Bushcraft Self Feeding Fire! Uk Mossy Woodland Wildcamping.Fire Cooked Roast Dinner! Survival skills

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[Music] morning everyone hope you're all right i'm back out camping i'm with ben what's up brother i'm just waiting for liam from primal nomad bushcraft we're in a bit more of a natural woodland today we've got moss all over the floor and it's full of pine there's a little bit of oak i've seen some sweet chestnut and some silver birch so we're just going to get set up ben's in the plow today he's just getting his bed space ready clearing out the area and i'm going to be on the deck as well just going to make a little uh bus shelter style thing awesome ben's bought the big boy he's got the 4x4 i'm interested to see how big this plow point's going to be she's seen some service now just three by three mate yeah yeah some action [Music] i need to make some pegs what do you do for work man i want restoring like historic building work on restoring historic what buildings so i've just pegged my tarp out at the back i'm not going to be coming behind here anymore ben's got the big boy plow set up looking good dude yeah man i've got my shelf cut in all my all my hangers you brought the throne as well i see yeah yeah well we you know i thought it was worth the carry for the comfort man worth the carry got to be done there's so much room in there you know that's giant mate yeah i think when it was set up as the two or two it was up to here that's what it was yeah obviously exactly half nice what a difference it makes liam's just finishing off he's in the lavoo say hello to everyone keeping wellboy yeah doing really well yeah in the la view tonight so this little poncho at the bottom to sort out some tent pegs because i only bought a few awesome i'm glad you're here man i'm stoked to go camping with you again absolutely man i'm gonna have awesome time let's have a good one mate what was i home in the other day at work ben nelly furtado so everyone's happy everyone's set up and squared away which is awesome we're going to start thinking about collecting some firewood we're going to get a nice big stack so we can have a good fire tonight we're eating like kings again today we're going to have giant yorkshire puddings with chicken pigs in blankets some veg some stuffing it's going to be awesome it's chilly today it was freezing cold this morning but i love camping in this sort of weather it's mega it's nice to have a little chill it makes that fire that a little bit more special when you sat around in the evening and this is a suffolk woodland it's a little bit more natural than the usual camping spots i go where the trees are all in straight lines so it's nice to have all the moss on the floor the autumn leaves are looking beautiful as well the colours are really popping so i've just added an extra post in the middle just in case it does rain tonight because that was looking a little saggy don't want to get a puddle of water in there in the night time but i think that's looking pretty good i'm happy with that i'm sporting my new rab gloves a little chilly out this morning i bought these from a charity walk and they are toasty unfortunate because i work at four days on four days off pattern so i get so much time to go camping that's why i get to go every week yeah the weekend oh just sorry that dude never apologized so we're going to go look for some materials because the plan is we're going to make a self-feed and fire i spoke about it like four or five videos ago and i never pulled through so we're gonna do it today uh which i'm stoked for really looking forward to that i've never done a selfie to five before so it should be interesting it may work it may not but let's give it a go he's a grafter at work and he's a grafter out of work that's what i'd say so ben we need quite a steep angle on this don't we you know the ratio i was looking at well i was looking at the pictures online uh just the google images and with a ladder you go four to one so for every four measurements up you go one out yeah looking at the the pitch of the pictures that we've been looking at for ideas i'm thinking it's more of a free to one so for every three lengths we go up whether that be three meters or three feet yeah we're going one foot to one meter out at the base i like it so that's that's my fear you might be wrong we might have to adjust it that was for quite fat logs we'll make it work brother i'm sure make it work we always make it work we always make it work dream team mother nature's being kind to us yet again love to see it it's a little rotten down here but we can cut that off i'm trying out ben's new gumboy mate that's lovely it does the job do that lovely [Music] we're getting there yeah so a nice space between them that's looking good so we just need to go for some water let's get some wires mate that's friends there's a beast there's still a little bit of mist across the forest as well it's nice isn't it beautiful spreading the knife oh yeah almost like a giant slingshot yeah so [Applause] starting to come together i need a couple more wise for this side we'll peg in some hazel to lock it in place old school a couple of pegs worth there maybe two or three oh i've got all the hazel i need here peaceful as you like get some fire with me like come out and subscribe yeah really well yeah ash is lovely to burn isn't it so good it's a close second to work man i quite like beach as well mate i'm well impressed with your shelf yeah that's awesome man yeah really like that i like the way you've got everything hanging on your stake i've got my lantern that can point to my shelf or it can point to my bed depending on what i want to do with it another torch down there the shelf your biz biz ben's got some good beers got the bluetooth speaker we're set which is in green quite fitting the levoo a poncho at the bottom uh just got my wii sport backpack with me today got the self-inflating map in the uh bivvy bag and yeah just loving it looking good man i've got a wood stove coming from poe molly saying yes poker mate who got yourself from um so i'm looking forward to that turn into a bit of a hot tent vibe looking good bro time for a love and hate new england by vocation one of the better ones for sure there's always a jet in my videos man i didn't think it would be as dry as it is on the inside so it's a bonus very nice oh that was a bit of an arm pump on that one oh behind me load me up boys [Music] oh bit more chopping to do yeah another couple of bits i think that's going to work quite well you know we might just pull this off i think we might we might just pull this off we might end up pulling the logs off yeah if we go cut a few more pieces i think it's about time to get the fire on after that don't you yeah dude i think yeah i think we're all set yeah man this board's really fatty i think that'll do us nice horde a couple of bits down nice and thin actually just to get us going [Applause] ben's just doing a little more prep to get it going but it's all looking all right what do you reckon liam it's looking good looking really good man we've got some good ash on the bottom some really good kindle in there perfect fat wood and birch bark it's going to be good we believe in you brother ha ha hold pressure's on oh mate it's really satisfying in there good job brother cheers guys thank you for your help nailed your first fire is that your first fire my first fire without using a match or a lighter or a good job man it's first time with the ferro rod at least i'm about ready for another beer i think i think so man i need to nick that one and start now cheers boy enjoy your worry as well yeah oh man what a drop got liam got lima bear yeah i love the word so you may or may not see a shot later of the whole thing just being engulfed in flames when we just burn it off when it's all we're not sure we don't know if that's going to catch and then catch to the next one and then catch to the next one if it does we'll end up with a bomb if it happens you what a spot the self-feeding fire is actually working really well i'm gonna start cutting up some of the veg in a minute [Music] shout out to marmaduke creations by the way for this seeker knife i've been using this for a while now and it's held up really well it's still super sharp i love the shape of it it looks beautiful as well it does me yeah it's so nice check his website check his website he's on instagram i'll leave his links below craftsmanship's on another level as well this lasted a long time as well if you think about it yeah we've only gone down what like two logs yeah three looks like we've got hours worth of wood left we probably will man it all that probably still be done in the morning for our breakfast how much we thinking just keep going yeah just keep going doing good chickens on veggies looking good water's on what's the waterfall the stuffing this stuff is stuff and then we've got the pigs in blankets to go on as well absolutely and the giant yorkshire puddings and gravy that's what we're doing it's gonna be really good [Music] now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] tell me when boy yeah we're good with that man nice dude oh look at that that looks so good mate this is so good dude what a meal you're so tasty man what do you think liam do you rate it man this is awesome one of the best like welcomes to a camp ever it's so good oh man what a good dinner man oh the giant yorkshire puddings just make it having everything inside with the gravy just tops it all off dude it just yeah literally it's the combining element and the stuffing is just excellent man well done thank you so much for having me no worries man on the weekends i seem to naturally like wake up early because i feel like i should be getting up early i love it just get out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the self-feeding fire carried on working when we went to bed because we woke up this morning and there's would you reckon three or four gone into the fire without us being here yeah definitely that's why there was so many embers left in the fire this morning it was really easy to get going again well the dd mat held up really well last night i think i over inflated it though i had it a little too firm for my back but the valve held up well and you can tell the insulating properties are a lot better than just a foam roll mat so i was really impressed with that i slept well i woke up this morning about half four just to turn my lantern off i forgot to stand off last night because we had a few you know but yeah slept really well glad to get this fire on this morning gonna get some breakfast on in a bit we'll see in a sec [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so let's get a bit of a shelf action in here ben ben's putting the shelf to good use oh yeah what do you think of the marmaduke man oh i love it i need to get me a nice knife 100 that's a razor sharp i sharpened it up yesterday that fire is looking perfect to cook on as well i want to buy one of those cast iron skillets [Music] i'm just doing my camp chores i'm packing some stuff away getting the grills away i'm looking forward to having some sausage and bacon though that's gonna be nice they're looking good [Applause] oh my good sir ben you've nailed that mate yeah thanks bro you're welcome man liam's got to leave us a little early yeah unfortunately so he's just packing his stuff up he's getting all packed down now yes a shame but my mum's going into hospital so i want to go and see her gotta be there for your mum man that's it dude thank you craig dude cheers come down man it's been wicked no it's been so good man we're looking forward to camping view again 100 just epic vibes it's just going to be such a good time continuation man i'm sure it's so cool awesome thanks for everything i'll take the rubbish legend no worries man make sure to uh go and subscribe to liam probably know mad bushcraft thanks so much man honestly i really appreciate it been a pleasure bro legend you take care of your man awesome i'm gonna walk liam to the road oh nice man so wait there brother you got so much space in there mate it's mega that's huge so ben had some leftover steaks from when we went to the shelter at that time so he's brought him for us to cook for lunch today follow me on instagram as well if you want to keep up with the photos from my charity walk next week [Applause] [Applause] all tidied away good to go leaving no trace there cheers guys
Channel: EastAnglianBushcraft
Views: 40,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, wildcamping, wildcampinguk, offgrid, wilderness, wilderness living, bushcraftuk, ukbushcraft, bushcraftbuild, bushcraftproject, camping, ukwildcamping, woodsman, ukcamping, survival, survival skills, bushcraftskills, forest, woods, ukwoodland, ukforest, haze outdoors, taoutdoors, bushcrafttools, joerobinet, bushcraftgear, campinggear, selffeedingfire, nature, wildernessliving, offgridliving, livingoffgrid, nomad, nomadic, van life, ukvanlife, vanlifeuk, outdoorsvlogger, outdoorvlogger, axeskills, bushcraftequipment
Id: WVQcKDYj-4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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