BUILDING BLOCKS OF A GREAT SWING “1s and 2s” w Milo Lines and Jay Keel | BE BETTER GOLF

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let me really get this clear your your three steps of like building a swing one two three i and we're just really going to concentrate on steps one and two for the most part yeah just turn my body back and through and basically keep my arms out of them so you were saying that's what you were saying jay when i was doing it at first you were like kind of set the wrist just a little bit like for impact and then just go back and through and that is really hard for me to hit shots from here to here with calm wrist basically my one so i i generally set up with the club kind of up here yeah and so for me it's just that motion right there that would be one you're really presetting what he's really pre-setting is that angle that you're talking about so what we the way i start it which is very similar to he does is is is again the the angle is so people think of wrist as this dimension right yeah and i'm not i don't do anything in golf in that dimension really yeah right so that's the problem there's a difference between this risk and the correct risk talk which is this wrist yes right so people think of wrist is this is one of the biggest fallacies in golf right this doesn't do anything yeah well if if you actually have that radial hinge you can't actually you can't hit the ball yeah but with this hinge i can still hit the ball yeah you would whiff it basically okay milo so so the first position is basically you're doing nothing with the wrist number one number one and now number two you've got to start number two adding making same number one and then about here i just add a little hinge okay but the hinge is is not this way it's this yes for the most part it's yeah pretty much all that there's a lot of lot that goes into this when you set up you've got your your wrists are already in ulnar okay so when i in order to get my wrist to actually hinge some of that has to come out you don't need to think about it all you need to do is think about extending your wrist okay so that's number two looks like that this is getting confusing to me because how do you do just that and not have the face dead shut right here how is that because i'm seeing your toe go up how is that possible looks like the face matches my spine right okay it does and the face automatically but i would think that it would be totally shut if i did that if i rotated my arms this way oh okay but if i do my arms stay neutral and just move with my body the face just matches my hands you can see how repeated the only way i would get it to shut it would be to go this way with it okay gotcha but if i just go like this so show us a really good two so a really good two would be turn and a little hinge and then i'll hit it gosh that sounded good so something like that okay and then and then three we would add turn but i don't even want to get into three yet this is enough and i'm just gonna try because i've i felt like this is cool like because i started hitting it pretty darn good just doing this like that's that's like a one three eight one four smash that was perfect but i can't put any speed as soon as i try to put speed into that it gets more glancing so that's what i want you to help because i think there was a good response to that john rom video but nobody sticks with it because they think i can't play golf with this so what's so what's how do i get from one to two milo or jay yeah well philosophically if you watch what milo does naturally versus what you do naturally naturally my milo uses the rotation of his body so he just naturally does that that's something he's done his whole time he doesn't even have to think about it you naturally tend to start to slide your hips side to side so the challenge you have is what you think of the return motion is is to do this what milo knows in the return motion is to do this and that's why you have trouble it's that wind-up and unwinding right you're trying to wind the spring which mile does just naturally yeah he winds it up his hands get in that perfect position then he just turns it back with smash factor you slide sideways yeah you're taller and it's your habit yeah and instead of just turning back into it so the more speed you try to get the more you slide milo how come you never told me this i'm kidding he's told me this about a million times slightly different words no no no milo has told me that a lot of times that i go this way in front of them and said block them all kinds of things um all right so okay so that that works with it so now we're going to take for granted that that i'm hitting a pretty good one which i am because this is something since i've been here jay i have practice good more rotation i well i'm not even i don't have from here for if i'm go from here there's no thought to it at all it's just it's good like i could i could do that all day every day straight shots super solid so milo step in here help me get from one to two the correct way so just turn turn the buttons on your shirt so that's this is where i would go for one yeah that's two so phil have this wrist hinged do that again so we're gonna feel like the hinge happens right here feel that yeah one no sorry one there there you go two okay that was basically a two there huh pretty good pretty good okay so i'll try so i'm basically going like that yep was pretty good yeah it was good if i see a ball go one yard left i get i get emotionally damaged so i don't like that so what makes it left okay from from a um what's it called the uh you know swing loss 40 swing loss what am i talking about ball flight line flight laws thank you all right so from the both point of view the club is coming from the inside and the face is square because the ball is starting basically straight and then drawing and this is a recurring theme to me so i'll either in trying to fix this i either have to like set up with like an open face or mess with my ball position or something like that they're all like kind of band-aid things how can i really get that well better just make sure your pivot doesn't slide too much because when you start to move forward like this you automatically hit more okay so go face on to this camera how are you connecting my slide to my pool so your if my body goes this way now my path is going to be from the inside yeah i can see you've taken my hula hoop and you've gone this way with it yeah so if i do that naturally i'm going to be from the inside more than i might want to be unless i want to hit a big draw but then you need the face open yeah so if you happen to get the face back to square and you move laterally like this it's going to be just a ball that starts straightening over hooks that's what i do okay all right so we can we can do our our one which is good i'm getting that down pretty good and then our two which is one with a little wrist hinge but coupled with this we got to rotate from the top make sure you're yeah you're not you're pivoting you're not sliding laterally yep and you really don't need to roll the face at all you don't need any of this because the face is when your wrist works this way the face is already good okay so let's let's try that one two and then that's the well that's the other thing i'll do i mean that's not uncommon okay so can i give you please do yeah i'm just trying to fast forward milo's method because milo is going to teach people in long segments i'm trying to get people good in 45 seconds or a minute or something okay so try take practice swings with your feet together do the same thing but with your feet together touching yes because we're going to take the slide out because that's your biggest issue right now all that other stuff's pretty darn good milo's got you in a spot where you're pretty good but the problem is is you're still initiated by sliding your hips you're tall you're like one two okay yeah try to hit one like that okay right centered between your feet yeah there we go there you go now again you kind of hung back on it so one of the things milo does really naturally is he not only turns through it but but follows through right okay target but that for you is just a real shortcut which i'm sure a lot of the people on your channel would like a fast forward version a lot of people like the long version okay so this then let me try to bring that i did something better there milo it was less slighty less rolly okay okay milo just help me again because i want to stay stay focused hit a really good two like even better than that last one i did okay well in your mind what would be a really good two for me to do what would you like to see i'd like to see you at first slow it down a little bit and not go for okay how fast you can make it go so let's see if you can make that ball not curve left okay all right so i work better by distance this is this is an eight iron so this should carry carry 100 yards now hang on for a second when you did your rehearsal there i want to i want to fix that so do your little rehearsal again so the first one you made the club go back like this and when it came down it came down this way not you see the difference in that yeah is that better yeah so you're going to feel like your right arm stays under your left arm i don't know yeah right you ever get on top okay that's a nice feeling and hit this 100 yards hit it 100 yards right arm under left okay 130. more than 100. do it again here we are okay do it again make it make it fall to the right though that ball still curved left yeah well it was a pull draw well stop that right okay 100 yards fade okay about a hundred and twenty-five yeah maybe more it's just so pure when i hit it that way that was good though it was very good uh throw that tee to me and it didn't curve to the left no it didn't that's where i would start every time you've got to figure out how to stop curving the ball to the left jay where's 100 yards all right so i want to carry it just past that burnout spot there okay milo tell us about your your new website it's a subscription site where i basically walk people through the whole process of learning how to swing a golf club and how to play the game yeah really good site a couple videos few minutes of content yeah a lot of content oh yeah good growing so every every two weeks i add a series to it okay so the latest series is basically on distance wedges so how to play your shots that are less than full okay um but it's basically we cover everything about how to play the game it's awesome so far good feedback so and if you guys are interested in uh milo check it out and we're going to arrange some kind of special be better golf uh thing deal yeah sure will yeah we sure will so uh it'll be in the description of this video after we work it out okay 100 yards i'm gonna get the zapper if it goes past a hundred okay so and it's going to fade right that's what you that's the two the two qualifiers you want all right shank that i guess that's a fade yes i feel like that shot is a is an effect of me trying to keep it like this and i feel like when you'd say this it still goes basically toe up which i don't understand what's happening in the wrist between how you're you're going like this when milo says you're going like this he means this is what i'm doing that's getting the face shut in those demonstrations so he's grabbing my wrist and i'm trying to see i've watched this about a hundred times what is milo doing different okay he says i'm i'm tumbling the the butt end of the club like behind me like that so now we're gonna see mother says that's what i'm doing this is what he's doing no like a wolf kind of thing [Music] all right so here's a demonstration of what milo's doing so this is the in-plane hinging that he's talking about so the if there's a roof of a house sitting there like the inclined plane he's staying on that roof of the house not tumbling it backwards gotcha i think i got you okay oh that feels good i don't know it pulled it didn't really fade yeah it didn't go left please do yeah i uh mile is obviously expert on this so so another reason that you were being so successful before is because we were working on our our toe line so the biggest issue that you you have while you're doing this drill which is harder for milo to see because of the angle that he's on is go ahead and come back and please set your do your number two position that he's got you on right so you're here the challenge is is you push your hands out over the plane yeah so that's what he's trying to suggest that you're doing and that's when the window yeah so your favorite thing to do down and i've watched enough of your swings to do it is you want to slide this way and push your hands over the plane yeah that's what i call the feeling of greatness when you're doing this be focused on your cans cannot get outside of this toe plane on the way down they got to be right here does that make sense it does yeah so that goes along with your then right under it left so remember we talked about for me that i always talk about you know and i remember a don trayhan video that i got off his website like a hundred come closer to me yeah yeah i got a don trehan video and he would talk about your toe line and how important your toe line was and so one of the things that we've done you were so successful with is we really focused on that toe line so this this is just an extension of that milo's added an awesome movement here that's really super important but you have to still focus on your toe line because that's where you make your biggest errors okay is you get the club over out past your toe line on the way forward gotcha okay milo so i'm doing a one okay go over your toe two and a one so i'm going to set a little plane in here okay swing it back you're going to keep your hands working under that plane yep should i hit one go ahead hit one hand one or two go ahead do a one and then we'll do a two okay okay the ball doesn't start to the left when you do that right sure didn't it i know pretty good two so we're gonna go back a little farther make sure you there you go your arms keep that depth okay you just see it okay yeah i sure can feel it once they go out there okay there you go okay yeah that was good now we don't hit a pull hook okay that's all right guys thanks for watching there thanks for watching everybody there's like another eight or ten minutes left in this lesson that we go into really how this links up to the sequence and uh you're going to want to see that so here at better golf just click the subscribe button and you'll see all the new videos as they come out and also if you click the subscribe button you will that's the only way you'll get notified when we when i'm doing these shoots and i'm live with one of the instructors or by myself practicing or anything uh because i don't once the lives happen i delete them forever so you know when hit the subscribe button also go over to and use the promo codes be better yearly or be better monthly and you'll get a great discount off of his great membership site where there's this big community on coach now it's kind of like a facebook page for just members where we share different ideas and you post your swings you get a monthly analysis from milo through that and other stuff so it's really cool and i've been on there too and it's been helping thanks for watching everybody appreciate any feedback you guys have for how i can help this especially in that first part of the takeaway and then the transition those are the two things i'm working on thanks everybody bye you
Views: 75,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, be better golf, golf instruction, how to be better at golf, golf tips, how to break 80
Id: XnYhTrPSzM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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