Bumblebee Vs The Decepticons Best Fight Scene Compilation! Transformers SFM Animation Compilation!

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thank you this will cause a few dents [Music] the allspark must not fall into Decepticon hands or this planet will share the same fate and Cybertron that Autobot escapes your spark is forfeit save the old spot for your lord Megatron you can't run forever Autobot the old spot shall belong to the Decepticons [Music] there's no more hope for you on this world Trader it ends now step aside OverWatch the old spot belongs to Megatron I will exterminate the humans and claim it now is this is this the best the Autobots have to offer then the war is already won I will crush you like a bug you are [Music] after that Autobot smash him into scrap let me handle handle the autobot my Lord [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] to destruction [Music] stay safe Soldier I am coming [Music] I'm on my way Bumblebee thank you [Music] [Music] Megatron still fails to understand that peace through tyranny is not peace at all together we will stop Megatron no matter the cost if we dream of peace then it is possible it is not too late to Build a Better World history will remember the actions of the Autobots true courage comes from the power of what is right you honor all Autobots with your bravery I am proud to fight beside you [Music] we have the Decepticons on the back panel and he took pressure Advantage bumblebee you must defeat barricade give me the old spot treasure foreign [Music] I will crush you like the bug you are [Applause] [Music] the Ozark belongs to Megatron I will exterminate the humans and claim it now foreign there's no more hope for you on this world traitor foreign [Music] [Music] for that Autobot prepare for extinction [Music] coordinates now all three units converge this ain't good destroy the weak oh man doesn't this guy ever quit bug you bother me don't worry I'll soon be sending you some friends for company make my day you dare to face the might of Megatron oh got another dead Autobot liters the street I'm on my way Bumblebee I'm crying at last [Music] no how many more of my kind must be sacrificed nasty do you read me nasty Optimus Prime Megatron is wounded let's take it to them you still fight for the weak Prime that is why you lose Megatron you fight for nothing that is why you will never win you won't Escape Justice this time such heroic nonsense Optimus Prime has been hit oh wonderful don't dare strike me down [Music] beneath my feet time for another goal [Music] foreign alive chick angry let us in this once and for all even if you destroy me Megatron others will rise to defeat your tyranny what foreign [Music] this planet all planets are finally free from Megatron's tyranny I do not disagree ratchet it's just a small part of me hope to change Megatron's mind not extinguish his spark I'm sorry I know the two of you had quite a history but the Megatron whom I once fought beside perished eons ago day he chose to become a Decepticon [Music] [Music]
Channel: 666SFM
Views: 119,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bumblebee, Megatron, Barricade, Optimus Prime, Blackout, Brawl, Transformers, TF, SFM, SourceFilmmaker, Action, Animation, ROTF, DOTM, AOE, TLK, G1, Bayformers, Bayverse, Revenge of the fallen, Dark of the moon, Age of extinction, The last knight, Bumblebee Movie, Soundwave, Shockwave, Starscream, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, Mirage, Dino, Sideswipe, Grimlock, Bruticus, Transformation, Cars, Robot, Movie, Toys, Beast Wars, Generation One, Transformers Prime, Transformers Animated, Transformers Cybertron, Nemesis Prime
Id: wGA5LQKU86w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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