But What IS A Lens Flare?

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A lot of people took pictures of the recent solar  eclipse in North America and got photos where   there’s a ghostly image of the eclipse floating  in the sky nowhere near where the sun is!  The short explanation is that the ghostly  eclipse images are lens flares: the thing   that happens when you point a camera towards a  particularly bright light source and you get a   glow or streaks or disks... or eclipses? The eclipse lens flares are cool in two   really different ways - first, they allow  you to actually take an image of a partial   or annular eclipse without fancy photographic  filters to darken the sun! Though my lawyer   tells me that you should never look directly at  the sun or point a camera at it for an extended   period of time without a proper solar filter. And  second, eclipse lens flares reveal some really   interesting facts about lens flares in general! This is grossly oversimplified, but lens flares   are basically, generally speaking, an optical  defect: they’re light that passes through a   lens in an unintended way. Most modern camera  “lenses” are actually multiple glass lenses,   called lens elements, working together to function  as a single optical device. In a perfect world,   all the light falling on a lens would be bent  in exactly the way the designers intended,   passing through each lens element and reaching  the image sensor or film to create an image. But   physics is annoying: glass likes to reflect and  absorb and scatter light as well as transmit it,   and no matter how careful you are with  anti-reflective coatings, no lens is perfect.  Every single lens element, including the aperture,  will in principle “incorrectly” reflect or scatter   or diffract a small amount of all light that  hits it, and that light then bounces around   in the lens before hitting the inside wall  of the lens, or going back out the front,   or hitting the image sensor. But even when it hits  the image sensor, you don’t notice most of this   incorrectly bouncing light, especially  if the lens makers did their job well.  It’s all about relative brightness - if, say, 99%  of light passes correctly through a lens element   and only 1% of it bounces around and causes  a lens flare, then that flare is at most 1%   as bright as the correct light, and you probably  won’t notice it in the final image. This is how   one-way mirror glass works, for example, or why  it’s really easy to see into a house at night,   but hard to see out. Relative brightness! When you do have a bright light, oh,   do lens flares come in all varieties! Glow  and rings and rays and starbursts and disks   and rainbow arcs and so on - the appearance of  flares depends on a lot of factors: the shape   and positioning of lens elements, the coatings on  them, the focus and zoom and aperture settings,   how bright the light is, and even the  direction the bright light is coming from.  Anything that has a line of sight to the front  of the lens – whether within the field of view   or not – anything that could in principle cast  light of any sort onto the lens is technically   speaking causing lens flaring of some type  somewhere in the image. Most of the flares   are simply too faint/dark to notice. And  lens makers typically work very hard to   engineer lenses to minimize the reflections and  absorption that lead to flares, though defects   are impossible to eliminate entirely. You only  start noticing flaring when the light causing   the flare - whether the light source is visible  in the image or not – is bright enough that,   even when it’s darkened to 1% or 0.1%  or 0.01% of its original brightness,   that darkened light is still brighter than - or at  least similar in brightness to - the other things   in the part of the image where the flare appears. The sun, of course, is definitely bright enough   that even when you darken it by a factor of a  hundred, or a thousand, or ten thousand, it’s   still bright. In the case of the eclipse photos,  some of the light from the sun is presumably   illuminating or scattering off of a lens element  somewhere within the lens (rather than passing   through as intended), and that creates a flare  that looks like the eclipse. This flaring also   happens if you take a picture of the sun not  during an eclipse, but in that case it’s really   hard to tell whether the flare is a circle because  the sun is a circle, or because the lens aperture   is a circle, or because the bright light source  was blurred into a circle, and so on. And we’re   so used to seeing lens flares in images that most  of the time we don’t really even notice or think   about them. During an eclipse, though, the lens  flare is different - in the right circumstances,   the flare will be an image of the eclipsed sun  itself! Though mirrored across the field of view   the way some some lenses flip things upside down.  There are two really cool things about this lens   flare: first, the fact you’re seeing the eclipse  in the flare tells you that if you took a picture   of the sun with that camera on a normal day, the  flare you’d see IS an actual image of the sun,   and not just a weird out of focus orb - which  is really cool! Second, regardless of how the   flare was created within the lens, its light  had to have been dimmed enough relative to   the powerful brightness of the sun that the  flare doesn’t create its own haze and glow   and flaring - it’s a correctly exposed photo  of an eclipse, obtained using a lens defect   rather than a solar filter. and this is part of  what lets you see it clearly in a photograph!  In a sense, when you take a picture that has a  lens flare that’s an image of the eclipse, you   are actually, directly, photographing the eclipse  - just not the way the lens makers intended.  ps - here’s a photo that puzzled me at  first: the flare isn’t opposite the sun,   but instead is directly where the sun should be!  I wondered what was going on until I realized...   this isn’t a flare, it’s just a direct image of  the eclipse! The clouds passed in front of the   sun enough to darken it enough for the camera  to take a photo directly without glow or flares   to obscure the image. It’s all about relative  brightnesses! And if you’re actually out in   the real world photographing bright objects,  well, if something’s a flare, you can put your   hand “behind” it (because the flare is happening  inside the lens), while if it’s really the object,   then the only way to put your hand behind it  is to actually get behind the object (which,   with the sun at least, is kind of hard). While you’re waiting for the next eclipse   to get hands-on with the sun, it’s a good time to  get your hands busy with the new math and science   courses from Brilliant, this video’s sponsor. I  just checked out their new course on visualizing   data (a thing I think a lot about as a science  communicator, enough that I’ve given talks on   it!), and it’s a nice intro to knowing what kind  of charts and plots to use to convey different   ideas. I also went through their new course on  how AI large language models (like chat GPT) work,   and I learned about how changing the “temperature”  setting of an AI can change its creativity! To   sign up for Brilliant (for free) and get 30  days of full access to all of their courses,   go to Brilliant.org/MinutePhysics. The first 200  people will also get 20% off an annual Premium   subscription for all of Brilliant’s content,  including the new courses they add all the   time. Again, that’s Brilliant.org/MinutePhysics  - and thanks to Brilliant for their support.
Channel: minutephysics
Views: 285,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physics, minutephysics, science
Id: z_WRaTsGbVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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