Burning Godzilla VS MechaGodzilla | BATTLE ARENA | Godzilla vs Kong | DanCo VS

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now today in the battle arena we've got mecca godzilla going up against earning a godzilla fire godzilla mechagodzilla was pretty dominant in his fight and godzilla vs kong but how will do against the most powerful version of godzilla yet well then that's we're gonna find out [Music] now before we get into the breakdown make sure you go ahead and hit that like button subscribe button and turn notifications more great videos like this one every single day all good you subscribed okay now we can get into it so in godzilla versus kong mecha godzilla was created by a company called apex cybernetics because the ceo is determined to build a weapon powerful enough to challenge godzilla's dominance which is actually a really interesting idea that i wish they had fleshed out more because i mean in part it kind of makes sense you're probably tired of giant monsters wrecking cities even if they're trying to protect you but on the other hand weren't the titans also doing good helping to restore the earth and stop climate change and all that you kind of take the good with the bad here but that's besides the point because in order to do all this or take down godzilla become a dominant titan himself or they took the head some king ghidorah and used their telepathic connection to build a giant metal kaiju that can be piloted by a human but then ghidorah somehow took over i don't want to get into it because i've no idea how it happened but ghidorah took over and then mecha godzilla broke out and started wrecking havoc in downtown hong kong then he went up against godzilla and started to wrecking havoc too then he went up against kong and godzilla and pong all at the same time so mechagodzilla is obviously incredibly strong he's able to completely overpower godzilla knock him down ran him through buildings everything they're the same with kong too now granted both of them were exhausted after having just fought each other almost to the death but still we've never seen godzilla getting overpowered like that so quickly in a fight even against king ghidorah mechagodzilla was completely dominant from the very beginning godzilla was basically just his punching bag at some points he's also a mech meaning he's got all sorts of weapons and gadgets too he's got shoulder mountain missile launchers that are capable of stunning knocking over godzilla he can unleash some super powered energy punches basically think iron fist but so much more destructive and that's not godzilla over two even his tail has a deadly drill attached to it and then to top it all off mechagodzilla has its own atomic breath which was able to slice right through a skull crawler match up against godzilla's atomic breath even over power godzilla's own beam so mega godzilla is freaking powerful he is something else but then there's godzilla and mega godzilla has already fought against normal godzilla so i guess really then there's earning a godzilla fire godzilla and when he was all amped up like that he starts melting everything around him in an instant do you know how hot you gotta be to melt stuff that quickly yeah yeah neither do i that's not even actually how those buildings would melt in real life if godzilla was able to melt that stuff that quickly the surrounding atmosphere itself would be on fire nothing about this is realistic but also this is a movie about two giant monsters fighting each other this isn't supposed to be scientifically accurate but just to throw a number out there just to get something planted in your head let's just say like 5 000 to 6 000 degrees fahrenheit the sun itself is 10 000 degrees fahrenheit so godzilla is freaking hot he's then able to unleash these massive nuclear pulses that literally disintegrate ghidorah and he took three point blank gravity blast while he was doing it those things had been launching him around the whole movie but now no problem he burns ghidorah knocks kadura over and then just freaking steps right through gadora's chest god what a savage all right so mechagodzilla and godzilla have obviously already fought before and mechagodzilla was freaking dominant in that fight godzilla needed a kong to save him and even then they needed a little bit of outside help in order to win that fight but burning godzilla is an entirely different beast altogether not literally but you get what i mean and so i think the question here is actually pretty simple just how much more powerful is burning godzilla over regular godzilla was godzilla any weaker after his fight with kong what's the difference between those two and how does it compare to mechagodzilla i might not phrase that question in the best way just then it might not sound simple but that's what i'm going to try and answer here so first off i think it's pretty obvious that just with the way the story went godzilla was weaker in his fight in its mechagodzilla than he is normally i mean just for starters he was probably more tired after having just fought another monster but even beyond that he had been knocked out just a few minutes earlier this isn't the same as godzilla entering a fight clean and fresh now i don't know if that's enough in and of itself to justify the absolute weapon he took in that fight but it's clear that godzilla wasn't his normal self set parts out of the way godzilla was tired godzilla was weaker but beyond that outside of that burning godzilla is just leagues and leagues above normal godzilla i mean throughout that movie godzilla versus godora was a pretty even fight but here it's like godzilla is five ten levels above him before godor's gravity beams could do this to godzilla now they can do this they can do nothing also the more that i think about it mechagodzilla is basically just a giant metal monster godzilla was so hot that metal was just melting around him in an instant that's not even his nuclear blasts that were disintegrating the dora metal was melting just by being in the same vicinity and if mechagodzilla is made out of metal too why can't the same thing happen to it i mean hang with me here tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal on earth and even then it's melting from the range that we guesstimated godzilla was at earlier that's literally just by being near him that's not even talking about those massive pulses that he was shooting out which were vaporizing adora who was tough enough to be near burning godzilla so yeah wow the more i think about this the more i'm convinced that burning godzilla is going to win this fight pretty easily he's the toughest most powerful thing we've seen in the monster verse so far and if he was able to take acadora like it was nothing see no reason why he can't do the same to mechagodzilla too so yeah godzilla is coming out on top here godzilla wins but what do you all think i would love to hear your thoughts and sign off in the comments down below who do you think wins this fight mechagodzilla or burning godzilla i'd love to your thoughts sign up down below also be sure that like button subscribe button turn on notifications from the fanco army and i will see you all next time
Channel: DanCo
Views: 499,059
Rating: 4.8816476 out of 5
Keywords: godzilla vs kong, godzilla, king kong, mechagodzilla, burning godzilla, godzilla vs kong review, kong, kong vs godzilla, godzilla vs king kong, godzilla vs. kong, kong skull island, mecha godzilla, kaiju, king kong vs godzilla, godzilla vs kong reaction, godzilla vs kong mechagodzilla, godzilla vs mechagodzilla, mechagodzilla 2021, mechagodzilla vs godzilla, kong vs mechagodzilla, godzilla king of the monsters, king of the monsters, king ghidorah, fire godzilla, shin godzilla
Id: FMGYpxCdWpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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