Bull Shark Removes Spear Fisherman Forearm

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hello welcome back to sharks happen my name is Hal I'm your host going over shark attacks from the 1900s till present mostly large sharks and today we're going to go over uh attack on a swimmer an attack on a free diver spear fisherman of course and an attack on uh somebody that was out doing some diving that might not be an attack that has a little bit extra to the story that had to make me comb through a few more stories to find out the answers to that uh we'll finish out the show with the recent attack that's going to be a return of what were you thinking so stick around this is going to be a great show [Music] [Music] okay we'll start off the show over off of Boca de la lania and that is Guerrero Mexico and the date is May 29th of 2012. Benigno navarret is 46 years old and he and a companion are out and they are doing some free diving spear fishing the two are diving for for a fish and currently it's nine o'clock in the morning they are 15 meters or 50 feet from Shore so they're real close to shore they're only in five meters deep water so you're talking less than 20 feet of water and as they're diving down shortly after they make the dive shark comes up and attacks Benigno it ends up ripping off his left forearm almost the whole forearm it's right up near the elbow where you can see that in the hospital that his arm is left up to just past the elbow and his friend gets him into Shore they get them in he survives the attack but he loses his arm it said this was about a three meter bull shark that got a hold of him or you know 10 foot 10 11 foot shark so that's a huge bull shark that's almost as big as they come 13 and a half 14 feet is this biggest bull shark will get uh so that's our attack on Benigno he ends up losing an arm but again it sounds like a one bite situation uh I don't know what the deal is with these large Bulls when they're not attacking people near the beaches near the beaches it seems like they want to drag you off all the time and and a lot of these stories from the spear fishermen it's just a once and they're out of there so it sounds like that's the same thing that happened here with Benigno and that's our story it's an attack not an attempt to predate by a three meter or 10 to 11 foot Bull Shark okay now we're going to head over to Ray Union Island we're going to the West Coast to be Reunion Island to brisant Beach and the date on this attack is May 8th of 2013. Stefan berhamel he is 36 years old he and his wife went to Reunion Island I believe for their honeymoon they had just got married it sounds like and his wife's on the beach it's about 8 15 in the morning and he's out in the water and he wants to go out to deeper water well not to deeper water further out to better waves and as he's contemplating doing this others are warning him not to go out there don't do it and I don't know how many of these uh reunion Islands you know people tell them don't go in the water don't do this and they do it and something ends up happening so sure enough he goes out he goes out 50 yards from Shore it's 8 15 in the morning he's sitting there with his body board and he's further out than everybody else because he's already been warned not to go all the way out there and a shark comes up and attacks him and makes two runs at him uh I don't know which was which one of them got him in the hand and the other one got him in the leg and they said his his leg was lacerated just shredded so it sounds like a bull shark probably um sounds like a lot of these attacks over there are bull sharks could be a tiger I mean you don't hear a lot of great whites over there it's warmer water so I don't know the great whites like the water that warm over there I know that uh we'll get into the water temperatures down in the keys lately at the end of the show here talking about my old search app but uh they don't care for that warm water so I wouldn't think it would be a great white so I'm thinking that's probably a bull shark got a hold of him they end up getting him to Shore and they worked on him they worked on Stefan for 45 minutes to try to revive him and they failed to do so so he passes away from these two injuries now I can't tell that there was any they didn't mention like a thigh removal which you normally get from a bull shark or or flesh removal they just said it was shredded so it's possible the shark was not trying to feed and that's the way I'm going to have to go with this one so I'm going to put this down as an attack not an attempt to predate we don't know what's what size or what type of shark and his wife ended up in the hospital in shock over the whole situation also so another terrible situation but it's like with you know seeing a shark attack like watching that boy that was flipped upside down I mean it's just brutal you're not seeing the graphic nature of what's going on and I that might even be worse in some cases so that's the attack on Stefan burhumel and we will move on okay now we're gonna head to the entrance of lake mcary and that is in New South Wales Australia and the date is February 27th of 1954 Reginald fabricius he is 23 years old and he is out doing some Swimming by himself he's about 100 100 to 150 yards from Shore and no telling the depth of water he's doing swimming and it's just after five o'clock about five five ten in the afternoon almost in the evening so he's out there doing the swimming now there was a witness on the beach that had seen that there was a shark a pretty large shark near him but nobody witnessed this attack and the attack happened quickly and before anybody knew it fabricius is swimming back to shore when he gets about 50 yards from Shore or a gentleman on a surf ski Scoops him up out of the water and gets him up and in they look at him and he has bites I believe his right leg and his right knee and it was lacerated and his femur was exposed so a lot of damage probably one of those big like where it lifts like bites down and lifts up those are just terrible and uh you know this sounds like it could be a great white to grab the hold of him could be a lot of sharks I mean being at the entrance of that Lake the lake is going to be salty anyway it's going to be an estuary Lake which means that uh bull sharks will be in there and other sharks will probably be at the entrance fishing hunting you know ambushing anything going in and out of there where they can't see that they're on the outsides of there it's kind of you know like using the depths to do the same thing they just do it from the side at those type of entrances which is why River miles serve very dangerous place to be when it's a water you know a brackish water situation if it's a freshwater river and you know the ocean that area right there where they meet that's a dangerous place because sharks may be looking to Ambush other fish at that spot so that's our attack on fabricius he ends up passing away from his wounds must have been a very bad bite didn't say that it got a hold of an artery but this doesn't sound like an attempt to predate it sounds like a single bite sounds like a shark is probably out there hunting and grabbed a hold of him was muddy murky water it was after a rain so you had Sharky water anyway very easy to get an accidental bite in that situation not mistaken identity people ask me what the difference between the two is mistaken identity is it looks at you and thinks you're something like people think that it looks at people in a wetsuit and thinks they're a seal an accidental bite is the shark thinks that you're something but it hasn't looked at you it hasn't really made a determination it's biting out of what it's feeling what its other sensories other than its eyes are doing uh a lot of times you know we're going to go over one at the end of the show so I went over some of those before that's the attack on original fabricius attack not an attempt to predate don't know what type of shark or what size and we'll move on okay now we're going to head over to Guatemala National Park which is in New South Wales Australia the date is February 7th 1960. John Gillies he and a friend Harry they're out doing a spear fishing competition they just speared a what kind of fish was that this beard uh jewfish 40 pound jewfish big fish and they brought that up to the boat and when they got it up to the boat and up and on the boat somebody had yelled that there's a shark on their way in that sounds like I did says nine and a half foot shark they find out because of where the story goes so they John Gillies has gotten under the boat probably to get the fish into the boat and he hears somebody in the competition yellow the shark is on the way to them so he gets into the water he goes overboard the boat and swims out about 30 feet towards the shark and then he finally sees the shark coming out so he says he sat there and waited for the shark to get six feet away from him and he shot the shark in the mouth now this is a nine and a half foot Greener shark uh so you know the the sand tiger shark and this shark he says struggles with with his with his uh with being shot in the face and it turns and it starts swimming off and now it's dragging Gillies and he says he's about 10 feet under water at the time wondering when this shark will ever stop so he can go up and get some air well finally the shark takes a break he gets some air the boat comes over to him he grabs he says as the boat was going by he grabbed onto the stern of the boat now the shark takes off again and now the shark is dragging him and the boat holy shark is dragging them some more it finally tires out and his buddy swims over the shark and shoots it one more time and then they bring the shark on board where John Gilly stabs it in the head about a dozen times he said and just before the shark had passed away it took a nip at John Gillies and took a piece of his wetsuit off so no injury to the thing wouldn't be considered an attack um they consider it a provoked attack at least a report on the gsaf I think it is they said provoked I don't consider uh those kind of things fishing those are fishing accidents uh when it's on a boat like that when when it's landed when you're trying to unhook it all those things are are part of fishing so it's not even an attack it's a bite when you were fishing for whatever you're fishing for in this case they were fishing for that nine and a half foot gray nurse and it took a snip at them when they were done would have never happened the shark never tried to attack them um you never know if it was gonna try to attack them I think it was interested in uh the fish that they brought up more than anything just coming in the area to see you know you got to imagine there was blood in the water there was a vibrations of a struggling fish and also always attract the attention of a Hungry Shark so that's our attack non-attack on uh John Gillies and we'll move on okay we're gonna finish off our unprobo tax over off of Fort Walton Beach and that is in Florida and the date is May 27th of 1979. Captain Tommy Neal he is 30 six years old and he was out diving and he disappeared now he disappeared I believe it was on a Sunday but they found the body I believe the next day washed ashore and it had signs that had a bite to it at least a bite it says that there was something sharp or some big fish had bit in it uh but there's some strange things going on here to where he had a womb the main wound is in the back of his head and his face was so puffed up that it was hard for them to be able to identify him there was a boat that was riding in the area in which he was diving that it said uh in one of the stories I read said that he heard a bump like he ran something over and it's kind of likely that this guy this diver Captain Tommy Neal ended up getting hit by this boat is this boat was going through didn't know he was there and he ended up with that wound on his head and then he just was bitten by a shark on the way in because there's no removal of any flesh they did say that there's cuts that could be a large fish to the leg I believe it is uh but I don't think that's what did him in and with the story of the the boat it started making me think well maybe that boat did hit the guy and it kind of sounds like that's what ended up happening there I haven't been able to find anything that absolutely confirms it that way and some of these have it down as a shark attack there's no doubt I think that the shark had bit the body but I think that was after uh he was already gone now another thing that happened you know the body washed ashore well then I believe it was a day after that they had a heart lungs and the stomach connected stomach tissue some other connective tissue all disconnected washed ashore now Tommy Neal didn't have any you know openings to his chest or anything then nothing that would take out his organs like that so now they had to find out what these organs were from or who these organs were from so I go through now I got to go through all these I went through I don't know how many stories so I'm going through all these newspaper clippings from back in 1979 about this thing and I finally run across one that says that they went ahead and ran the tests on this and that these organs were from a pig so the organs were not human they washed ashore they happen to wash ashore the same day or the day after Tommy kneel's body washed ashore but it was pretty much intact the massive head wound to the back of the head and then you know it sounds like it was bit he was bitten in a leg probably prior after he was already passed away so it was an interesting story one of those that just takes a little turn where you know what are these things from um kind of like when something washes ashore like was it was it a Jawbone that washed ashore that they were able to identify the thing from but the same thing all of a sudden you have mystery what is this from and it turns out to be from a pig which surprised me because I didn't think pigs lungs and heart and that stuff were as close to ours so you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at it so uh that's our story of Captain Tommy Neal um not an attack I don't think this is an attack at all I think this is a boat accident while he was diving and uh I think that this one is actually not on the sharks so we will be done with that and stick around because we're going to get into a little bit of commentary at the end here and what were you thinking okay before I get into what were you thinking I just wanted to say I've gone through my osher chap recently and I did hear that uh there was 100 degree temperatures in the water off of Key West down there off the Florida Keys the water is very hot so it made me pop open my app and I saw that Sable Sable is back in the Gulf kind of up closer to the Gulf area probably avoiding that hotter water south of there probably made its way around because Sable and Scott are two that are always going around the keys every time I go down on the keys those two are either going around or on their way back to shoot up North for the winter it seems like uh they kind of huddle up their you know north of the U.S for a long time during the winter maybe it's their feeding season or whatever they're doing I don't know what they're doing but uh the only one that's pinging over there you know anywhere near the Keys is is is sable that's sitting there in the in the Panhandle probably waiting to go back around when the water cools off and then along the east coast all you have to go all the way up to I believe it is North Carolina the Carolinas have uh I believe it's Britain and iron bound iron bomb is pretty big shark 12 and a half footer but these sharks are way offshore might be warmer Waters close to or two and they're staying deeper but none of them look like they're very close to shore where a lot of times other than that they are very close to shore I also ran across a video um I don't know how recent it is somebody caught a shark and um it looked like a huge sandbar shark it looked like as big as a sandbar so I could get like nine or ten feet so uh that's probably the biggest sandbar shark I've ever seen and you know the Witnesses were all standing around watching the fishermen with the shark on the beach could have been an older video but uh hopefully you know he just returned it and the shark was okay maybe he wanted it for a trophy who knows if you wanted that fine good on you so went across that a couple things there um went ahead and uh um another thing I was gonna watch I was gonna force myself to watch and I just couldn't do it cocaine sharks and uh on the show that never fails to make me roll my eyes even further it started with the whole MythBusters and it's just gotten worse since then with the jackass so now we got cocaine sharks uh first of all sharks aren't interested in cocaine I don't know what the hell they're thinking second of all the ocean is so big that if that stuff is leaking out of the packages it isn't going to affect a shark they are insane I don't know what they think so shark cocaine sharks I didn't even watch it I don't need to watch it I don't know what their whole premise is on that thing other than there's a lot of cocaine being brought into this country uh and ended up being dumped in the waters when they get freaked out or whatever they end up doing uh so you know what are you doing just just just tell us what the Sharks do show us the sharks eating you know pull up on a great white feeding Fest on a big whale like you did in your first season that was one other than the that got up out of the boat and got on top of the whale as 20 great whites are feeding on the damn thing that was not smart so uh yeah I didn't end up watching cocaine sharks so I can't help you with that one so now we'll get into the real quick end of the show which is going to be this this crazy what were you thinking and it wasn't what were you thinking until I watched it I had heard about it my wife had told me about it that she had seen the clip of the guy we were talking about the Florida man I don't know I didn't even go through and identify them I just watched a video and we're gonna go over it that is in the Everglades so it's still salt water in the Everglades you can run into any kind of shark in the Everglades if you want uh bull sharks are all in the back country with what we call it and it Everglades they'll be all over in that stuff the Backwater is the panhandle side you know the the what do you call that the Gulf side of the keys whereas the Atlantic side we call that the ocean side so uh the back water yeah so these guys are out there and I was stunned because what were you thinking I watched this guide first his buddy you can hear him tell him I wouldn't do that would put my hands in that water so he takes both his hands and he Shuffle some Tudor water real quick and pick some up and I'm like oh because you're fishing first of all so they're probably catching fish I'm assuming he's either just went ahead and put bait on a hook or maybe dealt with the fish and he wants the crap off his hands and that's why he's doing this so in that case you're fishing you got you know fish you're probably pulling up you've got the vibrations and all that and now you take your hands and you run them across the top of the water like a fish might do and there's sharks in this water and he doesn't stop there he waits a good three seconds and then he takes his left hand and he puts it in and he luckily got away with that but no he had to take his right hand and try to get away with that well that shark was not having it and man the body of that shark they said it was a lemon shark this had to be about as big as a lemon shark get that looked like about a 10 foot shark just by the gray body you can see that you can only very lightly see the grayness but it's just huge and Crips and then pulls them off there the most shocking thing of the whole thing is how quick they got him back on that boat it's like running on water how fast they got him on that boat so luckily you know he had to go in for finger damage that lemon shark that he antagonized to grab onto him again like we went over earlier in the show this is not an attack uh it's not a provoked attack this is a fishing accident and this is a fishing accident where instead of getting bit when you're taking a hook off you're getting bit where you're cleaning your hands all part of fishing uh you know I'm gonna start taking a rag because there there isn't sharks where we're fishing now we're fishing on little Lakes but there's you know alligators everywhere I'll just take and dip that rag in the water and wipe my hands with the rag a lot safer but he would have gotten away with it had he just washed his hands to one time and been done it's risky but you're doing it for that couple seconds but the problem is is what he's doing there is alerting any shark in the area that's going to sound and probably the pressure feeling of a of a struggling fish in the surface of the water so now they're coming up and check out what's going on and you stick your hands back in there twice got away with it twice you know the first time and then you stuck it in there and that's when he got away with it that's when I thought he'd get it was the very second time he put his hand back in there I thought he'd get it it would surprise me that it waited till the third time but you know it doesn't surprise me that happened knowing that it's the Everglades the problem with it being the Everglades there's Gators and there's big ass snakes in there too it's the worst of all worlds like being in Australia so uh that's our show for today I hope you enjoyed it I hope you better be back in a couple days I might be back tomorrow I actually filmed a cluster attack episode a special cluster attack episode the most famous cluster attack ever and I just have to put the ending commentary to it and edit it and get it out but I didn't want to come out with that before I came out with a regular episode because it's been so long since we had a regular episode we had the the special episode the last time over the myths and Trends and now here we're back into normal stuff so that's our show for today hope to see you in a few days no links in the comments today I will put the links uh the names in the comments of the stores and until I see you again remember if you go into that water you are much more afraid of those sharks than they are viewable
Channel: Sharks Happen
Views: 52,508
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Id: Y2afgw9c0J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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