Building Primitive Weapons!

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what is good Greg Rex lay here today I know it's just me nobody else just me I know I know I'm sorry but we're going to be doing a pretty awesome video now I'm playing about doing let's do a primitive weapons challenge but Kindle dude what's the challenge well um build primitive weapons I think yeah I mean I think that's pretty cool that is how this thing about this challenge I was like okay well with primitive weapons that's kind of like that's a lot of weapons there's a large range of arise so I was thinking first things first let's start it off small let's go with some basic weapons first and I'm talking like very base primitive weapon number one Rock I hit the chain on one oh that seems her first weapon is gonna be the rock I would dive into the history of you know who we used to rocks in weaponry it was first used around the beginning of time yeah it's a rock you throw it at people you hit stuff with it yeah I think that's about it ready here we get here we go ready Rock that's how you do it son now if I had to give the rock a rating I would say it's better than a small stick besides that a rock would not be my weapon of choice unless you get a big round then I'm not strong enough to hold it on to the next weapon Oh pack geotech hair look I'm just kidding guys that's not a primitive weapon that is a normal weapon if they don't slow it down Roxanne I'm okay yes there's a turn off the camera they start shooting what are they shooting at can they not clearly say I'm over here why do they keep following me thinking minigun stick it at the side of it [Applause] on to the next weapon it's kind of hard to make a video with an Apache attack helicopter trying to take cheap shots at you come on give me a break okay I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I actually know those guys I'm kidding again I don't know but anyways it is time guys we're going onto the second weapon but the second weapon kinda requires like you know some things that could it because it is made out of wood as many like many many primitive weapons were made out of wood because that's just what's available but before we get into the wood I think I should show you about the gen 2 kg pocket knife that is now restocked yes that's right probably literally the number one item that I've ever sold in Mojave kg parking ops and now we just made it even better and here it is look at that beauty and the knife's pretty cool too but anyways here we go the kg pocket knife same size same blade same everything same size same everything the only difference with the gen 2 is instead we're going with a plane you just plain orange glaze orange we actually traded it in for a kg orange camera now if you don't know about the kg camo I really kinda don't think of so many people doubt it but the kg camo is literally kg camo I mean it's my own camo pattern that we created here this spring but we're just now starting to release products with it so you can see some of the watermark kgs if you look real close there's one there's another cage I think right there we sold out of these boogers superfast but I'm happy to tell you kid over a 100 comp size shops today are back in stock pick yours up now before they run out again and if you never really knew much about the kg [ __ ] ops then you probably didn't know it could do this we're this now you know it also doubles as a tremendous oh that's not how you're throwing up but it also doubles as a pretty good throw enough see told you what if I told you that this was the only kg knife on the website right now I'd be lying to you because we have three more we'll start off with something slower we have the jeez hunting now but isn't here this is pretty sweet I love this knob you're talking about a hunting knife a survival knife this is it guys but it comes with its own sheet it's a fixed blade so you can't fold it up that's what has the sheath but oh mylanta deck is a big not a big it comes with a gut hook because you know it's primarily a hunting knife it's great for deer I'm gonna be skinning a deer with this this is Paul yeah if I kill one hopefully to what I was talking about survival knife why it's perfect hundred percent basically steel construction except for the handle the handle is is screwed in with a little screw to the blade if the handle is of the blade one solid piece is still running from the tip of the blade all the way down to the very back of the handle and then it just has these handles right here these little grips just to you know give you something hold on to it also is sporting the cagey camo that's like our little I don't know kind of our green woodland cop it's just something different all of the different knobs have a different cagey camera color this is one of those that if you accidentally drop it you better be moving your feet cuz your toe very may well come off now there's two more this one's a little more techniques especi you can probably already tell by the sheets it is also a fixed blade it is a fillet knife now this one is a pretty solid fillet knife pull it out here the cagey logos actually on this side this is a fillet knife you know fish filleting fish whatever you need to do also go up you may have just seen the fourth on but anybody's not gonna lie guys been using this on watermelons for a pretty good while now it is an excellent fruit knife as well cuts mater's up like a dream has this handle right here that way gives it more grip little hexagonal pattern it's got a nice flex to it - let me just try to do that without cutting - see it's got nice flex to it so it's exactly what you wanted to get play now I'll be using this knife hopefully pretty soon probably not today because this isn't really made to cut wood at all it's made to literally cut meat and fish in places now we're moving on to the one we will 100% be using eight turn today again this is got kg camo handle it is a hatchet slash tomahawk but it is a mean-looking machine and I should probably be careful trying get it out of the sheath one hand it does come with a sheath as you can tell but here is that little I think I've actually teased this once or twice and I cut something down I'm not sure if I did or not but here it is not too heavy not too lot I kind of done that kind of scare myself but it doughnuts oh I'm fine now we're starting up front massive I'm not lying to you whenever I say this is the sharpest hatchet I've ever seen in my life this is not the hatchet that you go to a tree and chop six times this is the hatchet that you go to a tree and chop once and it cuts it like butter it is mean it's literally mean then you have this this hook you got a hook in the back forget the horses we got a hook it's pretty lightweight construction though so it's not like snow I gonna weigh you down if you like put it back your backpack strap it in it's got the sheets so it's not gonna cut everything perfect I'm gonna do a little demonstration for you right now just to show you the real power of the Dark Star I mean the hatchet so you got this tree Rock pretty solid not too thick not too thin well now it's gone how do you lock me now this thing is a saplings worst nightmare by the way that tree did need moves so I'm not just killing trees it's also got all these holes in it so you could definitely paracord some stuff in there easy and just hang it on your backpack of your side well there we go cagey cutlery don't really know what it's called yet kg now something like that the brand for knives is moving up quickly just one more time run through the most popular kg pocket knife extremely awesome knife I love this thing they're back in stock the gen 2 that is if you got to Gen 1 Congrats probably won't be any more of those money and you got this over here the cagey hunting knife that's in stock with the gun then we had the full lineup if you fish a lot that's what you want then of course kg hatchet I feel like everyone needs one of these whether they plan to use it or not this is just a cool thing to have look at the hook that is awesome but anyways guys on to the next primitive way and we're actually gonna take this out to use it we're actually going to use the hatchet to make art we're going for a snap is a super simple literally extremely simple item it's just a straight stick that you can whack stuff with it's pretty simple but we're going to find a decently thin straight straight straight piece of you know wood any time wondering about my merchants stuff it's Kiril gray one or clumps I shop or the first link in description there's also a ton more than just what I showed you today so if you're going on there maybe you want to buy a hatchet maybe you want to buy parking I'll browse around maybe get you a t-shirt too while you're at it because each thing you buy really does support us and help us coming out here you know making videos turning into spider webs like I did that one right there that you can't see on camera mmm this looks ok it looks dead though take a hard pass on that I believe we'll go with this and right here that looks good enough I'll just text you right here and you can watch me cut it first I'll start up top you don't come down here on the bottom good make it quick parts of it there we go not a beautiful staff but a good staff ok jihad you sure made quick work of it we'll set the modern weapon down and now we've got a primitive weapon let's go use this staff on a local tree or something now if you're gonna try ask me who in the world invented the staff I would say Jesus well kind of Jesus but you get the point [Music] [Applause] that's down boys sad that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man that's a lot cardio dude I can't mean what I'm out of shape it's called craftsmanship [Music] they still nameless okay guys I just got it done this is um this is different I don't think it's really different but I think it's different so you know you got your standard Club handle thins down and then we have a bow now I don't know how good you guys can see that but uh it's a Spock bow now I'm sure I could probably rough this up the back end where it could be like a hammer but I really didn't I mainly just wanted it to be like one single spike in the front so Kendell what's that weapon called I don't know I just came up with I mean I'm about positive that people use something like this I mean why would they not you know thing metropolis I mean probably for close range of course since you only going to put distance on it oh I'll be careful there pop the tires huh but also you know let's say they're out there Bohan they shoot something and it's like kind of like it's wounded but then it's not completely dead going with the body it's dead now you feel me I did end up using this string right here I'm sure they probably didn't have paracord back then but I'm sure they could find some kind of fibrous plant to take its paw I think I'll show you one more good one though and this one's really good and you guys can probably actually use it in everyday life well not really everyday life but you could actually use it one day whenever you need it I've used it before on this channel and actually used it again what we're going to need for this a pretty straight staff kind of looking stick but not nearly as thick as that one for all the pretty thin actually [Music] okay guys here we are right here in the middle of a field literally the middle of nowhere but we got some cane fo the reason I wanted to come get a cane Paul warden we're building a spear slash a gig but came here to get it was camp oh this is my preferred choice because it's lightweight unless you're tackling something like a squirrel this is gonna be good enough for like frogs small fish I don't know maybe a mouse nothing too big if you're trying gig or something like spear a bigger game it's simple just get a bigger thicker stick now I decided to come out here and use the hunting knife because it hasn't really got much attention today but uh yeah I'm just going coming here to cut it and stare just chopping it ought to go in come on in come on in and then got it one more time one more time got it there you go just like that super clean cut guys oh is doing is pushing up against it the times of scraping and it just dug in dug in dug in a little bit more each and every time but this right here this is the stick this should be all we need we'll head on back to the house and I'll get it going okay so I ended up scrapping that last game poke because on the way down here it kind of fell apart I don't know guys I guess it's too green usually green green poles aren't bad but maybe this time of the year they are which is mid summer so I went and found a dead one that used to be a cane pole I mean it still came fall but it used to have fishing line on it and I'll just cut it now the first thing I'm going to do is probably make this all about you know flat cons so I'm just gonna take my knife wheel it around here shouldn't be too hard I mean catchy Park knife sharpened diamond all right now what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to baton this thing what that means it's like you know sticking my knife right here I'm gonna half this thing and then I'm gonna do it again and half it to where there's four sticks made coming out of this one ready very lightly I do not want to go too much that's good then we'll come across do the same thing the other way which is right here what is and that there's good that's all we want to do for now you don't want to split it too much especially the cane pokers these are kind of brittle but now what we're gonna do is the fun part we need to find a very very very small twigs so now we're gonna do is we're gonna take the teeny-tiny stick and wedge it in between the splits of the sticks that way they actually you know pooch out a little bit see what it's gonna do put the stick in and you pull it down spreads those out here we go now we got about done I wouldn't actually got some bigger sticks to stick in between here so you'll spread it more for looking fat guys that's looking nice and I actually used it about a couple months ago and I done this right here and I actually didn't sharpen them because I was actually fishing for salamanders I'd poke them they get caught in here I pull them up and then I actually moved him over to a pulp on the Hat for a little while and so in that case I didn't want to sharpen them however let's say you're going after frogs or maybe fished bluegill you can sharpen these prongs and you can even put barbs on them to wear it once you hook something you didn't coming on now I'll go ahead and I'll sharpen them up for you right here just using the pocket knife because that's all you need you don't really need a hatchet to sharpen a stick there we go it is sharp like that can actually do damage if you had a frog or just a fish like I'm saying fish it's a really good idea even getting a creek to where you can stand over it look down in all this thing up maybe got a little rainbow trout or cuz I swim into little creeks and stuff right getting just like that that is what you call some primitive weapons now I like I said we didn't go over all of them but we definitely went over quite a few of them which is really cool do you want to pick up any of the knobs you seen today whether it be the hunting knife the hatchet the pocket knife or the fillet knife you already know it's general gray one go home size shop or the first link in description also you can pick up over the kinds of March like this camo and or shirt I really like this shirt it's definitely one of my favorites and if you know the name of whatever this is probably just a pointed club maybe it's named something different I don't know just leave it in the comments cuz I have no idea what this is if you don't know what this is called go ahead and give it a name because you know just as much as I but anyways guys I tell you what I'll see you later hope you enjoy the video make sure to leave a like comment if you want some sweet merch go to kennel gray slash off hashtag jesus hashtag great
Channel: Kendall Gray
Views: 377,553
Rating: 4.879034 out of 5
Keywords: kendallgray, graygang, outdoors, Building Primitive Weapons!, kendall gray, kendall gray outdoors, kendall gray weapons, primitive weapons challenge, kendall gray challenge, biulding waepons, weapons
Id: LwM0qAx8zQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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