Bust sculpture with simple armature tutorial

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dowel pedestal if it's wobbly you put a piece of tape and then it's just like one layer of tape because if you put too much then it won't fit in the hole and it kind of defeats the purpose of the whole idea is that you want this to not wobble too much okay so then a bucket of water and a pretty large stack of newspaper to start with okay and then you want about i'm gonna say so this is a brand new bag of clay and about half of it or maybe two two thirds of it has already been used so i'm gonna say you need about two to two and a half inches from the top this is gonna be about five pounds of clay you're gonna cut that in half so that now you have two and a half two and a half and then you're gonna get one more so about seven and a half pounds thereabouts doesn't have to be perfect okay so three pieces that are about two to two and a half pounds each okay so that's what you're starting with okay and then wads of paper you do want to cover your board with plastic and i have plastic over here in this box already but you could cut out a little rectangle from one of the plastic bags over there and then you just puncture that over the stick so that your sculpture doesn't stick to the board underneath it okay then you want to take your sections of newspaper open them up and i like to make a pretty good stack of open mint paper okay if you have any half sheets in here you want to get rid of them half sheets are no good okay so we're just gonna make a stack of these so that you can have access to them quickly without having to kind of interrupt yourself in the midst of doing this i'm gonna do like maybe one more stack here almost there okay so what i'm going to teach you is a process that i kind of discovered through experimentation and that is you want to be able to remove the newspaper from the bottom of your sculpture fairly easily and this is ideally what we're shooting for okay can you see it pretty good okay and so you can see that it's kind of flat that's kind of what a humanoid would be is flat and then kind of rounded on the sides where the arms would be and the back of the head comes out pretty good the front has a chin that pops out pretty good and then it's kind of a basic foundation this underneath piece that you can see is a fairly large opening in there so that when you start to pull this newspaper out it pulls out all in one fell swoop okay so the interlocking system that i'm about to teach you is going to help you with that let me show you this okay so you want to take probably two to three sheets at a time and roll them up into a coil of newspaper so i start from the corner because it makes a longer coil diagonally than it does straight up up and down okay so you want to make as long a coil as you can out of this and then i'm just going to go ahead and rod that up and put in the newspaper and let it start to soak i'm going to do this about three or four times so there's another four sheets start to roll into a coil roll and stuff one two three four so you're just letting that stuff soak in the water so it's starting to collect water as it needs it perfect three or four it's good okay it's a half sheet nope [Music] you might not use all of them but those are all absorbing water in the bucket okay so then before we start to use the newspaper we're going to start to create our pinch pots and uh if you guys wanted a larger scale than what i've got here we could go larger scale okay you just got to upscale everything that we're talking about so i could get you a piece of pvc and uh hey harrison would you mind i think over there in the corner is the is the one that we used for your hair oh no you guys are using it again no no i was just going to show them that setup that you have there with the legs and the pvc coming out that's fine you're cool you're good so basically the system that they got over there is essentially the same thing only this piece of pvc coming out instead of the tube instead of the dowel so i took a third of that piece of clay and i'm just pounding it into a ball and because this is new clay i do not have to wedge it it is de-aired when it comes to us okay um the only reason why i would want to wedge this is like i was wheel throwing i want it to be pretty even in consistency and it tends to be a little kind of drier on the outside than on the inside because clay is not as airtight as we'd like it to be plastic is not airtight as we'd like it to be okay so we have two and we might wind up cutting one of these in half we'll see so first thing we're going to do is grab one of these coils and we are still taping making sure you see like a little red light no yeah but it says record okay cool okay so we start at the center and you kind of spiral around and then as i'm doing this i'm kind of pinching it to kind of make it flat so that you know a human is flat so to speak to start out with then you add other elements that you need to add so that's about there then i take my second one squeeze out as much water as i can and then when i put this on here i don't just start to wrap it around but i actually twist the ends around each other a couple times so that when i do wind up trying to pull this out later on they're like tied together and so i just continue where i left off i continue to wrap building up kind of the shoulders that i want and then i'm going to allow this to kind of go over the top of the dowel so i can tie into it with the next piece but now i'm going to go ahead and grab my pre-flattened pin uh wad of clay and i'm going to start to create a pinch pot out of this and it does not have to be beautiful by any means you're just trying to put a piece of clay over the top of that newspaper and you want it to be about an inch to an inch and a half thick the clay and then you will stab your thumb through the top and open it up so that it is basically now a cylinder of clay not just a pinch pot i opened up the bottom okay so it's a pinch pot that has an opening to it okay then i'm going to take and kind of stretch it open a little bit and get it to be kind of more flat it's not round like it was kind of flattening it and i put this over the top of the mound of newspaper that i had and that becomes the shoulders okay then i'm going to take i don't know maybe a third of this and i'm going to make this into a coil so i'm squeezing it with my hands and then i'm going to roll this out on the table and when you're rolling a coil what's tricky is getting it to be consistently the same round so at first i'm kind of crushing it and making it so that it's no longer flat i'm starting to make it circular and then if it does start to flatten a little bit you have to lift it up on its sides and roll out the flatness so that you get a nice round coil okay then this clay is brand new it's really wet i do not have to worry about scoring and slipping but you could just use a little bit of water put it on there and then you're going to start to build the neck up okay so i'm taking one coil and instead of going right into the next level i go ahead and cut this right here so that i make one level layer of coil okay and i'm going to do at least two coils okay so that was one and so that coils i don't know definitely thicker than my thumb pretty thick okay again just dip your hand in the water get it wet and stagger the seam so that it's not right over the other seam that you had turn this and cut i actually like to cut over the top of the last one so that i can make the seam there pretty perfect okay so now if you look at this from the top you can see that i have two stacked coils an empty space in there that's pretty wide and you can see the newspaper down in there can anybody see that so now i'm going to tie in another newspaper so bring out the water okay tie this into the old one that i had there before and then start to wrap around the inside okay and then i'm just going to put the top right over the top just like that for now and i'm going to cut this other so this was another third of the pieces that i had about two and a half pounds okay so i'm going to cut this into a third and two thirds so i just cut off about a third with using my felling knife i'm going to turn this into a pinch pot again pinching with my thumbs opening it up and again i'm going to rip through the bottom open it up and that way it looks like that kind of has a hole in it there's a little bit of clay on my finger that i'm just going to put on there and then you're going to widen this as much as you need to to get it over the newspaper push it down open it up a little bit here kind of make the head a little bit wider then i'm going to take one last piece of newspaper so that was four total right four papers so to this size you want four okay squeeze out the water so this wet newspaper on the inside is going to keep your sculpture soft for a while okay until you're ready to start to stiffen it up and harden it so i just i make sure that i twist both ends not just one end and then you're it's like you're loading a a washer right with clothes you put all your clothes around the center of the washing machine and then you want to make sure that you put a lot of the excess newspaper over the top of that dowel so that it doesn't puncture through the top of your head okay it's a bummer making this sculpture and then so then with this last third i'm just going to make a shallow pinch pot because it doesn't need to be very deep and essentially so i'm going to take a couple of these and i'll probably wind up putting them on top later but i'm just going to put this here i'm going to squeeze the clay until the two kind of match up and then just like when we did the egg sculpture you want to take this seam and zip it with your fingers you don't have to really exaggerate it but you want to pinch the seams together okay all the way around and my newspaper was sticking out there so i'm going to push it in and make sure that it's not in the middle of the seam okay then after you've pinched it together and it's staying together you come back and you smear it and then let's see joey would you please get me one of the metal ribs that does not have a serrated edge just this kind of a flexi guy and there's a red rib drawer over there so now i'm just smearing the seam with my fingers and i like to smear up but whatever it doesn't matter you can go at an angle whatever okay i'm just kind of smearing that seam trying to get rid of that zipped up seam that we had thank you sir it's perfect it's exactly what i was looking for and then i'm going to do the same thing with the neck i'm just going to smear it down smear the top egg or pinch pot that we had into that neck so i'm smearing up and down on the neck coils to get rid of the seams that were there okay and then i have a packet that i have uploaded for you guys already and if i haven't already given you our google classroom code i will do that because i have set up a classroom for you guys and that way you can access the handouts that i want to give you there's like 18 or 20 handouts per this packet so that would be like an exuberant amount of printouts so i'm not going to put them out you guys can use your devices to look at the packet if you want okay so i've got this generally the way i want then after i've got it smeared and smoothed out fairly decent i come back with a metal rib and i'm going to really start to refine the shape with this smearing the clay so that it's starting to look a lot better than all my fingerprints that i had i'm just kind of kind of dragging some clay up with it as i'm smearing too and if you notice that you can kind of see the newspaper at any given spot you can build coils up i'm obviously going to need to build those shoulders up a little bit more i'm going to need to squeeze in the neck a little bit so i'm doing that and then there are these paddles okay some of them have a curve to them and some of them are flat you want to take out any aggression on your sculpture this is therapy okay so that teacher that just you know totally upset you earlier okay jonio so taking it out on the sculpture right instead so you just kind of gently tapping it making sure that you're getting rid of any of those weird growths and stuff that were made from sculpting and stuff okay and then i'm gonna decide which is the front and which is the back and i'm going to make sure that i paddle it fairly flat on those two sides and then i'm kind of tapping down here for the shoulders tapping down here for this shoulder do the same thing on this side i'm going to really start to kind of tap in where the neck is using the side of the paddle now and then i'm going to start to decide where is the chin and where's the back of the head and so i have two coils here already i'm going to go ahead and add some clay here and add some more right there and start to smear up but it's starting to really accentuate the chin you want it to kind of stick and protrude out because the chin has basically an overhang feel to it so then after you've smeared it you can come back and tap and you want to look at this thing from many angles and really try to get things to have a relationship how they flow to each other okay around and if you look at somebody from the top sides and three-quarter view and profile view you can see that there is a relationship as to how things flow to each other and then same thing on the back so we had the chin the chin was a little bit lower on this side so a bit about two-thirds maybe a third of the way up excuse me a third of the way up is where i'm going to start to add the back of the head and get that to kind of get accentuated and smear both up and down push mold and then tap so you just really got to push this clay around until it takes on the shape that you wanted to take okay so this is armature and basic foundation for bust sculpture and then now you can start to add clay and create your reference lines so you have a line that goes down the middle the line that goes across the middle horizontally and then you can start to do like eye sockets right on those starting to press in if it's going to be humanoid so you get to the side and then if you wanted to open this up and make it so that it has an open head you can do that you can do whatever you want this is a monster that's an alien whatever your plan is okay so that is constructing an armature and a a basic foundation for a bust sculpture okay and i did not use all seven and a half pounds so probably more like six and a half six six and a half pounds something like that and and then i can add more as i need it okay good okay that's what we're doing then we're gonna start around the craziness of it okay
Channel: Jonny O O'Lonergan
Views: 29,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fqivmvxD2ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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