Bulk Food Haul ~ 3 Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Baking Recipes

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hey friends it's Jessica from Three Rivers Homestead and in today's video we're going to start out with an Azure standard haul it's actually my first haul since um I think last November you guys know we did a pantry challenge all through the months of January and February we where we didn't buy any groceries and then at the end of February when I did go to the grocery store for the first time in over two months I shared that haul with you but the way Azure standard works is that they only have ERS that are placed um one time in the month and then there's a delivery that comes once in the month so we are now in the middle a little over the middle of March and I'm just now getting my Azure standard order so this is the rest of that first grocery shopping trip after the pantry Challenge and I thought I would show you what bulk food we bought for our family and then at the end of this video I will also be sharing some fun kitchen work that I did this week so we are getting ready to go our treasure standard pickup point is about 40 minutes away and that's actually a blessing it used to be much further but they've come a little closer to us in the last few years so I have a couple buddies here with me I've got Elizabeth and um we have Benji and Hannah the rest of the kids are going to be going to karate tonight but the four of us are going to venture up and pick up our bulk food order and you guys can come along so one of the harder Parts about AZ measure pickups is that the delivery times and dates can be unpredictable sometimes they fall first thing in the morning sometimes they're in the evening and there are times when it falls on an evening that I'm busy with activities and can't go to pick up my order so having a really understanding drop coordinator who will pick it up for you is important or what we do is we have several people from my area that all order and then we take turns driving up to pick up everyone's order so if it happens to fall on a month where I can't make the trip I know that somebody else in my group will make the trip for me so I was picking up for myself and two other families on this day and then I brought their orders back and they were able to pick it up for my house when we get there we just spend a little time in the car waiting for the truck to arrive it's usually on time they will email you if they are showing up late but we didn't have to wait very long on this particular drop date so then once the truck pulls up everybody helps everybody who has placed orders helps to unload the truck we fill our cars up it takes maybe 20 to 30 minutes and then we're on our way back home with a van full of goodies okay you're back home I just had to unload all of this without the big kids help um cuz they were at karate and Elizabeth was watching the little ones for me so that I could get this all out of the car so I'm still kind of out of breath bre I'm going to go ahead and go through what I got with you so we'll start down here in this corner I got three of these cans of caramelized coconut topping we've been making a lot of homemade ice creams with our new ice cream machine and so these make great toppings for that I got 10 lbs of organic kidney beans um these are going to be canned up here in the next week or so because we are out of canned kidney beans and then I got five lbs of organic raisins just for making trail mix okay over here I got a case which I believe is 12 packages of whole strawberries um so it's almost going to be strawberry season here in a few months but in the meantime I'm hoping that this will hold us over mostly we'll use these um to make desserts so happy to have a case of that and then I got two cases of spaghetti this is that bio nature brand and I believe it was on sale which is why I went ahead and stocked up and got two cases of it um this is organic pasta and we really like the quality of this so I will just keep that stocked up and I shouldn't have to buy spaghetti for quite a while I also got a case 12 packages of these semie chocolate chips these are organic fair trade they're also dairyfree which is important for my family since we have a dairy allergy in the house so um just a case of that for baking I also got a case of canned organic butternut squash just to we were getting low on that and just wanted to replenish the stock and then I got two cases of these they were actually out I had ordered 50 lbs of potatoes and they didn't come so I was actually glad cuz I almost just bought one case of these and um decided to go ahead and do two cases and then when my raw potatoes didn't come I'm really grateful to have two cases because um these will just fill in the gaps until I can get to the store and buy some organic potatoes elsewhere since Azure was out of them so these are one of my favorite convenience Foods I talk about these all the time um they are just all the ingredients are our organic potatoes they're already cubed up for you so these are really convenient for just a quick breakfast I can just fry these in some bacon grease or something like that and it just saves me a lot of time so um yeah we will be using a lot of these since my raw potatoes didn't come and I got 25 lbs of organic cane sugar we are completely out of sugar in the house so that will restock us and then this is a 5 gallon bucket of try to turn it around hold on let me get the other side here this is the Azure brand dish soap it's fragrance free and I love this I keep this under my kitchen sink and I have a pump that I also got from Azure standard that goes into the hole here and then I keep a little dish container up by the sink and then this is under the sink and when that little container empties I can just pump some of that into this and we hand wash all of our dishes here I don't use my um dishwasher so we need a lot of dish soap I hate running out of things and so this 5 gallon bucket will last us a good six or seven months um we're probably we probably only have about that much left in the current bucket so I just wanted to replenish that before we run out and we'll be stocked for a while now next we have a 25 lb bag of organic carrots I'm not canning these or anything these are all going to be for fresh eating for the children we've been doing a lot of carrot sticks for snacks and with meals carrot sticks and homemade dip um so we will eat through those probably in the next month or so 25 lbs of organic white rice pretty self-explanatory um this is 25 lb of of organic whole oat Groats and I've shown you guys and we'll show you later on in this video one of the ways that I use oat Groats but we grind these into flour for baking we also roll these to make our rolled oats that we use for oatmeal so um almost out of those we just needed to restock now here I ended up getting four cases of um coconut cream and so these are just for um making ice cream basically homemade ice cream I also use this to make whipped cream anywhere that a dairy a family that eats Dairy anywhere that they would use cream we use coconut cream in place and so I just decided I got a good price on these this time to go ahead and buy four whole cases just so we won't be running out anytime soon and then finally my last purchase was three bags so a total of 150 P of soft white wheat so I used soft white wheat berries for making things like muffins and pancakes and um pie dough all of those kinds of things anything basically except for bread and then I use hard white or hard red wheat for bread baking so we do a lot more um soft Breads and pancakes and muffins and things in our house so I needed um a lot more white wheat than I or the soft wheat than I needed hard wheat this time okay so my total amount that I spent on this month's order was just a little bit over $600 I'll put the total amount for sure up here um and so you guys know that I only shop through isure maybe every 3 months or so so I will probably spread the cost of this order over March April and May's grocery costs you guys know that we spend about $1,200 a month on groceries for our family of 10 so subtract a little over $200 from that budget for each month and that leaves me whatever is left over to shop at local grocery stores so I had already done a grocery haul for the month of March um and did that several weeks ago for you guys here and I had a significant amount of money left over in that budget so I will subtract um the um 200 or so from this order and add that to March's um grocery budget and I believe there will be 300 or so left over which has also already been spent I had went to Aldi yesterday and done some regular grocery shopping similar to what I had done um at the beginning of the month for you so all right now I need to get busy putting some of this away I have things that are going to go in the freezer some bags of grain that either need to be frozen or put into myar um so I'm probably not going to do all of that today I'm just going to get the Frozen stuff put away and then tomorrow when I have big kids here to help me we will um get everything put in myar and taken down to The Cellar so you can see I'm putting this whole bag of sugar directly into the deep freezer we're going to freeze it for about 2 or 3 days and then we'll let it completely thaw so that we can pour it directly into a bucket and it will go in the kitchen we have had pests in um bulk amounts of sugar before so it is important to freeze even that now the rest of the bulk dried Goods like the wheat berries are going to go into large 5 gallon myar bags with an oxygen absorber and they can go down into our Celler here to be stored that oxygen absorber Ser serves the same purpose as freezing the grain those pests cannot Thrive without oxygen then the rest of the smaller bags of items are just getting poured into gallon siiz glass jars and will be put away in the pantry so ordering from Azure it is a little bit of extra work you know there is the traveling to get it unloading everything storing all of your things in appropriate places but it is well worth it for the deals that my family gets so now that everything is all put away I thought we would do some fun baking projects today I'm just getting the kitchen ready to do a big bulk food prep day for the week so the first thing I'm doing is removing Hannah's high chair a lot of you have asked how I like this high chair I got it when Hannah was a baby and I absolutely love it I wish I would have had this several children ago it keeps her right at the counter level with me and she'll just sit there while I'm doing dishes and working in the kitchen it has absolutely been worth the purchase so now I'm getting out my oat flaker this is the device that I use to roll those whole oat Groats and I've done a video on this before for you guys several videos ago so all I have to do is grab my jar here of oat GR and pour it into the top of the flaker and then I just get busy rolling those oats we are going to make some no bake cookies today these are my absolute favorite cookie from childhood I think they were my father's favorite so my mother made them quite frequently and I have never really tried to make these in a dairyfree and peanut-free version because the ones that my mother made had butter milk and peanut butter in them and so I thought I saw my mom's recipe this week and thought we are going to go ahead and experiment with making a version of this that is safe for my son who has a peanut allergy and dairy allergy so the first thing I'm going to do is grab about the equivalent of one stick of butter in a dairy free version of fat you can use anything that is solid at room temperature so anything like coconut oil or in this case we're using palm fruit shortening and then to that we are adding 2 cups of sugar yes two cups this is not a health food this is a dessert from there we're going to add a half a cup of liquid you could do milk uh a dairyfree milk or we used water on this particular day and to that I'm adding six tpoon of cocoa powder or we Ed the raw cacao powder and then just a pinch of salt we're going to stir all of those ingredients together and then we're going to get them on the stove and bring them to a boil they need to boil for 3 minutes before we remove them from the Heat and now we can get on to the rest of the ingredients I have the three cups of Oats that I just rolled you could use quick oats or store-bought oats whatever you want to use and then we're going to add one teaspoon of vanilla to that and then a half a cup of we are using sunflower seed butter but you could use peanut butter cashew butter almond butter whatever you want to use like that you can see our chocy mixture here has now been boiling we're going to add that to the bowl with the other ingredients and then just get that mixed together really well I love this recipe it is so simple and it's just one of those things that really reminds me of childhood my kids love this so much that they asked to make it again later in the week and I love it but since the cookies don't bake at all I think it's pretty foolproof and and children can't really mess it up so um this is a great recipe to train your children on they take about maybe maybe 30 to 45 minutes to harden they will harden at room temperature and then you can store them and eat them later on so I had a little eager helper here Benjamin in the kitchen with me who was helping clean up my mess and then once um I was done with the rest of my baking we called all of the children down and they pretty much um emptied this bowl of cookies in a matter of minutes they didn't last very long my next project for the day was working on some gluten-free bread this is a recipe that my son David developed probably four years ago when I was doing a lot of gluten-free baking and I have a lot of these ingredients that I need to use up I don't do a lot of gluten-free baking anymore because I am avoiding grains at this point and everybody else in the house can eat gluten but I'm trying to use up these staples that are in the pantry so I will post the whole recipe in the video description for you if you want to make this bread I do advise if you're going to do a lot of gluten-free breaking baking having a Grain Mill saves you so much money I am grinding up here my own rice and I am grinding up oat Groats and I'm grinding up whole Buckwheat Groats to make my own rice flour oat flour and buckwheat flour if I bought those flowers from the store they are going to cost way more than if I just grind those grains like rice that I already have in the house and make a flower out of them so if you do a lot of gluten-free baking I highly advise getting a Grain Mill in the long run it's going to pay for itself and save you a ton of money so we got all of the ingredients that are listed in the video description into my Bosch mixer here and now we're going to get ready to grease up our loaf pans now here's the thing for me when I do gluten-free bread baking I kind of lower my expectations it's sort of the same thing I do when I use freshly ground wheat flour you're not going to get the same result um from a bread as you would get if you were using a gluten filled bread flour you know that is store-bought that's all nice and fluffy so when you make this gluten-free bread the dough is definitely a different texture and I just press it into my loaf pans like this and then I get out a roller to just kind of remove some of the marks on the top of the loaf of bread and then we're going to put it in the oven on 350° to bake for about 40 minutes and then when it's done you can slice it up and what I like to do if I'm just eating this is freeze those slices and then I can just pull out a couple whenever I want toast but I was making this bread for the whole family this week so we set it aside and then later on in the week when I wanted to use it for breakfast I just pull those pieces out put them on a cookie sheet and stick them under the broiler in the oven and then I'll flip them after they broil for a couple minutes on the first side and I end up with a nice gluten-free toast and the texture of these is really good so really easy to make gluten-free bread you just have to have the right ingredients on hand we served it this day with some home canned pear vanilla jelly some scrambled eggs and some coconut milk yogurt with frozen blueberries purchasing gluten-free bread and other baked goods from the store can be so expensive and um learning how to make them yourself there is a learning curve to it but when you finally do you're going to save yourself so much money and I find it to be a really fun challenge to figure out different ways to adapt the gluten- filled recipes in the same way I find it fun to adapt Dairy based or peanut based recipes and make them safe for my family to eat so here's another grain-free recipe and dairyfree recipe this one's actually refined sugar-free as well I fell in love with this recipe when I was doing gaps this is a gaps banana cake we're going to start out with taking about 34 a cup of coconut oil and melting that on the stove this is what I make whenever I have bananas that are overripe that need to be used up I can't um really eat banana bread myself obviously because I can't have gluten and I'm not eating grains right now so this is what I bake if I want to have something to um that uses up these overwrite bananas so I put three of those bananas here in my mixer I'm adding to that about 2 tblspoon of our homegrown honey here then we are going to add one uh teaspoon of vanilla and then we need to add five eggs I am using duck eggs on this particular day because we have an abundance of them and I prefer to use those for baking by this point our coconut oil has softened so we can go ahead and add that to the rest of the mixture and then I'm going to add about a half a cup of shredded coconut that's optional but I like the texture that it gives this we're putting it in the BOS Mi mixer here with that wire or whisk and we're going to just mix that all up what I need to do is get my pie dish here really greased up well so that this doesn't stick to the bottom and then we're simply going to pour this batter into it and then we're going to bake it on approximately 300° for maybe an hour or so it just kind of depends on how big your pan is that you're using how thick the center of that is that will determine how long it's going to take you just want to make sure that the center of it is solid so an hour usually does it for me when I'm doing the gaps diet and I want something sweet this really does do the trick for me because between the honey and the sweetness from the bananas it really does help with that craving I'll cut this up and show you what the texture of it is like inside just a great way to use up those overwrite bananas in a way that isn't your typical banana bread or banana muffins in last week's video I mentioned to you that we have reached Peak egg production season we are getting over two dozen eggs a day between our chickens and the Ducks right now and the eggs though because it's spring aren't necessarily clean enough for things like water glassing so I'm trying to get really creative with preservation um and also with eating a lot of eggs so besides having scrambled eggs for breakfast pretty much every day I've been doing a lot of hard boiling of eggs which is what I'm doing here um we've been eating things like deved eggs and egg salad and all sorts of things but my favorite way to preserve eggs when I can't water glass is to freeze dry them and I know not everybody has a freeze dryer but there are ways to um dehydrate eggs and get similar results or you can also just simply freeze your excess eggs but if you do have a freeze dryer this is how I preserve them I take about a dozen eggs and put them in a jar here and I blend them up and I fit one dozen eggs per freeze dryer tray and so that gives me my freeze dryer holds four trays so I can get four dozen eggs per load in the freeze dryer which works out really nicely for me now you may be asking what do I do with freeze-dried eggs well they can be rehydrated and made into scrambled eggs and they taste just like raw fresh scrambled eggs now because we also preserve so many eggs with water glassing every year I have never really had to dip into my freeze-dried eggs they are sort of like my insurance policy and I have them down in storage and my thinking is if I ever have a year where I have some kind of fox attack or something on my flock and I don't have mature egg layers for a long portion of time I would have all of this these um preserved eggs from the freeze dryer to help get us through that season and I've been able to give eggs to some of my friends who go backpacking in a hiking and they take these little bags of eggs with them um on the trail and then they can heat them up and have scrambled eggs over the fire so that is um wonderful as well so I storm mine in myar I get about a half a dozen per bag here and I make sure to label them so that I know how many are in there cuz that's important when you're reconstituting your eggs to know exactly how many you have and then I will add an oxygen absorber to each of these bags we will seal them up and these will be good for 25 plus years down in storage and so like I said it's just a great insurance policy to have um you know when there might might be years where um we don't want to keep chickens because we have enough eggs and storage and then we can rely on these to seal them I just use a hair straightener here actually got this from Goodwill it's just uh it was really cheap hair straightener and it does the trick to seal the top of that myar bag for me so I'm hoping to bring you some more ideas for what to do with extra eggs I have some pasta recipes and some pickled egg ideas that I'll bring to you here in the coming weeks but for now that is all of the kitchen work that I was able to accomplish this week I have a whole sink full of a lot of dishes from all the work I did so I'm going to get busy with that and I will be back next week with more for you friends until then I hope you have a blessed week and we will see you later bye
Channel: Three Rivers Homestead
Views: 50,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure Standard, food haul, grocery haul, bulk food, Homesteading, homestead, homeschooling, homeschool, unschooling, unschool, large family, homemaker, homemaking, pantry, pantry challenge, frugal, prepper, prepping, gluten free, dairy free, food allergies
Id: LWzmQ9y-jtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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