-hmm you would think the Copeland's is somebody yeah right yeah peace went you here anti meaning as in whoever you know it's just this person has this in here there's not heavy piece when you enter wherever this person lives you're on I mean so whoever that person is is doing something bad this is obviously Church stuff um yes and this is father Tim that we're dealing with yeah that's my goal and then we have a she who's unknown then we have someone that hates either father Tim or the church in general or someone relate with the church who is this yeah I don't know who is this girl who is the woman whose little girl yeah I mean I guess there's no way for us to know nothing I would say is too incriminating at the moment where I'd be like oh you got a Russian bring this to somebody and now there's just but these these have definitely got to be watched the the VHS and we got to check what's on this hard drive maybe this right here will tie together what the hell is going on yeah but until we have a way of safely viewing this we can't really upload that video yet and we don't even know what's on here if it's if it's even able to be uploaded I guess that's all we could do for today's video I am going to try to get my hands on a VHS player so that we could play this and if whatever is on this tape deemed viewable for YouTube then I'll upload like the part two to this video and show you guys what's on the VHS unless you guys see something here that we're not seeing your domain as you are is like what the theories are if so drop a comment with yeah I think it is I mean if it's um or missing or there's a zoomed in part that we didn't see a writing but based off a rat we have speculation about father Tim right a girl where that was the only off somebody's get these dice I'll leave the I'll leave the lists of you know all the words that are on these dice yeah separately so you can see all four that is right and then you guys you know if you want to see what possible word combinations can come out there's a lot of possibilities yeah nice and yet you know leave a comment let us know what do you think all this stuff means does it have any behind a is just a bunch of random crap the Steve got in the middle maybe it has no significance but without seeing this watch me in this this hard drive I really don't think that we have enough now Clark - his name reticle yeah that's gonna happen to know what has to happen so thanks for watching guys another dark web mystery box I will catch you guys later you
Channel: Mind Seed TV
Views: 3,311,611
Rating: 4.5731468 out of 5
Keywords: dark web mystery box mind seed, dark web mystery box, dark web, deep web, mystery box, mystery box opening, very scary, disturbing, real dark web, real dark web mystery box, real, deep web mystery box, scary, shocking, buying mystery box off dark web, buying mystery box off deep web, dark web mystery box gone wrong, goes wrong, gone wrong, scariest, scary unboxing, unboxing gone wrong, scary dark web, hunting purgatory, mind seed tv scary, box, wrong, buying, mystery, most shocking
Id: Nhhp4lO60HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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