Buying a $700 Craigslist motorcycle

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a little kid dragging his bike these are super nice they are nice yeah I like these, I need to get a pair of these just uh put your order. I'm going to buy a pair of these. I can't feel like in his super fabric. all right so here's the UH here's the plan. here's a question I've actually had for a little while can you buy a $500 bike and it not be a total piece of junk? now you can't buy one from us if you know if you buy one from us, if you bought from one from a dealership a $500 bike it's kind of a piece of junk. right. It needs a lot of work because obviously no one could make any money on it but can you buy a $500 off of Facebook marketplace or Craigslist or one of those sites and and do well on it and I think if you were gonna have any possibility of that happening it's gotta look like this outside so me and Caleb are going to spend the next like 20 minutes half an hour five hours five months three days and try to find what we can find and then hopefully try to wrap it up today I want to I'm gonna buy it I want to find it buy it contact them obviously ride it what ride it of course ride it home of course so let's uh see how it goes oh my gosh never home track for a dollar oh this is too good so cheetah it's all I needs a battery how far is New Castle Delaware always that if you like the like the og like st yep kind of it's very goofy it's the same one no I'm saying that's killer though that looks great that's an amazing looking bike why they paint a frame that mounts on a new battery i aside oh that looks but it's easy to buy cosmetics over 500 other bikers a bad drivability yeah it's about trying to get on a buddy for five hundred dollars maybe just a learner but good-looking bike yeah oh yeah always the motto take these little bodywork shut the road but needs some work to be road ready I won't do it then we're gonna do with negotiations right there man yep that that could be the bike that could be the bike oh yeah I'm also trying to make money on this plane I'm step I'm stepping it even higher dad they're selling my 650 Maxim rode this bike first season and they have brand new tires in the fall needs a few things before the season perfect for something a little bit of time rough break a stick tank has mildly old gas in it battery feels a little weak from sitting turns over a problem haven't tried to start it he was asking $1,000 title in hand that's got the titles in his name do that me falling what I like is that always as I've asked my wife to spend this amount of money yeah I just want to see what the guy's gonna say fine yeah that's fine I respectfully disagree with your wife this is great no one disagrees my wife no no that's stupid wrong yes really oh you guys are so tuned oh my god you guys have matching denim jackets aid you guys have the same team yo check it out first starting a brand new GSXR 2018 250 for a 2007 Chisolm 5c 50 without pretty three of squared Eagle yeah oh man she's gonna be she's gonna be mad or be close at all is there anything more we can do I would be looking to take the bike to get the bike out of your hair today let's see what happens well you don't have to realize like we're trying to get this done in a day like we went from never looking at a bike to it a day can we get a bike for $1,500 here's a question do you think he gets to a point where you've annoyed him he got is probably point definitely point there he's teaching for a set point yet no no I guess each person's a little different hopefully not he could show us the bike today but we've got stalemate at 700 700 I think she drove her son right yeah might be a good bike for 700 bucks it's pretty cheap I don't like about it is that it's got that dent where the tank looks crummy from the other side yeah we got this guy the man Maxim he's preferment 700 crushing this - this one's called like y'all smell this like caramel apple pie they like Apple so - all right how are you just bite back okay diverse a whole yeah oh yeah where's all right are these straps two straps in the person all right so rolling maxing out wet weight fried about 500 pounds we're only hundred pounds over the max weight for the first of all so we should be good cool this is your battery dead to order for tanks traps well done this guy said he I say I'm trying to start my Oh hey 24 leaves a lot like soul mates which you know best friend's bachelor yeah harrison should be set in texas of best friend special birth now we're doing it we're doing doing I feel like it's almost texted me this time I tickets right right he doesn't think it's funny the baby's not the kind of guy with one of ours maybe something kind of guy who owned by motors over from the owner by what do they have some guy you think number one guy the other day sent me a kissy face I need to set hop back all right so I'm going to say you know kiss face can I say AHA with the asterisks to be a know you like I like now I say we I think we've let it uh I sound like a Ricky basil forever metal coins think of what you got going on back here this is super poseable there yeah here yeah we just ruined that last night putting the garage door down keep that but that's already lost been second yeah as let's take a second to be yeah the guy that bought this the guy that had it before and like did all the frame mods but like didn't think anything out how to powder coat and I've never put it back together so he got a country and he's paying me to finish it one oh well which has been fun correcting everybody else's mistakes but it's good that's what happens we're in a cafe racer game yeah that's a fun bike though move but yeah it looks cool big old knobby tires and stuff yeah early yeah earlier this anyway I've got 67 cool CB 77 I bought it from Ohio I blew it up on the way back it's gonna be nice oh that's right that's our garage track bike that's our loaner bike from track oh cool for the guy that doesn't have one exactly or the spare when everyone brings their own freakin around you're fixing your own yeah that's for the I want to come up to the track oh yeah it's a month yeah yeah it got tipped over sitting outside it might have got bumped or something but there's pork ass on the side it's got new tires on it you can turn it over turn over gas just hasn't been on I imagine the gas that's in the tanks pretty old so Frank's just fine it's got good spark good compression just been sitting for quite a while and the front brake is relatively in need of a reboot and it rolls but not well so haven't let it seep from like the like in the night travel case you should have taken the sissy bar off there like that carpeting rear pad because that's worth at least a thousand but another Seabees like the Seabees like 935 yeah it's something like this but he could slide up yeah you know you could use it for yourself yeah that's a giant backrest let's pick it out you guys just do all vintage bikes no no like that's a mm that's a w6 v you that's a Kawasaki speed trial huh and then I have all modern bikes now besides my 68 I was 16 well what he was like 11 yeah a lot of entire bucks for something he wrote it he wrote it two seasons ago all season last season for like three quarters of the season and then parked it and then he actually just bought that gs500 off plus two days ago oh yeah what now it's too good for the maxim yeah I love the Mac so my buddy has one like the midnight Maxim it's just got black wheels there's no real difference that things like whoo man hon I didn't I thought just quick for a big heavy cruiser like they're they're a fun little bike but yeah I think you just so he really happens like I've seen it so many times you get a lot of these kids that like want to ride bikes and they think like oh I'm gonna buy tops on our bike and it'll run perfect cuz it starts right now and then like the first season goes by and it like there's a little problem or they know how to use a choke and then they realize they're not a mechanic at all and they push through it though they kept on pushing through it yeah and so it's like it's one of those things I think he just wants something that starts every time and like it have to ever worry about it so he let it sit and then tried to start it called me and was like hey I don't think it's gonna start the gas smells bad I was like right it's carbureted like there's certain things that you have to do every year and he's like well what do I need to do so I like I talked him through like what I would do if I was gonna get him on the road and like a weekend and he was like oh I don't know man I'm saying all right all right I think we can get this for 21 I think we can get the bike back to the shop unloaded and get it running before 5:00 yeah Harrison no we just said it out of courtesy yeah here's the game plan I'm gonna do what I did to every other bike I got running this year bubble spray some guys can't sleep right on the antenna sighs how was your dinner was great cool cats what is sucking out I'll smell it I'll take it I'll taste it I'll take a little sip take a little go i skirting the old fuel girls hair on your chest feel like the last kid on the bus yeah kids and I need the bus Grande and you you're stuck talking I mean how the kids like see you at school no they'd be a nice help while they stop on you they keep calling me son a little kid dragging his bike all right this is the walking around video for the maximum trail and bike perfectly fine the brakes I'd even see stopped on the front none if you've not you it a little bit perfect 20 did you see this is now best wine from the top showing gives it a 10 out of 10 no it hooks it up it's whatever this is isn't it maybe father's didn't take to the car any funny is like how did this thing manage to get wrapped he said it's a little bit yeah how did that happen so what the heck is maintained in this boost yeah no I feel like little pouch nothing piece of book it's like it's down here that's down there that's where you access it you do two squirts first you got on stream dummy okay dude oh boy we can't have nice things yeah thank you yeah shooter towards the Viper so yeah so yes new paint job back to the server thank you all right that only took three cava so we can really have minutes okay yeah it's a gas on you turn the gas on well there you have it 700 bucks you can get yourself a running motorcycle last year a tram pretty good a little bit of love this bikes going to run perfect she's riding it on the alright guys let's do a little recap of what just happened and the reason we're making this video is because I want more people to ride I want to show you guys that it's not expensive to ride a motorcycle that you can that if we can if we can find a bike within two hours of looking online find a bike for seven hundred bucks get it running for ten bucks and I'm currently driving it the next day I only have about two hours of actually working on it oh I really did it the bike was I put new plugs and I took the tank off I drained the fuel out I put new fuel back in and then it fired up and we charged the battery but the battery was fine all the lights work everything works it's a great way to learn it's a great way to learn about bikes and learn how to ride and just kind of learn about the whole scene and all this for seven hundred and ten dollars do you have more time if you had a winner if you had a couple months to try to find a bike then you could you could find a great deal fun trying to find a closer to the bike you want or honestly you just find a cheap bike just find something cheap find a good deal find something that runs what I liked about this bike was that I had new tires tires are expensive tires give me about three hundred bucks this bike already had new tires and it has run in the past a year or so so that's a big deal if you're gonna find a bike that's not been ran in a long time just thing you're gonna put new tires and you know a lot of you gonna spend more money on it but if I'm gonna get cheaper initially so I said this bike is a success I'm cruising up the highway we're going 60 miles an hour this thing pulls good and we'll see you guys next week I mean and I'm admittedly I was always the guy that was like buying bikes in the snow like a boss
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 421,294
Rating: 4.6317515 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycles, test drives, test ride, bikes and beards, funny, yamaha, maxim, $500, $1000, craigslist, facebook marketplace, srkcycles, under, cheap, kawasaki, harley, barnfind, broken, how to buy a motorcycle, motorcycle buying tips, cafe racer, honda, suzuki, triumph, budget buy, budget build, moto vlog, buying
Id: CG2_0szQQDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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