Building a Storm shelter / Root cellar Pt.1

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hey folks here we are again on the ranch we just got done working on that dump trailer over there putting the brakes on you might see in another video but uh we are at a standstill on that for a minute we're going to get back to working on the ranch we're gonna put in a storm cellar we had a big storm come through a week ago it took out some towns just Northeast of us so I think the time is now we're going to start working on it we're going to show you how we're going to build it um there's a million ways to put these things in we're going to give you our take on it so follow along laughs [Music] [Music] you got the topsoil pulled off now we're going to start digging all the way down to grade foreign [Music] up my truck all right so uh you can see we're holding some water we don't have good drainage in here yet so I'm going to come in here x out a little Trench and uh you can see we had a big old cave-in we had some rain got soft sloughed in so we're gonna clean that out put a trench in this baby get some fabric and gravel and so on so forth in it so myself and the wife took a couple days off we ran over and had a night away and we celebrated our 25th anniversary so we're getting back to the project now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay so we didn't show us rolling out the vapor barrier but that's what you're seeing there we're going to go ahead and what's called turkey grit we're going to spread that over the top of it to protect the vapor barrier so it's underneath the vapor barrier and on top of it to prevent the gravel from punching holes in it so turkey grit is a slang term for manufactured sand [Music] okay here we are using a propane weed burner we're going to torch the outside of these Timbers the ones that are going to come in closer contact with the ground this is a traditional way of preserving wood there we go that's rotten decay well it's probably it's pretty darn close we're good I guess that'll do all right all right this is all Southern yellow pine that we milled on our own Mill and these studs are three by six full Dimension three by six with an inch and a half by six top and bottom plate and you'll see how we're going to reinforce this what we're doing here Elliot driving spikes into our really large choice these are these are 40 penny galvanized nails [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and now we're just planning all these to match them so we have a really nice consistent Arc so not a bar our one by four six we're not exactly sure what we're using yet over the roof you know isn't wavy we want nice contact so that's all we're doing fit them up [Applause] [Music] all right we got a couple of Rafters up continue loading those get this whole thing done get them nailed on okay [Music] okay I'm gonna push it okay I got you [Music] [Applause] [Music] A Little Fall yeah okay I'm flush it is [Music] what we got some redneck engineering going on here so what we got is some one buys going perpendicular to the building so they're acting as skids and we can actually slide across them these are basically sacrificial we don't care over time if they decompose rot whatever that's okay all right so we're dumping in some gravel here out the roof on we chose to leave the roof off it didn't really feel like moving four yards of gravel with wheelbarrows so that's what we're doing dumping it in now might run out [Music] it's not spray foam on the back of it after that [Music] foreign [Music] okay you gonna do it dad one go ahead [Music] all right here on it all right okay perfect yeah we got to get that in it what [Music] hey thanks folks for joining us on this build so we're going to come out with another video it'll be part two of this and we'll conclude the build there but we're kind of at a natural stopping point so hope to see you around have a good one [Music]
Channel: Tick Creek Ranch
Views: 661,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EGrvYdOyGKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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