Building the New Tamiya M3A1 Scout Car all new tool step by step build.

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i if you wanted to any from hobby headquarters well I've got an exciting new kit to share with you guys today this is fresh from the Tokyo hobby show this is the 35th scale Tamiya m3a1 Scout car and this kit is completely 100% brand new tooling figures everything inside is all new tooling on this kit I'm very excited to get this kid is actually a very early sample copy it does have the actual correct box and everything but it won't actually be out for a couple more months but to me it was kind enough to get us one of the very first copies to get up there and show you guys on our channel so very excited about it it's a typical Tamiya kit so the part count is very low but the quality is just just incredible on it so enough talking and let's get started [Music] okay since this is a brand-new kit what I thought I would do is take a little bit more in-depth look at the different parts that make this up since most of you haven't got a chance to see any of these yet this is a true production model right here this is not a prototype sometimes from Tamiya we'll get early prototype kits that come in the white boxes and they still can change parts before they actually make it out to the public but this is exactly the way the kit is going to go out to the public including the box art here now the kit has three different markings inside of it two of them are Russian which is the the main cover art as well as this kit this version on the side here and there's also a set or set of markings I should say for an American version in Sicily in 1943 and it's got the olive drab in the the sandy brown color there now the the figures there are five figures which we'll show you in a minute there but all the figures are Russian Russian figures for inside here so let's first take a look at the a sprue and the a sprue there are two of them inside the a sprue is made up of the the seats the wheels gets a little closer there too so you can see some of the detail on it the wheels always look really good from Tamiya the all the bolt pattern and all that all your nice and crisp and like I said there are two two of those inside there are two identical ones then we're going to move on to the B sprue now the B sprue is made up of the frame of the vehicle with a little bit of the engine sticking out at the bottom we have our front fenders our armored hood the the windscreen and the armored windscreen you know pieces like this and it also has the the rail inside the back of the vehicle there's a rail that goes all the way around the inside that you could slide the 30 and 50 Cal machine guns around and that is also replicated here as well and keep in mind to this m3 Scout car shares an awful lot of pieces of the m3 half-track in fact most of the front end if I'm not mistaken is identical between the two vehicles so hopefully and I truly don't know if anything in the future but hopefully Tamiya decides to retool and redo all their their m3 m2 and even the m16 half-tracks that would be a great addition especially with all these new parts that have come out on the market now this part obviously is going to be strictly for the Scout car so they wouldn't use them or well they might be able to use part of the and this part right here is going to be made up of our side armor goes on the vehicle as well as like the the front here this is our lower plates here with all the diamond shred inside and finally we also have the running gear underneath here and this is your kind of your accessories sprue you have your pioneering tools like guards leaf springs steering wheel all the other parts that didn't make up the big parts that make up the vehicle and you can see these four sprues make up the predominance of the entire vehicle so looks like it's a pretty easy straightforward kit to put together we're also gonna take a look at here this is the machine guns that come with it the 50 Cal it is a two-part it is --slide molded and for the receiver and where the barrel slides into the receiver that's all hollowed out so you'll be able to slide the barrel right inside there and then this is the sprue that makes up the 30 Cal this has actually been in a few other kits before as well and now we'll take a quick look at the the figures give you some close-up views especially some of them one of them I notice here too was kind of interesting this this guy right here has its mouth open I haven't really seen too many model figures with a guy yelling like that that's kind of interesting but keep in mind they are all Russian figures so if you're gonna do a Russian version of it you'll have all the figures ready to go and then just quickly this is the clear parts for your front windscreen and these are the decals the decals are primarily for the American versions we've got these giant circles with the stars inside and the one that's broken up right here to put on the louvers on the front of the vehicle and then these couple in here make up the do Russian version so all in all it's a very crisp clean kit looks pretty easy and straightforward to build so I'm excited to get going on it so let's start building it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're gonna start off building the chassis on this vehicle and as you can see there are some really detailed parts that go into making this I've been building a lot of other brands lately as you know and they're all very very good quality the way everything goes together but there is just something to be said about when you start building it to me a kit how how the things is basically lineup and fit exactly the way they're supposed to in such a unique way like there you go right there that's how quickly the the axles go together with the differentials right in through there and you've got one of those in the front as well up here and the way some of these other parts have gone on here you'll notice right here this little L shape corresponds to the L shape on this so you know that that part is going to line up and fit perfectly right inside there so some very very nice-looking stuff and then same goes true for all of these other pieces that will basically playing around with them just you know fitting them in and you can hear some of this stuff literally dry clicks get it lined up and then boom it like clicks into place where they're without glue now we're obviously we're gonna glue all this stuff so this is all of the parts right here that make up the basically the first four steps and the main part of the of the lower portion of this vehicle so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start putting some of this stuff together and then we'll start adding like the leaf springs and pieces like that on it and the next step and here we have most of the lower part of the chassis put together here and we just have to start putting the leaf springs into place and once we get both of those on we got one on already here that in there and then we can drop this whole thing in look this goes this way and absolutely just amazed at the quality that Tamiya has come up with always and especially on these these lower areas there's so many little pieces and everything virtually just clicks together on it it's just incredible now I do have to put the other leaf springs on the back and that's um then when we'll glue this into place but just the fit it just wants to go right into place so I'm get the rest of this lower portion done and then we'll come back and show you what it looks like okay now we're attaching the end itching roller up on the front and that just clicks into place there and then there's another spring that is going to go in on the other side and if you guys aren't familiar with what this is this roll basically right here is if it hits anything that normally if the the front bumper was right here and would hit anything the bumper would just plow into the mud with this thing right here you would hit it and then roll right up so it won't go down into a ditch and get stuck in it and it's actually a pretty cool little thing that they put on quite a few World War 2 vehicles and we just gotta get this other piece on the other side and that will complete this is probably the most difficult piece to assemble and it's not very difficult it's just having multiple hands and not having a camera in the way the whole time and finding the hole wherever it is here there it goes nope still didn't get in there there it is boy that took way longer than it should've but just put a touch of glue on both sides and then secure that into place but as you can see we've got the the whole lower portion of the vehicle coming along pretty well I just went ahead and glued up one of the wheels these are going to have a wheel and tire I should say are going to have a poly cap inside there and we just did the liquid cement so we're gonna be able to sand get rid of that seem out of there once that fully dries and we'll just be able to go pop these right into place with the poly cap which is nice because we can take them off and paint them separately later now there is a front and rear wheel they are different slightly and that is mainly because there is a little piece on the front here on the axle that will correspond to the other inside so I'm gonna build up all four of the tires right now and we'll do any of the last little bits of stuff we have to do on the chassis here and we'll come back and show you what it looks like when all four wheels are on we have the lower chassis done now with the wheels in place and now we can begin to build this framework and I just put a little glue on that just before we start it and you can see how this is gonna go together we'll just kind of show you how this is gonna fit on right here you see it just drops into place and this is basically all of the components and everything has little tags inside of it are keys I should say that are gonna line up so that little circle pattern is going to line up right along the inside of that this one is gonna line up right inside of there you can see how they just fall into place then we have this piece right here which is going to get dropped in here and only goes one way - I tried it both ways and it definitely does not fit the other way so you can't get that portion of it wrong and then it comes time that we're going to assemble the the side armor now one thing I like about this quite a bit is that you can see they've made it very very thin and almost like a scale thickness you see how flexible it is right here but once it can get to get attached it's not gonna really matter too much so we'll be able to glue those right into place just like this and then of course we do the other side and then we have the rear portion and then as well as the front fender okay and one other thing I should point out to all of the the upper part of the chassis is going to get built off of the frame so I was just showing it in sitting into place right there so what we'll do now is we'll start glueing some of these pieces on we'll see how much of it we can get built just to show you how it goes together so we put a little glue on these are the actually I believe their ammunition bins on the inside there and we are just going to run the liquid cement just on the inside here and those kind of just fall right into place can't go wrong with that and this was that one piece I was telling you about that can only go into one particular direction and that is because there are too little hinges up here that are going to correspond to this little box on the other side here so yeah I'll let that set up for a little bit longer now and then we'll come back and glue these side panels into place and then we should be able to get the front fenders on as well all that should just fit right together as you can see we've gone ahead and put one of the side pay plates in but before we did that we went ahead and also put the steering column in the emergency brake the shifter foot pedals all that other kind of stuff in there and I'll just kind of quickly just show you how fast this goes in and how well there are little grooves that are designed to line up perfectly for that and then once you get it like that you're just a matter of putting the glue into place and then hold it in there I also went in on this side too and put the top of the the bin for the ammunition Bend that goes in like that as well and then once that gets glued into place and sets up we can go ahead and put the rear plate on and also the front fenders so I'm going to do that off camera because it's kind of always tough to have it with the camera in the way but you get a general idea how how the basically the the parts go together so I'm gonna get those glued on right now and we'll come back just before we put it onto the chassis and now we are at the portion of the build where we have to attach the windscreen as well as the hood and they give you two different options in this kit one of them is with the way we've got it set up right here where the the armor plate is down over the windscreen to protect the driver and the other people inside and that's one I've decided to go ahead and do and there's basically just two parts just they glue together real easily and that'll get glued right into place there in a minute we also need to go ahead and attach the radiator and the radiator goes in just like this and snaps right into place in fact they don't even recommend gluing on it then there'll be a little radiator frame that will go around the outside here and then you get two options you get to choose from you can either go with the the buttoned-up and there's two options you can go for for the radio there's this one right here which is the buttoned-up one where all the louvers are closed on it and you just glue that into place keeping all the louvers closed or they also give you the option where you have four individual louvers that you can plug into those radiator holes if you want and that'll look like they're open so that you can drive with it and get some you know circulation some air circulation over the radiator while the vehicle is moving I think I'll probably go ahead and do that one it's gonna be a little bit more difficult getting the decals on because they're individual so you're gonna have to cut the decal accordingly but I don't think it'll be that difficult and the other thing we have to do is we have to put these side armor plates on that those will get glued right into place on both sides here but that's a minor thing we'll do in a minute there and they move this stuff out of the way and show you the vehicle zoom out a little bit and this will literally just get dropped right into place just like that and with that on and you can see after just about about four and a half hours worth of building and sanding we have a great majority of the vehicle put together now that of course there's a lot more stuff we need to put inside all the seats there is a machine gun rail that goes around the entire inside of the vehicle plus some other little pieces here and there that we need to take care of but some minor stuff that we'll work on for a little bit as well as the fenders we've got those cut out and getting ready to go now one other thing I should point out to you and I was editing some of the film I've noticed that there's some pushpin marks that you can see on some of the plastic that I just thought I would point out to you guys will go where I'll go in sand out pushpin marks if they're gonna be noticeable on the end sometimes you and you of course you'll miss one but like in this one right here this one there's a pushpin mark a mild one but it's visible so I went ahead and removed that there's some other areas that you may have seen them in there but they're getting covered up so I decided it's not worth the time to remove them if they're gonna get covered up by something or won't be seen at all and these big holes right here are not actually pushpins those are actually for where the railings go in for next pieces so lots of fun so far so what I'm going to do right now is I am going to get these pieces actually glued on and the chassis glued on to the frame and then we will come back and work on that that machine gun rail the make the rail basically is a system that they would put in this vehicle that you could mount the 50s and the 30 caliber machine guns and then slide them all over the vehicle so if you were shooting this way you could get it up that way come back here rather than turn the gun you'd be able to just slide it to the back and shoot out the back so let me get these parts glue it on and we'll move on to the next step okay we've kind of jumped a little bit ahead here by attaching quite a few parts that were pretty easy and straightforward that if you ever built the Tamiya kit or any other kit for that matter I think it would be pretty pretty self-explanatory and we attach things like the jerrican on the side here the the door handles the lights the light guards including these also we attached these little hooks that secure the the hood from coming up also you'll be able to notice that we assembled the 50 Cal machine gun as well as the 30 Cal and we've installed the seats in the back of the vehicle here too now the only thing we haven't done yet is include the pads and I left those off purposely because we're going to paint those and I think it'll be easier to paint and then still get inside there you'll also notice ooh there's some holes left here too and that is because we have not attached any of the tools yet as well tools are always much much easier to paint off the vehicle so as you can see the vehicle goes together pretty well I also know still you can actually roll the wheels on this thing once it's done so for putting it in dioramas or anything I don't know why you need that but yeah it does roll on the wheels hunt but as well so now we are going to go ahead and paint our black and white coat on the vehicle and we will go ahead and do that right now and then we can move on to the actual body paint as you can see we've done the the black and white coat on that and I didn't film on this time and that is just because it's pretty easy and straightforward we just painted the entire vehicle NATO black and then just went in and all the panels and just painted those with just like that white and that is because as we put on our second coat of paint or actual the body color it is going to show through that black and white because anytime anything hits the white it's gonna be a little brighter any of the paint that hits the black will be a little bit darker and kind of give a faded effect to some of the panels now the very first color we're going to use we're going to paint the entire vehicle is the mission models US Army olive drab faded number one and we're gonna go over and paint the entire vehicle now you'll also notice - we did a little bit of the black and white technique inside the vehicle as well because obviously the Sun would would weather and fade that just as much taking the wheels and all the machine guns off just so we have a little bit clearer access to it so let's go ahead and paint the olive drab now now when we apply the mission models paint over our black and white coat we want to make sure we do really light coats and let them gradually build up so we don't block out the black and white immediately our taking some mission model paints desert sand color and we're gonna do the camouflage that goes across the side of the vehicle once again a little bit a little bit darker than we did on the green because that would not have faded as much because you would have thought that that would have been a second coat of paint okay here is what the the paint job turned out like and we tried to follow the box as close as possible to get get that same pattern going it looks like it was kind of a random pattern that they put on now we've also taken it outside and sprayed it with a complete coat of dokgo lacquered occult and that is going to completely seal in our paint job so and I'll give you another shot on this side as well there now that we have it at that point we have some fairly large decals that we want to put on so we're gonna start off by putting some mark fit strong over this whole area in through here where the decal is going to go and the decal has been soaking for a few minutes already so it's about ready to come off you guys can see a little better and I can see a little better and as you can see it's quite a large decal looks like we're gonna have to remove the the door handle to get this particular decal on so what I want to do is I'm going to hopefully be able to take it off without destroying it and getting this decal to lay down then we'll put the door handle back on okay we removed the door handle and I've put several coats of mark fit strong on and what we're doing now is we're just going over and rolling technique rolling the decal from the center out and you'll hopefully notice that the rivets and all that really pop out really nicely this way mark fit really softens the decal enough to we can keep doing this and I will probably put about one or two more coats on after this but you can already start to see the rivets are really sticking I'm making it look like it was actually painted on so we just keep going back and forth rolling this out and then we can put the door handle back on - I guess I read the instructions wrong it said put this decal on before putting the door handle on but at the time I was thinking I need to paint this whole thing so I'm not worried about any decals right now so I kind of skipped over that step but not a problem we got the decal the door handles off to the side and we'll put those on after we get all this done so let's just go ahead and put a few more coats of dope or a mark fit strong on this and I will show you what the final look looks like once we get all the decals on okay we've got all the decals on the side ones and I'll kind of show you after about four or five coats of mark fit you can see all the rivet heads pop right nicely through one quick thing I I got the entire decal on the front the front louvers right here and had it looking absolutely perfectly and then I tried to mess around fit and I ended up screwing up the decal so I completely removed it I have seen pictures of them without the front on it so it's not the end of the world but I just couldn't believe it I've gotten it that far along and couldn't leave well enough alone so we don't have a front star on this particular one here but we do have the seats painted on the inside the machine guns in place and of course the the tires and wheels all painted up as well now I'm going to put two coats of dull coat on this to completely seal this model in and then we'll be able to put the the glass in the glass on the the headlights as well as the front glass that goes behind there as well and then it'll be basically be the last time you'll see it as the clean nice looking model doctor turn this on while we're doing that because then we're gonna weather it a little bit and since this is supposed to be like kind of like a I think it's supposed to either be Sicily or North Africa one of the other on it so we can't put a little bit of wear and tear on the vehicle and we've got the tools ready to go they're all painted and ready to put on and we oh I do have to paint a little bit more inside the dashboard as well but we'll do that in a few minutes there so I'm gonna go like I said go get this clear coated and then we'll come back and start weathering okay now we're taking a piece of torn sponge and using our chipping color we're gonna go ahead and start putting some scratches and some chips on this thing and you're gonna dip a little bit of the paint which I'll put the the mixture for the paint right now in the bottom corner down there and then you just dip it into the paint and then blot off quite a bit of it onto a paper towel and then that way you'll get just some nice scratches here and there things like the jerrycan so I'm gonna go over the entire vehicle and start chipping it up a little bit and we'll come back and go on to the next step also not to remember not to forget we're also gonna do the inside of the vehicle a little bit as well okay now we're applying a little bit of enamel thinner and then we're going to use our streaking rust and streaking grime effect we're going to put a few little small little areas of it on here we're not gonna go to too crazy like we did in some of the last couple of bills we just want to put a few little marks here and there and I'm just using a fine fine brush to apply some in some areas then we're gonna go over with a big flat brush or a fatter brush and kind of pull it down and you wanted to just keep pulling those down this first one we're using is the grime and because you're using the enamel thinner first you got quite a bit of time to mess around with it so if you don't like it if it's too thick pull some more off if you and then if it's too little just put a little bit more on so I'm gonna go over the vehicle right now and just lightly put a little bit of rust and grime all over it and we'll come back for that step okay now what I'm doing is I'm mixing a little light Sienna and a little desert dust weathering powders together and we are adding a little enamel thinner a little bit more enamel thinner I want to kind of make a little bit of a paste out of this stuff here streaking grime in there keep blending all this stuff in then actually touch more of the desert dust want to be kind of fit here and now once we get all that mixed up we're going to apply it really thickly all over this tire and we're gonna give it a opportunity to get into every little nook and cranny because we're gonna be removing quite a bit of the excess on here once this dries so we want to make sure and go all the way around get every little bit of all the tread in there and now we're gonna let that dry for a little bit but we're also going to be doing the same thing up and rounding through here which you can see some of it's already starting to dry already did a little bit on this side and we're also going to take a little bit of that that pace that we made and start applying it down in these areas where we think a little bit of mud and dirt and grime and stuff whatever accumulated and you can put it on kind of thick cuz you're gonna remove the most I'm gonna do these wheels and next on it too but I thought I'd work on this side of the vehicle for right now and just put it anywhere you think that the the mud and grime would start to accumulate I've also started to do it inside here and what we'll do is we'll put it all over the entire vehicle inside and out and then when it dries we'll come back and show you what it looks like and how to take care of it once it dries in this little portion right here started to dry and you can see it kind of kind of bright and chalky looking now we're just gonna take a stiff dry brush and just start knocking the excess off and just rubbing it out where you don't want it and just leaving some of it behind but it'll have a tendency to stay into all the little nooks and crannies so here's what the tire looks like when it dries and now we are just gonna go and start knocking off the excess making sure that we leave the majority inside the tread and we can even use the cotton swab go around the sidewall here clean that off a bit and with a little bit more work and a little bit more wash on the actual wheel itself we will have a completed piece well here we are here is our completed model and I just did a final few things on it we put the the clear lenses in we attach the tools on and we just did the final little clean-up on the rest of the vehicle you know any place I thought there was a little too much dirt grime or anything like that as you can imagine it is a Tamiya kit so everything fit together really really well just a beauty to put together and it was a lot of fun because it's probably about a day worth of building and then the rest of the time you can go to having fun painting and weathering things like that so this kit is actually going to be due out in about a month and a half so sometime in late November early December s'what out last thing I've been told that could change it could be a little quicker or lighter just depending on when they get it done but definitely would recommend it if you're into Scout cars especially American products because there hasn't been a heck of a lot of it there this is a definite definite must for you so I want to thank you guys as always for watching and please stay tuned because we have many more videos coming [Music]
Channel: Andy's Hobby Headquarters
Views: 113,531
Rating: 4.9025321 out of 5
Keywords: tamiya, plastic models, armor models, andys hobby headquarters, Andy's Hobby headquarters, scale modeling, scale models, tested, tanks, dioramas, plasmo, luke towan, hms2, one day builds, building plastic models, mission models paint, takom, meng, model kits, painting plastic models, weathering plastic models, crafts, visual arts, art, 더스토리, ジオラマ, プラスチックモデル, モデルキット, 플라스틱 모형, 塑料模型, 西洋镜, диорама, пластиковые модели, Plastikmodelle, タミヤ新製品, diy, panzer rush
Id: NxSsuF4THtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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