Bully Anniversary Edition - All Bosses

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um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so jimmy boy here we are the hole the place where this school separates the men from the boys the wheat from the chaff and all that nonsense okay so what's that got to do with standing up to people keeping them in line this is where i stand up to you my friend what are you talking about i know you hate me jimmy boy i know you said all that stuff about me behind my back what are you talking about don't play innocent with me you want to run this school i want to run this school only one of us is gonna make it and it's gonna be me ladies and gentlemen boys and morons i give you russell oh man me russell gary now i hate you i know russell go beat that little jerk who said that nasty stuff to me about your mom and those barnyard animals what come here russell wants vengeance oh [Music] let's make this [Music] yes have a nice trip you happy now jerk ecstatic i love to watch two morons beat the crap out of each other why'd you do it gary i thought we were friends friends you and me i've taken dumps that had more brains than you friend no i'm taking over this school and you're just a liability see around [ __ ] well done jimmy yeah great what a waste of time you all right russell oh yeah look i never said anything about your mom we're farmyard animals you did it no but i want you to stop bullying weak kids why ah because there are a bunch of kids around this place who need a beating and you're picking on the few who don't so i want you to leave me and him alone oh okay sorry bad russell you and me biff you and me what you and me the noble art of boxing may the best man win and then you little trust fund fairies will know what life is all about anytime popper of course the best man always wins me come on afterwards you can clean my shoes [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] 50 says [Music] show them what we're all about he's up man [Music] who's the baddest me who's the toughest me who's the man me me losers me the champion number one i killed the best i will beat the rest yeah what if we got here that poor kid just beat a biff he's our new champion what he is the new champion yeah come on come on man you disgust me it takes more than victory to become a champion it takes breeding and nepotism and snobbery you filthy democrat gentlemen are we going to let some gutter snipe come in and beat up our friend biff no then what are we going to do beat him back to the ghetto yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Applause] don't whine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hiding behind your friends i'm leveraging the assets i have and you don't friends just shut up darby here's some more tactics for you just wait till i get my hands on you [Music] i have had enough of this [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] you know it's funny [Music] who's the boss now i can't hear you rich kids who's the boss now my waspy little friend answer the question you are louder you are ah that's right me now you girls learn to play nice you understand what are you doing here um uh taking out the trash looks like that's what i have to do i hear some love wrecking things hammer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] gotta use the right tools for the job [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey jimmy help me get to the crane [Music] boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i told you i was the dad got it i'm in charge you do what i say all right i give up you can have her who what are you talking about johnny lola you win she's yours this has nothing to do with her man i don't care you can keep that [ __ ] for yourself what you don't want her then why did you do this why'd you fight just to prove you're tougher than me that's right and don't you or your boys forget it i'm tougher than you so maybe now you'll stop bullying everyone you work for me now oh man ernest what are you doing give it up dork you work for me now you're pathetic you've defeated my weakest compadres you've just met your man i want us to be friends i need your help i've had friends like you the kind who treat you like dog muck on their shoes no thanks bud come on my brains against your brawn welcome to hell jimmy hopkins no one appreciates an intelligent personality around here no one it isn't fair watch out flying potatoes [Music] [Music] [Music] got a present for you [Music] you like this [Music] maybe now you listen to me here here just take it you're just like everyone else picking on the little man i'm not like everyone else honestly now listen we both want the same thing to teach those jocks a lesson from now on we're buddies you have a funny way of showing friendship we're friends we work together you're messing with the wrong mascot [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i hate you hopkins [Music] i want to kill you [Music] [Music] [Music] where are your friends now [Music] who is that kim yeah who is that kim oh it's that little squirt hopkins yeah that squirt hopkins you're dead hopkins yeah dead hopkins why don't you stop repeating everything he says and get on with it [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] let's get to people [Music] this [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tough [Music] [Music] great so [Music] [Applause] take out the captain to take out the team oh jimmy you did it you did it i'm king of the school oh you beat them all in front of everybody thanks for your help petey oh this is gonna be great i think you're smart huh [Music] already [Music] [Music] stop wasting time [Music] save yourself run your down oh [Music] you had enough you want some more come on big guy you still think messing with me is a good idea no no no good that's what i thought now what made you think it was a good idea in the first place oh man i hate that school my parents couldn't afford to send me there and now i'm stuck in this dump of a town gary said we make them all pay wait a second gary that backstabbing two-faced sociopath put you up to this ah i bet he said the two of you would take over the school or some crap hey how'd you know cause he told me the same garbage didn't do me any good either come on you're gonna help me make him pay for his lies the thing is if i win you're just another punk you win and you'll be sent away even quicker for beating up the head boy why'd you do it gary because i can because making little people like you and the morons who run this place eat out of the palm of my hand feels great but i never did anything to you you would have if i'd given you the chance face it i'm smarter than you oh congratulations you're smarter than me you hate everyone and everyone hates you genius the head likes me i tied him up turned his dog to school into a battleground got kids expelled unfairly put several others into therapy and he still likes me you're such a loser at least my mom doesn't make her living on her back you're dead i can take you can't do hopkins any regrets jimmy looking forward after you're expelled [Music] so [Music] smith i heard the whole thing you're expelled coming on timey boy yes sir sorry didn't see you there you know i think i may have judged you too unfairly boy yes a little rough around the edges but you're a diamond boy a diamond thank you sir now take out the trash would you hopkins my pleasure so it was you who took on this monstrous little wretch was it yep what a hero a lone wolf uh-huh well no to be honest sir i did have a lot of help from some friends like this girl zoe she got expelled because she complained about mr burton hitting on her burton well he's fired i hope he rocks in hell and a guy named peter kowalski good friend of mine never heard of him yeah well he keeps quiet he's kind of shy shy the boy must be a genius why he should be head of the school pete great idea now about that letter to my mother what letter
Channel: xxitzkurtxx
Views: 16,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jXIPcCEzTv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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