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your friend and check him and say well they'll like do some work with him i'm chris blackwell say where you are middle field i'm saying give me a money man let me do album i need more five dollars say i might just give some huge foundation some money to do ah my album honeymoon and say what are you saying yeah you get changed them trench or like a rest of why the people that you know you've gone fire about that again yeah dumpling and yeah and feed them that dead yeah that's the matter of christmas all right a fire and the plate and say blood cloud what is the same go about him see your friend named raymond said where waving tells him give us some money in the morning yeah yeah yeah how would him go back and say well need a laugh after me but this is where the rasta you would even give me catch a fire i'm going to give them some mumbo cloud what is this and then bob marley and then in our [Music] yeah yeah yeah you see right now bob the grinch and the minister a culture right yeah yeah yeah and you see junior lincoln yeah and then they kind of country junior lincoln millionaire music for a long time yeah a captain friend too england and they are voting deaf and then many countries it showed so easy and and and in our organization with the malevolence demanding yeah they understand yeah yeah the name that pressure name sun juniling cannon julian jingles they my batting name sound and pressure with them were developed by the wall at them please man my number no friend number or some contact because we have to have prince busta boulevard because prince boston is a national [ __ ] heroiner not boston right now music man yeah yeah yeah nothing make them contributions that's coming like king scratch you know what's that just my legs crotch you know um all right all right um turn on up my name is george yeah i would have i'll leave scratch yeah well you have the of the movie i'm quite black and say what yeah keem bucking money becoming a big plan for you and i'm saying and then yeah because they're [ __ ] angry about money and that's why no wait wait give up no other jobs if i drop another vehicle pull up your blood cloth um gets uh bob said him he wants some equipment yeah and him just give him some german thing and everything and and in this rookie and carly carlton barrett having burger family man you know and one we used to got kc with him um keyboard man and in front of the man luckily you want to see we live in atlanta was when i first get chris blackwell old girl a little pretty pretty guy the first black hmm an encourager boy yeah boy without something i'm gonna try and come back though either read israeli blood cloud reggae on trent stone i'm bob marley [Music] [Applause] what about and the name all right all right yeah but you choose the lioness you know one good morning you know right in front of the wall yeah the dennis brown come from okay yeah well then with digital only about original artists i said [Music] we want a ladder please yeah my brother man i don't know i mean i mean that's give me a [Music] to to my surname those guys be with it right yeah yeah so you said before to be done yeah cartoon marathons they may not get this young up on the road [Music] foreign before an hour foreign mm-hmm yeah i bought some big time together i don't know we have seven minutes left let's see some big time blood clothing i know [Music] [Music] [Music] let me call him i don't know you see i got you now i'll get some contact with junior lincoln um [Music] [Music] i bought four minutes more so so four minutes more you'll send it by youtube ascend here you see me yeah yeah people are trying to print boston [Music] oh boy be yourself all right [Music] food [Music] no one seems to call me [Music] you see it i'm 64 years old because i've been right down there you see the [ __ ] talking stuff you got [ __ ] that's more older than me he's almost 75 i'm saying i mean here sixty [ __ ] four i got some [ __ ] boy they're from trent stone and from they don't know what's here wanna give us some props to bobby ellis when it's wrangling dead numbers and so you see we gotta wash it ready for the [ __ ] you know what i'm saying ah so now okay okay we can't find that song for you [ __ ] kind of quick [ __ ] song for every song any [ __ ] song okay let's do that one song [Music] let's look at them oh um i love you about molly oh hey
Channel: Eek-A-Mouse music
Views: 51,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6cLmAQLduvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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