Building Enigma Machine using pringles tube

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okay this is the video making of making a enigma from a Pringles tube you'll need all the following equipment in front of you you'll need a Pringles tube you'll need some glue don't need some scissors unless you've unless you haven't actually cut out the Rings helpful if you've got a pen and a ruler as well because you can make sure all the Rings are in the right line this machine that we've got here has a gray bar across the starter point on the reflector which goes first then rotors one which is on cue rotors two which is on e wrote is three or some V and the input/output ring which is set to a if we want them to all be in a solid line so that the machine works fine so this is why we've got the ruler we take the Pringles tube and we draw a line straight across the jingle tube so that we can line them all up we can put the pen in the ruler away as we're done with those we're going to start on the left hand side of the machine and we're going to put a dollop of glue is that where we need to put the reflector the reflector is this one here that's on the left hand side and we start with the gray bar making sure the gray bar is stuck down on the line that we've just made doesn't need to be SuperDuper glued very hard you just need to glue it down to the to the Pringles chew you then take the glue and put a very small dollop of glue just on the little tab there don't worry if you've got this bit here it doesn't matter because it's going to overlap you just want this section here to glue straight on to that making sure if we can get this in the video that the whole grey bar is visible this should not overlap this you should see the whole grey bar and the grey bar should be on the black line that you've just made notice the reflector doesn't rotate it doesn't rotate because we put blew actually on the machine itself we do exactly the same with rotors one two and three except this time it doesn't want to get stuck down and on rotors one two and three you can see a very faint white gray line we do exactly the same making sure to glue it but you want the little gray line to appear that's all you want to be able to do again making sure that that matches up nicely so I can do it here where the gluing goes up to the gray line and that rotors should rotate you do exactly the same with the other two rotors rotors two and three this time I'm just gonna put a bit of glue actually on here like so again we want to wrap them around so they fit in order throat is one two and three they just go on the pingers tube you could if you overlap you can always pull it down until you see the gray part doesn't have to be they have to rotate that all that has to happen right is one two and three if you're very careful you'll still see your black line the black line we did it before because that lines up with this gray bar here and we're going to do exactly what we did before we're gonna put a little bit of glue on the black line cuz this is where the end of output ring is gonna go making sure that the gray bar on the a in this case sticks onto the black line we can leave little gaps if we want but it's a bit easier to use if we just make it nice and snug and we do exactly the same little bit of glue here a little bit of glue on the tab if you've done everything correct you should see that when you set the first ring to Q the second ring to making sure the first one doesn't move to e line them up hold them down rotate the third one to V done everything right you should see the gray bar Q e V and a you're now ready to send a message
Channel: I Attenborough
Views: 17,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z1ehM1pHrIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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