Butternut Squash Soup

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[Music] zupa zuka barut squash soup and you know we have a guest Grandma comes to the things that she loves and she loves her soups e you like your I like very much so we're going to do some butternut squash soup nice and creamy you know I cook a lot of soups I love soups and I cook a lot of them and I cook a lot for grandma because I travel I do this grandma lives with me I have these little jars of soup for her so if I'm not around she has one of those pulled out and dinner is ready and it's very easy to digest for me so let's begin with a nice heavy Soup pot I just love cooking soups anyway I think they're you know they're one of those uh one pot meals that you can use whatever it's in season whatever you have in the house and you end up with a good soup so here butternut squash I have some oil in there let's get the it's getting wild in here you always ask me Lydia you don't wear an apron do you ever get dirty yes I get dirty you see it right here it happens all the time in the Kitchen season it with salt and Grandma you like pepperoncino you like it nice and spicy I do yeah nice and spicy nice and [Music] spicy Grandma you know we get a lot of questions from our social media you know and maybe you can help me with the answer so this is from Patrick Hamilton from Kentucky and oh that's a simple one and you can answer your too Lydia what's your favorite soup you know what I love I love a good chicken soup with rice or tortellini in there and some grated cheese and that kind of really heals my soul everything it just makes me feel good what's your favorite soup Grandma when I am uh catching cold or something I like your soup when I'm normal with no cold I like pasta Fula she likes the Hardy bean and bean and pasta very tasty very tasty for me you you grew up at least two times a week my mother used to cook and I used to love it it's a great soup because dry beans some potatoes and if you have a piece of cured meat or whatever or pesto you know pestata H and then some pasta and VOA you have a really Hardy meal okay so let's add the onions the celery and celery I'm going to teach them a little bit few words you're a teacher celery in Italian is my mind was stopped for a minut and Chipola and Chipola Chipola is onions you learn L with two lse she said okay let's round this and I have some Sage some bay leaves also and just to give it some freshness you know with butternut squash orange and butternut squash go really really good together especially when you're making a soup let's put the orange [Music] juice the rinds of one [Music] orange some salt for the onions I I think that's enough we put the pepero Chino and now we're going to put the water it's heavy the C it's heavy okay so we're going to let this cook until it's about halfway down and the butternut squashes and the celery and everything is really soft and it's going to be kind of creamy but without cream I don't like cream in my soups but I do like some bacon as decorations so let me crisp up the bacon while the soup is cooking not only decoration the smell too and The Taste too sure especially with soup you know that you put right in the soup so here we are so the soup is going to come to a boil and we're going to let it cook for about a half an hour I patiently wait good food you need to have a little patience especially soups the bacon is going to get nice and crispy you like bacon my favor you like bacon in soups and pastas I'm crazy for she's crazy for bacon uh no but bacon who doesn't love bacon bacon makes everything tastes better so a nice crunchy bacon on top of the creamy soup is going to be delicious I love soups and I think that soups are one of those basic cooking techniques that will really satisfy many of your needs it's easy you know you need a big pot you need a lot of liquid and then you can just build your flavors within those flavors all the root vegetables great use for them and then of course also for the meats you know all those secondary Cuts some ribs some uh hoofs uh some uh muscle meat to make stock you know all the bones all of that makes a great soup my daughter it's cooking delicious thing for me chicken soup vegetable soup pasta Fula I enjoy them very much and she put in a freezer and I have a RAR any time I feel like to have think about the soup of something that you could plan ahead put it in your freezer and when the moment of need arises you just pull it out whether it's a clear stock and you put some pasta or rice in it and a sandwich you got a meal whether it's a vegetable soup just pull it out maybe you have a sausage on the side cook that and you have another meal so think of soups as kind of your friend in the kitchen uh I certainly love to cook them the soup is finished we have puree part of it and we have three generations here three out of the four generations here are in our house Grandma of course begins it second her mother Tanya is the third and Julia is the fourth and there's nothing better than having my kids in the kitchen and cook with them all together we get all together so Julia finish finish pureing the soup Julia for me I think that's fine okay and just like that so you see we got a lot of soup out of this we'll have a nice Lune but also this we could really save it in the freezer and uh you know as I said no cream or anything you know you could add cream you could add different things but I think I just like it natural this is yours Julia thank you okay and Grandma this is yours all my V vitamin or vitamin how you say you get your vitamins yeah Grandma now I like it just like that but you know you can put croutons in there you can put some some rice some cooked rice in there and of course the decoration now do you I want bacon but how do I in just yeah just rip it put it on top and Grandma you want some scallions that's nice yeah Julia you want some scallions thank you okay should we put some you like bacon Grandma thanks for helping me and would you say bra bra wait wait non I know you're eager to get in there but what does that mean you have to tell them you're the teacher you got the same story that's the same story in English it's the same story just this time is reheated so let's let's taste it let's see what you like guys if you like it if you don't some more bacon some you like some bread Grandma why not give me a piece of bread I'm bre e that anyway okay it's very good delicious yeah is it missing a little salt or something would you put some croutons in there or something they gobble not eat it gabble gobble gobble do you think you need some some croutons I like it without it you like it just m m M delicious the sound effects H but Julia you're 16 almost yeah and uh to to be what does it feel for you to be in the kitchen with Grandma and great grandma do you learn do you feel secure especially from you you know everything she's talking with the hands like the Italian well that's that's what it is that's what it is and so do you look forward as you grow up to cook ever more yeah especially because you and I cook a lot around Christmas and Easter we made the Easter bread so the holidays are very important being in the family together uh with I'll be able to do the holidays when I'm older will you will you commit to that sure all right so we have it down on record mhm that you're going to cook a Christmas dinner when you when you grow old enough to do so with Olivia that's the oldest granddaughter that's Joe's daughter and they're sort of the beginning and the end of five beautiful grandchildren but we are going to eat it while it's hot but some of it is left for you too so so we really do want to invite you and what do we say when we invite everybody at the end of the [Music] show you have it from each one of us so do come and we'll just continue to Mare
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 33,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lidia Bastanich, Italian food, Italian - American food, Italian-American cuisine, cooking shows, learn how to cook, delicious Italian food recipes
Id: 06k2urM-FEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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