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guys welcome back to a scrap mechanic today what we're gonna be doing is some challenges we are collaborating with some other fellow fellow scrap mechanic creators today so it's gonna be pretty awesome we've got a fun challenge lined up over you guys gonna enjoy if you smash like wash hands all that good stuff let's say let's go have some fun welcome ladies and gentlemen back to multiplayer Monday and we got some special guests for this one.i ballistic squid hi guys hi thanks having me on the scrub mechanic legend Romilda I'm here yeah first time on a multiplayer Monday and when was the last time you even play describe mechanic before I wasn't too long ago but I kind of just looked at everyone else's bill that I don't know they build stuff myself the last time you built something a while ago probably about a year ago or something but oh boy it was probably just a standard car team challenge today and if you can't tell by the title thumbnail and what's behind us right now it involves water and fire one team is gonna be responsible for lighting the house on fire and the way they do that is they will first light themselves on fire and then they will have 10 seconds yep then we'll add pins used to run inside and all the way through the house and do as much damage as they can upstairs make sure you get the copy that's about ten seconds yeah yeah do you have the house safe okay so squiddy I figured you built the car before right yeah yeah come on I could build the hell out of it I'm all good for cuz all right well you're gonna build a car and I'm gonna build the water turrets and then we'll match them to get them together and yeah we will have a super effective fire truck put out this fire I believe in you guys I have a lot of belief in both of you I know I don't this house on fire is like me building this this is how visual representation of my I'm good to build I guess just this outside let me get my own room yeah you guys have to build a nice garage thank goodness I get your inventory ready - squiddy maybe a seat anyone else got like different wheels yeah there's two wheels yeah standard big wheel what about the piece of reels I'm not opposed to yeah the piece yeah maybe we can cook the pizza while we're at it okay you got 15 minutes to build your fire truck there's only two water cannons allowed total there's no limit on how you disperse that between the two of you you can have two fire trucks you can have them both on one fire truck so it's completely up to you you going down you go against it Eagle boy I'm waiting for you to build a car what is that car gonna burn up on fire before you start that's the wait a minute you guys don't actually have to build anything because you're not gonna lose anyway nice wheels mmm you're gonna be toasty by the time way to do that is that would you mean my nipple belongs on pizza oh my god let's not we're not who I am this is not battle royale go off everybody all right pressure button when you're ready let's do all right how am i building it you want me to just build like a drill trying to build yeah a decently sized heavy car like a mental drive start with that yeah Pete said we also need to gonna cut a puppies over good steering yeah look at this nice pace I need to make a topless done and yeah no no the wheel came off okay that don't gave I won't kill this build water heck we're gonna stream just going over there I got a bit tilted these windows though my best work I think you'll find scratch dangers this looks fantastic oh this is great where I need to put a little hand pointing to the danger so they know where the day man I think we've outdone ourselves this is great yeah this is fantastic oh my god this is one of the cannons you can get a feel for the controls definitely does not look like a fire truck no we didn't get double spitting image I mean oh is it a fire it looks amazing so you're gonna need to second-guess it you don't even up like squid or anything like super you see but that's not a fire truck that is a fire truck I've ever seen well you guys are cool we're having a a nice little and so to celebrate cool pie you know look at this this is like your water that came in halfway through kid yeah we tested it woody did 99% of the design of the actual vehicle and I built the turrets yeah we just keep that in mind and he made it work okay because halfway through the boat I like destroyed one of the wheels back so it actually looks but to try hards over here show them how it works all right roll up we can go like nope and down and then spin around and then look at this look at this mission ourselves I can go ahead and hop oh and then I can go ahead and help them over here now don't forget cannon offset my legs are off once they applied she must have been impressed not a fire department yeah look at it do you like a piece it looks more like a truck yeah yeah I love the pizza wheels the pineapple on pizza I'm not a fan of honest no try to build give it a chance you guys are team pineapple aren't you both you're a team fine line up I'm a stunt man ice show us your fire truck ours is different ours is doing they better be a fire truck oh it's a fight we go the rocket ship bag it'll put out fires Hank it's uh it's one of those old bladder trucks so like John you actually have a ladder on it yeah oh yeah now it's like double the thank you edges of it but I'm taller than the house now so we can you know get although wait show me the extension again though that came out no it's my surprise Wow nicely hopefully we can just line up and John controller acts well ours has a ladder to it's on the thigh yeah you just gotta use your imagination without 11 I think it needs a little bit of red on there as well guys like I don't mean to great red it's alright again with this with the style points you know I mean I think that's yours doesn't have JB torque on on yours so we obviously when do you see like a fire educate other word we've got or Jibreel most big headers fireman they've like the names on the side of the truck [Laughter] since we're all official Jesus you're not gonna have ahead play it to describe a TV here it'll be over the starting line there we go this is the official starting line starting speed book you're worried your pizzas wouldn't clear the starting line is that you're damaging the crisper you know Yeah right should we wait you guys have to wait like 30 seconds for a taxi firm before you move everyone's ever had the house but down ago you know what I could've done with more fire you know and the fire that it birds like a little hole the stairs maybe we just a few rounds of running in with a fire and then go or something yeah yeah how about how about you guys just get you get 15 seconds inside the house as soon is it okay we'll do as soon as you set yourself on fire you get 15 seconds and then we'll go yeah yeah okay right yet only in early bird mm lower like 200 bucks because offshore is amazing like yeah that's too good is the piece we have something 315 seconds there we go 2 1 go okay times guy buddies they get the timer yeah let's just kick sure we get all the like bottom 9 for sure and 7 6 5 4 3 2 how's the fire looking activate the cannon fire oh no this is not good oh I kind of spun it out a little bit our cannons they're doing a weird spazzy ok yeah maybe the piece of wheels all right let's go around go in the back of the mine rip I'll just leave your second hand without anybody in the turret yeah why not mix oh my goodness we all know stuff with this fire this is insane yeah well the good news is the more of the host that burns down the less of it that can be on fire good luck mystic way to look at it I'm just good thing there's someone in there cuz you know you having trouble seeing where my cannons actually okay all right this looks good here I'm gonna drive us around yeah yeah nice it's always the front caches back on fire we're in a good fencing line what needs to happen okay with optimum spray any wow there's a big hole Oh ja ja look up there look we could be compared over is fine 15 seconds does seem to do it that's a good fire just won't put out that's amazing I love it inside she's very for some reason like the fire destroying the blocks affects our bearings on our turrets like when the blood is a party for spaz out yeah it's so weird I believe in you guys honestly like I believe in I tell you back all those is firefighter John anyway so this is mine it's fine that's good spelled it do something just like what is happening what is happening Joe I think the owners said that they're like they're like open plan limits oh yeah the ground oh my goodness those blocks out there God for just erupted it into a giant fireball they put it out though they're actually this is this is an epic job there's hope on the floor for some reasons the roof just does not one no and uh extinguish oh there we go that was good this it out is it is it all animal almost won't fit left make one little affection oh no see this see there's been a bump off it looks out it's out its out actually let's go let's remove the house and see we still fine we can patch this up right yeah the extras I reckon we did get how many wood blocks do we have you guys have seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine wood blocks out of so more than 13 thousand seven hundred I think to start yeah I love how you can see that you very clearly prioritize saving the front of the house and yeah from the street it looks like it's a fine and dandy house we didn't want to upset the neighbors you know what I mean like slice not an eyesore it's it's the County Building Codes you know they want to look nice from the front yeah they'll just think we do some renovation or something alright is John and - yeah we do okay okay are you gonna do fire tornado it's amazing for the fire there for you guys in the doorway come on house come on how's this going around the side around the back or the back side back side no three five 1000 with you losing time here keep going it's hard to shoot when stuff is moving like it's cyber turret I feel like too much of our fire is concentrated in one area is this black pot here's nothing out it's on the side this is fire oh yeah that's what happened to our thing I would like tourists yeah oh my goodness it's doing it I'm happy to John's golf he's trying to get you that himself the routes gonna fall hard to deal with the roof was so bad yeah go to let go to the right go to the right and then I can oh my god the left side too okay all over it just saw the whole thing hey you better call the oddness and tell the moslems I think the neighbors have does this this place on fire so I don't know guys I don't know about this I think the roofs gonna go I can't do anything we won I think your vehicles really get a good job yeah thanks I think he's gonna be a close call actually really Scooby yeah most of them for the rest out honestly I think that's a house you had like 200 blocks right it was like too much yeah god I just killed the game again hold on close unless them walls are like three deep I think so now add them all together right all the different even if we added all together 1389 would left oh yeah it's like seven of our houses to make one a GG vice this is the winner this is the winner here to do a victory lap yeah I can't believe it that was a good game those fun yeah should do that again at some time because I'm like doing donuts with pizza wheels hey alright guys I was scrubbing can I help you did a Joey did smash like if you want me to do more we have these guys let me know the future I really wanted to do more collaborations this year so I thought I'd reach out to these guys and happily they said yes which is awesome so yeah let me know in the comment section below and I see in the next one
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 64,151
Rating: 4.9638991 out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, minecraft, squiddy, pc, scrap mechanics, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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