Building The Consolidated PBY Flying Boat

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flying boats partner and beautiful formations were conceived designed and built by the consolidated Aircraft Corporation and from their inception were destined to become outstanding for all bombers of the world their load carrying capacity their speed range and reliability have been amply proven and extended flight and their striking performance one for their bill is the largest order of trangent flying boats ever placed more than 200 of these flying ships were built for the United States Navy in groups of 12 14 18 and even 48 these famous planes flown in formation by United States Navy pilots and consistently adding to already impressive records of mechanical performance have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to travel distances are from two and a half thousand well over three thousand miles non-stop a truly remarkable record of flying boats stamina and consistent performance as we fly along we turn our attention to the home of these graceful boat San Diego California with its ideal year-round flying weather landlocked Harbor and municipal Aeon flying field this is Lindbergh Field where the consolidated Aircraft Corporation is located the birthplace of the PB wise as these flying boats are officially known this manufacturing plant has an area of approximately 3/4 of a million square feet of space devoted to the production of these airplanes here in the engineering department has built one of the outstanding engineering forces in the manufacture of aircraft today it was from this department at the famous PBY flying boat design emanated it is here that airplanes are conceived stressed and engineered months before their publicized to be brought carefully methodically and painstakingly to perfection the engineering drawings and specifications are now translated into orders for materials and the sequence of operations is determined meanwhile quantities of high-grade raw materials are arriving for use in the building of the airplane these are carefully unloaded checked in at the stockroom given a fellow inspection and then despatched to the various departments for the many processes to be performed before the material as finished parts and is the airplane into the anodic tanks go all aluminum and aluminum alloy parts for the anodic treatment this process forms on every surface a protective film of aluminum oxide a tough corrosion resisting basic protection which becomes a part of a metal itself and which makes an excellent base for paint inspection plays a highly important part in the production of these record-breaking planes the inspection department carries on the inspection of every part of the plane from the raw materials at the very start straight through each operation process and assembly to the finished PBY as it rolls off the production line to maintain in the highest standard of workmanship each part and assembly is checked after each manufacturing sequence thus there is built into the plane and insurance for record-breaking performance hardness testing machines instantly determine the exact heat treated qualities of every metal part used in these votes these machines are both fast and accurate in operation micrometers and gauges are used to check tips and tolerances as a precaution to ensure that the parts are measured with accurate tools these checking devices are checked periodically on the super micrometer or master checking device more than a service inspection is necessary on the important structural part the grain of the metal of which these parts are made must be carefully examined for flaws visual inspection will of course reveal the obvious flaws but for these highly loaded steel assemblies it is important to check for defects that can't be seen to accomplish this the simple magnaflux method is used first the steel part is magnetized then it is placed in an agitated solution of oil containing powdered iron after brief immersion in this solution the part is removed and all flaws even those ordinary invisible to the naked eye will be clearly marked with a dark streak thus each airplane structure possesses the ability to take rough handling from either man or the elements ploughing and smashing into rough water at high speed bouncing and shaking under the impact but emerging each time staunch and ready for more without a sign of the pounding it is taken these automatic rivet making machines cutting steadily way at coils of derail wire biting off exact Lane upsetting the heads and repeating can turn out as many as a million rivets a week a million rivets per week emerging from the machines the rivets are placed in the heat treat furnace for a time period and as they leave the furnace they are automatically quenched in cold water when they are subjected to this treatment they become relatively soft and are in proper condition for use taken from the automatic heat treating machine they are stored under low temperature in a large electric refrigerator where they will remain soft indefinitely if the rivets are exposed to normal temperatures they soon become hard and develop their full strength to make them more accessible to the wittman they are distributed to smaller electric refrigerators located throughout the factory as needed the rivets are taken from the refrigerators located adjacent to the work and riveted into place within a few hours the rivets Harden and contribute their full strength to the airplane structure steel tubing of heavy gauge is run between three powerful rolls to form the engine mount ring straight to begin with the steel tubing is given a slight curvature on the first pass through the machine then each time it is passed between the rolls the rolls are tightened a bit more until the desired curvature is secured thinking of the tubing is thus prevented and the tube emerges finally smooth and of the exact radius desired both of the metal parts of the planes are formed in the soft or annealed State and must be heat treated to gain their full strength soft aluminum alloy parts are soaked in a gas-fired molten salt bath then quickly removed and quenched in water when quenched these parts are hardened to develop their full strength within a few hours steel parts according to their composition and ultimate views receive various heat treatments some are quenched in oil all heat treating is kept under accurate control by a battery of automatic recording pyrometers to ensure uniform results these steel tube engine mounts are heated in gas fired furnaces and when removed are immediately bolted to a rigid table for air quenching welding the work down during cooling prevents the mount from warping out of shape this is the stabilizer unit in the process of assembly it approaches more nearly it's familiar clearance after covering and the fin and stabilizer tips have been added to the unit the rudder they assembled and riveted up in a vertical jig and the wing trailing edges for the center section are likewise assembled in the vertical position all movable control surfaces and the trailing edges of the wings are fabric covered the cloth used for this surface is a light strong uniform grade of unbleached long staple cotton and attachment to the surface is accomplished by stitching a reinforcing tape over each rib a knotted stitch is yours which cannot become untied and which serves to evenly distribute the loads and likewise prevent chafing wearing or ballooning of the fabric hand sewing using a strong wet thread is employed in closing up the control surfaces or to fit around an irregular shape where machine sewing is impractical by using this method the fabric is called uniformly snugged over every portion of the surface the PBY spas are the main structural members within the wings and are assembled in special jigs the webbing aluminum alloy extrusions fittings and all other appurtenances produced by the various departments are assembled here the work accomplished in these assembly fixtures encompasses all of the necessary assembly operations except riveting before riveting the spar is disassembled sent to the paint department to be anodized and Prime upon its return it is reassembled spears are used to hold the assembly together temporarily while the rivets are inserted and driven cleaned painted and riveted the spars are now complete from above the wing center section assembly line some idea of a scope of operations and the building of these units can be gleaned this part of the plant is devoted exclusively to the Assembly of the wing center sections the leading edges trailing edges outer panels and ailerons are assembled elsewhere these wings Center sections are built in steel assembly fixtures which hold the work in a vertical position so that a number of men can work in a comfortable standing position both on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing at the same time first placed in the assembly fixture is the rear spar which is guided into position and made fast in the jig then come the wing ribs and bulkheads to give the wing its shape the bulkheads also form a portion of the integrally built kill tanks when all are in place the front wing beam is brought to the assembly fixture and raised with pneumatic hoist to its position at the top of the fixture the fuel claims to the PBY having a combined capacity of 1,750 gallons are actually built in as an integral section of the wing structure a design feature that has several outstanding advantages one of which is that only a portion of the weight necessary for separately built tanks is required although the original airplane of this type established several distance flight records the standard production PB wise have attained an unequaled reputation for non-stop mass flights over long distances so repeatedly that they are no longer front-page news but are proof of the progressive engineering built into these airplanes the wing Sattar section weighing approximately one ton at this stage of assembly is raised out of the assembly fixture and his transported overhead by monorail to another portion of the assembly line the two black dots in the center of this portion of the wing are manholes which permit access to the interior of the fuel tanks arriving at its allotted place on the assembly line the center section is lowered and rolled to a horizontal position so that the remaining assembly operations can be completed immediately after the wing center section is leveled the sub assemble parts of the engine nacelle structure are brought to the front of the wing assembly and the work of their attachment Beginner's slid into place and held firmly in place with locating fixtures the attachment of the nacelle braces and preformed skin is made directly to the front bar and center section skin so that the cells become a part of the wing itself then followed the operation of fitting the leading edges to the wing center section in as much as all leading edges and trailing edge sections are completely detachable their jigs are used so that replacements may be made with ease in the future life of the vote should the occasion arise the operations on the wing having been completed it is now rolled out and heads for the finishing and final assembly Department meanwhile the belt frames and bulkheads of the hull are taking shape the belt frames are the intermediate formers while the bulkheads are the main formers the bulkhead discard giving form to the hull also served to divide it into watertight compartments so that the airplane becomes a purely seaworthy vote when on the water and like a surface vessel is fully capable of coping with any emergency the building of the belt frames and bulkheads progresses in much the same manner as the building of the floor assemblies the smaller parts made elsewhere in the plant are brought to the assembly fixtures placed secured in position and drill then held together with screws the entire assembly is lifted from the fixture and the riveting operations carried out when the two major bulk heads have been fastened together with they are raised to the vertical fixtures whether workmen may carry on to tears deep the drilling and sitting operations these are the two bulkheads which attach directly to the wing and the wing lifts strut they also form the backbone of the superstructure where the Blockheads and belt frames completed the first operation and the assembly of the hull begins finished bulkheads and belt frames are lowered into the large assembly fixtures bottom side up for the first work in the fabrication of the hull is accomplished while it is resting in the upside down position many of these upside-down assembly fixture stand side by side on the Assembly floor and in the inverted position the long graceful lines of the PBY design begin to form as the bulk foams bulkheads and keel sections find their places and the bottom stringers are added plating the hull bottom comes next to ensure a watertight union between the stringers and the bottom plating a strip of fabric impregnated with marine blue is laid over the stringers before the skin is applied to draw the plates down tightly against the stringers while the riveting is carried on small wooden wedges are used where the bottom practically completed the growing hull with temporary truss work to prevent it buckling is raised from the upside down assembly six years rolled to a right-side up position and moved to a waiting fixture on the right side up assembly line at this juncture an excellent idea of the interior construction of the hull may be gained notice that these bulkheads divide the hull into five watertight compartments so that these votes can battle against inclement weather in the air or light out bad storms on the surface of the sea in the right-side-up assembly fixtures the upper form of a house develops rapidly as stringers on the side than deck are fitted into place after the stringers have been made fast to the bulkheads and bail frames the skin is the structure up forward the cockpit enclosure an assembly of windows and framework is brought to the ship and fastened to the growing hull above the pilots compartment the fins are built integrally with the upper portion of the hull and are shared into it up on the fin high above the waterline providing ample clearance for handling on rough water will arrest the for cantilever stabilizing and controlled surfaces from these control surfaces the steel control cables are brought inside the fin and on down through the hell away from all spray the anchor stowage box anchor winch nose bumper snubbing post mooring walks and similar surface boat equipment all material aids in mooring anchoring and beaching the craft are built into the bow above the hall in the superstructure the flight mechanic station takes form from here the mechanic will regulate the retracting float the majority of the engine controls and check the engine instruments that's for leaving the pilot to some extent in the handling of this giant craft nearing completion on the assembly line the graceful hulls are lifted out of their assembly fixtures within superstructure pilot enclosure turret and hatches have been secured in place and the hull is ready for watertight testing the highly supported on a stout framework the warrior poured into each compartment and the outside of the house inspected for leakage the whole department is no small place as we look down on the assembly line we gain some idea of the multiplicity of operations necessary in building of house for these famous folks in the foreground the hulls are but their skeletons consisting of bulkheads and keels in their upside-down fixtures the stringers have been added to some the playing to others along the line and the right side up textures our stringers on side and deck some house plating with sub assemblies at it privates along the hollows virtually finished at this stage of the assembly lack only last-minute additions to their structure and the water type testing operation before they are ready to the department immediately following assembly the hulls are moved to the finishing Department and stripped of the climbing coat which has served for protection during assembly this primer is removed down to the metal but this does not of course affect the anodic film protection which was made a part of the metal itself when the material was anodized after the primer is removed the hall is washed and rinsed and then a fresh coat of primer applied so that the base upon which the subsequent finishing coats are applied will be as near perfect as is possible the wing center section structure likewise receives the same careful treatment when it enters the finishing Department in the finishing Department the application of paint and lacquers is conducted under ideal working commissioners warned until adara is forced into this department by huge blowers and a constant positive pressure is maintained so that no foreign matter can gain entrance scrupulous cleanliness prevails with all lacquered duct and paint fumes sucked from the paint bills by powerful fans such precautions before and during painting ensure that the finish will be of the highest quality and afford the greatest protection possible the airplane dope is applied to the fabric covered control surfaces the ailerons and wing trailing edges to pull the fabric taut and add strength to the unit tape is doped over the reinforcing tape previously applied over all ribs to ensure maximum strength and smoothness to facilitate the operation work of routine inspection and servicing of the airplanes pertinent instructions and markings are applied to the finished surfaces with decalcomania transfers these are applied tacky and the paper backing washed off as the halva turned out by the finishing Department they are moved to another section of the plant devoted entirely to final assembly operations rolling easily on its bleaching gear to its allotted place in the line the hall is now ready for its wings engines and tail services the wing center section built for interchangeability and perfect alignment is brought to the hull and gently lowered on to the superstructure as it is maneuvered into alignment the sturdy attachment bolts are slipped home and the lift struts are attached holding this portion of the Wayne securely in place brought to the stern of the ship are the tail surface units to be mounted high on the fin the powerplant units are hoisted up and transported by monorail to the waiting airplane where they are swung in the position for attaching directly to the oil tank cept in the cells with four stout bolts these twin double row 14 cylinder power plants generate well over 1,000 horsepower each and enable to PBY on one engine alone to maintain full flight with full load more remarkable however is the ability of this same ship not only to take off with one engine but to sustain flight with sufficient fuel aboard to fly 1,300 miles the weather which prevailed to San Diego the year round is ideal for the completion of many of the final assembly operations out of doors the nearly completed ships are wheeled out and signaled to their positions in the paved yard work platforms are shifted into place and final assembly operations are continuous constant speed propellers which automatically meet changing conditions and increase the flying efficiency of the airplane are hoisted to the engines and flipped on the propeller shaft the outer panels of the wing are brought to the center panel which we followed through construction and are attached these outer panels contain the wingtip float and with the integral fuel tanks of the center section constant speed propellers and other features contribute to the outstanding performance records of this airplane as the plains near completion United States Navy insignias numbers and squadron emblems are added on the hull the wings and the tail surfaces for identification these boats are used by the Navy for bombing scouting and patrol work flying part see they can maintain close or open formation as many have done repeatedly in the establishment of the mass flight records or they can be flown on individual missions powerful radios permit constant communication with each other or with Shore stations contributing to the efficiency of the PBY czar the retractable wingtip float switch when the airplane is flying are retracted into the wing to reduce drag when down they serve as air brakes in the approach for a landing and in addition provide wingtip buoyancy force maneuvering on the surface of protected waters or in the open sea the PBY design is not only an airplane are outstanding merit but when on the water is a boat fully capable of coping with any open sea contingency that might be encountered during its operation the controls are now given a first inspection to see that they are functioning smoothly the ship is filled in preparation for starting the engines on their initial 15 minutes shakedown running of all the control the engines are given a second running of 45 minutes to enjoy after a final checkup the brain from the plant whether personnel facilities and machinery for the building of the most modern aircraft are equal to those to be found any place in the world have come the PB wise delivering operations always attract interest as the planes are made ready on the ramp for their first taste of the waters of the bay and a delivery in this case to the United States Navy the poor Navy crew accepting delivery of the PBY climb aboard the Navy pilot signals the flight mechanic to turn over the engines while he peers out to watch the familiar operation the Navy operators while the engines take for the warming up operation before they signal their readiness to and the actual delivery date while the engine controls the pilot is concerned only with the throttles and propeller governors the flight mechanic handles restarting mixture control fuel flow engine cowl flap regulation and we also propose the raising and lowering of throat receiving his orders to the pilot by means of a visual signal system or the innocent the Beeching here enabled the PBY to be handled with ease on land it can even operate from a fan be and the gear can be removed and stowed aboard with ease a familiar fight on the bay at San Diego has been the take off of TV wise guarding the long distance vocalizes known the PBY is the only twin-engine flying boat which has actually taken off from the water with one engine complete not only has a baby taking off on one engine born on right of 1,300 did any wonder that these remarkable record happened the following outstanding flights were made during 90 37 38 and 39 control vomits for the United States Navy are fast and powerful operating from established navy bases PBY patrol bomber flying boats can patrol sixty million square miles one-third of the Earth's surface as the eyes of the fleet in defense of the nation BBY flying-boat daily establish new record as routine operations of the United States Navy model 28 as the commercial model and on have circled the earth at its maximum circumference across oceans and continents non-stop and have operated in times from the tropics to the North Pole or without undoing beyond comparison with any why have amazing and outstanding achievement of the buying both deadly Angie ality that one away from me for many partners of the consolidated aircraft operating
Channel: AVhistorybuff
Views: 31,697
Rating: 4.901515 out of 5
Keywords: WWII, Navy, PBY Catalina, Flying Boat, amphibious airplane, Convair, Consolidated
Id: 1QYE8T4F930
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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