Buying a used VW Phaeton - 2002-2016, Buying advice with Common Issues
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Channel: different car review
Views: 66,223
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: Buying, used, VW, Volkswagen, Phaeton, produced, from, 2002, to, 2016, what, are, the, common, problems, issues, luxury, car, cars, reliability, VW Phaeton reliability, buying guide, buying advice, VR6, V6, V8, W12, V10 TDI, engines, motors, TDI, FSI, petrol, diesel, maintenance costs, performance, timing chain, timing belt, air suspension issues, manual, automatic gearbox, transmission, used car, used VW Phaeton review, used car review, what to look for, when buying a VW Phaeton
Id: FGXXchOF_g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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