Bury A Can Of Sardines In Your Garden And This Amazing Thing Happens!!

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hello and welcome back my friends today I'm gonna be sharing with you a very cool technique something that you can apply in your garden very easy to do inexpensive highly effective method this is a secret gardening tip that I've been utilizing in my garden for quite some time not exactly the way I'm sharing with you today but the whole concept of using a particular fertilizer as a way to grow abundant plants and as you can see I'm out here in my food forest I've had a little bit of success growing and I want to share with you everything that I've learned over the years and things that I know can work for you so check this out so I'm here next to my hobo culture raised bed garden and as you can see we've got an open patch of ground here just begging for a plant to get plugged in starting to get dry because it needs something growing here so I decided I'm gonna be putting in one of my favorite plants to grow longevity spinach also known as genera Pro Cummins this plant is easily propagated from cuttings that's how I propagated this plant it's just a wonderful heat loving green very delicious mild in flavor great for smoothies sautes that sort of thing so I'm gonna break ground here and get that plant plugged in and share with you the secret wow this is some really good soil here I just want to show this to you this is who goo culture breakdown over the years my soul did not look like this when I first started working this land its majority clay the drainage wasn't very good there was a lack of good organic material in the soil and now this stuff is just primo that's breakdown of woodchips and all the different organic material that made up this Google culture bed here's a piece of that Whoville wood they came out and you can see how it compresses kind of like a sponge just look at that how it breaks down over time excellent for the soil so we've got our hole ready for planting now here's the tip I'm going to share with you today we're going to be putting in a can of sardines in the bottom of this hole now it doesn't matter the brand what I'm encouraging you to do is find the cheapest can of sardines you can oftentimes you can find these at the dollar store or your local grocery store just look for sardines that are packed in water you don't want sardines and oil for what we're doing today and because it's packed in water we can just drop that whole thing in the hole like so now before we put our plant in I know some folks might be concerned that having buried fish in your garden is gonna bring in wildlife like raccoons or other animals that may come in and try to dig this up maybe even a cat so I've got a extra tip for you that I'm gonna share that'll help you to keep any smells down and that is to then top your fish with some spent coffee grounds coffee grounds do a great job eliminating all odors it absorbs odor so just a little bit of coffee grounds also good for your garden good for plants and now we're ready to plug our plant in and look at that we've got a nice root development on this plant we're just gonna tease those roots out a little bit plop it in its new home welcome home longevity spinach we're happy to have you we hope you enjoy your stay here and the plants London's food forest this plant is gonna thrive so burying a fish underneath the plant is not a new idea or concept this has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years Native Americans would employ this technique burying a whole fish or even scraps of a fish underneath each planting as a way to bring in nutrients bringing nutrition replenish the soil feed the plant the way this works is as the roots of this plant start to grow out and develop it's going to reach into the area where we just buried that fish and at the same time the fish is breaking down this is providing a complete NPK value for this plant so nitrogen potassium phosphorous and generally you can expect to get a 4:1 one value or a 5:1 one value now you've seen me speak on using fish emulsion as a way to fertilize my garden that's one of my best techniques especially earlier in the growing season as things are just starting to take off this is the same concept it's just more of a slower feed kind of like a granular fertilizer would be as you're not getting all that soluble nutrients all at once but as it's breaking down it becomes available to the plant so it's very beneficial and the great thing about using sardines is that it's actually quite sustainable and I'll tell you why you see over the years we've over fished our oceans and as a result the natural process of the larger fish consuming the sardines has become disrupted and because of that there's been an influx and abundance of sardines overtaking the oceans and because our Dean's are vegetarian fish in the eat plant matter they're actually consuming too much of the plant matter in the oceans creating an imbalance so harvesting the sardines and using it as a food source number one and as a garden fertilizer are sustainable in today's world so oftentimes what happens as sardines are farmed or caught and fed to other fish to create other meats for human consumption and the problem with that is generally it's going to take about 20 pounds of sardines to create one pound of meat from another fish so the conversion rate is really bad now if we take those sardines rather and we consume them directly it's better for us as well and that's because sardines are a small fish and because of that they don't accumulate the same amount of toxins that larger fish do they eat higher up on the food chain so less mercury less PCBs it's a healthier fish high in omega-3s one of the cheapest costs or lowest cost proteins that you can get on the market today so I'm a fan of stockpiling sardines cans of sardines as a backup even in emergency food and then if those cans start to get a little older and expire you can use that in your garden but if you just want to get some sardines just to use this technique and help to feed your soil in their plants I'd recommend going and checking out like a dollar store or you know one of your discount markets and see what you can find generally you can get these cans for a dollar and if you're able to do that you can get yourself maybe twenty cans and put a can under each one of your tomato plants you cover plants squash plants and you're gonna get a lot of bang for your buck coffee grounds are also another wonderful source to add into your garden they're high in nitrogen they contain other minerals as well potassium phosphorus so this goes really well with the sardine planting or just using this on its own coffee grounds also make a wonderful addition to your garden help to build quality soil they contain a decent amount of nitrogen and also some potassium and phosphorus as well not only that it helps to feed the worms worms love to eat coffee grounds so use a little bit of this in your garden and if you combine it with the sardines all the better you're getting added nutrition and also helping to keep any odors down that may be present and I just want to give a quick shout out to my beautiful wife Alice for doing the filming today she's been doing more of the filming on the channel and I think she's doing a wonderful job if you agree smash that thumbs up for us and shoot us a comment below helps the channel to grow so Alice saw that we have a few riper loquats over there she wanted to go pick one and share that with you today as well beautiful golden loquats remember to save those seeds how is it so that's how we do it out here guys we've been harvesting some delicious apricots every day as well look at this one looks like the birds enjoyed one of those today don't want anything by the bird - this one's perfect I think you like yours a little bit more crunchy honey cheers Cheers life is good in the garden my friends hope you're able to get outside and get some things growing today until next time this is Dan from plant abundance calm take care we'll be talking again soon
Channel: Plant Abundance
Views: 2,146,412
Rating: 4.9052958 out of 5
Keywords: Secret, Garden, Gardening, Tip, Trick, Bury, Fish, Fertilizer, Sustainable
Id: ZD1-g0toJXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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