Bushcraft Ribeye Steak/ Campfire Cooking

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steak time is coming i'm gonna make my uh herb garlic butter we got some thyme we got some rosemary and then we get our garlic some of that flavor on there all right here i am first uh winter camp of the season and do an overnighter here at the uh the camp um pretty nice day out i'd say it's probably 35. it's gonna get a little chilly tonight but not too bad 25 degrees 22 degrees something like that but uh yeah i uh got a new pack in the mail i wanted to try that out a uh used uh military us military pack it's uh things huge rucksack but uh amazed how much stuff i could cram in there started unloading like an idiot i put my camera tripod underneath everything so i had to pull some stuff out but uh yeah i'm going to get started here uh got a lot of wood to gather i have some gathered already from from a couple previous times being down here but um get my tarp set up and uh got a monster monster rib eye about yay thick i want to say probably two inches thick i'm gonna cook for dinner tonight baked potato i'm just gonna relax and uh enjoy this nice weather might might get some snow tonight so i could wake up in the morning with a little bit of uh snow cover which would be nice so catch you in a few minutes so [Music] [Music] so here's the uh tarp set up for the night pretty much the same one i did for uh a juicy lucy video i like this setup there's plenty of room in back i like that it's covered on all sides for the most part um the only difference is i used to stick to prop this up on that on that video uh i really feel like having a stick in my way tonight so um yeah plenty of room i got this folded uh folded under for kind of a ground sheet i have an extra tarp i'm going to lay down um just a utility tarp i'm going to lay down on top of this too just for an extra barrier and then my sleeping pad and a wool blanket so you know should be uh should be okay tonight like i said it's uh supposed to get a little snow tonight so um i should be nice and toasty and dry in here but uh i'm gonna get my gear in here and go hunting for some wood and uh i need a lot of wood tonight and just gotta stay warm so bush food network be right back just a little cheapy but it's better than nothing there we go nice italian wool blanket get this over so no embers get my uh there we have it that's home for the night so oh all right check that out it's hollow oh that is funky all right well it's firewood down limb i found i believe it's old and it'll burn it's actually a lifesaver that it's hollow i'd be here all day cutting through this thing i think interesting coloring wood all right so here's my wood sash for the night pretty good amount a bunch of smaller stuff medium stuff i got wood all over the place but uh started to get chilly here this guy's getting dark see um a little fire going in a little bit right on fire time brought some little uh some old twine i kind of pulled apart see if that should take a pretty good spark let's get this out of the way oh yeah look at that so i had some wind going on here pulled out my little pocket bellow and as soon as i started doing that the wind picked up and said you don't need to do that that tastes good yeah i'm getting hungry i'm gonna pull my steak out let it kind of dry out seasoned it up it's not going to hurt anything to sit in the open air it's colder than a refrigerator right now so it's colder than a refrigerator let me get this steak seasoned up here how do you see this thing uh oh bloody yeah see that's why i wanted to uh open it up and uh i think it might have still been partially frozen so look at that um we'll just put it right here you know why not burn the paper all right i mean but look at that thing i mean look at the thickness of that that's where the rib was and look at that thing i know i know it's dirty rack some mud so what i'm gonna do now is season this pretty heavily um it's a thick steak so normally normally i wouldn't season something this early before i'm putting it on the fire but it's a thick steak and i want some of this salt to kind of seep in so it's going to look like i'm putting tons and tons of salt on which i am but you kind of need to do it for a cut of meat this big whatever it is beef pork like a pork shoulder you know season the hell out of that so snap crackle pop okay i'm gonna give that a flip season this side up healthfully healthily is that a word i think it is and the salt soaks up out some of the moisture too you can see how wet it was when i took it out of that freezer paper nice big old fat clove of garlic some thyme and some rosemary get that tater in there get it started cooking nice baked potato with butter lots of butter mmm probably take a little while and have to watch it though so don't burn man this is fun i am having a blast okay so the potatoes done i'm not quite sure what to make of it i might have fried the living you know what out of it um but we're gonna see we're gonna see what happens i'm gonna get the steak on here pretty quick and eat i'm starving but uh yeah i might have messed up the potato stay tuned all right let's uh i could be wrong i mean it's soft in there i might have actually oh my lord you know that's really not that bad um all right i'm gonna just use this fork get some of this this butter on there good chunk of butter because butter is good oh that right there let's uh boom okay cutting boards are made to get dirty right all right i'm going to uh kind of embed this butter into the potato best they can all right i mean it doesn't look that bad check that out huh nice bite of potato oh my god that's really good it's actually one of the best baked potatoes i've ever had that's amazing that's first time i've ever done a potato quite like that and uh man it paid off nice and creamy and look at that all right well let's try this side and that little bit of black jar in there it's like seasoning oh mind this one bit it's delicious well there you have it folks um if i was in a survival situation i'd eat every bit of this but i don't need any ash i got a monster steak coming i'm gonna toss this in the fire here we go so what i'm trying to do here is they got the nice the nice warm fire normal fire here burning some nice big logs now it's cold out but over here i have the rock this rock right here and i've been putting wood over here and getting coals over here so i can set my grill grate right across here have a nice warm fire but then cook my steak over here so just being patient building up a nice coal bed i want that steak to be delicious i don't want to burn it so uh stay tuned all right so we're gonna do the final seasoning here and get this thing on the grill nice uh new layer of salt and pepper help give it a nice crust only do one side now but like i said earlier this is a thick thick steak so needs lots of seasoning there we go it's ready for the fire all right let's get this back over the top grab our steak seasoned side down a little bit of an angle i think i'm going to turn this around fat side towards the hot yeah come here this fire is hot all right so we're going to uh take this wad and just kind of brush it some of that flavor on there all right put that back in there i think it's about time to get this steak off i think she's done i think i think i mean i think it's a good medium rare big ass steak yeah that's done i'm gonna set this here to rest garlic butter here garlic herb butter set that there give this couple minutes to rest and i'm going to cut into this thing okay oh all right i'm gonna uh i'll point this down so i can see what i'm doing i gotta bite into this thing holy moly all right it's just decoration i can go in the fire i'd take some uh photos you know oh my lord hmm oh my god this steak it's glorious getting cold quick though herbs and butter kind of like roasted garlic it's like kind of golden brown i haven't had a good steak quite some time i'm going for the middle i mean i mean the fat just melts in your mouth it's not too salty you saw the salt i put on it it is just perfect so i'm super happy to be that's not in your eyes is it super happy to be out here spending the night finally and wanting to get out doing overnight for a while i figured i'd treat myself to it nice juicy steak and uh yeah it's uh it was well worth the wait it took probably a good hour to cook i'd say i don't know if i'll finish the whole thing or not but that was kind of a grisly bite but yeah that's the chance to take oh nope there we go some of the stuff bites are good somebody have a little too much fat but oh now that was a good bite got some of this garlic and herbs oh come on now oh man i'm gonna pick on this for a while i'll check back with you when i'm on chill time on fire have a little cocktail or swell i should say but yeah i'll check back in a little while i'm gonna eat this as much of it as i can stay warm oh all right ladies and gentlemen it's about time for me to uh call it a night oh i can still feel that warmth from that fire i got a rager going on over there lots of got a nice nice uh i wouldn't call it a long fire but uh yeah it's radiating some heat but i'm gonna call it quits i had a good meal had some good brandy i'm gonna crawl underneath this uh wool blanket and i'll see you all in the morning you have a good night you
Channel: Jabo Outdoors
Views: 20,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #steak, #ribeye, #campfirecooking, #wintercamping, #bushcraft
Id: w75M5zDVsy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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