Building an entity extraction model using BERT

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hello everyone and welcome to this brand new episode which is a very special episode again and in this one I'm going to talk about entity extraction using bird so a lot of people have asked me to just to do this video and I thought it's now the right time to do this video and entity extraction using word is not really straightforward you have to think awful lot of different things and as you can see in the background there is this book of mine so if you're interested do buy it don't go for pirated copies so entity extraction using word so first of all what is entity extraction of course I'm not going to tell you that so you have to you have to just see what entity extraction is I will show you one of the datasets that we will be using today and based on that we will build a model for entity extraction so this data said that I found was an elated corpus for named entity recognition obviously and it has two different types of tags BOS part of speech tag and IOB tag and when you use a dataset you should upload so that's what I just did and let's scroll down a little bit and see this file called any our dataset dot CSV so here what you have is you have the sentence number so this is the sentence number one and sentence number one say thousands of demonstrators have Marsh rule London to protest the war in Iraq and demand the withdrawal of British troops from that country okay I didn't realize that it's going to be a long sentence but yeah so there is this sentence and to every word there is some kind of part of speech tag associated to it and the other kind of tag the IOB tag so you have like London as a proper noun geo tag is associated with it so same for Iraq and same for this British BGP II I don't I don't remember all the things not all the full forms here but I guess it's very easy to just go and google it and figure out what these tags are so in entity extraction what's happening is like you have a sentence and you have different entities associated with different tokens or different words or phrases of the sentence and you have to extract what kind of entity it is so entities can be anything ranging from date time to year to name of a person name of a place name of some kind of food items or things like that and you these kind of models are really used very widely in the industry these days so let's say you get an email and from that email you want to extract all the important dates and times and create a calendar event automatically so there you can use entity extraction there there are many many use cases this is like one of the use case I told you about so first of all we will download this data set now I have all already downloaded this data set and I have created a bunch of folders called input folder and SRC source folder so here I have this any are data set so which a sentence number world force tag right and I also have bird base uncased files and bird base cased so entity extraction models which you find online or the traditional entity extraction models they always dependent on like the casing so if I write my name is Abhishek probably the entity extraction model the traditional entity extraction model is not going to determine if Abhishek is a name or not but the new ones might so let's see the transform based models they might be able to do that so what we are going to do first is we're going to first create a contact file so the config file will consists of a few things first we will import transformers so I'm going to use Transformers from hugging face and then you define a bunch of things like Max Len so I will say it's 128 will you up training batch size now with 128 I can have a bad side which is a little bit larger for Bert because bird takes a lot of space and then you have validation bat size and probably eight it is fine I can define a pox 10 a pox maybe so define some kind of base model path and in my case I have everything in input input folder right so bird base uncased so I think it's an underscore bird base uncased right so we have that and then we need where do you want to save the model so model path can just be model dot bin so we just save it in the source folder and then you have you can have you know many different things here but like training file right which is and would slash NER I think it was underscore dataset dot CSV and you have tokenizer which is then took another regret from the Transformers package so what you can do is you can also use token Isis from tokenizer library which is also from hugging face but I'm for this video I'm grabbing it from the Transformers library so you have transformers dot board tokenizer dot from pre-trained and then here you can write the path so path will be base model path and should have one argument to lowercase equal to true so we lowercase everything and for birthdays we don't we do need two birthdays uncased we do need to lowercase everything so if you use the keys to version of word pace then you don't need to lowercase so once you're done with this you have all the config in one place so now you can you can just use conflict for everything else and now we will come to the next part which is data set so when you are training a torch model you need your PI torch model you need some kind of data loader right so let's import conflict and let's import torch and you have you have to think how this data set is going to how this data is going to look like so I create a new class called entity data set right and inside that I have the init function so now what what do we need we need texts so all the text that we have right we need the paw stag and we need the tack itself so this I obey diagrams is going to call it tag throughout the video so I'm going to see we have text we have was and we have tags okay so self dot text is Tex okay not that oh no sorry self dot horse is pause self-taught taxes dance so how does text look like here so text is nothing but a list of less hi my name is Abby shake okay so maybe there's a comma and you can see that there is a space before the comma and after the comma so it's a simple thing so when you input you have to you have to make sure that you are tokenizing based on space simple hello blah blah blah blah blah and so on so this is your texts and similar to texts you have the tags now tags like they are probably numbers so one two three four one I don't know to something like this three five whatever and same here so you have this list okay so this is a list of lists and the next one starts from here and so on and similarly you have the same thing for tags okay so just imagine that we have converted the part of speech names to numbers using legal encoder of cycle and so that's what we are going to do in some time and then you have the Len function which is going to return the length of the data set length of self dot txt so self dot txt is length is the list of less that's what you have to remember that's it now we define a get item function self and item index okay so get atom function so whenever you enter one index index 0 to the length of data data set it will return one item which will consist of some thoughts and tensors and stuff so your training data and your labels so self taught text item so this is the item that has been extracted and similarly you have pause and tags right cell taught tags and here it will be so pause part of speech and tanks now you have all these things now the next part comes which is about tokenizing these sentences so sentences are currently lists of lists here okay so it's not like this sorry it's going to be like this so one token is one word and so on okay let me finish this one just to make sure everything is correct as examples okay and similarly on this side so this is already tokenized but it's not tokenized for bird so you have to tokenize it for bird now so I will do something like I will create some empty lists so this is my list of ID's then I need target so I will I have two targets your target pause and target underscore tags or just tag so I have these three things and now I will I need to tokenize them so I can just do four i comma s and enumerate the text if I enumerate the text it's going to give me one word at a time and I can just stay do inputs is so I have defined a tokenizer in conflict dot encode and here you have a sentence which is just one word in our case and then you need an another parameter because when you use this tokenizer it's going to add the special tokens in the CLS token and the ICP token so you don't need that so adds fresh tokens false okay so now the word tokenizer has tokenized the input so if my input is Abhishek and maybe it's no the vocab so maybe it's splitting as like this okay so you are splitting one word to four different words so what is the length of input which is quite simple you can just do input inputs right and now you take this and extend IDs so input so it's it's just adding to the list it's like extending the list it's not appending to the list and we also do and you also do target underscore pause not extend and shear you do so now you have the post type which is associated with one word so pause I the index and you multiply it the number of times you have the input input length okay so now you have like if my if the name is noun all of these are going to be nouns so it's like that and you do the same thing for tags okay now the next part comes where you want to pad it so what we are going to do is I'm going to say first I'm going to say my IDs are IDs starting from 0 to conflict or max Len the total length so we have the length 128 minus 2 so why I'm doing - - because you need to add some special tokens and need to do the same for pause and targets to just keep them all the same so once you're done with that your IDs will become one on one which is the CLS token plus IDs plus 1 or 2 which is the SP Dogen so that's how umber expect this to be and to copy this twice and shear what I'm going to do is I'm just going to add zeros to targets boss and targets tag ok so now all of these have the same length and mask the attention mask will be nothing but once of same length as IDs and your token type IDs will also be the same but with 0 okay so now you have everything except that you still need to add then put if your input is smaller so I can just do padding Lin which is config dot max Len - the length of IDs so that's my padding layer so now I'm just going to Pat the inputs on all of these inputs on the left hands on the right hand side just as Bert expects to me so IDs IDs plus 0 times m t0 into pairing Len ok and let me just copy this thing so we need mask we need token type IDs target pause target neck my target tag sorry so we have the mask and we have token type IDs all of them need to be the same length so that's all you need to keep in mind and I'll get pause and I'll get tagged and now you can return a dictionary so you can just write returned IDs yes tour Todd tensor IDs comma and you need to specify the d-type so torch not long here because all of them are long in this right you need to do the same for mask then you have token type IDs and you have target for target neck so that's that's all you want to do and let me just finish this here choking type IDs so go here target force will go here and target tag now for target pause and target tag it's also the same data type long because these are also ends right and that's our data set class so now the next thing that we have to do is go for creating the engine file which will consists of our training an evaluation function so we have we have done it so many times before right so it's very easy but we will do it in a little bit more compact way today so import proj and from ticket IAM just to monitor the progress import t curium and now you create a training function what do you need when you're training you don't need a lot of things or maybe you need a lot of things when training but not when evaluating so you have the data loader you need the module you need optimizer you need device you need scheduler and that's all you need okay and then you put the model in train mode and you have some kind of final loss which is zero and now we can loop over the batches from data loader so I can just do for data in ticket iam data loader and here the total will be the length of data loader okay now the interesting part comes is what you can do you can do for K comma V in data items so you take everything so we have always done it individually right and you can do data at K is equal to V dot 2 device so now everything has gone to device and we have already assigned the data type so it been taken care of and you've 0 grad the optimizer now and you get some kind of loss from model so like this so the only thing that you need to take care of when you build this model it should take the same input names as you specified in data so like ID masse token type IDs are get pause dog attack so it should have the same names that's it and you can do lost or backward you can have to optimize a jockstrap and scheduler that step so in case you have a scheduler and your final loss would be final loss plus loss dot item okay you have that and then in the end you return final loss divided by the length of data loader so that's your training function now the evaluation function is not very different so I'm just going to copy this thing here call it eval function so you have the data error you have the model you don't need optimizer you don't need the scheduler you need to put the model in eval mode instead of Train mode you mean to zero grads you have still have the loss you don't need backward optimize the step scheduler dot step you don't need all these things and everything else remains the same so easy peasy so yeah less than 30 lines of code for just training in an evaluation and it didn't take much time either so yeah let's hope it works so we have we have all these things now and now we can go on and create our model itself so model is very important here in this particular problem model dot pi so I will import conflict because I will need something from conflict I will import torch we will need transformers and import torch dot n has a none because we were a returning loss in the engine so that's what we are going to do so our model will call calculate loss and return the loss so we don't need to calculate it inside the engine and now you have a model so let's call it entity model jenn-air it's from an under module okay and you define the init function so what should this take itself for now and nothing else and this is super titty model in it so now you're ready to write a few things here so first of all we will have the birth model itself so that's transformers dot world model so now we are all aware of the step so from pre-trained and here you can have conflict dot base model path so if you if you're searching to Robert then you just need to change from birth model to Robert remodeler and you also need to change the tokenizer inside conflict so that's all you need to do and now we write a foreword function in drive forward so it should have the same names so let's copy the names so we have ID mask took a token type IDs target pause target tags okay so ID or IDs IDs I think mask token type IDs target underscore or target underscore tag target on this code tag okay so this is fine and now we have our birth model so this equals self dot Bert Heidi's Venetian mask is equal to mask and token type IDs is equal to token type IDs so I have taken the first input which is sequence output and obviously there is a reason for that because in particular problem you are not predicting just one value you were predicting one value for each and every token and when that's the case you have to take the sequence outputs so I can say like Bert output for tag in his cell taught now we can also include some kind of drop out here self-taught Bert drop one is and then dot drop out so point three maybe and same for the other one part of speech so self dot Bert drop underscore one and sheer you have a one right and you can do the same thing for part of speech us and it will remain the same instead of for drop one you're going to use but rock tube and now you have some kind of tag output so this is like a kind of a linear output for each in every word so what should be the length of this the length should be determined by the number of tags you have in by the number of unique tags you have in the tag variable so self dot out tag I can say this is Anand or linear and I know that I have seven or six here input because it's Bert bass and self-taught num tag now self-taught num tag is not available so we need to define it so pause and I can say that sheer as input I need num tag and num was okay self dot num tag will become numb tag and num boss okay so we have the tag output now which is self dot out tag and vo underscore tag and same thing that you can do you wanna ask your boss and instead of tag you have boss so now you got everything but still there is something missing so we can return tag you can return false but you also need to return the loss so you have to calculate the loss so the loss of tag this loss function now this this function should calculate the loss for tag and one more for boss and there are multiple ways of calculating these laws and you can do loss underscore tag plus loss underscore boss and you can take an average you can return an average of these two losses now how do you calculate this loss so let's say we need a few things here let's go and define the loss function loss function so we will be calculating categorical sorry cross entropy loss because it you're you're predicting different tags right like a classification problem so it should take an output it should take a target right and here you can define let's say a loss function is dot cross entropy loss okay now there is a very interesting part comes here which I have borrowed from hugging faces repository so with say look at active loss what is active loss active losses wear mask attention mask value is one so you don't need to calculate the loss for the whole sentence right you just need to calculate the loss where you don't have any padding where you don't have any padding it means the mask is one and then you have active logits so that will be the same but for the output so you can do output dot view minus one but if you do output dot view minus one and if you have like eight different types of tags you need to put eight here and this number is not known to us now so I can just do num labels and take num levels as input to this function so you got this one and then you need to say okay what are active labels so you have the target already so you what you can do is you can use tor software and you can take active loss here and the second variable will be target okay dot view and minus one so active loss and target dot view minus one have the same length and here you can do too what do you want to replace it with so torch dot tensor and elephan dot ignore index and which is of the same type as target so what's happening here is nothing but we are taking the active loss variable we are taking Terrier view this and we are saying if active loss is if active loss is false or zero then replace it with this value now this value you can you can just do import torch and then define this elephant and you can print this value this value is minus 100 so just saying where it's minus 100 ignore that index for calculating cross-entropy loss and then you calculate the loss and which is elephant simple and you have active logit and actor labels so just ignoring those minus 100 stop and return loss so we can we can also take a look at it it's not very difficult so I can do I can go to ipython import torch import torch dot and then as an and then I have okay I cannot copy okay I think I think I cannot copy so elephant Liz and Endor cross and trophy loss right and then you have to print what is this elephant dot ignore underscore index so elephant dot ignore minus 100 so so yeah that's that's what is being ignored so we got everything here so now we can calculate the loans for both our variables so what do we need here we need output target mask and num labels so output here is tag then you have target underscore mask and self dot num tag was it's a Tottenham tag yeah and we need to do the same thing here but instead of tag we will use boss u.s. part of speech okay so now this is our models and I really hope it works I think everything looks fine now so we are in Indian we're reading tag and us and the loss itself okay and everything comes from here we are returning few more things so we must fix this but we we don't need them but we are doing it for like if we want to create an inference script so now we we have we have everything here so what we can do now is we can create a training script our final script to train them all so I'm just going to call it trained up by okay so training spit now here you have to use something that we have already developed some time ago the bird sentiment model so I'm just going to open that one here and you go to source and train dot PI so if you have not seen this video where I built this bird sentiment model go and take a look at it so I will be copy pasting some of the stuff for this video from here because it's easy and we have already done that so why should we do it again so let's import a few things so we need pandas for the model sorry for the data for reading the data import numpy yes and we need numpy and we will also need torch and we will need pre-processing from scikit-learn to use the label encoding we will need model selection from psychic learn to split the data and we will need some kind of we will need the usual things that you want to have to train a bird model which is an optimizer the atom doubleu optimizer that we always use and linear schedule with warmup so other than that you need config you need data set so this is these are the files we have created engine you need the model itself from model import I think we call it entity model ok so you need all these things and now you can start training orders but you have to first read the data right so you your data here is a bit different so you have these sentences and you have the word and you have pause and tag right so we need to modify it a little bit so I will say that we have a function called process data that takes the data path and this function reads the data in a data frame DF PD dot read CSV data path now I have seen I have already seen this data set so I know that what kind of encoding to use so I will use a Latin one encoding so that nothing crashes and then we need to do something so let's read the data here and my DF will be mm PD dot read CSV any our data sets at CSV and encoding go to okay I think the name is wrong let me see what the name is NER underscore data set dot CSV yeah just what I'm using okay um underscore sorry about that okay so now we have our data Prime but you can see like it's a sentence 1 and then it's nanan and then when you scroll down a bit more than it's a sentence too and it's empty empty empty right so it's land values so we need to fill those values so to fill these values it's like it's quite easy with Fonda's so what you can do is sentence hash dot fill any and you can use this F fill method so now you got sentence 1 1 1 1 1 0 habla so now nothing is not filled right so you have all the values that you need so that's what we are going to do here so sentence number hash and that equals DF sentence ash dot fill na and here you specify the method F well okay now you need to encourage encoder for pause pause attack part of speech tagging so pre-processing dot label encoder and you need another one for the tag okay and what we are going to do is we are going to convert this these tags so you you can just do DF should be DF Tatlock DF force ENC underscore pause dot fit underscore transform okay sorry and you can do the same for tags let's see where was the name pause and tag with a capital T tag okay now we want to convert this to a list of Lists right so we first we need the sentences sentences will be DF taught group by you group by the sentence number and you take the word column and you apply less to it dot values okay so you see what I did there so I grew up by the sentence number column and I took the word column which is like one word and then so now you have like one world world one word two word to vote for in a list and I can rotate this to an empiric so it's an array of lists and you need to do the same for a pause tag so I will just copy this thing here and and you also need to do it for tag so you group by word and here is the B pause here it will be tag right and then you return sentences or tag and wattles encoders C tag okay so now we have everything I think we have everything so I'm just going to read the data process data and this will take config dot training file but it won't return to DF so it returns the sentence pause tag like this right so let's print print sentences and let's go to our terminal okay we don't want to do that so I will just do Python train dot pi and let's see what it returns but token ia okay yeah should be per token nice serve I hope this works so it should give me array of lists of sentences tokenized by whatever token they have chosen so as you can see like this is this is working so you have this first one then you have the second list and so on and the same is true for the tags and tags have the same length so this is one thing that we did now I will store it somewhere I will store some metadata somewhere so metadata it's like in C pause I'm just saving the encoders so this will be in C in a Scorpio s and E and C underscore tag and C underscore tag so that's all you need what is the number of POS tags that you have which is length of this list ence underscore cost or underscore glasses and the same for num tag en SI units code tag not on the spoke classes so this is the level encoder object and underscore glasses gives you all the different classes and you want the length of it so let's save a few things using job Lib what I'm going to save here is this metadata so I will just do I was just dumped without the conflict you can dump with the conflict if you want so here we are only saving it so you have the meta data and I can just call it a matter of bin and it will save me the encoders that I might need for inference so we got week we got everything I think and now we can try to split the sentences so train sentences test sentences train pause just was train tag test tag so we got everything here and I can just call model selection dot train test split so there's not a lot of data so I'm just going to use 10% of data for testing so here you can have sentences pause and tag and I will just say random state is what I do and test size is 0.1 so this this will give me everything that I need for training so now I will copy this from the Bert sentiment model that we built and copy everything all the parameters and everything till we go forward a double parallel so in this one I'm not using data parallel so we were here so we have trained it as it now it comes from dataset birth date as it but we don't have to birth it is that we have data set thought entity data set I think entity data set so I'm just going to take this one and instead of world data set I have entity data set at both places okay and what do I have an intertext what was on tags right so I'm just going to take that too and put it here and remove this one and put it here so texts here will be trained sentences US will be trained boss tags will be train tag and here test sentences test boss test underscore tag and everything else remains the same instead of both based on caste model we have the entity model now so let's plug that in model goes to device which is fine sorry number of training steps you don't have the length off there is no DF train train sentences everything else remains the same and let's see what the last part was so we have the best accuracy and we calculate the accuracy and stuff and save the model so let's copy that tube so instead of best accuracy we now have best loss and best loss is infinite loss when we are starting so we have the Train loss because our engine returns the training training loss now and we have a test loss or validation loss and we don't need these things and here I can say instead of activity score I have valid loss and this becomes test loss and train loss so we can print both and this is train loss so it's easy when you have done it once becomes super easy save a lot of time instead of greater than you have now less than and instead of accuracy you have test loss okay so if my test loss is if if the loss if the validation loss of current epoch is less than the best loss then it's going to save the model and replace it with best loss test loss okay so I think we have everything now we can go ahead and try to train the model and see what happens it's a Python train dot by now I hope everything works here yeah it will take some time so label encoded object has no attribute underscore classes of course it should not be underscore classes it should be classes underscore okay one more try so it's like these type of errors you get you just open the documentation or label encoder and it has everything so it becomes very easy level encoder object has no attribute classes underscore okay so this can happen when you have not fit the label encoder I can see and cause it has been fit twice in tag has not been fit so this is wrong so you don't get classes underscore but if you are not fitting in the level in color and now I think this should solve this issue and it should start training the model we're being very optimistic here so let's see okay so entity model has two arguments num tag and numbers and we created that but we didn't use them so num tag is num tag number of classes in the tag column and num OS was number of classes in the part of speech from different parts of speech so let's see one more try and we need to wait for some time and in these cases because it's doing all the data munging so what you can do is instead of reading the full data set you can only read 1,000 rows and then it becomes easy so I I got some my guy with a mirror so let's see that why is this error happening I think the problem should be in the model somewhere since it's complaining okay so this one it should be out boss okay let's see let's see now try to train it again and I hope it works we need to wait a few minutes nah it's there so it seems to be working quite well and now you can train the model on full data set if you want so I'm just going to stop it for now for myself and I have already trained the model previously so let's try to see how it looks in inference so now I will add the model here later so how can just to predict the pie which is not much different from training dot pie right so let's copy all these things here and let's start deleting stuff that we don't need we don't need all this stuff we probably don't even need pandas maybe we don't even need numpy but let it be and we need we don't need to process data folder so you have so we need metadata so we will instead of grabbing it from here we will just load it and job live using job loop dot load so let's do that metadata is job loop dot load and you have the meta dot bin and everything else comes from there so Hank boss will be meta data encoder POS and encoded tag so we have that and we don't need this anymore we don't need all this stuff maybe we need a data set and we don't need we don't need all these things we need the model so we have the entity model and now we have to load the model weights so you can just load the state dict of the model so you can just do model dot load state taped tour start load config dot model path is that's where your model is and you don't need the params anymore I don't need all of this so we have the model and now we need to input a few things inside the model right so your train data set so let's input a sample sentence here that we want to do the tagging on so my sentence is Abhishek is going to India so you see I'm just using lowercase everywhere so my sentence that I want to supply will be sentenced dot split split by all white spaces so let's just print the sentence and now we need to encode the sentence - so encoded or tokenized sentence is config dot tokenizer and we can just write sentence here but it's not it should not be here so we have the sentence here and so this is only for our reference this tokenized sentence right now so we have the sentence add special tokens so we can we can keep the spatial tokens doesn't matter for now it doesn't matter because we just were just using it to see how it looks like and Trent tokenized sentence print sentence or we can just print tokenized sentence right after the sentence and we have the data set so let's call it test data set so instead of train sentences we have sentence which is tokenized which is split and then you need pause and tags so you can you can input anything you want here right so what you can do is you can just have zeros times the length of sentence which is split and you can do the same for train tank because this is test data so you can have any kind of label that you want another matter and now we have to do with Tosh dot no grad and we can we can also copy some things from engine dot PI right or instead of just engine dot PI we can maybe just let's just copy it this this thing we don't need anything else so for K we in data out items so your data here will be test data set 0 because there is only one element and everything else looks fine this is I think tag Model Model tag and was and loss ok tag and force and we don't need the loss so now let me copy the model ok so I have copied the model and here you also need so this is only one batch so you need unscrews 0th index because you have to make it batch wise right and now you can print the tags so print tag dot R max and this will be the second index the last one and convert it to CPU dot numpy and okay let's try this thing so you can just do Python critic dot pie but tokenizer object is not callable okay so this should be dot encode and okay so now you see this is our split sentence this is a tokenized one and tokenize one adding two special tokens CLS token one no zero one and the SCP token one zero two and this is our prediction this prediction doesn't make sense obviously so we will do the inverse transformation on that so I can just do end tag dot inverse transform on this 1.3 shape minus 1 because this is a simple list so I hope this works and then we run it again let's see what happens now ok so now it is returning me something it was returning me different tags so but we don't need all of them so we only need only till then off we only mean learn off sentence actually length of sentence or length off probably we need length of tokenized and sentence and now let's let's try to print and see this thing so we have the inverse transform and then we take everything to the length of tokenized sentence and this is your tag variable so okay it is predicting something ok so now we have something so let's print the other one to the power of speech thing so instead of tag you have POS part of speech and that's it okay so now it's done so let's see so we know that the first token is the one on one token is the CLS token 102 is a CP token so we can ignore this article but then you see we have person person person person it's because my name is being split into four different tokens by Bert and then you have B art which is article is then we have person 0 0 0 so there's something looks incorrect I think something is incorrect let's see let's see if we are doing it right so we have this tag dark max to reshape minus 1 I guess it's a better idea if I just train the model again so let me do that quickly so instead of training I went for a lot of investigation and I found out I made a major blunder so here is the blunder so this should be outside for loop and I hope I really hope that this fixes our stuff so let's see it's the same model so I did not train the model at all okay so looks a little bit better now but I won't say it's properly fixed maybe I need to train the model again so after training the model again let's see the results one more time things are not going my way it seems okay okay so now it seems to be much better so we had a major blunder so we have 101 which is CLS and then one or two a CP token so this and this we can ignore and rest my name is split into four so that's person token tokens and then other other other then you have geo token which is India and same here so you can see like two goes to two and you can ignore the first one and the last one so finally we were able to build a model using word for entity extraction and this is like one of the state-of-the-art models right now so you can you can take this code the way I have I've done it you can extend it to a single type of entity for almost any kind of data set you want and you can very easily change from word to Robert or to any other transformer based model that you want you just need to take care of the tokenizer one thing I'm not showing you here is how to assign this word to this entity but that's something I will leave as an exercise for you and if not I will try to do it in one of the next videos and thank you very much for watching today's video and I'm sorry about all the mess that happened but everything works and you will find the code in the github repository as it is so take a look and train your own model and let me know how was it thank you very much and like if you liked the video and do subscribe so thank you and see you next time bye
Channel: Abhishek Thakur
Views: 29,576
Rating: 4.9645119 out of 5
Keywords: machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, kaggle, abhishek thakur, bert, entity extraction using bert, how to build a bert entity model, bert ner model, how to use pytorch to train a bert model for entity extraction
Id: MqQ7rqRllIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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