Building Modern Animated Admin Dashboard Template in React Js

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hello guys how are you welcome back to my channel the free templates and I hope you are doing great so guys in this video I'm going to show you the beautiful animated admin dashboard template in web.js and totally free and also I will share the course differently and for that I will tell you in the end so guys before showing you working demo and code I must say please post a video till the end and please subscribe my channel for latest updates guys here we go so first I will show you the beautiful admin dashboard look and rest yes see you guys see the Beautiful you have KS admin dashboard animated see a toggle sidebar just brilliant see guys Dash bar search notifications message icon and the Netflix button and then content main area the stats invoices paid invoice and paid and good investment word balanced card overview see the fact activity in the bar chart between here our tool tip works well to transfer section spendings because of you see guys see your total buttons they are beautiful and you see the beautiful table filter and other stats for the production it was remaining invoice and it was completed like always it will be fully responsible as well for you guys if you totally tagged yes brilliant or 12 Pro pixel X Samsung Galaxy iPad works well now I will shoot its code so guys here's my uh This Book Project I've edit all the HTML in in source app.js file see you guys thank you like I said don't worry I will share the core sleeper and guys or my assets inside public I have created asset folder and all my assets I have placed inside assets fault like CSS icons Json vendor plugin and guys for all this file I will share my GitHub repo link as well in the post link and also inside my indexable HTML file I am calling all my Styles and Scripts that's it sorry guys and like I said I will share the core snipper link inside this video description so please get the code and guys if you want more admin dashboard templates for react.js and angular and HTML then go to my blog the and you will get more SD admin tablets as well as e-commerce sites as well invest is my blog the rich post and if you want to contact me in you can then you can go to the contact page you can email me get me via Skype and my phone number as well what's up only guys if you will have any kind of queries rational requirement then feel free to comment on this video also if you text me via my blog I will share all the details inside this video description and guys in the end I must say thanks for watching this video thank you have a nice day take care bye
Channel: FreeTemplates
Views: 3,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building Modern Animated Admin Dashboard Template in React Js, Reactjs free admin dashboard, React admin template
Id: rngO-eLoIp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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