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[Music] a very good morning to everybody on this saturday the 9th of january an introduction for my video tomorrow the 10th of january previous to starting this video i have a very important message that i would like to relay to one and all i would like to send all my best wishes to everybody who have friends family and relations who are unfortunately suffering from this terrible terrible virus please accept all my best wishes i mean that may i make it quite clear that when i'm when i'm making these videos i am entirely on my own nobody is with me i do not talk to anybody and to the best i can i do not allow anybody to talk to myself these videos are also done in my permitted exercise time and when i'm carrying out my necessary shopping duties all this little channel is trying to do is to show everybody what is happening in blackpool i seek no prizes i seek no no reward or anything just to i'm very lucky i've got some marvelous subscribers marvelous viewers all i want to do is to see if i can keep this going it's going to be very difficult but i will be very limited as you know i will try so i'm going to get on with the video now reminding you it will be limited but as said i will do my best and thank you to everybody who watches them i say bye bye now to everybody bye bye yes i thought i would call this seaside searching scaffolding as it plays a big part a very good morning to you everybody it's a lovely lovely fresh clear morning and we start off at the cedar tavern and we just walk a few places down oh that's that sign and print firm there that was the company that done the africa shop in abingdon now this is what i would like to show you more scaffolding here and marvelous marvelous progress and this is going to look ever so nice along edward street new windows and all the front all being attended to this is going to look very very smart indeed all new windows and all the brickwork all being attended to as you can see i'll just show you this this is the company that is undertaking it bambers they do they've done a lot of work here mostly topping street and all the adjoining areas to that including obviously this one edward street we have progressed now to topping street where i can tell you there is some exciting and interesting news up here i've just found out about this this very morning we have the actual business i'm going to show you on video many many times it has been for sale or to let and i can tell you this morning this very morning that a deal has been done and all completed and signed and it refers to mama's restaurant yes there are new owners here i'm so pleased to show this on this very morning mama's restaurant new owners and i'm sure along with myself everybody wishes them all the very best another shop unit taken along topping street just stopped off at the winter gardens to show you more scaffolding here because there's quite a lot of work to be done here on the winter gardens of frontage and there's some more scaffold there against the wall so just a quick visit to the winter gardens we are walking down clifton street now and just going to show you the side wall of the premier inn and the work of placing ceramic tiles white ones against that side wall there to change the color of this wall from gray to white and it's coming along really really well that is the side of the premier inn and we're just going to walk a couple of paces to find ourselves with a view of the ibis hotel and i would like to very much to take you around an outside tour of here because things are coming along very nicely as you can see look at this area here isn't that nicely finished so we're going to have a full outside tour here this is the side of the ibis hotel and as you can see it's under heavy scaffolding but it's coming along very very nicely i'm told just moving along the other side to show you all the access ladders there to take the contractors to the top i'm just going to show this a clip of a pink tram they always make good videos these pink trams pretty little things we are right on the promenade now so this would be a view of the front of the ibis hotel and as you can see like the other parts under very heavy scaffolding coming along nicely really is we leave the ibis hotel to visit our next venue which is not very far away at all just a couple of paces now the building on the right hand side there that's the wedding chapel and across the road is where i would like to show you now this here there must be a story here unfortunately i do not have it for you but it's been this scaffold here has been up not for weeks not for months i regret to say it's been up for years so there must be something very very big going on in here and i'm sure when it's finished whenever that might be it will be very nice but here we are a view of it heavy scaffold and work in progress as you can see all the very best to them to complete our search for scaffolding today we just moved down a very short distance from our last venue and opposite at pavement level you will see the public house of the albert and the lion and above very very heavy areas of scaffolding indeed i am told this used to be one big giant storm so there we are the albert and the lion with all the scaffolding above to complete our search today for scaffolding i hope you have enjoyed a clear and crisp wednesday morning and we're outside the store of the post office and w h smith this just to kindly remind you that saturday week that's the 16th of january 2021 these two actual businesses close up yes they both close up on the 16th of january so you've got a very short time now to arrange all your pensions etc we have just turned the corner from where we have just left and we are now outside one of the entrances of the hounds hill shopping center a short and to the point message this area here is open for just three shots that's super drunk costa coffee and next now next is a click and collect area that is all that's open here those three venues we are just inside those big doors that you saw and this is very important what i like to get over the toilets in here are closed and also every single toilet in the blackball town center every single toilet on the promenade is also closed so please have this in mind previous to visiting the town of blackpool at the moment it's very very awkward this no toilets open seeing this may bring hope to one and all well my walk now and exercise finishes today i just show you another further clip of the north pier and the beach and the irish sea very very far out so i'm off home now and i will see you whenever i do next bye bye bye bye now all have a nice day the best you can morning everybody it's shopping for me today i need personal items but i have the camcorder so i can show you this now this well-known eating venue actually closed up over the new year period that's it across the road it used to be some kind of pizza place so yes they all moved out for good over the new year period i have now got to go to savers they've got a very good first aid row in their shop it's just down the road from here now i need plasters lint and antiseptic wipes that's it just down there past the toyland shop so after i come out i must take you somewhere else to tell you of some exciting news that i have so i'm just going to pop down that that save us it's it's very very good in there as said a very good first aid row in there to continue my exercise today my necessary exercise today we are now looking at the sainsbury store right opposite north shore railway station and here you can see next door to sainsbury's store the impressive units i believe the council own all of these i have to unfortunately use that same clip again to tell you i have received very very exciting news about these premises here i have shown recently premises not only on this video but others that are closing up and they may be moving here yes i believe they're moving here if this information is correct it will be wonderful wonderful news for the whole of the community of blackpool i do hope it is correct so there may be things happening here in the very near future wonderful wonderful news and as said it will be of great value to everybody just returning you to the winter gardens to say i'm on my way home now all the pavements are slippery and i've had enough exercise so i'm off home now bye-bye this is very unfortunate indeed i've just started to film during my daily exercise and it has started to snow so i've got to finish now i'm going to go home as quickly as i can as it's forecast for quite a bit of snow i'm told to fall in the next couple of hours so i'm going to go home now leaving you with a look at the front of sherlock's inside lots of work going on indeed [Music] right [Music] you
Channel: SEASIDE
Views: 3,403
Rating: 4.8843932 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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