Building the Portable PlayStation 4

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this one's gonna look good i've learned a lot since the n64 video mostly through the comments youtubers always complain oh i got one negative comment all the good comments don't mean anything now and i'm going to be sad for the rest of the month but for me i don't know getting pots and pans banged against my head and punishment of not doing something correctly makes me want to do it better out of fear yes but still so why a ps4 two reasons one this dude some genius many years ago in japan thought of making a ps2 controller that is already split in half so i can have the controls be on either side i don't have to do any crazy rewiring with this thing this came with a it's a dragon ball card some kind of one of the i don't know anything about dragon ball alright you guys can tell me that this is worth a million dollars and then i will make a ps5 but for now ps4 so why not make a portable ps2 considering this is a ps2 controller well somebody made a converter as well so you can plug ps2 controllers on your ps4 i don't know 100 that it works this comes with something too a keychain this is just christmas we'll put our gifts right here this will be the gift corner and stickers i don't even want a portable ps4 anymore i'm just happy i have those uh we also got a much better battery this time that's quite a bit thinner and then the screen is actually pretty flipping nice too it's about eight inches ps4 itself uh i got a little bit cheaper than usual because this was cracked already but that's fine because we just need the insides of this i really want to see what this is like i feel bad because it is hard to find these controllers there's only one on ebay and this one's in really good condition but i'm pretty much gonna permeate it within this random homemade console i do feel kind of bad about it imagine uh take the screen we got the controllers on the sides it'll look like a actual portable console all right cool okay so the console does work oh hey we've got movement i don't know what the lnr is maybe it's like a it could be a manual gearing system to be honest the battery itself here it's very very compact actually all right step one on making a portable playstation 4 feel super guilty that you are bought a playstation 4 to open it up and take it apart again there's a reason i didn't do a ps5 as peter tries to figure out how to unscrew this console he gets very boring and forgets to say entertaining things so i will narrate and give some relevant info during these fast forwarded sections so ever since the incident where my wife's uncle's dad punched me in the gut i've had a little bit of a spending problem for these videos where i just can't help but spending as much money as possible to make some sort of weird experiment that i always want to do as a child and i think it's growing into a problem i've kind of been troubleshooting ways to maybe get this need out of me to spend absurd amounts of money come up with a few ideas such as pimping my nintendo switch making it really really luxurious and as nice as possible kind of the equivalent of like a youtuber buying a sports car except this will be a much smaller scale maybe cure my desire to spend um so back to the video there's another big one oh that's a real big one that's exciting stuff did you guys see how big that screw was i better either post a picture on twitter just in case shut up midway through recording i don't need you to play me beethoven's fifth symphony in notification sounds what am i missing here i wonder how much of this we removed before the console errors oh is it because i unplugged the console instead of turning it off and waiting yeah yeah it is i love this console so much if you've ever owned a playstation 4 you know how flippin annoying it is every time you turn it off it just goes into sleep mode you have to manually use the controller to go to the turn off instead of pushing the button on the thing like every other physical device ever known to man and if you use the power button to turn it off and then you unplug it or you hold the power button because you just want to turn it off you don't have to go into a menu and go to settings the console will make you wait like 50 seconds okay well it can't access storage that is also a problem but it does that all right it does 100 the thing does still turn on though so we're good for now we'll test it again in a minute thankfully all the screws that hold the actual console to the case are marked with like these super tiny little triangles like playstation symbols so when they were making the ps4 they thought oh when peter goes to open this up to make his goofy wooden youtube project we're going to give him a little bit of help still doesn't help me all right so this is actually all we're going to need from the console we'll still need some cooling right around in this area it seems like and this fan does completely detach so we can still use this let's see if this actually works yes all right that is awesome all right now you die but the battery can go something like this and that's almost like a perfect square so we want to make the case generally about this size i do have some big tupperware containers for this thank you ritz cracker for holding your structural integrity right until i pick you up really universe are you that at odds with me is it because i'm defying all logic and all physics by making a portable playstation 4. all right uh it is case time so because of the way the interior the ps4 was i had to have it kind of be this awkward shape instead of being able to compact it more and for the power button i actually just chopped it right off the console so that it still had its little housing in the buttons and whatnot we could put the battery just where the normal disk drive was here's a freeze frame of my arm stretching like a funny penguin cartoon character i thought this was pretty cool but yeah for the most part i just got everything in place got the plastic to the right size i was just using more tupperware containers much like in the last video i want to avoid rewiring so that's the main reason i'm putting things in as is and other than that yeah just kind of shaping plastic uh here's that arm again just in case you forgot it's i don't know man i like that i like that shot a lot okay so we got the base of the case done but for the most part we're just going to put it all on the controllers themselves i'm thinking will be mounted somewhere up here this part here will be what houses all the cables and stuff because the cables are actually quite a bit longer than they need to be when i did the n64 i got a screen with a speaker i forgot to get one with the speaker so it does have a headphone jack i think we're just gonna have headphones built into this oh there we go i had to plug in wrong oh that is a nice resolution the entire motherboard is surrounded by this metal so i could potentially glue this metal to this without ruining the motherboard i just have to be a little careful about it i'm actually going to do that i apologize immensely [Music] i've done the terrible deed i don't feel good about it this all feels so wrong this is how we mount the fan properly in an improper manner i guess that's worth it kiss huh get just flipping stop smoking in my face no matter where my face goes [Music] i hate gluing this thing it was in such good condition but in all honesty as much of a collector's item as it kind of is i don't think there would ever be a point where i would use it for anything else it's a really cool controller don't get me wrong but like what what is actually the point so i'm gonna play playstation 2 i probably wouldn't be using this unless i got like in a terrible accident and i literally had to have my arms at my sides oh that's pretty likely to happen too all right controllers intact moment of truth is to see if they can support the weight of the console they absolutely can like i got i got these on good the only play that they have is the play of the sides of the plastic which i will reinforce so that's good i like to see that this was gonna this was like i was most worried about this part see how just how small exactly we can get this thing so we can make this flat against the console if we wanted to flat against everything that is fantastic all right let's cut this thing and after that's in place then we just throw all the cables in and that's it so the other day i was contemplating my place in the universe and whether or not it has taken favor with me and i've deduced that karma is not my favorite because lately in my spare time i've been playing some overwatch and rainbow six siege with some friends games we have fun competing against other players and of course kind of how each game goes is very different because you're playing against different people who play different ways such as the standard with online play but do you ever watch those videos where it's like uh overwatch funny moments or it's like overwatch weekly clips or something like that or rainbow funny crazy moments in rainbow six and the whole thing is just like a 10-minute compilation of like ah this guy threw a grenade halfway across the map and it just so happened to kill this guy it's like a one in a million chance but it happened and you watch the video and every clip is like oh wow that's crazy that that guy died to that that's pretty absurd that's why it made it in this compilation or the same with overwatch it's like oh man that's an absolutely absurd lucky shot to hit as widowmaker it's something you would definitely put in a compilation because of how rare and crazy it is well lately every single time i play these games every single time i die i feel like it's something that could be in one of those compilations like i don't know if i've grown extremely pessimistic of every failure i have in overwatch or siege but it feels like every single time i die it leaves me going man that's crazy what are the odds of that happening that never happens and now it's happening every single life you can see she'll just go to the farthest corner of the map like oh i'm gonna go as far away as i can from everybody else and try and sneak in this window surely nobody will be over here and then there's just someone underneath that exact window just by pure chance out of 100 windows i could jump in and they stick a knife up my butt so that's my karma update i don't know if i put the screen on the box or whatever the heck keep watching lookers and watchers i give you the storix playstation 4 portable which was made in canada it's done and this one is nice and compact i mean it's not small don't get me wrong everything stays together really well the controllers look at this you can hold it by the controllers you maybe don't want to pick up no you can do this you can hold it like this this is so much more of a working device than that n64 was as much as i like the n64 uh the way that i chose to do it didn't really work with a cartridge console but it actually works pretty good for this i'm getting giddy i'm getting all giddy this is so cool this is actually cool all right i'm gonna get this thing charging i'm gonna clean up and uh we'll test it in a little bit okay it's been like a whole day because this takes a really long time to charge with the cable i have i think you can get a better one i don't care i'm not selling this thing to you why do you care oh hey you can see me man am i ever handsome so i did download two games i got overwatch because i just because i like it and then i got call of duty because call of duty is the console experience or something if i really wanted to put this to the test and run like cyberpunk or something then i would want to die every time i turn this off obviously the battery dies so we're gonna get this screen every single time we start the console um oh i guess i can use the built-in headphones to have sound during this gaming experience i'm sorry you guys can't hear the console at all i'll be sure to put some quirky poppy music over my call of duty gameplay of me killing people now this feels fairly natural right off the bat the control sticks really aren't that bad they're kind of grippy okay am i against two-year-olds how did that okay i am level one in all fairness okay triggers are a little wonky sometimes it's not always easy to hold them down okay i'm i am against literal three-year-olds yeah this guy's name was castle calls himself castle oh because i was doing versus bots offline that's uh that would make sense multiplayer partially installed all right well uh screw this we're playing overwatch game installing zero percent what do you mean i want to play online freaking idiots i downloaded both these games overnight for a reason so i didn't have to sit here and wait game install why don't i just sit on the overwatch menu or download the game what kind of bs is that see you guys tomorrow tomorrow you know the thing about handheld consoles that really sells them nowadays isn't really necessarily the games for them but the convenience if you look at like the nintendo switch the fact that even though it is a video game console is also a handheld and although it does have a great library of games the convenience is what really sells it hence why i will still play overwatch on that thing even though it's absolute trash on that console the convenience is what really sells it the ability to pick up and play immediately uh whatever you're craving so we're on day four now it's early or at least i just woke up i guess it's not early it's like 12. we're gonna give this a go uh one thing i have learned about this console is that it takes seven hours to charge i'm not kidding and the battery lasts for maybe half hour 40 minutes so i don't think the technology is quite there yet to make these things very viable but it's winston shut up this is my chance no all right so we got a bunch of level eights so you got other people who are similar level to me hello sir how are you what are you looking at you think you're special you get your sweet kicks from joining a game of overwatch and just staring at the other players awkwardly all right we win this game and this console is viable if we lose this game the console is completely worthless and i'm gonna throw it out my back door also uh we don't have a single healer so good luck to us nice job poopy face oh we're killing it we're killing it hi mate i didn't get a chance to do anything why am i playing against shroud my buttons are sticking all of a sudden i think it's because the console is getting warm i just went to try and tap the screen what is wrong with me who's behind me not my team hello guess it's going out the back door it is probably overheating it probably needs more cooling this is something i can work on obviously this dude has some problems in terms of battery life and battery charging but in terms of playability when it actually does run and when you're actually looking at the screen and using the controller this is actually fantastic like if you used this screen and these controls and the console was this size i could still one i would still buy this and use it i mean probably not i like this thing i i like the aesthetics i like the playstation logo i put that there i'm pretty proud of me i am going to say is gonna need some work in the future but it is the best handheld console i've ever made and it is beating out a lot of consoles tune in next time when i make a portable ford expedition you
Channel: Peter Knetter
Views: 724,583
Rating: 4.8974175 out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, review, reaction, facecam, comedy, parody, funny, moments, funtage, montage, best, of, compilation, portable ps4, handheld, playstation 4, ps5, ps2, how to make, easy to make, overwatch, call of duty cold war
Id: roW8GhMbBpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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