Building an awesome chicken coop-Part 1. Hen house. Chicks in the mail, and meeting our dogs.

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Santa's got her chickies and Andy wants to help take care of them oh no we lost one poor little guy yeah well that one already found the water yes it did oh man just show them how to drink do we nope oh poor little guy I'm not moving stuffed up he's very dead yep they found the water now you guys remember these are Mom and daddies you got to help Mom and Daddy take care of them okay you can look I know what do you think Brody see you can't chase those see those are Mom and daddies and yours too we gotta take care of them go so much for having to teach them how to drink yeah I think they're learning how to drink it's already scratching around and everything in there it's not be too cold no forget about wait until later in the year it wasn't you know if you get them earlier in the spring I said man we're gonna have to be out of that box well boys what do you think his mom is babies what do you think Andy you wanna go up there and look I better get a backup out of the way Indy that's a good boy Brody yeah easy Broody good boy all right okay we're getting started on our chicken coop we've already got our chickens got 15. well one of them died because we only got 14 but what I'm doing is taking that log preservative that we got on the cabin and we're going to do the bottom of all our boards and put it on the ends of the board help them out the rot and here comes my labor are you talking to yourself again so that's what kind of what we're doing thank you we're gonna screw everything together instead of nailing I've already put two here I'm gonna put another one right there just to make it strong what kind of screws you're using they are the uh coated ones make sure you get get these the exterior screws they're plated and everything for treated wood even the new treated wood that they have so that they last but I'm using three inch screws by nine that'll help you out any that way you guys know I think we have enough uh yeah I got enough all right so now let's go ahead and cut that piece and we'll put that full before in Andy's overseeing the job today Brody's taking a nap are we doing good Indy smile you're a good boy he's been taking care of the chicks ignore the ugly shed in the background of this this is our next project in fact we're probably gonna have to tear it down before we get the Chicken House built because I think it's going to be in the way of the roof but it's on its last leg so it's got to go [Applause] the front don't look so bad but the side is pretty rotten now the back wall we're just making a lean two roof so it'll be easier and also so that we can put guttering up there and catch the water for the garden and for the chickens um so the back we're doing a two pitch so the back wall will only be the two before will be six foot eight took 16 inches off [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign s here I just do the whole thing I guess yeah let me do it sure we're coming up with a perimeter board around that our floor will set on and we're gonna use a 2x6 for that so that we can run our floor joists into it two by fours and then still have enough room down below it that we can staple the wire onto real well at least that's the plan and we went 22 inches here because that'll put the top high enough that when I put my wheelbarrow right here it'll fit underneath it so I can clean it out easily let me hold that in for you [Music] all right myself it's really close in the lines not perfect but this is a chicken house [Music] we don't want to fall apart right right [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] we've got all our four befores we've got all our four by fours leveled embraced and so we're tying all this down and screwing these in good we're gonna put the end ones in and that'll help help keep them there too this is the area where the chickens are gonna Roost we'll have a reason sticks across too they're going to curl too oh it's easier to see it that's the top please just put that in there I'm standing on my head to see it yeah I see you back here yep why don't you expect that was not gonna be perfect though I'm driving did I cut it no more I'm putting three screws down this side just to make it really good and strong and one in the top foreign [Music] okay we're cutting the vinyl coated hardware cloth right now man you're good yeah until you say that no I'm going to cut it in half lengthways so I can do yeah around the bottom to get this and put that hardware cloth on I bought a brand new toy it's a Bostitch it's 18 gauge nails by 7 30 seconds and they're an inch a quarter long and so there it is we got a new toy but that's where we're going to shoot that on with and I'll show you that in just a second she's been in the corners with a rubber mallet so we can get them in the to the corners really good that's pretty good all right that'll work yeah it's been it by handed more put that in there and I'll get air hose I want to go across the diagonal right here like this and that that joint yeah and I missed it so that's going to take [Music] there we go that's how you want to do it right there might as well get dirty you want something to kneel on I got some pads out there hang on we'll get you one all right I took the nose off this so I could see where that staple is coming out a little better so let's try it again here still missed it let's do a diagonal like there we go yeah if you drop that right into that hole oh that's perfect put that nose right up against that diagonal look at that oh there you go oh that's nice this is a Bostitch 139 dollars I think at Lowe's but it's working well this makes a good gun cut all the wood for this on our Mill so he could afford a new toy I didn't have to buy any of the wood s so nice okay and we've been around the corner so be nice and secure and see if I can get in there to show now we're only going down to the bottom of the boards here with this wire because we're gonna run a predator apron from here out and fill up underneath those blocks with gravel when we're done but it'd be really hard to cut around these blocks on the inside so we're going to do it on the outside okay what I'm doing now I'm gonna put these four joists in I got three of them that's what we're going to put our plywood on and then we're going to put linoleum down and up the walls and uh that's where the chickens are roasting lay their eggs we'll have the inbox over there but I'll show you doing this I'm going to start my screws [Music] foreign [Music] we've already got the wire cloth on all the way around the sides and of course we're leaving it off the inside in here this is where the chickens can go in there and do scratching around and whatever they want to do and so there you go I'm gonna put into the next two or those floor trusses and then we're ready to put our plywood down okay we're going to use the deep litter method on this so we're going up 12 inches all the way around this is a little bit Overkill if you're building your own you could just put a two before up there and then run plywood or one buys up instead of this but we have more tuba sixes than anything so we're just in getter done mode it'll be good and sturdy right it's called free wood free wood free wood costs a little gas to cut it but if you're building your own you probably don't want to spring for two to six it's just to hold the hold the chicken litter in okay I cut the pieces for the little drop down door and Lance is putting screwing it together and so this is going to go in here I'll put a screw in from the top so I'm just going to screw it together from the bottom screw the right way all right and we just test fit it to put the first screw in to make sure it's going to fit and it's pretty tight right now but this would still fairly wet so I'm just going to shrink up a little bit so we did it pretty tight it always does yeah it's not going to open up that's all right I don't need it too right now okay I didn't have a bum shoulder and he messed his shoulder up changing the tire on the skid steer so he's having to be careful today that makes a good jig so you don't have to worry about keeping it straight somebody cut those awful nice for you didn't they yeah yeah I use my miter saw so I'd get them getting straight it makes it a little bit smoother cut too okay now you can take it off and put the backboard on there and that'll help mold it too huh oh you're gonna staple it yeah that'd work I guess put a couple screws in it though to make the corners Corner sturdy yeah thank you [Music] okay we're gonna put hinges on the bottom of that one so that it'll open out to clean out huh well that one pretty easy I'll go find again just you have some I got some Lance rated is stash this is what happens when you're a hoarder you do a project and you go out and start digging through your junk and you find stuff so we're going to repaint all these hinges to match and use them on the house we have an old piece of treated plywood that's been hanging around for a while too so we're going to put it to use Lance got the corners all cut out to fit hopefully it'll fit we'll see how it goes oh do what I'll hold do you hope open up that first time [Music] thank you [Music] okay so I'm just fixing up the hinges and painted them and now she's painting on my brass screws I gotta look good we're gonna live in this print anyway we got the bottom in and it's all set now we're going to put some linoleum in there you can then put the hinges on the door here the linoleum we got was around that it was six by eight so it'll go up the sides and do the bottom but it won't do the two ends so we'll have to we've got some uh the hardwood flooring we put down in that cabin we're going to put on the ends I think up the wall one one section of it I sure hope the chickens like the linoleum we picked up they should it looks like Stone all right all right I got I can get that easy Indy easy okay so now we gotta sunda's putting down a little linole lamp we bought this uh like a just a small roll at uh at Lowe's foreign it's not super strong but we don't need too much to we just won't be able to drag out the droppings and everything when we clean out their nest boxes and being making nice and you're doing a good job I think I'm gonna sit down and rest a minute with a beer in my hand what's wrong with it did you plug it back in [Music] see if it works now okay okay wow oh all right I'll go get us a drink okay and we left this linoleum a little bit long and the reason we did that is so that when we clean this out you drop the door down and the hinge gets full of junk so this should keep the hinge clean it'll cover it up that's a good idea I would have just cut it off I know that's why a girl is helping we have to clean stuff so we think of stuff like that right right we're putting on the hinges that's in the painted also nice and pretty black [Music] he wouldn't let me buy any fancy ones so why buy fancy when we have so I had to raise it for you I had to rate his horde make them all the same color I've been hoarding them for years okay and then we'll put a we'll put a barrel bolt here on the inside yeah so that we'll have to open the top doors first open it but that'll keep it from I don't know what the chickens don't get smart holding them open yeah I don't think they're that smart thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that one more let's try to keep up try to keep up dear right here how come you don't have a block out here what's that what did they do I don't know Lance [Music] thank you [Music] thank you now we gotta cut some more wood oh put the top plate on yeah that helps sturdy it up that helped started big time yeah then I can run one across to hold it okay let's do that he's measuring the for the top plate he's gonna go probably a foot past the end of this is one set we have one long enough he's going to go right there and splice it on top of the four by fours you got it 175. all right foreign [Music] foreign y smells a squirrel in this tree he's trying to rip that knot off to get you laughs [Music] oh my goodness Brody you didn't get that knot off Brody get that knot [Music] all right Brody you ready I know you smelling but he's inside the tree you can't get in there [Applause] he is tearing the bark off of that tree and of course the tree is dead so [Music] oh [Music] Brody foreign let's go [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Lance & Cinda Serafin
Views: 43,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken house, building a chicken house, homesteading, livestock, chickens, egg layers, hen house, self-sufficient living, prepping, sapphire gem chickens, black australorps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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